HomeMy WebLinkAbout123055000035 'I. You FII. No. NAME., OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;;1.,4:) SALE PRICE: Rd. loll. Pori PUD FPD ~~ ;,I ; u /U) ~.Itd/ ,/ f J/ .-Ju/' de:; Z ';J -, tl 3 C , )00,0<1 - -n;:.-- l'l"l 2 -'fA r#~//d~ ~;'.o)7;;,,;p~ ./<,/ .;l lj,j3 A .3 .J. t ~ ~ - 0/,<; ~ J,L ,~, " 77 ,,~d-2 ~_ f , I> '1/ I 41)3 II- '3 ~ L L .it ~ !"..,.(.?/ <0 ,f '7' /'l'<: ..k:L /7/.5':2 =5 7L. ;;'7j ,;.; -Z 'f". 'h. I..... ---t::--- 4/76 313469 Timothy H. K"wIJ let t& ~Ol) 147413 - - - - -- - - - -- - - - I- - - - I- - - - - - - ----..;..._:.._: --~-- ~ -- ---:.._-- _:..- ---=- --- --- -- --- ~~ -- -~-- ------ ---- ------ -~---_.:~ -~,=--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -~O You o,ltlir Timber U,dmptOved IlIIproftd TOTAL 0"... Tlmb., Unimproved I",proftd improvem.nb 8.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ..5J / .2. ;,10 (/) t() I~ 1:;'.10 he; 11,.,1./ I;;:; ,11 /) ~()-<:/ d~ L. :.j ..... /, .', -j . ' ...~ !: ~/ ;hILl,; , , , L" ~'_,? - ,- .. 7.^ .:;7oH,~/O \ i';J. - /:Y.3>tJ [?..:7(}'5 ~ v.::.) n .?l ?D 7'730 5d:!CJO 'd .;; ~ , Vru H7tt , / 896."5 ~ a/t ..3. / {, 09bO '11 1/ () 0 0 1 .'() n (l 1J- / (?t:Yl,-, //'t':',-'1L'J 70 ,,?, /,; 'J /c; C C; {,.,c/ t,c X h /~5"' .> I~_':;OQ LOT BLK. .<'c. lEe. TWN, ~i~~~:~-~:d;B1ltZR L;K6 TH"CTS RGE. ~ TRiWTp '- 'rr.,35",e~ J\, ~ /)cc TIGER I..AKE :-..., . ~ Tract 35; 5-2,-1 Beginn~ng at the center of sOection 5; th S Ie 35'31" W 1385.13' to 1.P~.-;_/ th S l"35'31" W about 1080' to N boundary of existing county road; th NWly along N boundary of said county road about 1030' to E boundary of Tiger Lake road; th NEly along E boundary of Tiger Lake Tracts road about 930' to a point 200' N 86e9' W of I.P.; th on a straight line to 1. P . New Description: (parc. 1 of Short Plat #220, AF# 312657) All that ptn of Tr #35 of unrecorded plat of Tiger Lke Trs in 5-23-1W.W.M., daf: Cormnencing at the center of sd section; th S 10 35' 31" Wa1g the N-S c/line of sd section 1385.13' to the N-E corner of sd tr and POB; th S 10 35' 31" W a1g sd c/line 340'; th N 890 16' 01" W 429.06'; th N 500 57' 10" W 133.80' to the E1y margin of Tiger Lke Tr road; th N 530 32' 43" E alg sd Ely margin 270' to the beginning of a curve to the left with a radius of 465'; th Nly alg sd E1y margin and alg sd curve through a central angle of 180 08' 35" an arc distance of 147.25'; th S 860 09' 00" E 222.99' to POB. -'---. - -........- ,-- ...:.:::::-