HomeMy WebLinkAbout123165000002 ,. DESCRIPTION: PLAT ELLIS BANCROFT TRACTS LOT Tr.2-4 BLK EKe 2-A, 3-A, 10-1 I TWP RGE # ACREAGE IJ 12 I ~ 1;1 /-I."5'kJ Ifj IIl7IO 12] SEC YEAR AUD. ,--. , RD SC DISTRICTS .,;;) <1 I I PT UD FD' HD CD AFFIDAVIT SALES S TITLE HDLDE4';'?/'l7i ~i CONTRACT TO: KV'1f(f{6TRCM 68 #231928 .' Roy Kranstrom et ux -,...- -~--_.~._-- 05217 (-2.5- 1;1" tl ~7ZkA~ t /t}'.35/'<;'-I/ I )ItI-~, b'7jJafJ~ %J.T1fiG25'3~L 7. I'~" 2 ~Au.. ~_ .!U. -.J S.4.;n,,- _"' v ..'7J 'J'~tiPO.?-71~' /, . r:.,'d/,./i ',.~ <<'L"" /',. ." 'i ?)/. (!;t( 1l3-;!~OOO - '. / ~ '/ /i3 1-'1//9"3 _ _ _tYJ-(atl~ /., J'- A.. ~L ~fi 7"~.9/~I;0';./z.;..e~, l.-n~b, -/). '/'/A-) Ii L/l{J/) V 2 103 <71 J kill.... A . 3 2 C L #10118 14 \.3 .,l 1.1 C- I... #4;<'<$1' "'::'-9; p.{:,c./". 9~.f -i:L 77'~JO I";,."..., ~o/ dL 71.2- 3 ~'p1' .5.. . ... 8f8~7 . ..Q.c;.L -d-?'p /?tJ AJop . . L~ ~~ W,> , - I -I t . ACREAGE VALUATION YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL - , r - ~ TIDElAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUILDING B OF E TOTAL 74 S?J2 R /;?. 100% ~ 12380 1 St.3n /$/80 '-1/ /":::<5 /r:,/( ....)t<,. , ~ISOO 12380 15t,30 /$/Sa ~/S-~() i:- 1'60 ,':lISOl\ .:27- !--~ -- fL .;)CL. ']q q -'. '-L.l- - ~ ~~.~ I '1/7 I 7.'71 Ir 1'"/, ,}. Vi rI r ,/ . I' , 1 ..k..- ~-~-.... ._~. w_,.,.......~_.. _ _~__.~ ~ ... .... Tracts 2 & 3 described as follows: Starting at the NW corner of the NEt NWt See 16-23-1; thence S 89001'30" East 279.6'; to the SE margin of Old Navy Yard Hiway and the true point of beginning; thence S 89001'30" East 1307.40 feet, mil along the North line of said 40 to the NE corner of the NEt NWt; thence S 0015' East 710'; thence North 58055' West 1280.85'; mil to SE margin of the Old Navy Yard Hiway; thence North 450 East 93.6 feet to true point of beginning; 9.448 A r:.', ~ 'I a J.; " ',' l t,~ " o~/(. 'f ~>.-U~' Jlz. ~ c .~ :--,t"