HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/05/01 - Regular Packet 1.1 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Commission Chambers— 9:00 a.m. 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 May 1, 2018 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 News Release- Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Vacancy Staff:Bart Stepp 4.3 News Release-Mason County Board of Equalization Vacancy Staff: Dawn Twiddy 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input (5 minutes per person, 15 minutes time limit) If you wish to address the Commission, raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. When you have been recognized, please step up to the microphone and give your name and address before your comments.The Mason County Commission is committed to maintaining a meeting atmosphere of mutual respect and speakers are encouraged to honor this principle. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:30 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes — April 16, 2018 Briefing Minutes; April 24, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes. 8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda" may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered as a separate item. 8.1 Approval of the Interlocal Agreement with Fire District 3 authorizing services provided by the Public Works Department for vehicle maintenance, road or site maintenance, engineering, survey, GIS, emergency assistance, sign fabrication, fueling and materials supply. 8.2 Approval to appoint Kathy Geist to represent transit interests on the Transportation Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Panel (TIP-CAP). 8.3 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8055572-8056144 $ 777,823.92 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #5 49369-49737 $ 742,117.54 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003577-7003605 $ 563,901.38 Total $ 2,083,842.84 8.4 Approval to set a public hearing for Tuesday, June 5, 2018 at 9:30 a.m. to approve the amendments to Title 17.34- Signs in the Belfair Urban Growth Area. Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last printed on 04/30/18 2:28 PM. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING AGENDA April 26, 2018— PAGE 2 8.5 Approval of the Law Library Access contract and the Correctional Access Contract between the Mason County Law Library and Westlaw for continued service. 8.6 Approval to amend the contract between Mason County and Community Action Council in the amount of$53,285 with additional funding from the Department of Commerce and pass on performance measures from Commerce. 8.7 Approval for the Chair to sign the Electronic Home Monitoring(EHM) contract with Satellite Tracking of People (STOP)for the Mason County Jail. The expense of the leased equipment is reimbursed by the Alternative Sentencing User Fees. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time 10.1 Public Hearing to consider approval of the following supplemental appropriations and budget transfer requests to the 2018 budget: Supplemental Requests • $80,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from North Mason School District for School Resource Officer • ($80,000) to Current Expense MCSO for Salaries and Benefits Patrol • $101,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from BHO for Training • ($101,000) to Current Expense MCSO for Professional Services and Supplies OTC Training TOTAL: $0 Budget Transfers • $150,000 Transfer Out from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue • $150,000 Transfer In from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue replacing $150,000 from BHO • $14,500 Revenue to CE Ending Fund Balance from Public Works ER&R for DEM Vehicle #00158 being returned to ER&R • $14,075 Payment to Public Works from MCSO- Professional Services via CE Ending Fund Balance for Labor&Equipment for Special Investigation work completed in 2017 TOTAL: $178,075 Budget Impact: $14,500 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance $14,075 Decrease in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Net Impact: $425 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Staff: Frank Pinter 11. Board's Reports and Calendar 12. Adjournment J:\AGENDAS\2018\2018-05-01 REG.doc MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Jennifer Giraldes Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: May 1, 2018 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs sent notices of applications filed by the Skokomish Island Tribe to have real property accepted "in trust"for Parcel Number's 42235-32-00060, 42235-31-00090 and 42235-31-00091. 4.1.2 Squaxin Island Tribe sent in a Notice of Property Acquisition in Mason County, Skookum Valley for Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Grant Application #18-1654. 4.1.3 A petition was turned in by concerned citizens from Lake Limerick regarding proposed sewage lagoon on Webb Hill, Union. 