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You FU..... NAIIE" OWftEft CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 30 SALE PRICE ,.. ff Rd. 10.. Po" PUD 'PD 'r- ,,_ n_ ;:. 54 - 62 3819-'/'1 Theodore W. Rauschert C.W.Guy,Jr. 1 G ..1.. 3- L $16000 11'11 33/9','/5' 'l1iJ,.IHf'" !L-~ *1/ -u,' l~.... .;c-Sd'3?? :k:'~~ J;;; 1/P/1/99 7}i,j/ 7. 115 u=,e-/). " " " " Wb . . ) (YJi) - - f/;;d 1/745/)0 .1/ f:; I / ,,~ ) 1fJ'60i0.8 It! j) - - . - - - - I - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -I .~ -, .. .. .- ~ . . . . - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., Oy.ter Tlmb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyd.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved ! Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ~2. .2.1.1 ') ':I " / 1/_10 V /.30 /.3 () ....2dJ/...f) ~f!.Q. ~ ;'"tJ. .-- ~ l b k ,;(,J'O{) d<1 ~(J_ -- - 72 tl// .3c,;' tJ CJ - I.q 13.;2oo 5"7< ~~r ko% - :iL ?, LjO() 2.5..0_ ~ - 1-"1') cf" CJOO //fZJI$~ - E. RRoi'J ,;:? /8'01/0 9~o 1h 11 fa DC 71:att'. ;uq&; 0 - /:'/ U../ 9-' n ,;; fif/,) ....L...L. - 11g' :J...#X 1.30 (.30 '{.;lOoo ;1.CJ .;(;, 0 /...2 "r.n 1)(0 If:J..MO ,7.(A ,,>,. t:,?I'I30 If3 (;'3Suc :<;"5:5' .:d2 //'1 C :.0 I I COT BlK. U1J0/1-{; I ;3Pf"l1. QJfCil 1 lEe. TWN, RaE. ----..- .. .. ., . . -..- - -'-..,. ., .. '.. '. ~ Beginning at a point S 878.5', S 19047' W 937.9' and N 62050' W 91.83' frcm a point on the N line of Lot 2, E 856' from its NW corner' th S 60047'47" W 160', N .2023'25" E 228.82', N 24c39'23" E 375', S 65020137" E 10' and S 4009'23" if 488.48' to LP. , -... .' ,; q. -. a._.. ' ~-: