HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/08/21 - Regular Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Commission Chambers— 9:00 a.m. 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 August 21, 2018 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input (5 minutes per person, 15 minutes time limit) If you wish to address the Commission, raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. When you have been recognized, please step up to the microphone and give your name and address before your comments.The Mason County Commission is committed to maintaining a meeting atmosphere of mutual respect and speakers are encouraged to honor this principle. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:30 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes — August 7, 2018 Regular meeting minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered as a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8058191-8058571 $ 1,436,515.45 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s $ Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003844-7003849 $ 173,023.57 8.2 Approval of the resolution amending the Veterans'Advisory Board Operating Policy as recommended by the Veterans'Advisory Board (VAB) to delete the cost to reinstate a driver's license as an eligible expense. 8.3 Approval to amend Resolution 52-18 to revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment by approving the following request: approval to reclassify the Public Works Office Manager from a Salary Range 20 to a Salary Range 23, Step 3 and remove the Chief Administrative Deputy from the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment effective September 1, 2018. 8.4 Approval to sign the Stipulation and Decree Quieting Title and Other Relief in ]urges Enterprises, Inc. v Mason County and Pastore- Mason County Superior Court Case #14-2-00019-5. 8.5 Approval to sign the Stipulation, Order and Decree Quieting Title in Folsom v. Macri, Mason County, et al- Mason County Superior Court Case #16-2-00586-5. 8.6 Approval to authorize Public Works to solicit for the design and construction of a salt and patch storage building and authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents and approval to authorize Public Works to award each contract. Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last printed on 08/16/18 3:49 PM. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING AGENDA August 21, 2018— PAGE 2 8.7 Approval to sign a letter of support on behalf of Mason County Transit concerning the importance of sustaining existing services and assisting in providing needed replacement vehicles to further public transit in Mason County so that it may be included with the grant application being submitted to WSDOT. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time- No hearings 11. Board's Reports and Calendar 12. Adjournment J:\AGENDAS\2018\2018-08-21 REG.doc dcr�� MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Jennifer Giraides Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: August 21, 2018 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent a liquor license application for Kiwanis Club of Olympia held at Little Creek Casino 91 West State Route 108, Shelton. 4.1.2 Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sent a letter regarding the proposed Dewatto Natural Resources Conservation Area. 4.1.3 Morgan Ireland sent in an application for the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission. 4.1.4 Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sent in a second quarter County Income Report Explanation of Tables. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk -�dll (� m up WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD - License Services 3000 Pacific Ave SE - P O Box 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUGUST 6TH 2018 RECEIVED SPECIAL OCCASION #: 093623 AUG O 9 2018 KIWANIS CLUB OF OLYMPIA 4417 AUTUMN GOLD CT SE Mason County OLYMPIA WA 98513 Commissioners DATE: SEPTEMBER 27TH 2018 TIME: 5 PM TO 9 PM PLACE: LITTLE CREEK CASINO/BALLROOM - 91 WEST STATE RT 108, SHELTON CONTACT: DANIEL SEACHORD D.O.B 4 .18.49 757-897-1810 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES * _Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. * _License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. * _Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. * _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. If return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES NO 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES NO FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES NO OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk PSHINGTo DEPARTMENT OF t1 N NATURAL RESOURCES 1111 WASHINGTON ST SE u MAIL STOP 47014 De OLYMPIA,WA 98504-7014 O 360-902-1600 NATU19t FAX 360-902-1789 TRS 711 NILARY S.FRANZ AMPD@DNR.WA.GOV COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS W W W.DN R.WA.GOV August 8, 2018 The Honorable Commissioner Drexler RECEIVED Mason County Commissioner Mason County Building 1 AUG 13 2018 411 North Fifth Street Shelton,WA 98584 !Mason, County Commissioners Dear Commissioner Drexler: Thank you for your letter regarding the proposed Dewatto Natural Resources Conservation Area. As you indicated, we are currently in the middle of the public comment period and have received many comments in both support of and opposition to the project. Our DNR staff are taking the public input process seriously and have been fielding calls, responding to inquiries, and tracking all of the feedback. Throughout the process, DNR Natural Areas staff in the region have made sure that agency decision makers are aware and involved, understand the issues at play, and are informed of public opinions - both for and against- the proposal. Your understanding of the NRCA designation process is correct. Region staff will continue to take input about the NRCA in both written and verbal form and the agency will ultimately use these comments to determine if there should be a conservation area and the extent of the boundary. DNR will not establish a conservation boundary prior to holding a public hearing in Mason County. The boundary hearing itself was postponed so that we could pause and review the previously proposed boundary,based on the public input received to date,prior to bringing it in front of the public as a proposal. I look forward to attending the public hearing so that I can hear and experience direct input of all the constituents in that area as it relates to the potential establishment of a natural area boundary. Please don't hesitate to be in touch with further questions about the process or the proposal. Sincerely, 6V Brock Milliern Division Manager SHINGT Conservation Recreation& Brock Milliern, Division Manager o�� °ti Transactions Division 1 1 1 1 Washington ST SE Conservation, Recreation and Transactions Division ' Mail Stop 47014 Olympia WA 98504-7014 ^y �° www.dnr.wa.gov o- °f NATUeP� Office:(360)902-1702 Cell:(360)688-3318 Fax:(360)902-1789 brock.milliern@dnr.wa.gov PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER.DNR IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk bw�' fat~ Ctla�r RECEIVED MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 417 NORTH FIFTH STREET AUG 14 2018 SHELTON WA 98584 Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 4?9; 275-4467 or 482-5269 Mason County urs4 Commissioners IAM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Mason County Planning Advisory Board NAME: Morgan Ireland ADDRESS: 890 E Strong Rd PHONE:831-419-9750 CIIY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 98584 Commissioner District 1 E-MAIL: morgan.t.mccarthy@gmail.com COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) City of Puyallup Planning Commission— Commissioner(2016-2017) COMPANY: Waste Management(1 year) YRS Metro Parks Nature and Environment Advisory POSITION: Environmental Protection Manager Council—Councilperson(2014-2017) COMPANY: Grette Associates, LLC(5 years) Mason County Search and Rescue(Current) POSITION: Biologist In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: The purpose of the Mason Countv Planning Advisory Board is to ensure that the voices of Mason County's residents are heard and represented int the decisions and policV updates that will attect residents for vears and decades to come. Mason County is acingthe pressure o rapid growthand development,an it is critics that the growthis anne an con ucte in a wa that benefits all of the County's current and future residents, as well as the environment. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? I have spent my career at the interface of development and environmental protection. I have a decade of experience in natural resource surveys, salmon conservation,environmental cleanups, land use planning and permitting, shoreline and aquatic/marine permitting,and municipal code review. I have served residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and federal clients. My professional experience, coupled with my love of Mason County's wild places and understanding of the County's current and future development needs makes me a candidate that is uniquely suited to help the County grow responsibly, in the best interest of its residents and its environment. Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) None. Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes Realistically, how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly XX Monthly Weekly Daily Office Use Only 8/12/18 Appointment Date _ Signature Date Term. Expire Datcy Cc:CMMRS Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler Clerk .T�PSH I N G Tph O m n° W u h NATURP�a� August 10, 2018 COMMISSIONER OF PRUB IC LANDS R EC E 1VED AUG 15 2016 The Honorable Randy Neatherlin, Chair Mason County Board of Commissioners Mason County 411 North Fifth Street Commissioners Shelton,WA 98584 Dear Commissioner Neatherlin: The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages approximately 28,909 acres of State Forest Transfer and Purchase Lands that benefit Mason County. These lands generated $5,535,000 in the first two quarters of calendar year 2018. Net value under contract for calendar year 2018 is estimated at $8,937,000 from activities expected to occur under current contracts. As you know we are in the process of developing a new format for this report. We have contacted those counties who let us know they were interested in participating in this process and are still processing the input. If you have questions on the report reformatting project, email us at countyreport@dnr.wa.gov. This income information does not include anticipated revenues from additional planned activities (contracts harvests, leases, easements,etc.) for which contracts have not been finalized. These income estimates are net after the current agency management cost percentage has been applied. Some counties receive portions of their income from leases and fees; however, the majority of income reflected in this report is derived from timber sales. As most revenue stems from timber sales, these projections can fluctuate depending upon when timber harvests occur. Market conditions, weather, contract requirements, and regulatory requirements influence timber purchasers' decisions about when to harvest. I appreciate how necessary revenue is to the success of county functions. DNR consistently strives to ensure that we realize the maximum available income from the State Forest Transfer and Purchase Lands. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Scott Sargent, South Puget Sound Region Manager, at 360-825-1631 or at scott.sargent@dnr.wa.gov. Sincerely, Hilary anz Commissioner of Public Lands }� Enclosures PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER DNR IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER HILARY S.FRANZ DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 360-902-1000 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS 1111 WASHINGTON STREET SE FAX 360-902-1775 CPL@DNR.WA.GOV MAIL STOP 47001 TRS 711 OLYMPIA,WA 98504-7001 WWW.DNR.WA.GOV COUNTY INCOME REPORT EXPLANATION OF TABLES July 2018 Two categories of lands are managed by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) specifically to benefit counties: 1. State Forest Transfer Lands.Lands acquired by counties through tax foreclosures were transferred to DNR to manage. Management fee rates are established by the Board of Natural Resources. Currently, counties receive 75 percent of the revenue from these lands. 2. State Forest Purchase Lands. State-issued bonds were used to acquire certain parcels from private owners. Typically, these forest lands had been severely logged and were in need of active management. Allocation of revenue from these lands was determined when purchase was authorized, as follows: 26.5 percent to the county in which the property is located; 50 percent to DNR for management expenses; and the remaining 23.5 percent to the State General Fund. Nineteen counties include these types of State Forest Lands within their county boundaries. Income from management activities on State Forest Lands is designated for allocation to several taxing districts in each county. Only a small amount is available to the county for discretionary use. Revenue from State Forest Lands originates primarily from timber sales. These amounts vary widely as market conditions fluctuate. Smaller portions of revenue are derived from activities such as communication site leases, rights-of-way easements for utilities and roads, special forest products, special uses, and interest. Income will also vary with the number of revenue-generating activities within a given year. Variables responsible for high revenues in one year can lead to reduced income the following year. • Table 1 shows the annual revenue for each county from calendar year 2008 through the second quarter of calendar year 2018. This table illustrates the variability in total revenues from year to year. • Table 2 shows projected revenue for all 19 counties from all activities on State Forest Lands for calendar year 2018. • Table 2A shows projected revenue for each timber sale on State Forest Lands in your county anticipated to occur for 2018 and beyond (enclosed if applicable). • Table 3 shows the volume and net value under contract as of June 30, 2018 that is not currently scheduled for harvest until after December 2018 (enclosed if applicable). Projections were developed by DNR region staff by contacting each timber purchaser that has rights to an upcoming sale. Purchasers were asked how much and when they planned to harvest the timber from each sale. These projected timber revenues should be considered rough estimates only; actual activity will depend on individual sale characteristics (species, volume, location,etc.), combined with outside market factors as determined by each purchaser. The schedule of future timber sales from State Forest Lands in your county is available upon request from Department of Natural Resources'region staff. Table 1. Revenue to Counties from State Forest Transfer and Purchase Lands (Calendar Years) Updated: 7/20/2018 2018 County 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Jan-June Clallam 4,173,346 6,229,596 5,502,033 4,738,336 5,643,329 8,487,731 3,376,506 7,938,764 6,543,420 1,101,815 Clark 1,977,893 8,793,446 4,601,597 8,528,782 7,191,261 6,388,518 5,846,269 4,791,957 5,192,493 628,384 Cowlitz 2,914,752 3,709,692 1,534,691 1,557,816 1,598,498 1,067,106 4,025,043 1,358,909 1,358,770 1,432,197 Grays Harbor 1,007,779 2,178,958 1,991,750 2,168,671 1,075,212 875,687 1,245,311 2,838,170 1,881,541 621,276 Jefferson 669,093 981,510 3,082,453 740,481 661,568 1,085,477 2,906,961 1,603,428 1,085,544 74,868 King 1,053,232 2,737,595 2,474,997 1,112,153 741,392 2,818,269 952,755 2,397,790 905,021 1,229,774 Kitsap 244,491 495,884 55,958 877,589 743,958 293,314 851,397 824,969 1,130,540 536,754 Klickitat 1,037,450 327,073 209,403 559,355 289,623 215,737 352,380 26,797 25,551 11,165 Lewis 6,738,048 6,147,429 11,076,482 3,439,911 4,280,541 8,677,045 4,053,711 5,416,025 5,411,157 2,901,892 Mason 1,500,640 3,062,868 2,616,802 2,024,430 1,337,166 3,067,093 8,005,336 3,621,960 2,810,189 5,534,822 Pacific 3,428,025 2,060,204 2,547,153 441,369 3,446,724 1,267,286 1,227,526 2,653,344 1,387,737 1,507,157 Pierce 742,913 1,523,600 214,159 178,426 121,558 222,815 32,691 335,489 437,463 763,629 Skagit 5,704,325 8,746,747 11,679,594 9,093,422 5,976,604 7,452,783 7,425,535 8,592,232 14,533,379 7,642,698 Skamania 253,914 1,215,005 747,982 926,532 1,367,876 2,415,852 1,234,445 2,131,536 1,566,271 610,875 Snohomish 10,138,226 13,132,194 13,981,341 5,682,380 11,786,058 9,251,851 7,256,233 5,652,325 7,678,567 3,798,213 Stevens 79,484 47,542 59,973 64,654 69,322 70,725 63,533 94,918 90,768 35,474 Thurston 2,625,128 7,964,904 4,200,388 1,660,728 5,017,407 2,999,025 4,368,240 8,747,144 2,947,101 1,564,626 Wahkiakum 1,516,340 1,820,052 1,400,872 1,956,441 1,742,003 1,631,697 802,706 2,026,441 1,443,199 542,478 Whatcom 3,569,263 2,405,630 3,543,071 4,468,281 3,763,694 2,178,129 4,022,292 2,061,161 1,481,660 2,981,742 Totals $49,374,342 $73,579,929 $71,520,698 $50,219,757 $56,853,794 $60,466,140 $58,048,870 $ 63,113,359 $ 57,910,371 $33,519,839 Note: Revenue is received daily by the Department of Natural Resources for activities on State Forest lands and deposited daily at the Office of State Treasurer. Effective February 1998 these monies are remitted to each county via wire transfer a minimum of four times per month. Due to the specific date monies are received by the Department and the cutoff dates used by the State Treasurer for wire transfers, the revenue for the current period may be different than actual remittances to date. 8/10/2018 Table 2. Total Projected Revenues to Counties from State Forest Transfers and Purchase Lands ' (Dollars in Thousands) July thru December 2018 Jan thru December 2019 County High Medium High Medium Clallam $1,973.8 $2,990.5 $3,461.2 $4,314.7 Clark 541.4 567.5 262.4 694.0 Cowlitz 192.2 194.7 24.9 45.4 Grays Harbor 490.4 2,078.3 3,257.7 4,432.2 Jefferson 1,654.1 1,654.1 221.9 221.9 King 182.4 182.4 1,448.7 1,448.7 Kitsap 22.0 22.0 59.5 1,412.8 Klickitat 19.0 19.0 29.9 29.9 Lewis 1,802.1 2,308.4 7,185.2 7,886.4 Mason 3,304.3 3,402.7 157.3 157.3 Pacific 2,737.0 2,737.0 1,477.4 1,477.4 Pierce 1,038.3 1,136.1 0.0 491.8 Skagit 7,349.8 9,928.2 1,729.2 6,315.8 Skamania 18.4 2,530.1 39.8 388.6 Snohomish 2,630.8 2,719.4 604.2 2,289.1 Stevens 60.7 60.7 87.5 87.5 Thurston 190.9 2,633.2 251.8 5,042.8 Wahkiakum 2,513.4 2,513.4 2.3 2.3 Whatcom 49.3 397.6 2,329.3 2,915.9 Totals $26,770.2 $38,075.1 $22,630.1 $39,654.3 High - 90 percent reliability that timber harvest will occur and stated revenue will be transmitted. Medium -50 percent reliability that timber harvest will occur and stated revenue will be transmitted. Note: Projected revenues are based on timber purchaser's logging plans as of June 2018. These plans change with changes in the economy and the business needs of each purchaser. Department of Natural Resources' region staff should be contacted concerning possible fluctuations in timber harvest for sales currently under contract and the schedule of future sales on State Forest Lands in your county. 8/10/2018 Table 2A. Projected Timber Harvest Revenues to Mason County from State Forest Transfer and Purchase Lands by Legal Description (Thousands of Dollars)' Value Under Sale App. Expiration Legal Description July thru December 2018 Jan thru December 2019 Contract after Number Sale Name Date Section Township Range High Medium High Medium Dec-19 92988 Upper Wiki 10/31/18 4,9 24N 3W 0.0 98.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 93212 Scorpion VRH&VDT 09/30/18 10, 11,14-46 24N 3W 27.9 27.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 94092 Black Licorice 10/31/19 3,4,9, 10, 15 24N 3W 2,734.2 2,734.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 94093 Sand Manor 10/31/19 19,30 23N 1W 507.1 507.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 25 23N 2W Total $3,269.1 $3,367.5 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 High-90 percent reliability that timber harvest will occur and stated revenue will be transmitted. Medium-50 percent reliability that timber harvest will occur and stated revenue will be transmitted. Values are cumulative from high to medium probability. Note: Projected revenues are based on timber purchaser's logging plans as of June 2018. These plans change with changes in the economy and business needs of each purchaser. Department of Natural Resources regional staff should be contacted concerning possible changes in timber harvest plans and for copies of sale area maps for specific locations of timber sales within the legal descriptions listed above. Mason Page 1 of 1 8/10/2018 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North St' Street, Shelton, WA August 7, 2018 1. Call to Order—The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance —Chief Kevin Hanson led the flag salute. 3. Roll Call — Present: Commissioner District 1 - Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2— Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 —Terri Drexler. 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.1.1 Timberlake Community Club sent in a petition for special use regulations on Big Timberlake. 