4.1.4 Bill Allen brought in an application for the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission. 4.1.5 Randal Lewis resubmitted an application for the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee. 4.1.6 Madison Larsen brought in an application for the Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee. 4.1.7 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in a marijuana license for Batstone Bud Shop 933 East Johns Prairie Road, Shelton. 4.1.8 Gary Yando sent in an application for the Mason County Housing Authority Board. 4.1.9 Phyllis Antonsen sent in comments regarding the Webb Hill Bio Recycling Project. 4.1.10 Homes First sent in 2017 Annual Report. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. —�rvuvina weamenm, nutty&Drexler Clerk ENT OF Th a�PQ �yA United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS i Puget Sound Agency �4RCH 3 1Sp9 2707 Colby Ave. - Suite 1101 of rrvvlts' Everett,Washington 98201-3665 (425) 258-2651 April 17, 2018 CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7015 0640 0002 2095 7477 Board of County Commissioners Mason County 411 N. 5' Street Shelton,Washington 98584 APR 2 0 2018 Dear Commissioners: Mason County Commissioners Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 25, INDIANS, Part 151.10, notice is given of the application filed by the Skokomish Indian Tribe to have real property accepted "in trust" for said applicant by the United States of America. The determination whether to acquire this property "in trust" will be made in the exercise of discretionary authority, which is vested in the Secretary of the Interior, or his authorized representative, U.S. Department of the Interior. To assist us in the exercise of that discretion, we invite your comments on the proposed acquisition. In order for the Secretary to assess the impact of the removal of the subject property from the tax rolls, and if applicable to your organization, we also request that you provide the following information: (1) If known, the annual amount of property taxes currently levied on the subject property allocated to your organization; (2) Any special assessments, and amounts thereof, that are currently assessed against the property in support of your organization; (3) Any governmental services that are currently provided to the property by your organization; and (4) If subject to zoning, how the intended use is consistent, or inconsistent, with the zoning. We provide the following information regarding this application: Applicant: Skokomish Indian Tribe. Legal Land Description/Site Location: All that portion of Indian Lots nine (9) and ten(10) in Section thirty-five (35), Township twenty- two (22)North, Range four(4)West,W.M,particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of said Indian Lot nine (9); thence South 330 feet, along the West line thereof;.thence East through said Indian Lots nine (9) and ten (10), to the meander line of Hood Canal; thence Northwesterly, along said meander line, to an intersection of said meander line with the North line of said Indian Lots nine (9) and ten (10); thence West, along said North line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; EXCEPTING THEREFROM, all that portion thereof which lies Westerly of the Easterly right- of-way line of U.S. Highway 101; ALSO, EXCEPTING THEREFROM, all that portion thereof, if any, which lies below the line of ordinary high tide of Hood Canal. Mason County Parcel No. 42235 32 00060. AND All that portion of Indian Lots nine (9) and ten (10), Section thirty-five (35), Township twenty- two (22) North, Range four (4) West, W.M., lying Easterly of the Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 101, excepting therefrom, all that portion thereof which lies within a tract of land particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwesterly corner of said Indian Lot nine (9); thence South, along the Westerly line thereof, 330 feet; thence East, to the Easterly line of said Indian Lot ten (10); thence Northwesterly, along the Easterly lines of said Indian Lots ten (10) and nine (9), to the Northerly line of said Indian Lot nine (9); thence West, along said Northerly line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Mason County Parcel Nos. 42235 3100090 and 42235-31-00091. Collectively containing 16.5 acres, more or less. Project Description/Proposed Land Use: The land is currently used for conservation and treaty fishing access, and there will be no change of use in the foreseeable future. As indicated above,.the purpose for seeking your comments regarding the proposed trust land acquisition is to obtain sufficient data that would enable an analysis of the potential impact on state government, which may result from the removal of the subject property from the tax rolls and local jurisdiction. This notice does not constitute, or replace, a notice that might be issued for the purpose of compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) of 