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Yu, AI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ,?O SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Pori :~~ - - 1',<) ?1 ?n"~ Greta Louise Sund 1 ~ G L !fh7. -J.&()otj-O lJ7~ f14,;"pktkg o:fp.P -~~7.fi' %1 leex) - -- ~ ~~,erri. Iii / ~ - A, ~ .=~ <:.. '%>5 /~b(,.} . '.1.4. -f Ii ./J - - - - -oU='7"/ b'.!f'? ~ " - - I-- - J€::l9~/)(J t ~ ,v~l ,;' f2Ju1 :JIt.,-;t.JM ,~ ifs-. :.(" iDe 4ft;. - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - -- - -- - ----~- I- - - - - -- - - - - - - .- - - - - - ~. .- - '-- . . - . .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - -Yea . Improvements B. of E. Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved (Buildings) VALUE ~ .;:)''1 /~9 0" (PO:.... 1./, :J..b'% '/'(1 _----Z~ 1./ .2t1c2.... ___I ?' tM '7/1 521% /!/~12.. -- --- i.j~.t2- 1.:; .20CiJ2 _u___:...i2..()_ClO__ /)~ /00% I I -7'0 OcJ 1._____'20Q!L_ 7~ . 'l'j J i1 _ 1/,;) d..:? _ , 1~ .),,'1 ,~1 , 'lg'l/-!)' _9.8'15__ I~ ---- I l/cJ50 .____I._i,l'~5:~ ---,~, 1-- -------- 1__.- I I -- ------~- u_,____ ---- , lor BLK. ~ 8.~3'i a . SEC. TWN. ,RGE. . .. Beginning at . point on the N line of Lot 6, Block 2 of plat of Vineyard ~~ Cove, ~55.28' W of NE corner of Lot 1, Block 2 of said plat; thence E along N lines of said Lots 1 & 6 201.15" thence N 54052' W l8~.40', more or less, to Wl~ line of said Govt Lot 51 thence S 590~O' W along said Wly line 56.25'; thence S 20W 77.04' to l.P. .r~' ~",,:-_ ,.....- _~v',','"._ _-----..::,-...';;.;;;=-"'....~,~:~~---_..._;' -- '._-, ,,~"~.......... W"'f ~ ~k..i~'iO ~-<~- -I '-fS-~r 't-- .-rd J : '~<7' --==" # 1I>?b vI' - I 156-'--',,/1 ~), EZ--~ ~.k,.,7c./.J.~, ~~, LJ - ,,7,ty ~~~Cl J"LG " .. "\~ a'::s'.t::;-pH 7/!~L~~ ~.;; ',. UL '/7?V~_ ?;l)t!h.4",^/'/ /t4-u~ e-t'.L./~ I