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Y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS go SALE PRICEi Rd. Set!. Port lpuorFPO. ------ .2L 13790C' R. E. Coleman et ux 1.2lL~~.L.1.._ %; )(P '/%33 19M~ J~ d)~b A L/ ", #' =;d /7.31'1 - - - - /:2.SiXl. !!kL 35'70'10/ '/.'#;),' :J-k ~ ,~ 7,. ~ ~ !! {", '*(,/0/6 COD("f " 3 SDC) - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -- -, - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - I- - - - - - ---~. " . " ,,,... .:"JL'........... ~=~==~=--=-- . '., c .. "';1" .. NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS V..r Oyst.r Tlmb.r UnlmproVld ImproVld TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmb.r I U,lm""," Improvld ImoroVlmenh B. of E. (BuIldIngs) VALUE ~ 2.20 L .c. 3.00 3.00 30 300 480 150 ~ 2.20 L .C. 3.00 3.00 30 150 570 7S0 .52 2.20 L .C. 1.00 2.00 3.00 30 50 150 570 ~"O .sf .:J. :10 It>~ 3.00 3.00 30 ,dOU 57() ,rOO to 3. crt) 3. tJ'7) ---e-- 7,;;.5 ~7(J /:J.9r (p( 3. 0-7 3.0<1 7.;)b 7!? 0 It>O b -'*- .'}. S';;;, 7116" 9'75 /rFJl/J f:J.. ~/?-<' J fl.::;' 3/30 1:i- .;)/75" /..:? (J r) 3375 ft .:: cPo' ~ 3 :5'0 ;1~/tJ b?l-.t"J 22- 5K'?O .;< ~/() R.:< / ) 22 /"iROr) :J.'--IA~ 1/,(.2~ t.;' "/5 ~ lZ.0'A 13 ~E II G;;J.5' .;;( Lj65"' /fL"()fTo .2.!i II I/tu'1'% / :'13"0" <.f"l.qo :JJ? ,go I . '71" ;).:v,5?J Y7'3Q . '.:!!f1:?6 lOT BLK. ., --/- , SEll. TWN. RGE. " , .". . -, .'!,'c-a..,. '. ~~'-.-. "r" .-,'-~-' The S 100' of N 10)0' of Lot 4 less W 660' thereof except R/W. The N~ of S 92' of the N 1122' of Lot 4 less the W 660' thereof €K. R/Wo Also tidelands in front of above description. Note: Formerly known as Tr. 17 & T.L. & The Nt of Tr. 13 & T.L. Of lot 4 . ,'. - __--,- ~ n_ ..~'"'- ~:" - ..~~ ~,- '; ... '~ > ~'t' ...." _ _~ -----c-...-.....,.-- ~~~,~....~'~ ~ T T I I I I I I I e.. --=-=-e NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnimproYed Impro....d TOTAL Oyst... Timber Unimproved Impro....d Improvements 8. ot e.. (Bllildil)Qsl VALue 78 ~,DO 3,)0 3g~5D R'1~n 47/70 23 S7,.-F":'C;: 1/700 (; 95?.s- 1-- - , 1- ------ --- - -, , 1- -, .. - , " , .. ,', --