1969. Your written comments should be addressed to the Superintendent, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 2707 Colby Avenue, Suite 1101, Everett, Washington 98201-3528. Any comments received within thirty days of your receipt of this notice will be considered and made a part of our record. You may be granted one thirty day extension of time to furnish comments, provided you submit a written justification requesting such an extension within thirty days of receipt of this letter. Additionally, copies of all comments will be provided to the applicant for a response. You will be notified of the decision to approve or deny the application. If any party receiving the enclosed notice is aware of additional governmental entities that may be affected by the subject acquisition,please forward a copy to said party. A copy of the application, excluding any documentation exempted under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), is available for review at the above address. A request to make an appointment to review the application, or questions regarding the application, may be directed to Rich Ferguson, Acting Realty Officer, at telephone number(425) 258-4561, extension 222, or at richard.fer ug son(&bia.gov. Sincerely, Marcella L. Teters Superintendent `^~~VI—I—"""""'`""""vot~°"° Clerk ������ ����D�� ISLAND ����D���� ���*m�u�—u��uxo u��u~��uu�� uu�u��u~ 0�o����0��0��0�����a.,=,~..' ' �''��[����/U��B �������" APRA�� 1W ��w�1� � o w Kevin Shutty April 1Q'2O1O Mason County Commissioner K8eoonCounb,/ Cornrniosionoro 411NFifthSt� Shelton,VVA98584 Subject: Notice ofProperty Acquisition inMason County,SkookumValley R[0Grant Application#1O'l6S4 Honorable Commissioner Shutty, I am writing to inform you that the Squaxin Island Tribe, in collaboration with Capitol Land Trust, is applying for a grant through the Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP)to acquire property located near Kamilche in Mason County. If awarded,this grant funding would allow acquisition of approximately 614 acres of the Skookum Valley. Skookum Creek and its tributaries flow through these properties. This acquisition isintended toallow/provide permanent protection of these waterways,along with public access for passive recreation. Ultimately we will carry out a restoration ofthe creek and wetlands. State law, R[VV79A.15.l1O' requires that we notify the local legislative body of our intent to apply for a state grant to acquire real property from the WWRP, administered by the Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO).This letter is your notification.The law states that the local legislative authority may, at its discretion,submit a letter tothe R[O identifying its position with regard to the acquisition project.Any letters received will be made available to the governor and the state legislature when the prioritized project list is submitted as part of the RCO's capital budget request. The law also states that ee must"confer"with local officials onthis acquisition.And to meet grant program deadlines, we must complete this prior to May 1, 2018. Please let me know who the appropriate contact(s) is/are so we may open adia|o0ue. Enclosed is the application project description, location map, and parcel list for the proposed project.The geographic envelope ofthe proposed project isalso enclosed. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information about this acquisition proposal. I can be reached at36O'432'4804or . Sincerely, EricaW1arbet Water Resources Biologist Natural Resources Department ° 3110 S.E. Old Olympic Hwy. ° Shelton, WA 98584 Phone (360) 426'9781 ~ Fax (360) 426-3971 Enclosures Skookum Valley Acquisition The Squaxin Island Tribe is partnering with Capitol Land Trust to acquire 614 acres in the Skookum Valley. The project encompasses multiple tax parcels over four ownerships,all contiguous and bisected by Skookum Creek.This project will protect over 4 miles of Skookum Creek and an additional 4.4 miles of tributaries, as well as wetlands, riparian and grassland habitat. Skookum Creek is used by coho,steelhead (ESA listed), chum,and cutthroat. In addition,there is a large elk herd that overwinter in the fields along the creek. Parcel List Parcel Identification# Last Name Total Acres 419273100070 PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS 5.1 419274200020 PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS 5.2 419274100010 PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS 4.4 419274200010 PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS 0.5 419274100020 PORT BLAKELY TREE FARMS 4.7 419274200030 PORT BLAKELYTREE FARMS 5.1 419271000000 PORT BLAKELYTREE FARMS 0.1 419273100060 PORT BLAKELYTREE FARMS 5.0 419273100040 PORT BLAKELYTREE FARMS 10.3 419273100050 PORT BLAKELYTREE FARMS 6.4 419274200010 PORT BLAKELYTREE FARMS 1.6 419252100090 RELLER 32.0 419261100020 RELLER SR,ETUX 20.3 419261000000 RELLER SR,ETUX 45.6 419234300010 RELLER SR,ETUX 