4.1.2 Economic Development Council sent their second quarter report for 2018. 4.1.3 Robert Legge, along with Kevin and Kelley Bright sent in letters of concern over the proposed Scott Pit. 4.1.4 Jerome Nunamaker sent in concerns about Mason County. 4.1.5 Marilyn Vogler submitted an application for the Housing and Behavioral Health Advisory Board. 4.1.6 Jacquie Snyder sent in a letter regarding Benson Lake speed limit. 4.1.7 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) sent a notice that parcel numbers 32029-51-01015, 32029-51-01014, 32029-51-01013 and 32029-51-01012 have been declared surplus and there is a sixty day notice of the disposition for the properties. 4.1.8 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent a liquor license application for "Long Live the Kings" held at Alderbrook Resort and Spa 10 East Alderbrook Drive, Union. 4.1.9 Jean Bray and David Haugen sent in letters regarding the Natural Resources Conservation Area planned by Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 4.2 News Release— Mason County Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Generator Position. Commissioner Drexler 4.3 News Release— Planning Advisory Commission Vacancy. Staff: Kell Rowen 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input— 5.1 James Taylor talked about buoy length at Big Timberlake and the possibility of a scriveners error. 5.2 Irene Goldsby questioned the time departments have to present their budget. The Board explained how time is allotted at Citizens Advisory Budget Committee meetings and briefings. 6. Adoption of Agenda - Cmmr. Drexler/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 7. Approval of Minutes—July 23, 2018 Briefing Minutes; July 24, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes Cmmr. Shutty/Drexler moved and seconded to approve the July 23, 2018 Briefing minutes and the July 24, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 8. Approval of Action Agenda: 8.1 Approval to set a public hearing on Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. to consider amending the boating regulations pertaining to Lake Kokanee. 8.2 Approval of the Order of Sale requesting the Mason County Treasurer to schedule an on- line auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain tax title properties. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS August 7, 2018 - PAGE 2 8:3- payment peF quaftef te eligible veterans te $300 with the annual limit Femaining a $1,200 and delete the eest te Feinstate a dFiyeF li__ as an eligible expense. 8.4 Approval to authorize Public Works to work with United Way and Mason County Garbage to provide free disposal of solid waste from the Day of Caring and utilize a cleanup day under the Republic Long Haul Contract to not have to pay for disposal of the material to Republic. 8.5 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8057911-8058190 $ 1,070,529.61 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 51608-51950 $ 700,102.22 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003779-7003805 $ 487,487.40 Treasure Electronic Remittance for July 2018 $ 189,844.49 Refund Interest Earned for July 2018 $ 19.14 8.6 Approval of the prisoner housing contract between the Mason County Sheriff's Office and the Washington State Department of Corrections. Cmmr. moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.6 with the removal of 8.2 for separate vote. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 8.2 Cmmr. Drexler questioned if payments would be accepted or if it would be cash only sales. She voiced concern with the idea of taking payments due to staff time involved. Frank Pinter and Melissa Drewry agreed, noting that the Treasurer had previously stated the auction should be cash only. Cmmr. Drexler/Shutty moved to approve the order of sale to schedule an on-line auction with Bid4Assets to sell certain tax title properties for cash only sales. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; D-aye. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items set for a certain time— No hearings. 11. Board's Reports and Calendar -The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and announced their upcoming weekly meetings. 12. Adjournment—The meeting adjourned at 9:24 a.m BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Terri Drexler, Commissioner Kevin Shutty, Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Giraldes Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: August 21, 2018 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8058191-8058571 $ 1,436,515.45 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s $ Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003844-7003849 $ 173,023.57 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 15,572,700.54 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 10,652,568.49 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 11,487,742.83 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 6,436,971.38 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants: Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8058191-8058571 $ 1,436,515.45 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s $ Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003844-7003849 $ 173,023.57 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Melissa Drewry on behalf of Diane Zoren Action Agenda X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Commissioner EXT: 589 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 21, 2018 Agenda Item # g Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: None-written amendment submitted by VAB BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Approval of the resolution amending the Veterans'Advisory Board Operating Policy as recommended by the Veterans'Advisory Board (VAB). The amendment will delete the cost to reinstate a driver's license as an eligible expense. BACKGROUND: RCW 73.08.010 authorizes counties to establish a veterans' assistance program to address the needs of local indigent veterans and their families. The program is funded by the Veterans'Assistance Fund created under the authority of RCW 73.08.080. The VAB was established under the authority of RCW 73.08.080 and they administer the veterans' assistance program. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the resolution amending the Veterans' Advisory Board Operating Policy as recommended by the Veterans'Advisory Board to delete the cost to reinstate a driver's license as an eligible expense. ATTACHMENT(S): Resolution & operating guidelines JAVeterans\2018\Agenda item-remove drivers license.doc RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 22-17 VETERANS ADVISORY BOAR DNETERANS' ASSISTANCE Removal of driver license reinstatement WHEREAS, Mason County established a levy per RCW 73.08.080 for the purpose of creating the Veterans'Assistance Fund for the relief of honorably discharged veterans or for veterans discharged for physical reason with an honorable record; WHEREAS, RCW 73.08.035 authorizes the establishment of a Veterans' Advisory Board; WHEREAS,the Mason County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 58-13 establishing the Veterans Advisory Board (VAB). The VAB will consist of ten members; two appointed members of each of the following Mason County National Veterans' Organizations: American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, 40 et 8 and Disabled American Veterans and two Mason County resident Veterans. WHEREAS, RCW 73.08.010 provides for the relief of indigent and suffering veterans and their families or the families of those deceased veterans, who need assistance and on April 25, 2017 the annual cash award was increased to $1,200 per eligible veteran, the burial assistance was increased to $1,000 and the catastrophic award to $1,000. WHEREAS, the VAB has requested to delete the reinstatement of a driver license as an eligible expense. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Mason County Commissioners that: 1. The Veterans'Assistance Fund may be disbursed to indigent veterans and their families or the families of those deceased in the amounts not to exceed one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) per year. 2. Approval of the $1,200 dollar assistance shall be granted for only past due rent, mortgage, or utilities: a. Utilities include electric, water, firewood, wastewater(sewer), natural gas and/or propane. b. Necessity Items (Attachment R in Operating Policy) (Not to include tobacco and alcoholic beverages). c. Obtain State ID card (one time only). 3. Veteran Assistance funds shall not duplicate other available assistance for the purposes stated in #2. 4. If any Veterans'Assistance Committee determines an applicant is in need of assistance due to any event, catastrophic illness or other significant change in circumstance which comes into being unexpectedly and is beyond the applicant's management or control, the Committee may request in writing that Mason County consider approval of an amount not to exceed a one thousand ($1,000.00) dollar lifetime limit per applicant. J:\Veterans\Resolutions\Resolution-no drivers license reinstatement.docx Resolution No. Page 2 of 2 5. All requests for funding shall be approved by the Veterans'Service Officer and Mason County. Mason County staff who are authorized signers on the Veterans'Assistance Bank Account are authorized to issue assistance checks to qualified veterans without prior Commission approval. Those checks issued will be reported to the Commissioners. 6. RCW 41.04.005 and other provisions of RCW Title 73 shall govern eligibility assistance to veterans and/or families. 7. The County defines"indigent and suffering"to mean the current poverty level as defined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, for a period of time: previous 90 days or average of previous year. 8. As per RCW 73.08.070, the County shall assist indigent veterans with burial or cremation costs of($300.00) minimum or up to one thousand ($1,000) dollars. This is in addition to the $1,200 dollar limitation above in#2. 9. If any applicant knowingly and or unknowingly defrauds or provides false or misleading information, or misuses funds, the applicant will be barred from receiving any further assistance. The entire Veterans'Advisory Board Operating Policy& Procedures is adopted as Attachment A These amendments are adopted August 21, 2018 and effective September 1, 2018. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin , Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Drexler, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner c: Auditor Nw VAB J:\Veterans\Resolutions\Resolution-no drivers license reinstatement.docx MASON COUNTY VETERANS' ADVISORY BOARD OPERATING POLICY & PROCEDURES The Mason County Veterans'Advisory Board submitted amendments to the Veterans' Assistance Operating Policy in July 2018.. These Amendments are adopted by the Board of Mason County Commissioners this 21st day of August, 2018 and effective September 1, 2018 Mason County,Washington -------------------------------------------- Randy Neatherlin,Chair -------------------------------------------- ATTEST: Kevin Shutty,Commissioner ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Terri Drexler,Commissioner MASON COUNTY VETERANS' ADVISORY BOARD OPERATING POLICY TABLE of CONTENTS I. Organizational Policies.............................................................................................................................. 3 II. Financial Policies....................................................................................................................................... 3 III. Policy Establishing Board......................................................................................................................... 4 IV. Eligibility Policies..................................................................................................................................... 4 V. Referral to Other Services........................................................................................................................ 5 VI. Appeal and Resolution Policy.................................................................................................................. 5 VII.Application Procedures.......................................................................................................................... 6 VIII. Processing of Packet Procedures .......................................................................................................... 7 IX. Records, Files, Forms and Reports .......................................................................................................... 7 X. List of Attachments (Att.) ......................................................................................................................... 8 Page 2 of 8 1. Organizational Policies a. All RCWs (Revised Code of the State of Washington)within Chapter 73.08 RCW VETERAN'S RELIEF,with other RCWs and Mason County Resolutions-will be used and referred to throughout this policy. b. The purpose of the Mason County Veteran's Assistance Fund(VAF)is to provide relief as set forth in RCW 73.08.010 to indigent and suffering veterans,their families and the families of deceased indigent veterans. c. Any honorably discharged veterans or veterans with a General Discharge under honorable conditions or a General Discharge with other than honorable conditions (Administrative Discharge),as outlined in RCW 41.04.005 and RCW 41.04.007,and meeting the criteria in I-b may apply. d. These policies and procedures are subject to review annually by the VAB. 1) If a revision is made,it is so noted and a narrative of revision is put in VAB minutes. 2) If no revisions are made,the date of review is noted,and put in VAB minutes. 3) Post Commanders will be advised concerning any revisions and reviews recommended by the VAB. 4) MCC has final approval of all revisions. e. The VAB will meet the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00am at the Memorial Hall on 2nd. and Franklin St.,in Shelton,WA. f. A quorum must be met to conduct any business that may come before the board. g. If a quorum is not met,the Chair may contact other members via phone/text messaging or by e- mail. h. Upon reaching a member,and member agrees to be part of the meeting,thus creating a quorum,the Chair must remain in contact with the member throughout the meeting. II. Financial Policies a. The funds for creating a Veterans'Assistance Fund (VAF) RCW 73.08.080,is generated from a tax levied by the Mason County Commissioners(MCC),use of the fund is governed by same RCW. b. Approval of the one thousand two hundred($1,200)dollars for assistance shall be granted only for the following: 1) Past Due Rent or Mortgage 2) Past Due Utilities: i. Electric ii. Water iii. Natural Gas iv. Wastewater(sewer) 3.) Miscellaneous Items: i. Necessity Items(refer to list-Attachment A) a. Single$150.00 b. Married$200.00 c. +$50.00 per dependent ii. Needed Fire Wood or Propane 4) Other Items i. Obtain state ID card(one time only) d. Exclusions will include,but not limited to alcohol,tobacco,lottery tickets. e. Purchases in excess of the amount written on the check are the responsibility of the applicant. f. No cash back will be given to the applicant if purchases are less than the amount written on the check g. All requests for assistance will be approved by the Veterans Service Officer(VSO),with final approval by the MCC. Page 3 of 8 g. All requests for assistance will be approved by the Veterans Service Officer(VSO),with final approval by the MCC. h. If it is determined an applicant is in need of assistance due to any event,catastrophic illness or other significant change in circumstance which comes into being unexpectedly and is beyond the applicants'management or control,the VSO may request in writing that Mason County consider approval of an amount not to exceed a one thousand ($1,000.00)dollar lifetime limit per applicant. i. The intent of the VAF is not to replace assistance from any other agency,and assistance is granted on a"Case by Case"basis only. j. The VAF is not intended to provide continuing assistance on a routine basis. k. The VAF shall not duplicate other available assistance for the purposes as noted in II. (c) III. Policy Establishing Board a. RCW 73.08.03 5 (Att.I)states each county must establish a Veteran's Advisory Board (VAB),the board shall advise MCC on the needs of local indigent veterans,the resources available to local indigent veterans,and programs that could benefit the needs of local indigent veterans and their families. b. The VAB is comprised of veterans from the community"at large",and representatives from nationally recognized veterans'service organizations within Mason County.Per said RCW(Attl), no fewer than a majority of the board members shall be members from a nationally recognized veterans'service organization and only veterans are to serve on the board. Service on the board is voluntary. c. Mason County Resolution NO.05-15 (Att.Q) allows for appointment of two members residing in Mason County from each Nationally Recognized Veterans'Service Organizations to be appointed to the Veteran's Advisory Board(VAB),and two members"at large". d. The VAB will consist of a ten(10)member board;members are appointed as follows: 1) American Legion(2 members) 2) Veterans of Foreign Wars (2 members) 3) 40 et 8 (2 members) 4) Disabled American Veterans(2 members) 5) Two (2) Mason County resident veteran (at large) e. Commanders of these organizations will not be members of the VAB. f. Commanders will appoint the members from their organization to serve on the VAB for the purpose of overseeing the VAF. g. These members may be appointed or removed at the discretion of their commander. h. The first appointment of members shall be three(3)members for a three(3)year term,and four (4)members for a two(2)year term. i. Thereafter all terms will be two (2)year terms. j. The MCC reserves the right to disallow VAB appointee for cause. IV. Eligibility Policies a. RCW 73.08.005 (Attl)and other provisions in RCW Title 73 (Att.H)shall govern eligibility assistance to indigent and suffering veterans and/or families. b. The county defines"indigent and suffering"to mean the current poverty level as defined by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.(HHS) (Att.G) c. Family members entitled to apply for assistance shall be defined as spouse or domestic partner, surviving spouse or surviving domestic partner,and dependent children of a living or deceased veteran. Page 4 of 8 d. Applicants must be a resident of the Mason County for at least ninety(90)days. e. Applicant must present proof of residency and income. f. An applicant may use hotel/motel receipts as proof of residence,provided that: 1) All receipts show a minimum of a 90 (ninety) day stay with in Mason County. 2) The 90 (ninety) day stay must be continuous. 3) All receipts must be in the applicant's name. 4) All receipts must be original(no copies). g. Under the federally-established poverty guidelines,the gross income of the veteran and all members of the household must be at or below150%of the poverty guidelines established by the HHS(AMG). h. Veterans making above the 150%and who do not have an emergency financial situation will not be eligible for assistance. i. An applicant may have a source of income above the aforementioned 150%and still be considered indigent on an emergency basis. j. Lack of funds because of bad financial management of an adequate source of income does not make the applicant indigent. V. Referral to Other Services a. As per RCW 73.08.070 (Att.L)the county shall assist indigent veterans with burial or cremation costs of three hundred($300.00)dollars minimum or up to one thousand($1,000)dollars. b. The burial assistance is in addition to prior thousand($1,200.00) dollars limitation as outlined in II-c. c. In an effort to maximize dollars and provide for as many as possible applicants,and when appropriate,the veteran may be referred by the VSO to other veteran services and to other community resources for services. Vl. Appeal and Resolution Policy a. If an applicant has either by accident or on purpose falsely filed a claim,or has misused monies from the Veterans'Assistance Fund,the following will apply: 1) A letter is given to the applicant,from the County,denying further use of this fund,until the false claim is resolved. 2) A copy of that letter will be sent to the Veterans'Service Office,to be placed in the offending applicant's file. 3) The applicant's file will then be"Red Flagged",and denied further use until the problem is resolved. b. To resolve the claim,the applicant can clear their name by: 1) If applicant feels this is unjustified,they may appeal in writing to the Veterans'Advisory Board within fifteen (15)days of notification. 2) The appeal will be reviewed by the VAB at the next regular scheduled meeting and a decision will be made no later than the next regular scheduled meeting. 