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- Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,>;'0 SALE PRICE: Rd. ..., ~IPUDI~ - - -R '1I-L. Sofus HaIls en 1 '>1.. G " L ..s "'P + ~ ~'1-5t/9 I:-Z ,jJ, ko, ~A/J.f J (/ .v d/. I-- -'0- ) '17:?:?t:J - - ~ ~//-5Sc) A::. +/ "c;r/" ., ~. , -r. 7 '7 r.FJ1) ~//.?.s~ , / / - - - - - - I-- - - - - 'r- - - - - !-- - - - -- - - -- - I- - - - - - - / - / - - - - - - -I ---- ..~~----------- - - -- - ~ - -_.. ~ - -- - - -- -__ d__ _____ ____-:-:___ __ _ ____ .:__~_____~~' h__ NUMBER OF ACRES ~ V ALUA liONS i Ye.r Older Tlmbu Unlmprov.d Improy~ TOTAL Older Timber Unlmprov~ Improved Imllrov.menta B.ofE. (BulJdlng.) VALUE -52 13.00 13.00 400 50 450 -5.1 8.00 5.00 13.00 40 360 50 450 --5J.., 8.00 5.00 13.00 40 360 210 610 .sz '5 L.r. 8.0C 5.00 13.00 50 60 360 210 680 kL ;;. 0<.(< J {) . tJ..b ..3-_ /3.M -$--- /cJ7) 6,tiJ- c2/ ?Ii 97tJ .0- s: if', 10. <kJ 3,o-v 13.Crti 100 ~6o ~bO /t')/T) .6ia. ~ >% ~ .:?5 .?-26 31tJ /~ CCJ 6(1 .BOd R;;l.5"' $/0 /~.35'" ti /0 IJlJ .;?4Z~ $/0 $'/'L?c5 ~ S; ~ 120"'/'1 /11M ~/I'o ?..-57tJ 22.- ~Ol!"l 7ttJt7 ~fo /~54l:J Z2.. :3'75CJ /:1950 4-2:(0 ,;:J.t9~o "f 7S'()() /";,-.,c:jo~ ?I:/~o <j3'iHD 1J?. f.r "I Cr-<(o~ ) /J.?>; L/;;' //J ~.-,D -;'" ;5.00 /3.()Q 5'.3~5Z 19%5' 7~S' LOT BLK. I lEe, TWN, RGE. ~~do'013lOJ I " ...-.,.. " - - - k i-~ . , . . .1\."", I :. . . . . ..... - ~.~. ~" :< I. '. :'~-:- :"-- ...~-.,'..--;:. -.,.. - - Beg at NW corner of sec 18; th E 20 rods; th S about 85 rods to the beach, of McLeans Cove; th in a Wly direction along beach to the twp line dividing twps 21-1 & 21-2; th N to the point of beg, containing 13 acres. Tax 656, Cont 3999 Beg at the meander corner to sec 18-21-1 & sec 13.-21-2; th S 8$~0 E 0.8$ chains; th N $4~0 E 2.55 chains; th N 6$ 3/40 E 1.57 chains; th N 450 E 3 chains to the terminal point of this desc with frentage of $ lineal chains, measured along the meander line in front of a portion of Lot 4. Note: Formerly known as Tr. 4 of lot 4 Tax 656 Ex 656 A .~~,. ' ---~ *Ex. 656-A <;-~w I I I I I I . I I I , v.t-o.'t" . NUMBER OF ACRES ~, I VALUATIONS . ~4(J Timber I Unlmprond Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved lmpr':)ved Improvements I II. of E. j (bildinQ\) VJl..t'IJ'C g, y"OC> 5'. () 0 /3,00 ~/3oo ~<I~" /05"3,:),:) ~5 't 0 [, 401', 12 oC t?, .d 7.1, 7/tJstJ -B- 7/dS-o Lu ,L, (I", -II I. 1/ S':;l';: {JCJ (/3.1. - --- ----- _. - ,.--- __u -. . I - ~-- ---.-.-- _._-- ----- -- 1.-- n -- ---- -~-'- 1--- ---- - .==1 - f--- -_._--- ------ ~----- -,.--- r-" - ----- --- - ---- --- - n ---- , -._--- - -, I i .,,"