HomeMy WebLinkAbout122061490030 DISTRICTS 27 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CO NT RACT TO Rd. Sch. ",,' PU FPD SALE PRICE 8/78 ~~gg~~ 11. "rent lmaerson U l-IL 1 03 A 3 2 L H 1 #22867 , , . .- .-. .- - - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprOv'ements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 85 .29 .29 4380 43640 48020 LOT BLK. 1/121210161'111'1101013101 SEC. TWN. RGE. [ 6 22 1 Tr. 2 SE NE .~~{.2. " - , 'I ""I r;'n r.to.t llF thf:oi' E-,(!',t :U.~ ,.'."'1 (.A the S'lLlth 1.,..) (l:':t nf "I t L'_l~,ri:rli "tl,,-, Il'..rL'H..:."t t\.\~.. tt:, , ;,,{~..~.i.(J~ L., ;,;". H,. n..;"j.... 1 W~:.l, ~~.:-:.; ~" f~"'.:.or, Ct"Jnty, W<.\!.,1.ington. . .' ~'~.:~[ ':1 Tn ':'!lld TCGCT:-IE" ,.:! ~ H {\ rH.j,,' ;}::c 1 Ll~i '..~ L'~;.:;~-"l,~., ,t f 0(' i nl;rez5 LI,: ,~(' l."iS ,,:...c u~~lJtic.'; ,:.;y'" Cl'I,,-'r, unj.:.r", <Hl'~ ucru:=,,:, th..: New 1.1 1 ~, .,"Ll l)~ t1h' Su.ltl, t-37.~i "nl:'t. .....11 tho fol1,..lIir'l:.l J(?r;c.rilJltd ~::" .~, 1. r:l":''L pd,'U on cf t:.,,~ SOUUl(o',,\!:it C!1J,"'-I-tQf" uf t~l"" t.lt;rt.h(;;'ast C'~",,-t T ("if SO..:tiDil t.., TC,w;,u:;ilip 2:' Nor"th, RElngj,J 1 We:::;::', (-.I.M.. which l" ::",;...t of tt,,,," E.... t,11 I}' r'ight-of-I-h:'Y lirw of St",te l-lighl'ldY 3; -:} ~;:vr iN:; tt.erefl"um road,... i ght~-o1-way AN:J EXCEPT al so th~ East e~ fe"~:" of till? r,,"MainJ...,.. TOSCTHEf, wITH i\:-l ~as~ment -for co,nmCln and reser-v::! drainfield de~~~'jbnd as follow.: TiHt pUt tlun of tilt' S:..>Llth"":tsl (Ium.-t""r of the> Northeil'5t Ollartor, S~,'ctl~n l->, I";'Hnsillp :!.:. tjw~.tt-.. .K.:lIlge II-lest, W.t1., wtlic:h lie3 easl o-f the- ~..:le(l} ti~!~'~-~'-;-l~'ay lin!:' of St...;!.:!: Hiyh:<Juy :.::;; EXCEPTING t:ht.'f'b'i"ro,~ nJ~_d tigi)ts-c.:1f-,~i.-\>'. Eiaid pcwtj'Jn de!>cribed LIS follows.: BL.'oi nIB I'll .:'t t.ho SOLIt.t)t?~,~t ~CIT,or of sai d SOLlthea:::;t QLli1rter of thl! No.thl'!......t C!llbt.tel'; ti',encc 1')E'.>tel"l'.. ,,,1c.;:;9 th02 !;,':JL~t;lerl"f lIne of si.du Bouth!:?ast L.lU,).I.~€r- u-t th~' r':o,~the,:;st Qu.:wtcor 49::1.8 feet, more J !~ c., t" U.e' F,,"~l: 1 jo;ilt-oF--.,~,,'jI li"c uf Stilte ~llgti>"";"I 3; UH:mc.e :.'.. ~l I "1l.J'1~, .;...~c; rlg..::-"f-'I,,;'jI llfl1':-- to ":in 1Ill{~t-se~tit:>Il ~lith thp .,....- ~. ~.i,... of :".',c 3(..L,th !:7.e fl'.'.t. t.{ si:d~ S.:Jl,ttl(,!~.:il Q;..l,:\;-tQ,' of tl:v I:.JI th,~",,;l QUi.t t.....: tt-,"'ncl=- i,lw-.~ tl,"" Nurtl1 lint:' of the 8c..uth 1 :-7. 5 "~,,,'l' 0 ~';:'L d :-:;,JUth8<l.St DuartG!1 (;) r thE' Nur.theast QLlarter 25 fL'at; (IH-I',-"0 t:'1.-Uh'r~>" f.ldl".:>_ll,;1 ~nd 25 fE'eL di-:;;l.:\r-,c,-~ -fro", thC" r::_ul."':y r'~'l:d.-.tlf-\~..y line or St.':ILft :--i,-,'hw..\}' ::, ~,3~pogt, nlOI-n or 1(':-.-,. t.r. <::b" /\lc...U. ! lie of till.: SO:"ltll 197.5 -rHi)t. cd said S:.JuthE'ast C'~..-,. If tip !~. ;t,,-,,,~t [lL,arlnr-, tt".I'::F.' E.:.';t,"r'Jy, p.,,-.;;11el with d.;,,> .-,."~,, linr' ,.r ''::''<1J ',cut!.. ...!~t f'll..H !'Ic'r of thE=> Nct U,&>a~.t Ol.l<-tr t.er 1"'.) '<-,t.; ;.;,.til...'" 3_":'lth p,~.ri\1101 ..;i~;h tl1€l [':,st !In, uf 'Z.tdd .,-....l't.,....'.t f1,~,;;~:..:,- "'._~ j\1~Jlt:Ii...'L,t-1. 11t\.o:\,-tcl- 6(l-f::?o1 tc i~r. in .' .-~.-:'i.'Jr. I;.\'..:.i. :':,1'.': rJcwU, linl.' cf UIE.' S,:;L,ti'. 137.5 ft'r.~l: elf sale "':;:'L. ....~,-,L :~"_.,, ~(,- (.r ~I-,;;.' 1\l'JI-U1...'<-,,--~ [Jll"'i-::er~ tI'~'IIL:''? ;:::~H,~ dlUf".g t:10 tic, t.t1 J in.;:) ":If UfC' ..wLo!.~1 137.'3 feet 0-f s",ld SOL!the~;;t. QU~,i-l.fU' of th.. :..~, :::t.L.'dst Q~l.:.l"ter' :<}O f!?~t:, l;.<=lrt-, or leLs, tu the Eilst. Jlfof,! of '-'0.... ~ 3..,uth,;>;!.~"t Q~'.:\rte,- of the Nm~thS'ilst Qldrter; thence South 137.~ ;"-,,,,,t 310:19 5..'::0 E..-.>'- 11.,e to th~ point of beginning. E :";:f, :I,,~ E.a.:ol .::'-=..~ -fe~::' u~ t1'il..~ S':lutt, 13~'.5 ft:;et th~.'..!o+. .'