3) Approval or Disapproval requires a"Super Majority"vote by the entire VAB. 4) The applicant may file an appeal,in writing,with the Mason County Commissioners.A decision in regard to appeal may take up to 30 days. c. The applicant may repay any and all monies that have come into question,and may not have access to these funds for one(1) year after payment. Page 5 of 8 d. If the applicant elects not to do VI.b.or VI.c.there will be a two (2)year probationary wait period. After the wait period is over,the applicant must"in writing"request to receive these funds once more,a decision will be forthcoming. e. If it is found that the applicant has done this two (2) times,they will be permanently denied from using this fund. VII. Application Procedures a. Upon arriving at the VSO office the applicant will be asked to sign-in. b. The applicant is then screened about their assistance needs,residence,income, and their eligibility,an"Assistance Fund Application(AFA) (Att.D)and a Rental/Mortgage Verification" (Att.C)form must be filled out as part of the application process. c. If the applicant does not have all needed information or documentation,they will be given a form "Veterans'Assistance Fund Documents Checklist" (Att.B)to help them gather the needed information and return form to VSO. d. If an applicant cannot show proof of service,a"Standard Form 180" (Att.E)will be given to them to be filled out and sent in,they can also go to the VA at American Lake to get proof of service. e. If two or more applicants are sharing the same physical residency,then all income is considered as one. f. Only one application may be used for any single physical residency. g. If an applicant has a"Sub-Lease Agreement",then VII (j)will apply. h. When an applicant has requested assistance for past due rent or mortgage payment,II. (c)(1), and has gone through the screening process.The VSO will call the landlord to inform them that the veteran has applied for assistance,and that a letter of "Recommendation for Payment" (Att.A)will be forthcoming. i. The applicant will then be given a form"Rental/Mortgage Verification" (Att.C) to be given to the landlord.This form must be filled out by the landlord or lien holder,notarized and sent back or taken to the VSOs'office.The VSO will then verify all information on the form. j. Shared Dwelling: 1) In the case of a veteran sharing a dwelling with another person who is not a family member as defined in Operating Policy item IV(c),the rental amount will be prorated by the number of people living in the dwelling. 2) In the case of a veteran sharing a dwelling with another person who is not a family member as defined in Operating Policy item IV(c),the utility expenses will be prorated by the number of people living in the dwelling. 3) In the case of a veteran sharing a dwelling with another person who is not a family member as defined in Operating Policy item IV-c,the firewood/propane expenses will be prorated by the number of people living in the dwelling. k. When an applicant has requested assistance for past due utilities(electric,water or natural as) Il (f)(2),and has gone through the screening process.The applicant must have a"Past Due"pink slip(s)stating that service will be discontinued. 1. Some utilities companies,i.e.Shelton Utilities,do include garbage within the water bill,in this situation where the bill is"combined",the whole bill is paid. m. The VSO will call the utilities company to verify the current amount to be paid,and inform them that the veteran has applied for assistance and that a letter of"Recommendation for Payment" (Att.A) will be forthcoming. n. When an applicant requests assistance for firewood or propane and has gone through the screening process,the VSO will call a vendor to confirm prices and amount needed.The VSO will inform the vendor,the veteran has applied for assistance and that a letter of"Recommendation for Payment" (AtLA) will be forthcoming,VII (1)(3)also applies. Page 6 of 8 o. The VSO will then fill out a"Purchase Order" (Att.F)to be sent with"Assistance Fund Application" (AFA) (Att.D)for approval from MCC. p. When an applicant requests Miscellaneous Items or Other Items and has gone through the screening process,the VSO will,to the best of their ability,determine the needs of the applicant q. The VSO will fill out the"Assistance Fund Application"(AFA) (AttD),determine the amount,the vendor,and have the applicant sign the application with a full understanding of the request. r. Necessity Items check(s)are issued in fifty dollar increments.The applicant will be given an itemized list of authorized items that may be purchased.(Att R) s. After all needed information and documentation is gathered from the applicant and outside sources,the AFA is then completely filled out and the packet is complete. t It is the VSOs'responsibility to ensure all information in the packet is correct and verified. u. When the completed packet is sent on to MCC,it will have a copy of"Recommendation for Payment"as a cover sheet(Att.A) or"Assistance Fund Application"(Att D). v. The VSO reserves the right to refuse service to disorderly or abusive individuals.Service will be refused to individuals under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.Applicants who are disorderly or abusive to Mason County employees or volunteers will be not be provided assistance and will be asked to leave the building. VIII. Processing of Packet Procedures a. Once the packet is received at the MCC office,it is date stamped and reviewed to ensure all information is correct and all supporting documentation is there. b. Applications submitted to the MCC for processing and have been determined to meet the necessary guidelines will have checks issued within three business days. c. Applicants who pick up his/or her check(s),must have proper picture ID,and must sign for check(s).Check(s)are sent out by mail the next business day following approval. d. Necessity Item check(s)that are issued will be stamped with: "No Alcohol or Tobacco","No Cash Back". e. Some delays may result if a legal holiday falls within the time period or if there are insufficient funds to release the check. f. A weekly list of"Approval of Expenditures"is sent to the VSO's office from the MCC office. g. A monthly list of"Approval of Expenditures"is sent to the MCC. IX. Records, Files, Forms and Reports a. It will be the responsibility of the VAB Chair,acting in concert with the VSO's to establish and maintain a record of each applicant requesting and/or receiving assistance from the VAF. b. The VSO will provide forms and reports of attendants,decisions,and record-keeping for clientele, e.g.,forms for vendors,initial applications,and VAB decisions. c. Each October,the VAB,acting in concert with the VSOs shall produce an annual report for the MCC, containing the following information: 1) The number of requests for assistance received during the calendar year. 2) The number of requests for assistance for which assistance was given. 3) The number of requests for assistance for which assistance was not provided and a narrative description of the reasons assistance were not provided. 4) The total dollar value of assistance provided on a monthly basis. 5) A narrative description of non-monetary assistance provided by the VAB. 6) Meeting minutes as an attachment 7) A copy of appeals as an attachment Page 7 of 8 d. If any section of these policies or procedures is determined to be in conflict with federal,state.or county laws,ordinances or directives,then said section will be void and the aforementioned laws, ordinances or directives shall prevail. X. Attachments (Att.) A.Recommendation For Payment B.Veteran's Assistance Documents Checklist(S&S form) C.Rental/Mortgage Verification D.Assistance Fund Application (AFA) E.Request Pertaining to Military Records (Standard Form 180) F.Mason County Veterans Service Office-Purchase Order G.Income Guidelines for Mason County(HHS) H.Chapter 73.08 RCW-Veterans'Relief I.RCW 73.08.005-Definitions J.RCW 73.08.010-Provides Relief for Indigent Veterans K.RCW 73.08.035-Establishment of Veterans'Advisory Board(VAB) L.RCW 73.08.070-Burial of Indigent Deceased Veterans M.RCW 73.08.080-Tax Levy Authorized -(1) Establishment of Veterans'Assistance Fund (VAF) N.RCW 73.08.90-Public Assistance Eligibility 0.RCW 41.04.005-"Veteran"Defined for Certain Purposes P.RCW 41.04.007-"Veteran"Defined for Certain Purposes Q.Mason County Resolution No. R.VAF Necessity Itemized List Page 8 of 8 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter/Dawn Twiddy Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 08/21/18 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 8/6/18 & 8/13/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter/Dawn Twiddy [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to amend Resolution 52-18 to revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment by approving the request to the following: approving the request to reclassify the Public Works Office Manager from a Salary Range 20 to a Salary Range 23, Step 3 and remove the Chief Administrative Deputy from the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment effective September 1, 2018. Background: The Public Works Office Manager position meets the criteria by increasing the required level of education and/or administrative experience based on a higher level of administrative responsibilities delegated to the position. The Sheriff's Office and Civil Service Commission has mutually agreed and approved the Chief Administrative Deputy position would revert to its former classified position of Finance Manager. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to amend Resolution 52-18 to revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment by approving the request to the following: approving the request to reclassify the Public Works Office Manager from a Salary Range 20 to a Salary Range 23, Step 3 and remove the Chief Administrative Deputy from the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment effective September 1, 2018. Attachment: Resolutions on file with Clerk of the Board RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 58-18 TO REVISE THE NON-REPRESENTED SALARY SCALE RANGE ALIGNMENT. WHEREAS, RCW 36.16.070 states that ... In all cases where the duties of any county office are greater than can be performed by the person elected to fill it, the officer may employ deputies and other necessary employees with the consent of the Board of County Commissioners. The Board shall fix their compensation .... WHEREAS, Mason County Personnel Policy Chapter 5.1, Salary Classification and Ranges designates each regular job title within the County classified into one of the County's Range classifications for salary purposes. Each job classification is designated a particular salary range shown on the County's Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment, which is modified periodically by the Board of County Commissioners. WHEREAS, Resolution 71-15 added Chapter 5.3 Reclassification to the Personnel Policy effective January 1, 2016. Upon adoption of the reclassification policy and process, a reclassification upgrade is the result of an increase in the level of responsibilities, tasks, and duties of a position, which changes areas of emphasis and the level of skill required in the current position. Based on the Public Works Office Manager position description supplied by the Public Works Director, Jerry Hauth, the Public Works Office Manager classification meets the criteria for a reclassification upgrade. Therefore, the Board wishes to retitle the Public Works Office Manager to Public Works Office Administrator and place at a Salary Range 23 on the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range. The incumbent in the position will be placed at a Step 3. WHEREAS, RCW 41.14.070 states ... "Subsequent changes in the designation of which positions are to be exempt may be made only with the concurrence of the sheriff and the civil service commission, and then only after the civil service commission has heard the issue in open meeting. The position elected, by agreement, between the Sheriff and the Civil Service Commission, to revert back to classified, under civil service, is the Chief Administrative Deputy. This position shall return to its former classified position as Finance Manager and shall be paid at the rate of pay listed on the Non- Represented Salary Scale Alignment as Salary Range 29.Therefore,the Chief Administrative Deputy is no longer a title to be listed on the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby amend the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment (Attachment) to reflect the following: reclassify the Public Works Office Manager from Salary Range 20 to Public Works Office Administrator at Salary Range 23, Step 3, and remove the Chief Administrative Deputy from the Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment on the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range. These changes shall be effective September 1, 2018. DATED this_day of 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Drexler, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Attachment A NON-REPRESENTED SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT SALARY RANGE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS 46 Community Services Director 1015 Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 2150 Public Works & Utilities Director 4005 Support Services Director 1156 Undersheriff 3000 44 Deputy Director Public Works/County Engineer Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities & Waste Mgmt 4010 43 Chief Public Defender 1160 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Chief Jail 3003 39 Chief Finance Officer 2000 38 DEM/IT/Facilities/Parks & Trails Manager 2059 Road Operations & Maintenance/ER&R Manager 4020 Water & Wastewater Manager 4015 Chief Civil Deputy 3001 37 Administrator, Probation & Juvenile Services 1050 35 District Court Administrator 1180 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Superior Court Administrator 1190 Jail Lieutenant 3005 34 Assistant Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 4021 33 Deputy Administrator, Probation Services 1052 Engineer III 4033 Technical Services Manager 4220 Personal Health Manager 2171 Environmental Health Manager 2169 Planning Manager 2080 32 Permit Assistance Center Manager 2090 Budget Manager 1155 31 Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Page I 1 of 2 Attachment A NON-REPRESENTED SALARY RANGE ALIGNMENT SALARY RANGE NUMBER CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS 29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Finance Manager 2010 Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139 Administrative Services Manager 1153 Human Resources/Risk Manager 1154 Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Chief Appraiser 1107 Administrative Manager 2149 28 Engineer II 4032 27 Chief Deputy 1108 Elections Superintendent 1080 26 Engineer 4031 25 Program Manager 1 2200 Operations & Maintenance/ER&R Administrator 4200 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 23 Public Works Office Administrator 21 Financial Analyst Risk & Safety Compliance Manager 1057 Personnel Analyst 1152 Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 20 Office Manager 2040 19 Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant 1193 Official Court Recorder/Family Law Facilitator 1192 Clerk of the Board/Records Specialist 1056 Administrative Clerk 1055 17 Administrative Assistant 1040 13 Administrative Secretary 1046 Legal Secretary 2152 10 Receptionist/Secretary 2041 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Page 12 of 2 RANGE ENTRY STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP S "Step 0" 46 9,352.86 9,592.72 9,838,70 10,090.92 10,349.70 10,615.04 45 7,617.74 7,997.42 8,398.40 8,608.44 8,824.08 9,043.10 44 7,434.64 7,807.54 8,198.44 8,402.86 8,612.90 8,828.56 43 7,252.68 7,615.50 7,996.26 8,197.34 8,400.62 8,611.78 42 7,083.04 7,436.90 7,807.54 8,004.12 8,204.06 8,408.48 41 6,907.84 7,252.68 7,616.60 7,806.44 8,001.88 8,201.82 40 6,744.98 7,083.04 7,435.76 7,622.24 7,813.20 8,008.62 39 6,579.88 6,910.12 7,254.96 7,435.76 7,622.24 7,813.20 38 6,422.64 6,743.86 7,080.80 7,259.44 7,437.98 7,625.60 37 6,265.38 6,578.74 6,908.98 7,080.80 7,258.32 7,439.12 36 6,115.98 6,422.64 6,743.86 6,913.46 7,086.48 7,263.90 35 5,968.84 6,267.60 6,580.98 6,744.98 6,914.56 7,087.58 34 5,827.32 6,117.12 6,423.76 6,584.36 6,749.46 6,917.98 33 5,684.64 5,968.84 6,267.60 6,423.76 6,584.36 6,749.46 32 5,551.00 5,828.44 6,118.22 6,270.98 6,428.22 6,588.86 31 5,411.74 5,683.52 5,967.72 6,115.98 6,269.84 6,427.10 30 5,285.88 - 5,549.86 5,827.32 5,973.30 6,120.46 6,274.32 29 5,157.88 5,413.98 5,684.64 5,828.44 5,973.30 6,122.72 28 5,034.28 5,285.88 5,549.86 5,688.00 5,831.80 5,977.82 27 4,911.88 5,156.74 5,412.84 5,549.86 5,688.00 5,829.58 26 4,795.06 5,034.28 5,285.88 5,416.20 5,553.22 5,692.52 25 4,677.12 4,910.72 5,155.66 5,284.76 5,415.10 5,552.10 24 4,567.06 4,795.06 5,034.28 5,160.12 5,288.16 5,421.86 23 4,454.68 4,677.12 4,910.72 5,034.28 5,160.12 5,288.16 22 4,349.14 4,567.06 4,796.20 4,915.24 5,037.66 5,163.46 21 4,242.42 4,454.68 4,678.24 4,795.06 4,914.12 5,036.56 20 4,140.22 4,348.02 4,565.92 4,679.34 4,797.30 4,916.38 19 4,040.22 4,242.42 4,454.68 4,567.06 4,680.48 4,798.42 18 3,944.78 4,141.34 4,349.14 4,456.96 4,569.30 4,682.76 17 3,848.18 4,041.34 4,243.56 4,350.28 4,458.08 4,570.42 16 3,756.06 3,944.78 4,141.34 4,245.82 4,351.40 4,459.20 15 3,665.08 3,849.30 4,040.22 4,140.22 4,242.42 4,349.14 14 3,576.40 3,754.96 3,942.54 4,041.34 4,142.46 4,246.94 13 3,489.88 3,663.98 3,848.18 3,943.66 4,042.48 4,143.60 12 3,405.64 3,576.40 3,754.96 3,849.30 3,945.94 4,043.60 11 3,323.64 3,489.88 3,663.98 3,756.06 3,850.42 3,945.94 10 3,245.00 3,405.64 3,576.40 3,665.08 3,757.20 3,851.54 9 3,165.26 3,323.64 3,489.88 3,576.40 3,666.22 3,757.20 8 3,090.00 3,242.74 3,405.64 3,491.00 3,577.48 3,667.34 7 3,013.62 3,165.26 3,323.64 3,405.64 3,491.00 3,579.76 6 2,942.88 3,091.16 3,245.00 3,325.88 3,408.98 3,494.38 5 2,870.98 3,013.62 3,165.26 3,245.00 3,325.88 3,408.98 4 2,803.60 2,942.88 3,091.16 3,168.68 3,248.38 3,328.16 3 2,735.06 2,872.10 3,014.74 3,091.16 3,168.68 3,248.38 2 2,668.80 2,802.46 2,942.88 3,015.84 3,092.26 3,168.68 1 1 1 2,605.901 2,735.061 2,870.981 2,942.881 3,015.841 3,092.26 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Tim Whitehead Action Agenda _X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Commissioner EXT: 417 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 8/21/2018 Agenda Item # g Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 8/13/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Tim Whitehead [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Stipulation and Decree Quieting Title and Other Relief in ]urges Enterprises, Inc. v Mason County and Pastore, Mason County Superior Court cause #17-2-00019-5. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to sign the Stipulation and Decree Quieting Title and Other Relief in ]urges Enterprises, Inc. v Mason County and Pastore, Mason County Superior Court cause #17-2-00019-5. ATTACH MENT(Sl: Stipulation and Decree I:\Zoren\Templates\Commission Agenda Item Summary Template.doc 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Whitehouse&Nichols LLP 8 P.O.Box 1273 Shelton,WA 98584 9 10 DOCUMENT TITLE: Stipulation and Decree Quieting Title GRANTORS: Robert A.Pastore 11 GRANTEES: _ Jur es Enterprises,Inc. 12 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1-20,Blks 3847,54-59,Detroit#2 ASSESSOR'S PROPERTY 12105-51-44001, 12105-51-44003, 12105-51-44005, 12105-51-44006, 13 TAX PARCEL NOS. 12105-51-44010, 12105-5145006, 12105-51-45010, 12105-5145011, 12105-51-54002, 12105-51-54005, 12105-51-54009, 12105-51-55002, 14 12105-51-55006, 12105-51-56002, 12105-51-56003, 12105-51-56005, 12105-51-56007, 12105-51-56009, 12105-51-58002, 12105-51-58003, 15 12105-51-58004, 12105-51-58006, 12105-51-59002, 12105-51-39001, 12105-5140001, 12105-5141001, 12105-51-42001, 12105-5143001, 16 12105-51-47001, 12105-51-38001,_12.105-51-38005 _ REFERENCE NUMBERS OF 17 RELATED DOCUMENTS 18 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON 19 i 20 JURGES ENTERPRISES,INC.,a i 21 Washington corporation ) 22 ) No. 17-2-00019-5 Plaintiff, ) 23 V. ) STIPULATION AND DECREE 24 ) QUIETING TITLE AND OTHER MASON COUNTY,a Washington ) RELIEF 25 corporation;ROBERT A.PASTORE and ) "JANE DOE"PASTORE,husband and wife,) 26 and ROBERT A.PASTORE as TRUSTEE ) ! WHITEHOUSE &NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law Stipulation and Decree Quieting P.O.Box 1273 Title and Other Relief-Page 1 of 6 601 W.RARROAD AVE.,SUITE 300 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 1 of the ROBERT A. PASTORE LIVING ) 2 TRUST ) 3 Defendants. ) 4 5 COMES NOW the parties hereto, the Plaintiff JURGES ENTERPRISES, INC., being 6 represented by Richard Shattuck,attorney at law,the Defendant,ROBERT A. PASTORE,being 7 represented by Stephen Whitehouse of Whitehouse & Nichols, LLP, and.Defendant Mason 8 County, being represented by Timothy Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, and do 9 hereby stipulate to the entry of the decree below. 10 It is also appearing that Robert A. Pastore has transferred title to his real property 11 12 described below to the Robert A. Pastore Living Trust, which should be made a party to this 13 action.Any reference herein to"Pastore", is to the Robert A.Pastore Living Trust. 