HomeMy WebLinkAbout121087690040 -;:;- Fill No -r------ NAME of OWNER --- 1117 A .295.369... J~obert F. Ellison et ux 3 S' 77;i:-Z; ~ 313684 'I. t1 B#1/'7'7 ,,- J1 \ I ' vi Th fuj18 ./1i"",~ ,..:7.-tlY.I~ "/A _...__.>-_,____ d -f-----, " y...1 0,..., NUMBER OF ACRES nmblr Unimproved Improved 7~ 1--_ 1/p 78 7f b .50 ~--_. - LOT SEC. ILK. TWN. RGB. ~. ~ONTRACT TO DISTRICTS So SA.LE PRICE Rd. Sch. I PQrt PUD I fPO I I ~. J. et a1 I ~ 7;J.-;J'''~r Bollen 1 4 G 3 I 3 L H #41938 IT aJIles F. Hansor et L -,~S-- ux ..lli750 , I In~n . - . VALUATIONS -.~. - TOTAL Unimproved Impro"ed Impro'O'emlnh (8uildinq$1 B. of E. VALUE Oyst... Timblr .50 1/$(;)(;) ;,'$00 /o,f/JO /tJRnn d)1C;/)t? ~/5"tJO ;2;2.;1.50 ~3870 .L/6':2.0 ~//.stJ(", 307'~ 6F/dO : ,:J; I' ~- -,~>.-,",.- .,. f"',.. ," T:[:l;lct 4 & TC t,~--;r', J'; '_ _ t o.,;,..~__;..::t-"'''''' (FORMERLY: Tract 26 of...G,L8 &#G.L,5 ~-2i-1 & 'Tax 547 C-2 Tract 2 of Saort PIt ~160, AF 305042) All that ptn of Govt Lt 5, Section 5, and Govt Lt 8, 8-2l-lW dafl ,-. ~ Commencing at the meander corner between said Sections 5 & 8, on the Weide of Stretch leland, which ie a 3/4" iron pipe; th N 890 58' 39" E, alg the section line between sd Sections 5 & 8, 593.63'; th N 450 54' 06" W 58.40' to POB; th S 640 23' 58" W 65'; th N 510 42' 50" W 370' + - to meander line; th NEly alg ed meander line 90' + - tap which is N 450 54' 06" W of the POB; th S 450 54' 06" E 390' + - to POB, exceptiIjg therefrom road rights-of-way; ALSO, all tidelande of the 2nd class, formerly owned by the State of Washington lying above the line of mean low tide, eituate in fnont of, adjacent tojibutting upon the above deecribed upland, and lying between the Ely & Wly lines extended. ~~:' ",IJv J I .