HomeMy WebLinkAbout122335000020 OL YMP I C SHORE v,". " ;.' ,-I t.. .:;~ D!S_T_~I_CTS .."........... Rd, ~ PO" puo FPO I 1 ....s.g_2...._1-_1 xVI ':5~ / 4f;" _.2...5~;f C ~?lcC- L~3._ 3.5 .L CIJ:l:~.7'.:1"'_-~f9 I Ii ':;-q-,., ----'--1-' - '" -1-'-1- I 11--~_I__'__:_i -1--:-1- 1--1-1- I ! 1-1-1 1===1='=- 1- -1--1- ----,~----------------------_...._----------------------------------_.._---------------~~......- Yi'! )FII.No, _CTTO ~2 136804 Harold E. Klang et ux p.... Jt. 11 /J q d--'!.. JLM y l I 1JJ. Af J .1_"_ AI- 1.~9 " ;/' " ,lo#- /;~n7; .-6L 17""-;>'0 o/~..2-, '710) V'L./ v" , ~: ~~~:;/~:%j~~<~~f < . .k.i.,:q",,,,,~ ~,? 'yt~ U),.. ~ ~ - .),~~ " h t'n /? yrj ill!, ofr/f'J a.~ (V.A.Jl/-a -^-'" ,J ~ M'rl.11;/f>5' (I J I/J/JJ, ,/l. .hl/J/;'_M 1'\:00.: .) q", ,.Pf~ ~. j ",,";; III <I3(,/'D'/. ,()~ ~ ! (' .., J 171 ~:"(p6''''5' ~r-- [!, 1t;-C7J(}-t/~ ..'1'f'(J1) NUMBER OF ACRES Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 5?- ,55 $$ M kl t6- idl- ~ $- iL ~ ff 2.2. 19 7(1 ,70 -70 ,?tJ . 70 .70 ,50~ !()& ~ ,-10 ,'/0 :,) /' /, I .f', / I LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. RGE, OLYMPIC SHORE ,'~ , --~ - "'T " R 5 / r~ I ~ SALE PRICE 5. "'" /I-o/B ~1 c:-tHl VALUATIONS . .' Improved Improvements (Bulldlngl) B.ofE. VALUE 3b /90 .;:<,:;-c:; .L/ / (/ I ~<75 i S'S5 /'/.9' 0 : 89.:r I :??'.!J i-~5" OI.2~(;) i 1/ !CJ I 516 9/a I Pf16 Si51//'1o !~- 75b //'70 /f'.;Z/.J ~ 1.5C1tf ~t:J.3 g Se? Jf7.5b I "1 ~.(;;"..... 7/tJ/4 1/75e7 9y-fs-' A. 95bCiJ /15990 ~f, lfJo /3.;,;54.1 )&17.' 0~CI;;~ ;< '375"0 -</%':</0 711{,o 3ljJ[c ~.5I;z r c, ,"<;;'{(J .,- - - ::r;"r-~ -"'.-. -, ':~-:'~-''<'.- :-~ .....,-. '--:.-~ Oyster Timber Ur;lmproYed /tI /Jct /0 /,';-0 /0 I I )1)0 -c!7 I I ! 1 I : i ~% I I I , , -_ .-.:'-.c".. '. ~---.;;.,~~~ ',i~,e,c"~~~-,:: ::~~ certain por of Govt Lot 1, Sec 33-22-1 desc as follows: All that por of W 50', of the E $00' of said Govt Lot 1 measured along the S line of the County Road, which lies S of the County Road as the same is now located. Said land being also known and desc as the W 50' of Tr 8 of the Unrecorded Plat of Olympic Shore, according to the survey and blueprint thereof containing .72 acres MIL. ,.-- .-.....~ .~ j. ~ ACREAGE -~_.- , lIN!I'oIPROVED IMPROVED .70 -------- YEA~ ~ l TlDELAN~-' ~ i~i1I'--~~ ! n._~ __~_+___~ __.n__ ,,-t -- n__ __.'.on I -~--+ -- - --- -- , 1 1-1= -=-____~ _ _n~'~ ---+- i ~ -- -- \----nl- --- i f -- t -.-----i--.' .-~I- .---1.---- : .... -'~-~-=+ ____~-~--~----~~.A--...------- NUMBER OF ACRES Vear Timber UnImproved Improved Oyller ~ S:r .ff. .&2 ~ ~ ~ 14- ft 2i.. 11- Zl.. ~ 11 /.31 ,'/.3 .7.3 TOTAL , ;:'9 I,.. _ ,13 J~ 11~ ,73 LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. ~ .' .,.- "~-__~4tb-;~....!.<.I_;,..,>"~'<~,,,,, TOTAL TIOELANO VALUATION UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO , BUilDING B OF E TOTAL ,70 1"~/j\+ -<;11"6(')/ \~7.-S0 rJifl Tl0 '-IOmo '1/-'oooL:7..-,,,^ /0 :l-'S, .4)0. ............ Jl Oydl' ,;zo /0 /0 -e-- %$ ~rJ? ItJIJ '% .. .' fiI.. -.., .~--- _. h.. . .. I .~______1:.~ I VALUATIONS Timber Unlmpro'tl'llld Improved Improvements (Buildings) 9. of E. VALUE ;210 145' I '15" .2(,,1) .350 .t?-. .370 .5tJ S- /.5~'- 6a-2J ~.9CJ ,5i>cf .3/ j~ 3'" 0 . /tJl110 g;vtJ t!;1.I'tJ /~6 /} 11,:1 /' ~~.fi. ~ r; /.:k<OJ JJ-1-/t2fl- G. () f 0 /57;[1:' .y76~ / .!7.2C 3').5'0 flS"/tJ ./.2/ /'. ~ff51J ,,5J'; 1~3t,o f~5tJ qj- - /J!t.,~< 1'77,p() /9570 3J~'lt> :J.Jt,n;) ,;(L/0;,u '17("/0 'fc/7S'o '-/7'/Eio ,/.2':<30 -~ - -.,j{;..<"'" ~..,- , ;.Ib&~cT.t.: 15X'. tJ:e<'~o1<"r. ''<>''''.,w The West 50 feet of the following described property: That certain portion of Government Lot 1, Section 33, Township 22 North Range 1 West, W.M., particular}y described as follows: All that portion of the West 95 feet of the East 1000 feet of said Government Lot 1, measured along the ~outh line of Seconda~State Highway No. 14-B and the South line of a 20 foot reserved roadway running from ' said Secondary State Highway West:to the West line of said Government Lot 1, which lies South of said Secondary State Highway and said 20 feet roadway, as the same are now located; said land being also known and described as the West 95 feet of Tr. 10 of the unrecorded plat of Olympic ~hore, according to the survey and blue print thereof. ALSO, all tide lands of the second class, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the above described upland. .-~-'\~ -.'-~-~ , ,..:- "'It ,,~ , '\ ~-_._---~--- - - A-----:- ~..-~ ---.------------- -----. ~----- . ...:,) ~ -, - ACREAGE ,VALUATION ~ .. B OF E TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL ~~ 73 7.3 I\J tI. 8, rr;:' (" ~ QeJD I-{?'i-;?O / / .;lJ{f(() - '-f7(pID I .J (-':i~ 7" rc5c 2L{.Q!oO -1.. , i i' ,', ( 7~ ~~ gDO b<.l/9a I~() 'No" i ---~ I -- -. , I.... . . .- '. . ' " .. ,-.,.. ." . .--' --~ . ~/"~ " .",-, "" ,;..';"'::'~~""" ..;.........-.;."'.,"..., c-oi:.!..~.,4::;'-__;~?_t '.-.,',