14 For purposes of reference below, unless otherwise specifically referred to below, 15 reference to the Pastore property consists of Blocks 38, 39,40,41, 42,43,and 47, Plat of Detroit 16 No. 2, Volume 1 of Plats, Page 23, records of Mason County, Washington, and lands adjacent 17 thereto to the center lines of the abutting roadways. The Jurges property consists of what was 18 19 formally Blocks 44, 45, 46, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59, Plat of Detroit No. 2, Volume 1 of Plats, 20 Page 23,records of Mason County, Washington, as amended by Mason County Auditor File No. I 21 1913847 and lands adjacent thereto to the centerlines of the abutting roadways. The Jurges i 22 property has been reconfigured from the original divisions within the above Plat of Detroit 23 which does not affect the binding effect of this agreement. The references in the Decree to the 24 Pastore and Jurges properties are as to the foregoing. "111e references to streets and blocks below 25 26 are these shown on the above Plat of Detroit. WHITEHOUSE & NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law Stipulation and Decree Quieting P.O.BOX 1273 601 W.RAILROAD AVE.,SUITE 300 Title and Other Relief-Page 2 of 6 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 1 DATED this day of August, 2018. 2 3 STEPHEN WHITEHOUSE, WSBA# 6818 4 WHITEHOUSE&NICHOLS, LLP 5 Attorney for Defendant Pastore 6 7 RICHARD B. SHATTUCK, WSBA# 15588 LAW OFFICE OF RICHARD B. SHATTUCK 8 Attorney for Plaintiff 9 10 TIMOTHY WHITEHEAD, WSBA#37621 11 Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 12 Attorney for Defendant Mason County 13 DECREE 14 The parties having entered into the above stipulation and the court being otherwise 15 duly advised, now therefor it is hereby, 16 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Robert A. Pastore, as trustee of the 17 Robert A. Pastore Living Trust, is hereby made a party to this action. 18 19 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Pastore real property identified 20 above, including the areas of the platted roadways between the blocks internal to its 21 ownerships (but not between the Jurges lots and Pastore lots) and including the portion of 22I Atwater Avenue between lots Blocks 38 and 47, are hereby quieted in Defendant Pastore free 23 and clear of anclaim of the Plaintiff, his heirs, successors or assigns,gns, except as otherwise 24 provided herein. Jurges shall not have the right to drain surface water over the Pastore 25 26 properties or Atwater Avenue other than any drainage in its natural condition. It is further WHITEHOUSE & NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law Stipulation and Decree Quieting P.O.BOX 1273 Title and Other Relief-Page 3 of 6 601 W.RAILROAD AVE.,SUITE 300 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 • (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 1 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Jurges real property identified 2 above including the roadways internal to its ownership, are quieted in Jurges free and clear of 3 4 any claim of Defendant Pastore,his heirs, successors or assigns. It is further 5 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the forgoing will be subject to 6 easements created contemporaneously herewith over Block 47 for the benefit of the Jurges 7 property.Y• It is further � 8 ORDERED ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the portion of Atwater Avenue, 9 between Blocks 38 and 47 and Blocks 42 and 43, and the North half thereof South of lots 39, 10 40, and 41, the portion of 9`h Street between Blocks 41 and 42, and the West half thereof 11 12 adjacent to Block 43, the portion of 8th Street between Blocks 40 and 41, the portion of 7th 13 Street between Blocks 39 and 40, the portion of 6t' Street between Blocks 38 and 39,the East 14 half of 61h Street between Blocks 46 and 47, and the north half of Congress Avenue adjacent 15 to Blocks 43 and 47 on their southerly side, have been vacated by operation of law by Chapter 16 XIX, Sec. 32, Laws of 1889-90, State of Washington, and no public right of access exists 17 thereto. Title thereto is quieted in Pastore. It is further 18 19 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the Jurges properties shall be 20 restricted to the development of no more than eight lots in its entirety. For purposes of i 21 clarification, this means that no more than eight lots within the entirety of the Jurges property i 22 may be used, for single family residences only, one per lot, or for any other active use, but 23 other lots may be passively used to support the permitted active uses such as for open space, 24 parks, water systems, wells, septic and drainage. It is further 25 26 WHITEHOUSE & NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law Stipulation and Decree Quieting P.O.BOX 1273 Title and Other Relief-Page 4 of 6 601 W RAILROAD AVE.,SUITE 300 $HELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 1 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that so long as Jurges complies with the 2 forgoing, Pastore will not oppose such development by Jurges, his successors or assigns. 3 4 Nothing herein shall be construed as indicating Mason County will or will not approve any 5 plan of development. Any such development will be subject to normal and customary 6 approval processes. It is further 7 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the forgoing provisions are a 8 � covenant and servitude that shall run with the land and shall bind the parties' heirs, successors 9 and assigns. The restriction contained above as to the development of the Jurges lots shall be 10 enforceable specifically by injective relief, on any other remedy provided by law, by Robert A. 11 12 Pastore, Robert A. Pastore as Trustee of the Robert A. Pastore Living Trust, or any successor 13 to the Pastore properties referenced above. It is further 14 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the rest and remainder of this action 15 is dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear their own costs and attorney's fees. 16 DATED this day of August,2018. 17 18 19 JUDGE/COUNTY COMMISSIONER Presented by: 20 + 21 STEPHEN WHITEHOUSE, WSBA# 6818 22 WHITEHOUSE &NICHOLS, LLP 23 Attorney for Defendant 24 Approved as to form and content: 25 26 WHITEHOUSE NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law Stipulation and Decree Quieting P.O.BOX 1273GOl W.RAILROAD AVE.,SUITE 300 Title and Other Relief-Page 5 of 6 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 1 2 RICHARD B. SHATTUCK, WSBA# 15588 LAW OFFICE OF RICHARD B. SHATTUCK 3 Attorney for Plaintiff 4 5 TIMOTHY WHITEHEAD, WSBA# 37621 6 Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Attorney for Defendant Mason County 7 8 9 i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 i 22 i 23 24 I 25 26 WHITEHOUSE & NICHOLS, LLP Attorneys at Law Stipulation and Decree Quieting P.O.BOX 1273 Title and Other Relief-Page 6 of 6 601 W.RAILROAD AVE.,SUITE Soo SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-5885•FAX(360)426-6429 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Tim Whitehead Action Agenda _X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Commissioner EXT: 417 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 8/21/2018 Agenda Item # F.5 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 8/13/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Tim Whitehead [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Stipulation, Order and Decree Quieting Title in Folsom v. Macri, Mason County, et al, Mason County Superior Court cause # 16-2-00586-5. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to sign the Stipulation, Order and Decree Quieting Title in Folsom v. Macri, Mason County, et al, Mason County Superior Court cause # 16-2-00586-5. ATTACHMENT(S): Stipulation and Decree I:\Zoren\Templates\Commission Agenda Item Summary Template.doc l 2 3 4 5 6 7 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON 8 KENNETH FOLSOM and LINNEA NO. 16-2-00586-5 9 FOLSOM,husband and wife, Plaintiffs, 10 V. STIPULATION, ORDER AND DECREE QUIETING TITLE 11 KENNETH T. MACRI and JANE DOE MACRI, husband and wife, UNKNOWN 12 HEIRS OF DEBORAH L. DURHAM, deceased, MASON COUNTY, a Washington 13 State Governmental Agency, CHARLOTTE L. TUCKER, WELLS FARGO BANK N.A., 14 its successors -in interest and/or assigns, AND ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES 15 UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN 16 THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT 17 Defendants. 18 19 STIPULATION 20 The parties to this Stipulation are KENNETH FOLSOM and LINNEA FOLSOM, 21 husband and wife, Plaintiffs, represented by RICHARD T. HOSS and HOSS & WILSON- 22 HOSS, LLP, KENNETH T. MACRI, a single man and his daughter CHEI.SIA LYNN MACRI 23 representing themselves pro se, Defendants, and MASON COUNTY, a Washington 24 County, represented by TIMOTHY WHITEHEAD Deputy Prosecuting Attorney do hereby stipulate to the entry of the following Order and Decree. 25 HOSS&WILSON-HOSS,LLP Stipulation,Order and Decree Quieting Title ATTORNEYS AT LACY' Folsom v.Macri, et al Page l of 5 236 WEST BIRCH STREET SHaTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426.2999 FAX 426-6715 � 1 2 RICHARD T. HOSS, WSBA#12976 Hoss & Wilson-Hoss, LLP 3 Attorney for Plaintiffs 4 5 KENNETH MACRI, Pro Se Defendant 6 7 CHELSIA LYNN MACRI, heir of Deborah L. Durham, Pro Se 8 Defendant 9 10 TIMOTHY WHITEHEAD, WSBA #37621 Attorney for Defendant Mason County 11 12 ORDER AND DECREE 13 The Court having examined the files and records herein, and being otherwise duly 14 advised of the premises it is HEREBY ORDERED AND DECREED as follows: 15 1. Plaintiffs Property. Plaintiffs KENNETH FOLSOM and LINNEA 16 FOLSOM own property located at 160 E 3`d Street, Union, Washington, and more specifically described as follows: 17 Lot six (6), Block nine (9), Original Plat of Union City, Volume 2 of Plats, 18 page 21, records of Mason County, Washington. 19 TOGETHER WITH the south half of the alley, the east half of E. Alder Street and the north half of E. Third Street adjacent to Lot 6, Block 9, as 20 recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, pages 8 and 9, in the Hood Canal Land and Improvement Company's Plan of Union City, records of Mason County. 21 Mason County Tax Parcel No. 32232-50-09006,herein the "Folsom Property". 22 2. Defendant's Property. Defendant KENNETH T. MACRI and his 23 daughter CHELSIA LYNN MACRI are the sole owners in fee simple of real property 24 located West of the Folsom Property and more specifically described as follows: 25 Lots nine (9) and ten (10), Block ten (10), Union City, Volume 2, page 21, records of Mason County, Washington IIOSS S WILSON-HOBS,LLP Stipulation,Order and Decree Quieting�Title ATTORNEYS AT LAW Folsom v.Macri,et al Page 2 of 5 236 WEST BIRCH STREET SHELTON.WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-2999 FA.