HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020/03/24 - BOH Packet MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health t � MASON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH ® REGULAR MEETING March 24, 2020 3:00 PM Commission Chambers 411 North Fifth Street Shelton, WA 98584 DRAFT AGENDA 1. Welcome and Introductions Scott Hilburn Chair 2. Approval of Agenda—ACTION Board Members 3. Approval of Minutes of January 2, 2020—ACTION Board Members 4. Health Officer Report Dr. Dan Stein 5. Administration Report Dave Windom 6. Environmental Health Report Alex Paysse 7. County Health Report Lydia Buchheit 8. Public Health Week Proclamation-ACTION Board Members 9. Other Business-and Board Discussion Board Members 10. Public Comments 11. Adjourn If special accommodations are needed,please contact Melissa Drewry,427-9670,Ext.589. From the Belfair area,please dial 275-4467,Ext.589;from the Elma area please dial 482-5269,Ext.589. Mason County Public Health 415 N 6th Street, Bldg 8,Shelton WA 98584, Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 400 ❖ Belfair:(360)275-4467 ext 400 ❖ Elma: (360)482-5269 ext 400 FAX (360)427-7787 MASON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS 411 North 51''Street,Shelton,WA January 28,2020 Attendance: Randy Neatherlin,County Commissioner;Kevin Shutty,County Commissioner;Sharon Trask. County Commissioner;Scott Hilburn,Hospital District#1;Peggy VanBuskirk,Hospital District#2; Gary Plews,Fire Commissioner Absent: Kathy McDowell,City of Shelton Council Member. 1. Chair Scott Hilburn called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. 2. Approval of Agenda—Cmmr.Shutty/Gary moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as presented.All in favor. 3. Resolution: Set Meeting Dates—The Board discussed meeting dates for 2020,noting that the November meeting will be held a week earlier on November 17'to prevent any issues with Thanksgiving. Gary/Scott moved and seconded to approve the resolution setting 2020 Board of Health meeting dates.All in favor. 4. Elect Officer Positions—Scott/Gary moved and seconded to name Peggy VanBuskirk Chair for 2020. All in favor. 5. Approval of Minutes—Cmmr.Trask/Keri moved and seconded to approve the November 26,2019 minutes.All in favor. 6. Health Officer Report—Dr. Stein spoke about cases of the mumps and flu,noting a spike in influenza B in Mason County.He briefly spoke about the Coronavirus,and locations of confirmed infection.Dr. Stein reminded the Board that the next health coalition meeting would be January 291.He touched on goals for the coalition and how they are working to improve health throughout the county. 7. Administration Report—Dave briefed his report,and announced the annual legislative day on the hill will be held February 5t'.He stated that while reviewing death certificates,he has seen a slight increase in suicide especially amongst males.Discussion was had about the possible reasons behind this increase. 8. Environmental Health Report—Alex talked about sold waste enforcement cases,stating that many people want to comply,but may not have the resources available to them.He said the department is working to assist with this. 9. Community Health Report Abe Gardner showed a PowerPoint presentation regarding the opioid response program.The data touched on prescriptions,overdoses,naloxone use,and prevention for opioids.Lydia then talked about the new program called Overdose Data to Action(0132A).Abe went over statistics for the COAP program. In regards to the Substance Use Mobile Outreach,they're still out at four locations each week,and it seems to be successful. 148,749 syringes have been exchanged between November 2018—January 2020. Over 600 people have been assisted.A lengthy discussion was had on how to continue this assistance and coordinate with other groups to provide more help to those in need.Lydia said housing is a huge need in order to get mental health and substance abuse under control. She then addressed the update of Managed Care Organizations taking over Medicaid services. 