10.0 419243300000 SKOOKUM RANCH LLC 40.4 419234000000 SKOOKUM RANCH LLC 36.0 419243200000 SKOOKUM RANCH LLC 14.9 419252100020 SKOOKUM RANCH LLC 5.1 419243400030 SKOOKUM RANCH LLC 32.9 419243100000 SKOOKUM RANCH LLC 28.9 419263400010 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 2.8 419264100030 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 1.0 419274100080 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.1 419262400010 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 8.1 419261300010 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 24.3 419273300010 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 4.9 419274200060 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.2 419274200050 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.2 419274200040 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.2 419274100070 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.1 419274100060 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.1 419274100050 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.1 419274200070 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.2 419261400000 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 39.8 419263000000 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 73.5 419264200000 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 32.8 419264100000 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 16.3 419271400010 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 0.7 419262300000 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 12.6 419274100030 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 4.6 419274100040 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 5.0 419273200030 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 8.0 419273300020 THE MCDONALD LAND COMPANY 24.7 Total Acreage 614.8 2 R 5 CAPITOL j Skookum Valley Conservation Project, Mason Co. WAF Iri Proximity MapCIF 5 � n „Wrr _ Skookum Ranch 158 End R.rrrarwn Reller 108 ac ac SHELTON VALLE` �yr� Q MrV CD ry� a McDonald 300 ac c y r ✓cin y PortBlakely 48a1 "" � Capitol Lanf Trust r' ISABELLA VALLEY State DNR d Puget Sound C �F . a oor Ci O M•-Y-rrr ~� LACK F" s Fsn R or In rmap.nc w�M P Gory UeGEBCO,USGS FAOlympla N fry 'r<n_. a r�ln NI .rd .n Sury y,F sn aTp IYJFTI.Fere China(Hoop k„n0) ' op y n pen_tr a IR'ap coMnbotors antl 11s User Community Gr. Map created by Capitol Land Trust with data Miks from Mason County and ESRI 3/22/2018. p 2 4 3 Skookum Valley Prioritization: _ Streams v rr [J PORT BLAKELY L'� 9.• RELLER SKOOKUM RANCH (� MCDONALD ! i � T x- v tr Parcels proposed for acquisition:Skookum Ranch(158 acres),Reller(108 acres),McDonald(300 acres),Port Blakely(48 acres). 4 For reference: RCW 79A.15.110 Review of proposed project application. State or local agencies or nonprofit nature conservancies shall review the proposed project application and confer with the county or city with jurisdiction over the project area prior to applying for funds for the acquisition of property under this chapter.The appropriate county or city legislative authority may,at its discretion,submit a letter to the board identifying the authority's position with regard to the acquisition project.The board shall make the letters received under this section available to the governor and the legislature when the prioritized project list is submitted under this chapter. RCW 79A.15.010 "Confer" means a dialogue between project sponsors and local county and city officials with the purpose of early review of potential projects.The dialogue may include any matter relevant to a particular project,which may include but need not be limited to: Project purpose and scope; project elements; estimated project cost;costs and benefits to the community; plans for project management and maintenance;and public access. 5 =:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk • Petition to keep Lake Limerick free from pollution risks associated with the proposed sewage lagoon on Webb Hill! Petition summary and Bio Recycling Inc. plans to build an 18-million-gallon lagoon on Webb Hill to store wastewater from local septic tanks and water background treatment systems during the winter months. The lagoon has an emergency spillway on the south side, which would direct its overflow into a natural drainage which flows into Cranberry Lake. A planned failure model also shows the release directed towards Cranberry Lake. Action petitioned for We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to Keep Lake Limerick free from pollution risks associated with he proposed 18-million-gallon lagoon on Webb Hill. 5u4w,4\ 4M Ali Printed Name Signature` Address Comment Date C; C Vork _ 3 E Gal wa skr) -Q n fleeis a LA-0ve4o,4V s I-/)V Co(L-{ l\o k C APR 19 201 r < 2 ason County le- Y2 G J � f Commissioners if It LX (' cs e N ZQO`1 Cg:r o Sew e-- P C 1 l �o21J a10 LD \(�� �l�► ��a F ��fl S,I'��S 14 o t�c�t d o ff f--)A-aA+7f 44-,�71N S70P �7 AC)LO C-X) // c6,V- / c/a/All)! ~\ n A tN CIS kA 77 cr 00 a o °C �" C cc)nl7le %31 � �G` h � Printed Name Signature Address Comment Date R lg0 9 S #4-N:& S �l it �>- �'ccs ��� Cc � . -Zs�l� S�/�x�✓�rvs ,lam � /� / /C� 20 C7 41 / l bu s(7) Ake C%)5- Dl- awn uql�t I W4 1 1 4� VIA IA-Ll _SIA 1 � C 1JA.,,Yj1j1,,Ao G ✓kt,a S - I t�j 16 ca� r r OLJ Gee 2 q e,ut/1 PL, c �3� s�wAIQ 0 1 c� S / NIIe1-6UA `I eYeSe` �r+�I'2 ��,�.e�ec No�s��'K��, X1.1 N�I f��trr►e. off, l C- Cf, emcL �/1�� .S rYie�S w�IT46 �)Ip f� P(+(�.f/ T � 1 I�EL° �--r��� 3G� � ►°�� u.