\426.6715 � 1 2 EXCEPTING therefrom, the Westerly 15 feet of said Lot nine (9). Said 3 land being also known and described as the resulting Parcel one (1) of Boundary Line Adjustment No. 91.36, recorded July 24, 1991, Auditor's 4 File No. 529792 5 Mason County Tax Parcel No. Parcel No. 32232-50-10009, herein the "Macri Property". 6 3. Vacation Order. Order of Vacation File No. 393, RCW 36.87, was made 7 by the Board of County Commissioners, Mason County, Washington for the following 8 area of land: 9 The south half of the alley, the east half of E. Alder Street and North half of 10 E. Third Street adjacent to Lot 6, Block 9, as recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, pages 8 and 9, in the Hood Canal Land & Improvement Company's Plan of 11 Union City, records of Mason County. 12 The Order of vacation was recorded under Mason County Auditor's File No. 13 250370 on December 23, 2015. 4. Unopened Alder Street. The Plat of Union City, Mason County, 14 Washington was made and dedicated by William Jameson in 1879. Alder Street has never 15 been opened as a public road. Because Alder Street was unopened for five years after 16 1879,RCW 36.87.090 requires that Alder Street be automatically vacated as of 1884. 17 5. Settlement. Folsom and Macri have entered into agreement providing that 18 the West half of E. Alder Street shall be quieted to Plaintiff Folsom free and clear of any 19 claim of Macri or Mason County, except the Personal Easement for Macri described 20 below. 21 6. Personal Easement. Macri shall have a Personal Easement for ingress and 22 egress for the life of Kenneth T. Macri or his sooner vacation or sale of the Macri Property 23 over and across the Westerly 10 feet of the West half of E. Alder Street adjoining the 24 Macri Property with the following conditions: 25 6.1 Macri's use shall be the minimum necessary to access the Macri Property with a fifth wheel trailer; 1IOSS&WILSON-HOSS,LLP Stipulation,Order and Decree Quieting Title ATTORNEYS AT LAW Folsom v.Macri, et al Page 3 of 5 236 WEST BIRCH STREET SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426.2999 FAX 426-6715 � 1 2 6.2 Macri may not park, improve, or damage the Westerly 10 feet of the West 3 half of E, Alder Street; 4 6.3 Macri's right and use shall terminate automatically if he sells the property, 5 vacates the property for more than one year, or dies. The Personal Easement granted by 6 Folsom to Macri is personal to Kenneth T. Macri; and 6.4 Macri shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Plaintiff's and their 7 successor or assigns as to any action, claim, damages or suit arising out of Defendant 8 Macri's use of this Personal Easement, as well as the use of his guests or invitees 9 7. Quit Claim Deed. Kenneth T. Macri and Chelsia Lynn Macri shall make, 10 execute and deliver to Plaintiffs Kenneth Folsom and Linnea Folsom Quit Claim Deed 11 conveying and transferring all of their right, title and interest in or to the West half of East 12 Alder Street at the same time they enter into this Stipulation. 13 8. Quiet Title. Title to the West half of East Alder Street is quieted in 14 Plaintiff's free and clear of any claim of any of the Defendants. 15 9. Heirs, Successors, and Assigns. This Order and Decree Quieting Title 16 shall be binding on the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties and the provisions 17 herewith shall run with the land. 18 10. CR2A Agreement. The CR2A Agreement signed and approved by 19 Kenneth Macri on April 12, 2018 shall survive the entry of this Order and Decree, and any 20 interpretation of this Order and Decree shall be consistent therewith. A copy of the CR2A 21 Agreement is attached and its terms incorporated herein by this reference. 22 10.1 This is a complete and final resolution of all matters herein. 23 10.2 Defendants each waive and relinquish any and all claims any of them may 24 have except for enforcement of this Order and Decree. 25 10.3 Each party shall bear their own costs and attorney fees in this action. HOSS&NYILSON-ROSS,LLP Stipulation,Order and Decree Quieting Title ATTORNEYS AT LAW Folsom v. Macri,et al Page 4 of 5 SH236 WEST BIRCH STREET ELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-2999 FAX 426-6715 + 1 2 10.4 Upon Kenneth Macri and Chelsia Lynn Macri delivering their Deed as set 3 out in Section 7 above this matter shall be dismissed with prejudice. 4 5 Dated this day of 92018 6 7 8 JUDGE/COURT COMMISSIONER 9 10 RICHARD T. HOSS, WSBA#12976 Hoss & Wilson-Hoss, LLP 11 Attorney for Plaintiffs 12 13 KENNETH MACRI, Pro Se Defendant 14 15 CHELSIA LYNN MACRI, heir of Deborah L. Durham, Pro Se 16 Defendant 17 18 TIMOTHY WHITEHEAD, WSBA#37621 Attorney for Defendant Mason County 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 HOSS&WILSON-ROSS,LLP Stipulation,Order and Decree Quieting Title ATTORNEYS AT LAW 236 WEST BIRCH STREET Folsom v. Macri, et a] Page 5 of 5 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 (360)426-2999 FAX 426-6715 LOT DETAIL ZS' ") F l 5 !r m -------_ 4 0 V 1 N 88*4nd,W 85.00' 1 EGK - DECK v j 6 7 11 1 GS VG• I.W. � I FENCE ar/ � HOUSE rv%1�l r O 6 WUUU S/IEO � 3'� 7 Mol WF.S! ' Gi Q A b P WOOD .11J,WSJ` BLOCK 9 c GARAGE ' . •1(� '^J I / FENCE LINE POINT . SETAT TOP OF - M� '-,STSEPSLOPE CL 18.17 - �% CORNER NOT SET n r 7f�/Rl> S�,gEET Lr c�W (NOT BUILT) ' � Sha , s� �+ rn�a a-a p 5���1 f,�► may' r );- 'pgAQ 2j, V- C;"V' �Q Cl )),+rYl ' s YV -.-4?1v a" .M I at 409 vv k Y r MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jerry W. Hauth, RE, Director/County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 652 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: August 21, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: August 13, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jerry W. Hauth [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Design and Construction of Salt & Patch Storage Building at the Public Works Facility BACKGROUND: Public Works seeks to build a salt and patch storage facility at their Public Works Drive site. The existing salt storage is located at the old shop on John's Prairie Rd, and increases the response time for snow and ice control. The use of the site is also temporary, as the land is not owned by the County. The proposed storage facility will be a permanent structure for salt and patch material storage and facility lighting in the vicinity of the structure. BUDGET IMPACTS: The estimated cost of the project is $450,000. This project is in the 2018 and 2019 Road Fund budgets. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommending the Board authorize Public Works to solicit for the design and construction of a salt and patch storage building and authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents and Public Works to award each contract. Attachment: None 8/15/2018 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Danette Brannin, General Manager Action Agenda _X_ Mason Transit Authority Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Commissioner EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: Agenda Item # g. (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: August 20, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Brian Phillips, Staff Accountant [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Letter of Support addressed to Mason Transit Authority BACKGROUND: Mason Transit Authority is currently in the grant application process to Washington State Department of Transportation in their funding assistance efforts through the 2019-2023 Operational Consolidated Grant Program and the Capital Consolidated Grant Program for the 2019-2021 biennium. Mason Transit Authority is seeking the signing of a letter of support from Mason County concerning the importance of sustaining existing services and assisting in providing needed replacement vehicles to further public transit in Mason County. BUDGET IMPACTS: None to Mason County. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve signing letter of support on Mason County stationery and providing to Mason Transit Authority on August 27, 2018, so that it may be included with the application being submitted to WSDOT. ATTACHMENT: Suggested form of letter of support Briefing Date August 20,2018 SAMPLE LETTER Remember, we need your letter by August 28,2018. Thank you! YOUR LETTERHEAD [Date] Mason Transit Authority 790 East Johns Prairie Road Shelton, Washington 98584 RE: Washington State Department of Transportation 2019-2023 Operational Consolidated Grant Application and 2019-2021 Capital Consolidated Grant Letter of Support for Mason Transit Projects: INCLUDE THE PROJECTS BELOW YOU SUPPORT • Sustain core demand-response,ADA-mandated transit services to the elderly,those with special needs, general public and the economically disadvantaged in Mason County. • Sustain core regional connection fixed-route service for the elderly,those with special needs,the general public and the economically disadvantaged traveling out of county,including connections in Bremerton, Jefferson County and Olympia;Intercity,Jefferson,Grays Harbor,Squaxin Island and Kitsap Transits, Washington State Ferries and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. • Sustain core zone(deviated)fixed-route service for the elderly,those with special needs,the general public and the economically disadvantaged in Mason County. • Replacement of rolling stock inventory in Mason Transit Authority's aging fleet in order to sustain current levels of service and maintain a State of Good Repair. [Agency Name]supports Mason Transit Authority's grant applications to the Washington State Department of Transportation. The above listed projects will enable the elderly and persons with disabilities,low-income,special needs,the youth and general public to access basic needs transportation for human services offered both regionally and in Mason County.Many residents of Mason County need to travel to work,education and other purposes within Mason County and beyond through connections with other systems.By providing demand response and fixed route services, Mason Transit is able to meet the transportation needs of a large segment of the population in Mason County. Transit has a positive impact in remote and rural communities.Regional connections to adjacent transit systems are vital to community residents with obvious economic benefits and improved quality of life. If it were not for transit service,many of our seniors,people with disabilities and people who do not drive,or who cannot afford to drive,would find their access to jobs and basic services severely limited. [Agency name]is pleased to offer our support for Mason Transit Authority's grant applications to sustain existing services and assist in providing needed replacement vehicles to further public transit in Mason County. Sincerely, Name and Title