HomeMy WebLinkAbout122061200060 ....= :~ / V..r FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO OISTRICTS d'ih SALE PRr Rd. Soh. Po" PUO]FPD IOlT 52 135438 Arthur G. Sykes et ux Ii 1l11am 2 Ji2... 1L -L L ..1. .L ,..J ~t ~~H w. .2..L Jean c. Eyerdam Martin etux L L01 A 1 L ..L.. .c..- JROOO - ';;<) I&. {;",,;r:. l/ J / jJ/z / l 7/) C7Jn... A-z!;-,:" J V /?( t/o'r If) ? ~ -#- ~"'-':';Z7 ..d::L .L 2.. L .L ~ 1/%4 ;2"2 " <L~;~ ~ ~ :Y. .1 /,:1-S-bR" , ' . t7J{JPA.-r('A...4~J - b.~OI) ,,/13 bS&240 II I' II Uidr! WA fJ J / Yt?4;> 273S.f!..'1-1 :,>:of. '1'1.:fO' '11h."fE. dk~ - -If ,",q;J~:g1 :2/77 3:<tP'l v - l"url~ L !$+- <;.;b/. iY I r lJod g .Orn I'): 'r S//~ 11:~:'NtJl..f.,5" '.L.. _ ( / ) ~~W7{, "77-79 - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - I- --~~~~~-~~~-~~~ ., -..~ ... NUMBER OF ACRES r VALUATIONS Year Oyater Tlmb., Unlmproyed lmprovtd TOTAL ayahr Tlmb.r Unimproved Improv.d ImprOVlmllnu B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ .93 .93 120 250 370 -5.1 .93 .93 120 550 670 -5:l l:n r :c. .93 1.72 20 120 550 690 51 / '?~1.- ~ ,9.,"'[ /.7~ .:20 &>70 ~.5CJ /;1'/0 ~..~rL . ..hL f9. . 9.5 J.72 ~ 670 56'iJ /.:1;l. 0 .kL ,7!1' ,73 I 7:< Co 7(') 9:2..0 /b'1 D , I I. .. ~ -~ .8'.~ /J //Sdf' /~9CJ ~ 5//1 ~ /tJ30 1/G'tJ ;;1./,#0 ~ r. .tL ...:<O,() ~t'"J(, 9'.3 .:::~ t,R7S- /.{,t,C ,f53~ ~ c\',a Jl ~& ~ ~ /f~ IP/~ /:'6'€JeJ 2!L V /eJ\}, % 9. 3c";;!.o /3J~ JL , J'1.1 9500 / If cZL{0 ,;/3 7'l,' IL /,13/..t , "13 J, 7.;L /7tJtJ<i .3 0 ?~.; J-/ 7 'fg t; 11 ~.ue/ ~ r/Z:~7n /77.50 ,;vf9'f.5 ,1.)7(5 LOT BLK. , , 'Z-- -z; ~ ~ I '~ (71iJ1O~17i)l~nfoJt . IEO. TWN. RGE. .. '\ Beg at a point on S line of Lot 2, which is N 89028'30" E 460' from SW , corner of Lot 2, said point being the SE corner of tract of land heretofo conveyed by Elmer Beard to Thomas L. Duffield; th N 38019' W 519.6', more or less, to the Nly line of Lot 2; th NEly along Nly line of Lot 2, 75'; th S 36055' E 572', more or less, to a point on the S line of Lot 2; th S 89028'30" W along S line of Lot 2, 77' to I.P. Tax 392-A-2 a.D. in front of above desc bounded by straight lines extended Nly from the NW corner and NE corner respectively and converging at a point on the N line of Sec. 6 produced E 60' thereon from a point where the W line of Lot 2 produced N would intersect with the N line of sec. 6 produced W. Tax 743-A-4, T.L. in front of above desc. !~ote : 1brmerly known all Tr. 11 o~ lot 2, Tax 392 A-2 . 711.3 A-II. " "~" ~...~ I I I I ! e --e .--- - ----- < .. '. ~;t.. NUMBER OF ACRES VAU!ATlONS Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unirnptoyed I Impro....d lmpro....m.nts I B. of E. (Bui'd;nQ~l VALUE ?i. ..i/rlt '13 / 7~ C..u.,,:r , 9500 (7';;,;>, 0 ,;n 7.:z0 ~L.r;;, ---, R 96'CJQ 01-5(,00 aSIOO ~ - 5t, 000 ~c: 'f.l-O 10.2 "/20 ~).. r;.~~"f J ';,. 'S# .;1<;7 SbOOCJ 3 3';;t, 0 goy,..). bO ( l .. ---- - -- ---- 1----- ..--- --- - -- I -----"--- ---- ----- ~, 1__.- -- - '-' ------ ---- ----- -- I- -- , - _===l ------ ---- f- -..-- - --, -, .. , - -- , , I , - ~