HomeMy WebLinkAbout121087690030 ------_..._-~~^-,_._----- --_._-----_.. Y.u I fill No. I NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO ___----:-j,!'~:~ICTS 80 /75 3060-19 et al Ad, ,,<.. TFlU'<:fPD, I 3.LaL_367n_L~1tLJ....-BolJJl1Lei..<LL..__JIJII1.9JL D. Porter I 54 G ..3_~_3__1 ,H I 1144862 I ~o ~ ' I ' , lfllL~2.3!1.3_ --- _QIll,;-J:L5.t.e.e.lJ; ..eI.f-1.lli _LL ; -J'l--it+ !//;?);03 Jfl.,3-'f{,,(.,of-..__..___--=:t.:..~~4r~,J i 1--~qi<m~ ~/..3%YjJ-L ~..A.,.&/#-:ffw,/~ Otro W LI_' 7S'?iPi: _n_u'__________ ,_ ___ _, I I _ I. --- r----J- SAlE PRICE r- - f-I- ~".. . NUMBER OF ACRES TImber I Unlmprovld lmprovld TOTAL I. I I _ 0,,,.. VALUATIONS . Tlmblr Unimproved I lmpr-:Jvld Impr?...~mlnts I B. of E. (Bulldln9S) VALUE I /962~ 2"M- /j/6t,L5 /,ff"f'7~ '16/0 234,35 ~9''?'/O .;JS{,/o Jo ~ \!;9AtUL> 'ff,j--- Ot? $./1.3 ,:is ,s$' [3 ___n_ _ :=--_._.~----,--______I , ______________1 I - I __ I' 1,__ -- __~=~__~-~ _____~-------r-.~---. - l==l - - ----~:~---t---! !-- ---------.- LOT BL.K. SEC. TWN. RGE. Tract 3 &,T/l of surveY~~1l~,d()40 ~ ~- - . ,8 21 '''. (Trect B of Short Plat #1003) That part of Govt Lt 5, Section 5 & Govt Lt 8, Section 8, al I in 21-IW,W,M., daf: Commencing at the meander corner between Sections 5 & 8 on the [sland, which is a 3/4 inch iron pipe; th N 890 58' 39" E, alg between sd Sections 5 & 8, 593,63'; th N 450 54' 06" W 58.40'; 65.00' to TPOB; th continuing S 640 23' 58" W 54,02'; th S 370 th N 550 12' 10" W 370' +- to the meander line; th NEly a[g sd o tap which bears N 5[0 42' 50" W from TPOB; th S 510 42' 50" _.,.....1. W side of Stretch the Section 1 ine th S 640 23' 58" W 34' 53" E 17,73'; meander line 75' E 370' +- to TPOB. .-