HomeMy WebLinkAbout121083400050 DISTRICTS 20 ! Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE! Rd. 8ch. Port PUD!FPD - - - - - - 52 146285 Alfred A. Sutherland et ulr 11 ....5.4... JL ... " T. , , e. RI.. h/ > :s-~ "'"" ,i;L " " " If7- ~ 1.67M!<I- .A - - - - - &5' ~/5'1 10 IQ C, 'i3. /. 1./ J..-tu_i - I-- - - I-- - ~ P.70':'IJ !:J-J~ ~, 'A '1l1. 73 D- . J" ' <2N_.'_> /-c, ..,,!, , .). h ~ ilc dI.3/6~6 7 .. girl A , J.../c , ., ?i3rY ') / iI,/ ~- . :).2L~ /~) J1' /-:,1 ~( ,. / -L-;:....-'c,--_,<:f.",--, ~j __ C / f-- - - - - I-- ,- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - '- - - - - - - I~- ~__<!lJi .. ~ . 6--~~ -'------ ~- - '-~L -" '- . ,,. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Vear O)'l\er Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL O)'swr Timber Unlmpro....d ImprovMl Improvemenh B. of E. (Building.) VALUE ,22 ..)..::! ,;<.;< '-10 #'-0 0.5'; , 'J.'V . 'J?_ 4/0 d2. 9' 2> 3.30 -- 52 !.t;,}/f; ..n, .;J:2. ,;<.;t /iJ --&-- /;-'61 290 ..3.y:tJ . .5]... /0 .-50 de;' <2 360 .fd J'&,/. .J. C \2;l, . ;).;;;, -0- /~ .3 ';Is- I .3u' ~ .u 26.~ / fl5'"iJ L/.30 /Z.,?o a ..:1 cJ tf () 4/30 ..< .//.:? /) :M-- --;;% f'o tJt5 S"7,1 .i..(rf'1o U 5otJo If' '/' cJ ;Lgz<2... 1- il / cJ '7;)() /.;5':;7-1 -/23~< . 2'L /OO~ ,;:(15'00 ?I..:n' ~1'0.;G 1i?- ;,;j5,)J 3/50 - ;J Y?SO 7t ;;1,;1 '\', '5:</',.)/1 <?~Y::'-' t.j 100/5' ,co',C,",- 3.L --&- -e- ~- g~ 3:1.fJDO rt/:Js- '110'1-; , . LOT BLK. . , !lEt. TWN. ~8:j~JfO:()&t . - .' .. . .. ,. .. . -. Beginning at the point of intersection'6f the S 10 acres of Gov. Lot 5 with the Wly line of said Lot; thence run E, along the N line of said S 10 acres, 128'; thence N 220 17' W 108.06'; thence W 73', more or less, to the W line of Gov. Lot 5; thence S 70 58' W, along the W line of said Lot 5,100.98', more or less, to the pOint of beginning. Tax 779-A T.L. in front of above described tract. Note: !ormerly known as Tr. 14 A of lot 5 & tax 779 A 2- ~ . --..........""~- c .'"!'<'- _-_.'C..' '" _ .~~ - _"'-_."""'F:>;'_ , . , I , . -..'- .~~""". '--~ NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS - Year Order Tlmbe, I Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL I Oystu Timber Unimproved Improv.d l'rnprovem,nh U. of E. (Bllildtnq,) VAlue f). ~/LC .,7;2 ;1.;2. ,~ \)1 I.J~O() ('j , , ..- b .. 1s.'" tJ", ?D6 - .fi -e- ~ ,0 .. .. )tI leI L< " '-1..fstJo /l;..;~()c. '7 , . > . ) ': i..;' 00 ,1/ - . . ,,:Jri -e~ ~) ~ "--....... 25- --- c---- .. - ~j50o I .?~ 00 {4c' 700 ~5 - -0 -& -/!r' 1- -- -.-- --- . 1 -.. --- ------.~ ------ f-., ~ ' 1._- -- -- --- -- ---- ---- -- ----- -- - -- , - .==1 ---~ ----- ,-- ---- e--- , r-' --- .- , ------ I I I .. j ~--""',,"'~ , DISTRICTS Y..r Fl!. No. \ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. ~[~I~ - 52 Chas. Anderson 4.. J. ~"'~, , 1 21r.. .Q...U- L L '" /'7..t.z J.L /%7/'0;' (l, on. . .0 k....., "- T / - - - - - - '-- - _1=. '-- - - - - - '--- - - - - - - -1-1- -- I I-- -,- - , - - - - - - - - - - I - I -,-1-- -1- .. .' . ..."'....... '_...,~-...........; ...=-- -_.;,;..~...==...==~. =-=-"'" '=-~ """~~. ===~=~.=-=-:'"':....=-=-'=-~------=7.-..,--- .~. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V..r Oylt.r Timber Unimproved Improv~ TOTAL Oyater Tlmb.r I U,'m"",d Improv.d Improvemenb B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE ....2Z. 2.99 4.0C 6.99 80 300 90 470 ~ 2.99 4.0C 6.99 80 100 160 540 .0...J. fool t ~ ~ ~.f9 t/# 6.97 ;{5'" / :?~r. .;<7.') /t-!)() ~ -. ::--' - -- -- '- , I - , LOT BLK. ! lEe. TWN. RGE. .., , , .... ,', ' " .~~-l'-_' ..-~--~;.,,<: ,.".'..- f;- ..;:r_.;;'~_" _ ,___-"..:~.,., -,-. S 10 acres of Lot 5 except Tr. 7. Note: Formerly known as Above Exc. Tr. 18 Now Tr. 6 of gov. lot 5 -~ *Ex. 779 A-B I J