�e�S�e Ir��J �tel'�i` �V� � ��$ (� Sul�..c w°► S��Y l LGA 1�uS � • U/ l !7o r ShA k p,7, S>>k-L4rj Cg�y �{� � , fir11<1,4 d I�E --l'll t� ".� $�� r$ (y� � `�V� ��t m aJ► .LZal�3� •�`7 0l� �� �� 4S c� -"�D -� cc:CMMRRS�Neatther'hn',^,nUuY«--" - R EC EIi��®�® Clerk #185M4 ? MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APR 1S 2018 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 360-427-8437, Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Planning Lands Advisory Committee NAME: Bill Allen ADDRESS: E. PHONE: 425 CITY2IP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 425 Union 98592 (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL: bill@waallenconsulting.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: Gold Coast Oyster LLC YRS WHRA memher and President North Mason Chamber of Commerce member POSITION: General Manager Pac Rim Shellfish Council Industry Representative CAPR member COMPANY: YRS National Home Builders Association. Board Director © POSITION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: Provide and receive from stakeholders and the public on land planning and zoning- Long termlad nning is essential and a requirement of GMA. The community needs to aware of these developments and be a participant in affecting Mason county. The Mason County of the future will not be the same as the Mason County of today. How do we make it better, cleaner, and more attractive for economic development? What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? ;Ddensmve knowledge of!and use, zoning laws and impacts Have been in the hornehi-lilders association' especially at the state level, for over twenty five years. I do understand land use planning, economic development and responsible development. I ve also seen the ugly, irresponsible side of the industry and Know how to prevent a rom hannaninn Havinn haan an inctri ictnr inrii Ictry rnncl Iltant anri hnarri momhar of cavaral mmnni7ntinnc I faal I ran Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) -Resid-e-s- be-ing a property owner, 1 have no kAGWA conflart of MfOrk for the county R Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? YES Realistically, how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Monthly X Weekly Daily Office Use Only William A Allen 4-18-18 Appointment Date Signature Date Term Expire Date --......... 3I1uuy&urexier Clerk RECEIVED MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET APR 19 2018 SHELTON WA 98584 Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext.419,'275-4467 or 482-5269 R Mason County Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Mason County Citizens Advisory Budget Committee Randal John (Randy) Lewis ADDRESS: PHQbL 630. C17Y7ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT WORK PHONE: WA 98584 (CFAF_AIN TFL,;JuNrr -cuuvE) 236 E-MAIL: COMMUNITY SERVICE EPd1PLOYPdIENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) APTIF C!1D OF 4PF DCH IDC' Actuary; Served several decades with: Member of Shelton School District Bond Committee (Including consulting members ING Northern Annuity 1 Old Mutual Plc. and bond attorney on financial forecasts) Member of Shelton Mason County Chamber Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Active with Mason County PUD 3 Acknowledged independent thinker with honest points of view expressed without fear Genworth Financial/ Others -- -------- - ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Ir your v -ds. what do you perceive is the ;ole or purpose of the Board. Committee or Council for which you are applying: The objective of this budget is to allocate scarce resources reflective of the needs and wishes of Mason County Citizens subject to the mandates and constraints of the State. IMHO we need to generate not just mandated financial forecasts but also'what if scenarios for management and planning. Match revenues and expenses_ Identify expenses by priority: Mandated, Best Practice, "Nice to Have What sources, including potential sources, of revenue require no expenditures?What incremental expenses are required to generate other revenue? What mandated expenses are required with no revenue? My practice included Asset'Liability Manaqement,Analysis of financial risks What interests. skills do you %v,sh to offer the Board, Committee. or Council? am a native of Shelton, retired back home after decades as a financial pro including many budget exercises. Knowledge and skill sets unique to this community.A