HomeMy WebLinkAbout122335000006 OESCRIPTION: PLAT OLY'.fi'IC SHORE LOT Tr. A-21 & T.L. BLK ~~I"';jol.1I/)I....1 LI & Tr. A-24 & T.L.& '1r.A 22-1 '* ACREAGE SEC TWP RGE &T.L. I ~. -------- = --. ~-~~-~~- , DISTRICTS .Ii.. '2,.s I .L.. AFFIDAVIT YEAR AUO, TITlE HOLDER CONTRACT TO: RD SC jPT UO FO 'HD ' CO SALES S --.- --.---. -- ------~---- ---- 52 154111 A. J. Mitchell, et u: Homer W. Woodworth 1 52 3 L -~ ~",733" ~~CTO ~-' 1'/ 5.9_ u11i4.718 . ~H-.9mer M. Woodworth. t we 1 45 3 5 L C $6500.00 .. 1 403 3 5 L C 41 ---------- .----- i .. .------- ... - . - - . ---- ---------- ~-_.- - . , u ---1-~-- --...--. I - r 'T --_.-- -.. - .u . , ( . ~~~ ... .. . ' " -' -.-, " _. - . ! . . , =,~t= . ACREAGE 'IALUATION 'Y'~R J , -~-- --~ B OF E TIDELANO +__UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNiMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL , 5..L..j i .41 .41 30 320 60 410 1 -- - 55 , I .41 .41 30 320 70 420 tt .-.- - .41 .41 30 320 935 1285 60 0 1560 935 2495 " 61 I 1560 860 2420 --------r---- 66 I 25~ 1950 1075 3025 68 ! 1 , 2400 1075 3475 I - 70 ' 5~ 4800 2150 6950 0 I I 11550 2150 13700 72 ! 11550 4660 16210 74 1 10~ 23100 9320 32420 1 76 31200 18440 49640 i ~------ - -- 31200 33280 64480 \'~Soo '\'\,C\CQ \ '-\').'-\ 00 .~.'.,.,...-._,<~...~.-::...>o.-.'~'",,-._._ . -......~.., --'___....-._ "-"!o"";;"_~"';""""~';'~'''"-''.'"''''''''''' ..~...",',~~__',,_o;..~'~, :._'-t"'~"""-._,c.,.' -"-. ..:-- .. "',_.;:- >C' ~- ,..~,-...,...>.',"~----' '--'~".i'-~',~ ." < .~'''''~. ' -..... , Tr. A-21 All of those two por of Govt Lot 1, Sec 33-22-1 desc as follows: Bgn at an iron pipe set at the NE cor of said Sec 33, thn S. along the E. line of said Sec 33, 70' to a pt on the S line of the County Road; thn S 88-,0 35' W partly along S. line of said County Road 1200'; thn S 0016' W. 472'; thn N 89044' W 88.50'to the IP of the tr of land hereinafter desc. From said IP run S 0016' W 260', m/1, to the S. line of said Govt Lot 1; thn S 63.250 W along the S. line of said Govt Lot 1, 44.83' thn N 00;16' E, 270' m/l, to a pt which is N 89044' W. 40' from the pt of bgn; thn S. 89044' E. 40' to said IP, siad land being, also known and desc as Tr. 9 of the Subdiv of Tr A of the unrecorded plat of Olympic Shore, according to the survey and blueprint thereof, together with an easement for a roadway over and across a strip of land 20' in width partly along the W line of the above desc Tr of land, and along the N line thereof, all as shown on the blueprint of the survey thereof. Also, bgn at an iron pipe set in the NE cor of said Sec 33, thn S slong the E line of said Sec 33, 70' to apt on the S line of the County Road; thn S 880 35' W partly along the S. line of said Co. Road, 1200'; thn S 0016' W 472'; thn N 89044' W 128.50'; thn S 0016' W 160' to the IP of the tr of land hereinafter desc. From said IP nm S 0016' W. 110', more or le'ss, to the S line of said Lot 1; thn S 63025' W 121.1' along the S line of said Govt Lot 1; thn N 150 W along the Wly line of said Govt Lot I, 20'; thn NEly on a straight line to the said IP; said land being also known and desc as the SEly por of Tr 8 of the Subdiv of Tr A of the unrecorded plat of Olympic Shore according to the survey and blueprint thereof. ADD Tr~ 22-1 and T.L. By #447336 ~EGINN~NG at the iron pipe set at the Northeast corner of said Sectlon thlrtythree (33); thence South along the East line of said Sectioo.thirtythree (33), 70 feet, more or less, to a point on the South Ilne of Secondary State Highway No. 148; thence South 880351 Hest, partl~ along the South line of said Highway and partly along ~hc South Ilne of a 20 foot reserved roadway running from an J.ntersection with said highway, ~'lest to the ~'lest line of said Government Lot one (1), 1200 feet; thence South 00161 West 472 feet. thence North 89044' West 88.50 feet to the point of beginning of th~ tract of land hereby described; thence run South 0016' West 260 feet, more or less, to the South line of said Government Lot one (I); thence South 63.250 West, along the South line of said Gove~nment Lot,one (I), .165.93 feet; thence North 150 West, along the ",esterly IJ.ne of scud Government Lot one (1) 191.46 feet. thence South 890441 East, 167 feet; thence North'Ool60 East t~ a point \...h~chlis North 890441 Hest from the point of beginning; thence So~th 89 44 ,East 40 feet, more or less to the point of beginning; saId land beJ.ng also known and described as Tracts seven (7) eight (8) and nine (9) of Tcact nAn of the unrecorded plat of 01ym~ic Shore, together with a strip of land 20 feet in width adjoining said Tract ~o. seven (7) on. the East; all according to the survey and blueprJ.nt thereof. ACREAGE '/ALUATION / , ~ YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVEO TOTAL TIDELANO UNIMPROVED IMPROVEO BUILDING BT~iAJ ~ - . t-{ ( .4{ ),j, R 1,,[ :f7.S ()() 7% 'foo J(.f.cfOfl ~1t frn/,+... rlf o.-'\'" 1""')1,;),00 -:<'":l....."lxO (o4yr;O ~ IJo7So0 f::J. S{<;{.x ..HL. ~ /37950 IJ2<;\'~2.5 2W-. "77.'" -+~-- . , +--- . .~'" -"'- .....-. .' . -'""'-"'-'-' ,'-'-."- ." " ..~