HomeMy WebLinkAbout121182300000 Y..r FII. No. NAIIEofOWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS g() SALE PRICE Rd. """, Port ]PUDIFPD 52 39569 Karolina Sund 1 -& JL L po. L ..0L ,r-.3"''f~ /.I)~)cQ.~da...J!.. t!I3/7 - - - - - - '/5'2- 7h.hh,~ ,(9, .kJ 4-a.f. Iml,) 5.15"1. 0"',.' - - --"~ s;8s , \ , 't1S'';;'; q, (]"lI, - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - -- - I - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ....~ ., . , - . - ~~ ~....----==........ -~-= = ~ ~.= == ~.~-----~ -_&'_------------ . ~-- .&: ~. - ,. "\; NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Y..r Oylltr Timber UnImproved ImDrovlld TOTAL Oyater Timber I U.'m".v.d Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE -5..6. 3.00 7.0C 10.0 350 350 850 150 ....2!r. 3.00 7.0C 10.0 150 350 950 1450 ..Xl.. 12 L.C. 3.00 7.00 10.OC 120 150 350 950 1570 58 3.00 7.00 10.OC 150 350 950 11..50 M /6'190 /t!J,tJo ,;);/.:70 9';'-0 s.;5"O H /0,0"0 IO,c-t) .:?,/oo lab .,~/"- J.iz. Z /3' .~tJ/J /J /7'~.CJ '9.9c.<7 ~ 9?tJtJ /~~4 //,t;~O 14- 9~.6ftJ /385' '.' ...,..- 2L .4 "b/l '~d. .:<~ ?o :2:J.tJ;OYt!l .1.2... ~~....'" .:2f..?tJ :3.f/~-7a 23- i.:2~5tJ '2 :?74 1~.5}.:l5 7.!J- ItJo:Z fr!l~ 1:17 sa' r~;<S'O 70 155cc ,/_- - ; - ~ .', .' ".... Lj/";' .:> '.j,-",- 7& /0,(0 IC.CD 15 7 ~5l /8 'Iou ; 17~/S/) LOT BLK. , ... aa:. TWN, RGE. r :' .. g"'-.a..1..p. () 0 q3"Etf? ~ .. . /1:4 /. I , _. ,., 15PEN SPAOG . .. - " .. , '.._J " ... ..,.....':f".. "'~--,--."',....,- 'or-' Beg at a point 20 rods S of to meander line on beach of Pickering along meander line to a gulch 24 rods ~-. * Ex. Tracts 1-4 /-' (( _______J..-~'- .;'/ ~,'- e'r O,~l " " c: 'r_~~:--'I,-l'<~"'c,~~,. S! NE NW; th S 64 rod~~ Passage; th in a Wly & Nly directio W of point of beg; th E to p.p.b. . ...:......t-. I " I' T T I T T I I I I , v.+-o."" . "NUMBER OF ACRES H VALUATIONS -:.-. 1 Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved \ lmpr~v.d Impro".m.".. 8. of E. IBlllldinQI) VALUE iL C TUSH 1/).00 /().~ 0 --n, ~.~ 15g750 '1a,7St'J) ~7S0c) ~ ~ 7"""d --.----- gj )">,, -< >c.. ID.o t.- oo en IOL ~ 'f () 7t;O. ~ 7S"()CJ t, q 3/ 0 g~ (! u. HV -J.. ,/ IS? 7 <'n '1-07,0 ~7S0() ;J.;;i.7000 '1>f C./, 106 :;- </075"0 ';;'7$00 & 931S" 90s '-fh ,;>.de L.t- ISf;7SQ <k150 ..17S00 .:lJ 7000 - 12< 1------ (I ,2.f JOitD ;.j u7<,,) :Jl'cl! () ltO.3/" I~ e.. 1J(1./~ Vp.f /5'if15tJ II h1Q\ Z. 7;;60 ;;L;)..7606 --- "-- --.- tu 10li tfb76l> l. 7500 ftH 2-0& I ---_..- ..-- -~- ~.__4___ ---.---- -- - '--- - I----- . -- .==1 .. .----.- --- 1---- - - e...- ---- ----- 1--- I- -'._- - --- - ---- --- - - .. -----. ------ ! -.----- =~ .. . ' .