HomeMy WebLinkAbout121087590041 Vier I -~-T---'-._" NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. 5ch. I Port pu~ fPD I o SALE PRiCe Robert P. Ellison et ux A. Nutter 1 54 G 3 3 L H #41685 #47408 IJ ~S6,:1l.~ ;,5b6 ~- 'd't{/ ~,l~ ef-eu {~r _..~ (/C;C> .", NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I VALUATIONS .. It Oyst... Timblr Unimproved Improved lmprovemlnts (BuJldinQ51 B. of E. VALUe Ctv.&.J 1/4oS- //:1bo _ .,ji.-1..7 11.J,5rJ 17..7.50 .:?oooo :iOOOIJ 1/;,1 DS //.5!oo d!:,!,;75 r<t ;2,50 r ,;z.5o 6-7/140 77/tbO 51/(,077/100 s 7/. () 1'1"- (,0 , ",- - ... .; ,:"-i,.- Tr~~~"fl:.& ''[SQ LOT SEe. BLK. TWN. R6E. ':,-::~.~-=-* -_,,>.~-~4;-,-~~ , , __ ~__ _ J Tkat part of Govt Lt 5, Section 5 and Govt Lt 9, SectioD 8-21-1W.W.M., daf: CO_Rci~ at the .eander corner between said Sections 5 &: 8 on the 11' side of Stretch !eland wIrlch is a 3/4" iron pipe; ta If 890 58' 39" E al~ the eection line betweeR said Sections 5 &: 8 1110.01' to TPOB; th S 070 01' 10" 11' 380.53'; th S 870 31' 32" 11' 52.37'; th N 030 17' 42" E 585' + - to the lIleander line; th SEly 95' + - tap which is N 070 01' 10" E fro. TPOB; th S 070 01' 10" 11' 170' + - to TPOB; TOGETHER WITH tidelnads of the 2nd class as conveyed by the State of ll'aehi~toB lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described uplands bounded by the Ely &: Wly boundary lines extended. == --'.- - o ~ ~ ~",~ --.-