HomeMy WebLinkAbout121182200011 Year file No. NAME of OWNER O'STRICTS g 6 SALE PRICE! Rd, leh, I PO" PUO FPO # "- e -- -- -1,,4.7- 1 &.. G '3 3 L _ .1600 I--- _ -IF- ~~~....".5~?b d ------'-'. ""- V ______ ~~,p,;;;~60fL , $,,76'2'; ~/W?7 CONTRACT TO I ~ ~. . .'...' ,~~"-'..... . e 61 Ned A. Rucker et ux A.R. Anderson M-/Y-ft'/~ J./J. JI1... L1. ~ /J R fl, A ~A / t, '/ ,1.2:HM J / ~..-: .th, bJf.:k: t. ?' t.;J.3 J C ~ -::e. ) (l m!' Y'f::: - t/ ' t, '7 .' (J...,. 1/ ~ /~,.,/- ./ 1,1 '147/.;7// / ti'l::W ..I.' ~J*- ---- hi '1'7?r1lJ;~ ~ .J;~ / hi ' ~ \ ~ '!iJ.L:5/D7MJ /hJ/."/~71/.1!' lh.tv ____ J/!J!L11~Y1g'j r;/.''4J' 9. "'(1, / ~ -:v .D. 2co-D ~___ ,-- ~. ...,"~<\;- ~ /'1;>-; -11c'!'-"I' 11# 5iJ'l(P(P ,,"sco "'1- .~~ .~ -.--.. ..._-. .-.... - ...-.:- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Older Tlmblr Unimproved UnImproved Improye<! Improvemenb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .kL 1/.5S-.t.'c;~ I.. '" ,/;f ~ 2L ..:l.:L?J:~C!. u.. 22. J!L 110 0."> 701 /:<"'0 /51} C:<.:9J ,5"0 .;< S-LJ l/foa 75'0 /S""OQ 3,);)) ::<'1-00 q8~o /.:<..0 /51) _ ti<'..5d Sad c:<.:s-o J?CJo 7Sb / S'OO juS! ) ~ ,e:;D ,'5D ai/OC S',!()() LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. AGE. jj:h/;/.?? ~o IJO Ii _.,.- '~'- -' ..-'-~'~..""" ' -'.__", .'1-:_. "'~,,",.'- .._~~__.".__._.,.._z ...'~ . .--. - ..~""'.. ....-,., '-'-.""","- , . Beg at intersection of Sly R/W line of Shelton-Grapeview County Road, where it corsses a small creek near the NE corner of Govt Lot 4, with center line of said creek; th along center line of said creek in a Sly direction to an inversection with Sly line of Govt Lot 4; th SWly along Sly line of Govt Lot 4 on Wly side of Cove, to a point thereon 300' from point of beg; th due W to an intersection with Ely R/W of Hanson County Road; th NEly alon~ Ely R/W line of Hanson County Road to its intersection with Sly R/W line of Shelton-Grapeview County Road; th Ely along Sly R/W line to LP. ~ 7t /a-O ~, ~-