HomeMy WebLinkAbout121057590110 v.: 1 Fil. No -r--~-. ._ .__ 307086 111// ~M32O he> , 3/79 357294 ----, ---------- -- --- ---- NAME of OWNER 1 CONTRACT TO D rhh I ~+ ~ I -, 1400 K.M. Neyens el lOGO , . . -f---.-------f---f--- LOT 8lK. SEC. TW!i. RSE. , '., r .1 >..... DISTRICTS ~ SALE PRICE Rd. ,~112!!.. PUl!.l fPD 1 I _ I '1154428 I ~II r:: I <; 3 II H 1;25000 wcp- ux (PlU is H')I-_~-SJ.20ror67 I ._..~ .~ ~VALUATIONS';,' ,~ TImber Unimproved Improyed Impro....m.nts B. of E. (Buildin,.,) VALUE 7SC5 ~/SvS //77.5_ 1/ ?7s- '" I ',t:; 2/h!3 "":""'_-" -- .;z 770 ,:;2 770 ~~ ,.~ J--" - ." c_ L [ ..- L L I Tr~~+ ',rd~~~~!.~9~j The North 394.33 of the following: A I' th ptn I y i;,g E I Y of the E I Y R/W line of the AI- I yn?..iIl;P Creek County Road of the fol lowing described tract of land: Beginning at a point 6~O-fee+ E Of the NW corner of Govt Lot 3, Section 5, Township 21 North, Range I West, W.M.j thence S 1320 feet; thence E 330 feet; thence N 1320 feet; th We<;;T 330 feet, MIL, to the pob. -a.k"'-.- Tract A of Short Plat No. 464 <<-The N 394.33' as measured along the Eline of sd G.L. 3, of all that portion lying Easterly of the Ely right-of-way line of the Allyn Pump Creek County Rd, of the fol lowing described tract of land: BEGINNING at a point 660' E of the NW corner of G.L.3, 5-21-1 W,W.M.; th S 1320'; th E 330'; th N 1320'; th W 330' +1- to the POB. ~~ l.J!t3~. ;\f -li"'~.'''''.'"\I..t'I. - -- -- - - ---~ - ------- :::;.. -~ ....._-::::>--.~- - =-------- -~ .--'" , -', - ~-~ .-.4 __ ~,"\IIl."_ ''''.'C.,:., 5aA_ho..~,.jJ. 'OCJJ... t:c6Jcd s. O~ ~~ O~