passion for financial analysis and projections, but enjoy myself most in boiling down financial models and concepts to its basic drivers to explain to nonfinancial pros; "Making the complex simple".All information is clood. Collaborator. I present public comments based on issues not personalities_ Plei (i.e. create a votentral conflict of interest) None that I am aware of. Incidentally; Member of American Academy of Actuaries, Society of Actuaries, BS Mathematics (UW Seattle) You (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records). The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes _ Realistically, how much time can you give to this position? Quarterty MoriNy X WeeklyY Office Use Only 4/19/17 Appointment Date Signature Term Expire Date�_� cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler RECEIVED Clerk �i�c—� &)&—CSS �se°N °pay�A MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET APR 2 4 2018 SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 1854 Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO VV 1 Cpmrnt444� ADDRESS: �� PHONE: CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: 3co0'yZ�-9(o� x q&V ��SUV9 (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL: m 1/V 17 tp n C0.M0rD0-Wa- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF '',RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) l� (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: YRS Lq � t�� fain nL � 1 POSITION: l Q C/-a6 �T Via Chm og l V wclg A, COMPANY: YRS/ Q POSITION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: f and to d on 0120 Qe v i'tw -NSI i'J Corteu l� What interests ski. do y u wish to offer theBoard, Committee or ouncil? Eoefyk- CIO OD tinl I,0 U am CQ r Urt PI s IsPa Wny ncial, ro e (PaiorNV Iunt jr ! If'f�fionsis ma'y-`inf�uence or ect yo r position n is oar - i.e. create a potential conflict of iemolvwj.nt ore t)Xy) Dn Uurii-fA- L am _ ,,. t can P—a n W%11 uYour pa ois edPet'nin ding certain r nn made v ble�tu n-Iu gre business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? - Realistically, how much time can you give to this Quarterly Weekly Daily Office Use Only '177A 7L*11CD Appointment Date Sign a Dale Term Expire Date cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk) ,p Y 1�`1 fir►y��� Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board NOTICE OF MARIJUANA LICENSE APPLICATION R E V !/ �SHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - 3000 Pacific, P.O. Box 43075 Olympia,WA 98504-3075 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 APR 2 0 2018 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: bttp:Hlcb.wa.gov Mason COUnty RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioners DATE: 4/20/18 RE:ASSUMPTION APPLICANTS: From CBD OUTREACH, LLC Dba BATSTONE BUD SHOP THE LOOKING GLASS, LLC DISI, KELLY DOREEN License: 420478 -11F County:23 1993-06-04 U B I:603-412-395-001-0002 Tradename:BATSTONE BUD SHOP Address: 933 E JOHNS PRAIRIE RD SHELTON,WA 98584-1270 Phone No.: 360490-0856 KELLY BISI Privileges Applied For: MARIJUANA RETAILER MEDICAL MARIJUANA ENDORSEMENT As required by RCW 69.50.331(7), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a marijuana license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our Marijuana CHRI desk at(360)664-1704. YES NO 1.Do you approve of applicant?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2.Do you approve of location?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-060 for information about this process) 4.If you disapprove,per RCW 69.50.331(7)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR CITY MANAGER,COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE cc:CMMRSNeatherlin,Shutty&Drexler RECENED Clerk --34LAtA4)bayre) &,) ard& COiy MASON COUNTY COMMIS,1uu �t,,rco APR 2 3 2018 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419,275-4467 or 482-5269 1854 Commissioners �f . 1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: p _ CITY/ZIP: g'/$$q VOTING PRECINCT: lCLGi2�5/ WORK PHONE: 51> CZ��/V (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E L com C/Qsj% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED.PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) ACTIVITIE R MEMBERSHIPS) 1 , COMPANY: �UAJ ry D/ 7�/Pi YRS ycya�-c _. ►�„ , )nom s POSITION: COMPANY: LGfILI r�L GtiS72 MG YRS CL!SS CLuP POSITION: I/yr6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: ;� •t�o�� ty %�9�c��1 Da e�2M�•e���flefi�e�%.�.¢n�9�s e tel.�t _Gat C'c:,�° 5;, AW What interests skills do y u yvish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? 4 !