10. Other Business and Board Discussion—None. 11. Public Comments—Tom Davis questioned a portion of the PowerPoint statistics regarding Narcan.He questioned how the Health Department obtains the numbers of those deceased.Lydia said that number comes from the Coroner. BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS January 28,2020-PAGE 2 Tom then questioned if there was any data on the number of suicides that were veterans.Allison Smallwood said she did not have any specific data on Veterans at this time. Cmmr. Shutty asked if some of the new providers from Mason General could be scheduled to come into future meetings to speak about what they are observing,or what they need to succeed. Scott suggested they hold a breakfast with all new providers to meet all of them at once.He said he would get back to the Board with more information. 12. Adjourn—The meeting adjourned at 4:28 p.m. ATTEST MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON BOARD OF HEALTH MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry,Clerk of the Board Scott Hilburn,Hospital District#1 Kathy McDowell,City Commissioner Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Randy Neatherlin,Commissioner Sharon Trask,Commissioner Peggy Van Buskirk,Hospital District#2 Gary Plews,Fire Commissioner Keri Davidson,Shelton School Board MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health March 20,2020 To: Board of Health (meeting March. 24th,2020) Re:On-Site Sewage Committee appointments In March of 2019,we worked with BOH members on appointments for the On-Site Sewage Advisory Committee(OSAC). On the BOH meeting dated March 261h,2019 the following appointments were made and given a 1-year term to achieve staggered terms within the committee. - Jim Henry,Designer - Thad Bamford,Installer - Micah Halvorson, Designer Therefore,these appointments would be expiring on March 26th,2020 creating vacancies for 2 designer positions and 1 installer position. In response, I have notified current members and advertised to the Onsite Sewage industry. The following applications were received and awaiting review and appointment by BOH. - Jim Henry, Designer - Thad Bamford,Installer - Paula Johnson,Designer - Shane Maples,Installer Recommendations: Appointment of Jim Henry and Paula Johnson to the OSAC as they were the only two applicants to the two vacant designer positions. Review of applications from Thad Bamford and Shane Maples for appointment to the single installer position. In addition,there has been past questions on this committee from BOH members,so I have attached some excerpts from our Mason County Code and the OSAC bylaws to provide some further clarification on purpose and how this committee assists with the onsite sewage program. Background: The On-site Sewage Advisory Committee is codified within Chapter 6 of MC code. This committee was established back in early 90's as the Washington State sewage regulations and county requirements became more complex and more focus was put towards proper design,treatment, operation, and maintenance of on-site sewage systems. This committee allows for industry professionals and stakeholders to be involved in policy decisions and program guidance. For many years this committee assisted the health department with various policy and code updates and the local management plan for on-site sewage systems. Between 2011 and 2018,there were very few committee meetings and positions were not maintained. With upcoming changes in WAC246-272A(2021)and the amount of staffing changes in Environmental Health,we felt it was appropriate to stand this committee back up in 2019. There were 7 appointments made during the March BOH, 1-in May,and 1 in September. 1-3 year terms were used randomly to achieve staggered terms per the bylaws. Meetings are currently held every other month on the 2nd Tuesday and are open to the public. Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Health) 415 N.61h Street—Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton:360-427-9670,Ext.400- Belfair:360-275-4467,Ext.400 - Elma:360.482-5269,Ext.400 Mason County Code Chapter 6.76—On-Site Sewage Regulations • 6.76.120-On-site sewage advisory committee. (1)The director shall establish and maintain an advisory committee called the on-site sewage advisory committee. (2)The advisory committee shall meet a minimum of once each year to evaluate department policies and procedures pertaining to the on-site sewage program, "Mason County Public Health Standards" and all relevant local ordinances and codes.The committee will present findings and make recommendations to the director and the board of health. (3)The advisory committee shall act under by-laws adopted by the Board. Copies of said document shall be kept on file and made available to the public at the Mason County Public Health office. (Ord. No.32-09, § 12,4-7-2009) Purpose: The On-Site Sewage Advisory Committee is established by the Mason County Health Department and shall work towards the following objectives: - Provide technical expertise to the Mason County Health Department in the development of ordinances, policies, procedures and priorities that will protect the public health and be consistent with state and local regulatory mandates. - Provide perspective for the Mason County Health Department to assure that wherever possible, on-site sewage programs ordinances,policies, procedures,and priorities are practical, understandable,functional,and sensitive to the county's economic base. - Provide support to the Mason County Health Department by educating represented constituencies concerning Committee findings and recommendations. Membership: Committee Makeup: Committee members will consist of up to 13 persons selected as follows: - One representative of the Mason County Homebuilders Association - One representative of the Mason County Realtors'Association - One Representative of the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers'Association - One citizen-at-large - Three Licensed On-Site Wastewater Designers - One certified Installer - One certified Pumper - One representative of the Mason County Health Department - Up to three representatives from Mason County watersheds Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Health) 415 N.61 Street—Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton:360-427-9670,Ext.400 - Belfair:360-275-4467,Ext.400- Elma:360-482-5269,Ext.400 �/ �a°� aOa• MASON COUNTY CON AffSSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 j Fax 360-427-8437; Vofc6 360-427-9670,E ikt.499;275-4467 or 482-5269 ��' _IBSd �%� • 1AM8EEKINGAPPOINTMENTTO, �M� ,�; Lacb�j V d/l}-.S 17'r� AN✓1 We _- ? C- t NAME: DDe RESS` PRONE: 3 6o- (OR ARE COUNTY C?6g ld IVE) EMAIL: -------^ �__ _- -.- ---- ---------- -------- 1 COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT:(If-RETIRED,PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE,) CTIVITI S.ORMEMBERSHIPS COIIIIPANY: j iyt E ic611fL t-9r,<GA C0zyjg YRS POSITION: l3iwll �, 7 V2S COMPANY: YRS POSITION: In your words,what do you perceive Is the role or purpose of the Board, Goinmittee.or Councll for,whlch you are applying: 2(1CIV ahY _!APAST o23 PaLI'C-Y 'C-NAY �,s tpi��G�Lf�«1� �S©4u What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board,Committee,or Council? Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may-Influence or affect your position'on this Board: i (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependent upon attending certain treinings made available by the-County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Realistically,how/much time can you give to this position? Quarteriy nnffi. Weekly Daily 2�!2•-Z e9'zU ;-�' p o---• left afez �:`i".` :�. 9 i s Yz'r_ Si nat re Date �..� -- .���=• .. .r: ::.;`.�:ii:=:�?'y , �'I:'ei'nExpi>te_'Da>9�y'_s-• :. .,.• :.:•� k ..a> >-.-�3l�;�Y` -fit;_.5.• _ - .-`-'•ice.' , gots coag. �� MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET o �(G�1 00o SHELTON WA 98584 ddooFax 360-427-8437,Voice 360-427-9670,Ext.419,,275-4467 or 462-5269 � o I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO NAME: S hq,n•g- rrM G Ql,e 5 ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 5L*- -)-A w C.. (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL: COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT'(IF RETIRED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: i ��1�5 ���N��'`0�`\�_YRS q Y C S POSITION: COMPANY: YRS POSITION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: f0%j\4-e— o- ,o5)o vr5 p(A-(0014 -ate S -+eaw5 s�alt�er S. Platt, E)V\, eiwq 4-h•5 a 10 V, What interests,skills/ado you wish to offerlhe Board,Committee,or Council? 1 �i.Ci [Gj ",�4f as �>°� lCdt�4J !J Q !R CON(k l'e ea,iv-'s oa-'A sy4 m S. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? 5 Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Monthlyee y Daily Office Use Only c� Appointment Date Signature pa(e Term Expire Date I i f i MASON COUNTY COMMIS51UN1;12S 411 NOR 71,p1r,1fI Srl?r,C si-is roN WA 98584 - j Fox 360-427-8437, 116100 360.427.9670,Cx1.419,276 4447 or 402-5269 El DD ESS• pHON� X70 C ►,o PRECINCT(ORAREAINTHE couP 0 �rrY--�YouLNE) —^^ It• �>�'! '---^------COMMUNITYSERVICE- - --_.-gMPLOYMEN�'i(IE,j( .--/p� "--IE_CE- I II (AC71MIES ORfJUdpERSHIPS) Comm 1 7C nhe,Hyn K POSITION: 0 -r cris r� COMPANY: YRS POSITION: ------------------------------------ j In.your wo ds,what do you perceive Is the role or purp se of the Board,Co ittee or C9uncll for which you are applying; ►av<t�e 45�,rV IC_ PzYZ oas Cernm► tm i What Interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board,Committee,or Council?.--- C_ 0I I t nit+� Please list any financial,professional,or voluntary aMllatlons which may Intiuence or affect your-posltion_ohAls 8o'ar& (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) One Your participation is dependent upon attending certain tralnings made available by ttie'Cnunty during regular.6uelneae h6un3 < (such as Open Public Meetings Actrind P bite Records).The tralnings would be at no cbst'to you.Would yoit'be able to attend such tratnings? Realistically,how much time esn you yp sNlon? Quarterly t4A0rdi�, 11Veetsly :ply . ` :.a: i :rr.; Sigrwture . . •:pate•". . - `Lsi . Scanned with CamScanner �y�ot;�coa��f i'M SORT COUNTY C0MMIS,SYOXERS „• ?; 4.11 NORTH FIFTH STP.EET i SHELTON WA 98584 f Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670,Ext.419;275-4467 or 482-5269 tssr . 1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO The Onsite Sewage Advisory Committee(OSAC)Designer Position NAME: Paula Johnson ADDRESS: PHONE: 360- mobile CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 360- Union,98592 (OR AREA III THE COUNTY YOU WE) 227-1 E-MAIL: paulaj@hctc,com i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT:(IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTNITIESORt6£tnERSHIPS) COMPANY: Arrow Septic Designs, Inc V 15 Vn,gi1�-CiirrP_nt MPmhRr YRS Shelton Presbyterian Church, member& POSITION: President .formeLd.eacon COMPANY: Turner Construction 7 YRS POSITION: Project Manager I In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board,Committee or Council for which you are applying: To address ronr -rna and iac I _s facing our ind istry on a longi and state level Cnordination and .omm Iniration between the county,designers, installers,pumpers and o&m professionals to make our industry the best it can be. To promots education of our customers and protect public higaith. What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board,Committee,or Council? .!-kiauebgea-aa-active-designer-liuiag-and-workiag�-Masotx-Couata}-f®r�5-jcearsrl-bane_gFeat-wor�iag_rglatiousgeps— with many industry professionals including suppliers,specialty experts and contractors which could contribute diverse teedbacK to bring DaCK to the committee. Also,my education an ac groun is in Construction anagemen. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) -none-knowrT Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly X Monthly Weekly Davy Office Use Oui_y P& 2-20-20 Appointment Date Signature Daae Teim Expire Dare i p - I � • ti :I. TA. ��. gra 'Corr munityg it H Mg / • Manager January-February 2020 Communicable Disease &Notifiable Conditions(3 programs-CD,TB,STD)Staff:Audrey O'Connor, Back up: Elizabeth Custis&Lydia Buchheit January and February our communicable disease(CD)program nurse received 66 reports requiring data entry into the State database,and/or investigation and follow-up.* Reporting of Chronic Hepatitis cases began to be handled directly by the State Department of Health in 2019. Disease Jan-Feb Total to date Covid-19 0 0 Campylobacteriosis 3 3 Cryptosporidiosis 0 0 Giardiasis 0 0 Shiga Toxin 2 1 0 Hepatitis A-Acute 0 0 Hepatitis B-Chronic 0 0 Hepatitis B-Perinatal 0 0 Hepatitis C-Chronic Hepatitis C-Acute 0 0 Lyme 0 0 Pertussis 2 2 Salmonellosis 0 0 Suspected rabies-PEP 0 0 recommended R/O measles 0 0 R/O mumps 0 0 Coccidiodmycosis 0 0 1 Lead Exposure 0 0 Influenza related deaths 0 0 aping Associated Lung Injury 0 0 Tuberculosis-Active/open cases 0 0 Tuberculosis-Rule Out 1 1 Vibriosis(non-cholera) 0 0 Yersiniosis 0 0 Chlamydia 49 49 Gonorrhea 11 11 Syphilis 0 0 richomoniasis 0 0 Herpes 3 3 HIV 0 0 IT otals 69 69 Maternal Child Health Staff:Elizabeth Custis Maternal Child Health Parenting Program As part of the DBHR prevention grant and DCYF(CPS)contract, Elizabeth Custis is continuing to provide the Incredible Years evidenced-based parenting home visiting program to families across Mason County. Classroom education will begin in late March and will be available to refer CPS clients and anyone in the community.This is new programing to Mason County in response to the high abuse and neglect referral rate in our community. ABCD Dental Program Elizabeth continues to provide outreach to families and agencies across Mason County regarding the importance of regular dental visits starting by age 1.We are partnering with staff at Shelton Dental Center who have dedicated a hygienist to address dental needs in our community and how to bring sealants and dental care to school children. Breastfeeding Coalition of Mason County Our Public Health Nurse continues to facilitate the group of Mason County providers that are collaborating to provide support for breastfeeding health. This group is a collaboration of medical providers, MGH Birth Center RNs, home visitors,clinic staff, lactation consultants,WIC, and Mason County Maternal Child Health (MCH)staff. We have initiated a monthly parent breastfeeding support group located at Mason General Hospital with the goal that infants will be supported to breastfeed longer and improve the health of mother and babies in our county. Lactation specialists from the MGH system are facilitating the group with assistance by the other providers participating in our breastfeeding work. 2 Early Learning Coalition of Mason County RN continues to co-facilitate this group made up of agencies serving Mason County. This mission of the coalition is to support parents, caregivers, and the community in developing the skills children need to be successful in school and life. The coalition is continuing to plan an Early Learning Family Fun Fair in North Mason for families to have access to free early learning activities and agency resources. In March, we will have a facilitator at our meeting to discuss the span of each agency's work and what gaps are present that this group might have a positive effect on. Immunization Improvement Grant Elizabeth has connected with schools regarding the newest immunization mandates that will be in effect this year and has recommended early notifications to those students that are not in compliance that will not be able to attend school in September.Awareness of opportunities for schools to receive access and benefits of the Washington Immunization Information System program will be the focus this spring. Children with Special Health Care Needs Our Public Health Nurse continues to participate in the SMART Team of Mason County(School-Medical Autism Review Team). This enables children from our county,which appear to be on the Autism Spectrum, per the team,to be prioritized for a specialty evaluation and diagnosis at Children's Hospital to be seen in 1 month vs. 18 months. The benefit of earlier diagnosis is for children to receive support and services earlier,when it is most effective. The team has been meeting since October and are collecting testing and documentation for students that need determination and diagnosis of Autism. Elizabeth continues to provide consultation and care coordination to many families with children that have special health care needs in the Mason County area. Social Service Programs Housing Staff:Todd Parker Point in Time Unsheltered Count, night of January 23: Summary: The number of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness is about the same as last year and this is largely due to a high number(84%)that are chronically homeless(homeless for a year or more). 96%of the households counted were single adults. The support services such as permanent supportive housing or housing that can take care of people with chronic physical or mental health conditions is needed to reduce the number of people experiencing chronic homelessness. More studio or one-bedroom housing units are needed to house single adults. Due to this limitation,single adults are the one subpopulation that has an increasing rate of homelessness year over year nationally. The good news is that we are seeing a dramatic reduction in the number of households that enter the homeless crisis response system (coordinated entry). This is a testament of the system working well for people that are not chronically homeless and the improved collaboration of agencies over the past 3 years. • July 1,2017—June 30, 2018: 353 • July 1,2018—June 30,2019: 241 • Year to Date: July 1, 2019—January 31,2020 106 households compared to 151 the year prior. A reduction of 46 households! January 23,2020 PIT Count: Households:99 for a total of 111 individuals(Households without children:96, Households with children:3) 3 • Shelton: 106 individuals counted • Belfair: 5 individuals counted WHERE DID YOU SLEEP LAST NIGHT?NIGHT OF(1/23/20) Outdoors (street,tent,etc.): 69 Vehicle: 24 Abandoned Building:5 RV/Boat lacking utilities: 13 Male:68 Female:40 Refused:3 White:82 American Indian:4 Hispanic:8 African American:2 Refused: 15 Veterans: 15 (Veteran Stand Down event November 16, 2019 there were 16 Veterans counted as homeless. Physical and/or mental Conditions that contribute to homelessness: Chronic substance abuse:41 Physical disability:44 Developmental Disability: 21 Mental Health: 64 Chronic Health conditions:36 CIRCUMSTANCES LEADING TO YOUR HOUSING STATUS: Loss of job:8 Alcohol/substance abuse:41 Eviction/loss of housing:26 Domestic violence/history of DV:20 Lack of job training: 1 Family rejection:9 Discharged from hospital or other medical facility:4 Medical costs: 1 Discharged from criminal/juvenile justice system:2 Illness: 1 Mental illness: 64 Abuse/Neglect:1 Physical health/disability:44 Emergency Shelter Funding: The Governor, House and Senate budgets all propose significant new funding for emergency shelter, between$25 to$53 million in new funding for July 2020 to June 2021. Up to$13 million may be available starting April 1,2020,for use between April 1 and June 30, 2020. We are coordinated community meetings to prepare for this potential funding. Behavioral Health--Treatment Sales Tax(TST) Funded Staff:Todd Parker, Lydia Buchheit The Housing and Behavioral Health advisory board is currently looking at behavioral health treatment needs in the community. The priorities remain to strengthen and support internal departments (e.g.jail and Therapeutic Courts), increasing access to care, reduce the revolving door of people who cycle through the streets,jail and hospital emergency room, and break the intergenerational cycle. The contract amendment and MOU has been approved for the Therapeutic Courts to partner with Homes First to use a 3 bedroom single family home for treatment court participants in need of housing. Mason County Opioid Response (3 programs)Staff:Abe Gardner,Christina Miller-Shinn,Audrey O'Connor Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) OD2A staff continues to outreach throughout Mason County at the county jail,Transit Center, Community Lifeline,2020's Point in Time count, and through community and agency workshops. 4 Outreaches focus on overdose prevention and response,as well as providing education about local resources and medicated assisted treatment(MAT). Linkages to care are provided when appropriate, including warm handoffs to our partnering agencies.An overdose response workshop was held on Harstine Island by request,which turned into a rich networking opportunity between Harstine community members about the need for a neighborhood emergency response team, as the response time for paramedics to get to parts of the Island can be long. OD2A staff trained 73 new individuals on overdose prevention and response, including 31 inmates.Staff also re-connected with individuals 43 times(may include some individuals multiple times)to re-fill kits. There were 12 reported successful overdose reversals during the reporting period from program participants. 123 naloxone kits were distributed within Mason County through Public Health. Substance Use Mobile Outreach of Mason County The Belfair Mobile Outreach site participation continues to increase. Last year we had been discussing changing the time or location since we were having low numbers, but it seems a change is unnecessary currently.Staff have been in communication with Squaxin Island Tribe leadership about promoting our Kamilche location,which remains slow.Shelton and Skokomish participation remain strong, although there have been some disruptions with the construction at the Shelton Park and Ride/Hwy 101 onramp. Jan-Feb 2020 Program Totals (Nov 2018-Feb 29 2020) Number of interactions 71 442 Number unduplicated participants 54 227 Mean number of individuals each encounter is serving 4.29 4.05 Number of syringes exchanged 30,810 174,749 COAP(Community partnerships,Systemic change, Program coordination)-Abe Gardner Over the last several months MCPH has continued to coordinate and facilitate conversations to fill gaps in Mason County's treatment and recovery support system. As with the previous two months, most of the time spent has been on coordinating a medication assisted therapies (MAT) program in the Mason County jail as well as finishing the grant writing process for a local Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion program (LEAD). So far,there has been a lot of progress made in starting a MAT program in the local county jail. Over 30 individuals have been screened and met with to determine if MAT services would be best for their recovery and treatment journey. Although many individuals have had unique circumstances that have prohibited their participation in the MAT program (DOC holds,transfers to facilities-Jails, prisons, Inpatient centers)that do not provide MAT, they have been set-up with other services i.e. insurance, transportation,SUD assessments among other services. To date there have been 6 individuals that have started MAT before their release from the Mason County Jail. Not only were they able to start medication before there release, but services such as after care,transportation and treatment were arranged for them as well. Feedback about the program from medical and jail staff has been positive. An emphasis on proactive communication continues to be a priority as the program is still in its infancy. As indicated in the previous BOH update, MCPH had been working with an external grant writer to complete an RFA for a LEAD program. The grant writing process was completed at the end of January. Since then,the LEAD coordinating group has met to discuss details of the final grant proposal and has 5 also participated in an interview with one of the funding agencies,WASPC. Both WASPC and HCA,the two funding sources for the LEAD programs, plan to announce awardees by the second week of March. Substance Use Prevention Staff: Ben Johnson&Alison Smallwood Community Prevention Wellness Initiative The Shelton Coalition continues to meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 4PM at the Family Education Support Services office at the Shelton Transit Center.The North Mason coalition meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4PM at the North Mason high School commons. The Shelton and North Mason Youth Prevention clubs started conducting student and community prevention activities and classroom education. Both youth clubs received training current vape issues and also focus on media awareness; prescription take back box and lock box awareness and National Rx take back month in April. The first North Mason Shelton Substance Abuse Prevention Summit Series event was held Feb 19th at the North Mason High School Commons. 27 participants attended and we look forward to the next two presentations. Wednesday March 18-Social Norms-Scott Waller, Washington State Traffic Commission Wednesday April224ason Kilmer,Implications for Prevention--Dr.Jason Kilmer, University of Washington Associate Professor in Psychiatry&Behavioral Sciences The Shelton coalition has recently scheduled a Hidden in Plain Sight event:Tuesday May 19,2020. Community Health Education,Assessment and Data Staff:Alison Smallwood,Lydia Buchheit On January 29th,the new Mason County Health Coalition met at the PUD 3 meeting room for the second coalition meeting.The coalition's mission is to improve health,safety and well-being of Mason County residents by targeting projects and interventions that address important health issues in Mason County. Over 30 community members were in attendance from many different sectors. -Public Health staff shared the future direction of the coalition,talked about the Mason Matters transition update,the coalition structure and finally broke into workgroups to begin to identify workgroup structure and plan in areas of interest. In February,Alison Smallwood was offered an opportunity to work with the CDC to work on the COVID- 19 response and left Mason County employment.We wish her the best,she was a wonderful addition to our team and will be missed. We have advertised and hired her replacement who will begin in April. We invite community members interested in joining the coalition,to get more information and to be added to the coalition contact list, please contact: Lydia Buchheit lydiab@co.mason.wa.us Mason County Community Services-Public Health We have postpone executive and coalition meetings until we have our new Health Educator on boarded. Emergency Preparedness Staff:Lydia Buchheit,Alex Paysee,Sunni Evans On February 28,2020 at 1:00 PM Public Health stood up our Public Health Emergency Operations Center and moved into incident command structure to handle information dissemination and surveillance for COVID-19.Our command team included our management team,communicable disease nurse and administrative staff. We will present updates and community status on COVID-19 to the Board of Health at the March meeting. 6