`rG 1� &I-41woove We M!65, &116111L Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) 46 Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Realistically,how much time can youiye to is position? rteriy Weekly Daily Office Use Only Appointment Date Signature Dbte Term Expire Date cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexier Clerk RECEIVED From: <kantonsen@q.com> APR 2 3 2010 To: <dlz@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 4/22/2018 10:03 PM Mason County Subject: Question Received from the Mason County Website - Commissioners From: Phyllis Antonsen Dept Sent To: Commissioners Staff Message: Dear Mason County Commissioners, Kell Rowen, Kelsey Dunne, Deborah Johnson, Re: Septic Lagoon Unfortunately, no one seemed to have had the foresight to inform the Board of Directors or management of the Lake Limerick Country Club, located on Lake Limerick and downstream from Cranberry Lake, of this proposal when it was first made. This omission fed directly into conspiracy theories and wild assumptions such as danger of pharmaceuticals in our drinking water and the company's profit motive— and the county's. What is needed is a fuller explanation of the reason this lagoon is necessary. My understanding is that the practice of spraying during the winter months when there is little vegetative growth increased the chance of detrimental nitrates getting into wells. Test show that there have been times of high nitrate levels in ground water. Why can't dumping be limited to the spring to fall season, for instance is an argument I hear. I recognize that out of county dumping entities have been reduced from nine to four. Why have any? Is it possible, practical or financially feasible to expand the Belfair site, if not why not? If dumping is curtailed, will prices rise, will people avoid pumping their septic tanks causing more failures and leaks into our lakes? I heard people suggest that pumping isn't necessary. If the lagoon were to overflow, what is the delusion rate? Is there really any danger, short of a major earthquake, that wells will be affected? Why not make a comparison of the volume of the lagoon to that of Cranberry Lake and Lake Limerick. Looking at a topographical map or an air view with the lagoon sketched in, it looks quite small by comparison. Do we know the flow rate of Cranberry Creek during periods of heavy rainfall or can in be estimated? Lake Limerick rises several inches at time like this in spite of lowering the lake level in the fall. It is currently over six inches higher than in the fall. This should further diminish any danger. It is not too late to present a better case for this project. If I were to be given a vote at this time I give it a go-ahead. I believe I have research it as well as I can and have even driven to the site. I'm willing to trust the Department of Ecology's conclusions. Thank you. Phyllis Antonsen 2360 E Saint Andrew Drive Shelton, WA 360-426-2295 kantonsen@q.com cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk Homes First Creating&Maintaining Safe,Healthy '- &Affordable Rental Homes A 501(c)(3)Nonprofit RECEIVED Commissioner Neatherlin APR 2 3 2018 Annual Report minisi County 2017 Mason County Affordable Rental Housing �W --,� .WI y _ 3 Trudy Soucoup,CEO Homes First—5203 Lacey Blvd,SE,Ste.A,Lacey,WA 98503 T:360-236-0920 DD:360-915-7513 E:ceo@homesfirst.org Annual Report ., 2017 1 Executive Summary ' In the past two years, we have made tremendous progress in Mason County. We have ensured three low- income Veteran-led households serving 21 people had a safe and healthy home they could afford.We partnered with Crossroads Housing and the VFW to ensure these families were able to successfully maintain their housing. These partnerships are key to our success in Mason County. We are proud of the work we are doing to provide scattered site homes that treat people like citizens rather than numbers on an apartment door. The growing support we receive from the Mason County community enables us to reach people who are homeless or at risk of being priced out of their home. In Thurston County, since 2013., we have almost doubled the properties we own and the people we serve every year.We want to work with Mason County to achieve the same results and better serve our neighbors in need. CONTENTS Executive Summary 2 2017 - A Home is the Foundation to Success 3 Homes First's Vision 3 Homes First's Values 3 Homes First Mission 4 Reaching our Full Potential 4 2018 - and Beyond 5 STATISTICS 4 CHALLENGES 4 SUCCESS STORY 5 S AVE THE DATE 6 Page 2 of 6 Annual Report 1111M 11 IIR\I 2017 2017 - A Home is the Foundation to Success In 2017, our focus has been on building the relationships needed to actively support the needs of the tenants of our current and future homes in Mason County. In order to accomplish this, Homes First is now a regular and participating member of both the Mason County Housing Coalition and the Shelton-Mason Chamber of Commerce. We are building partnerships with local financial institutions like Peninsula Credit Union and local funders like Green Diamond, as well as with social service providers like Community Lifeline, the United Way, DSHS,Telecare, and many others to ensure our tenants have the services they need to be permanently housed and have hope for a better future. Homes First's Vision Vibrant communities where everyone has a safe and healthy home they can afford, so that they have hope for a better future. Homes First's Values RESPECT: Instead of judging people by their past,standby them and help them build their future.Treat them with respect and value the work it has taken for them to survive. DIGNITY: Show each tenant that they are valued and worthy of being treated well,regardless of their past history. EQUITY: When we treat all tenants the same,they can believe that we want the best for them and understand our expectations and the outcomes.We make sure that people have privacy when they need and want it. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Life is full of choices.Some are made for us and some we make for ourselves.We encourage tenants to choose to be the creator of their own destiny,seek solutions,and take positive actions so they can find and retain a home.We work to empower people to make life sustaining choices. PARTNERSHIPS: Rather than being the answer to all our tenants'needs,we seek to partner with other groups to'share the load'. Community partnerships include the formal and informal community connections,collaborative projects,and relationships that address tenant's needs and goals. COMMUNITY: Building ongoing long-term relationships with organizations which complement our program and meet the needs of our tenants is a powerful community development strategy. It makes a network of services to make our community stronger. Page 3 of 6 Annual Report NDMi[ il�[T 2017 Homes First Mission STATISTICS r What We Do HOUSED: Homes First is a property 21 People developer and manager. We 20 7"Veterans = 4-one has moved to make it possible for service permanent providers not to be property4-14/16 71h Veteran-Led Families=3—one managers. The basis for our has moved to another community mission is creating and •• AL SERVICE CONNECTIONS: maintaining homes. Our goal is to get people in and keep people Support • PACEMAKER CONSULTING in safe, healthy,and affordable Tenants • SUPPORTIVE homes. In many cases,this SERVICES FOR VETERANFAMILIES(SSVF) means matching ourtenants with services so they can be • VETERANS ASSISTANCE FUND successful. In Mason County, Create& CROSSROADS HOUSING services are key to successful L Maintain housing projects. Without HomesCHALLENGES service support,tenants are less likely to remain successfullyLbb.— In September 2017,Keith Looker from housed,find housing that is Pacemaker Consulting agreed to available when it is available or attempt to manage the Veterans' connect with the other Shared Home at 420 7th resources they need to remain According to his reports, largest successfully housed. challenge is receiving sufficient communication about potential Reaching our Full Potential tenants in orderto connect and qualify them for the available units. He will be Housing is the foundation that can change everything for someone. We have given a name but nothing more on 28 years of successful tenants to prove that our model works. While we have how to connect with them. He made great strides,the potential for greater impact is higher than ever. continues to reach out to a variety of groups who serve Veterans but is not • Demand continues to rise for family housing. Everyweek,we are receiving referrals.4 contacted by dozens of people in Mason and Thurston Counties which When new tenants do qualify,they are we cannot serve because our units are full. coming to the home without having • Homes are available for purchase. Many homeowners seek us out to any connections made to provide buy their homes because they would like to see their properties used for them income to pay rent or sustain affordable housing market ratherthan redeveloped as market rate their lives on an ongoing basis. housing.Right now,we know of 10 properties available for purchase. • We are unable to take advantage of the available housing to meet Homes First continues to seek a local the growing need.In order to purchase those homes,we need a service provider who will take on this mortgage low enough to keep our rents low along with grants, home as we strongly believe the donations,and public funds to supplement the purchase and project will be more successful and rehabilitation costs. Although individual donations continue to increase easier to maintain if a local provider to our program,grants and public funds are decreasing. commits to it as was originally intended. Together,we can do more.We want to serve more people and can do so In the duplex,one unit has remained with the growth of supporters who value what we do-create and maintain consistently filled since it was first safe, healthy,and affordable rental homes for those who need them most. occupied. The other unit has a three month period of vacancy but with the Page 4 of 6 Annual Report 2017 Thank you for all of your support—it is making a difference in the lives of support of Crossroads Housing,has almost 300 people every year. We are making inroads,and we ask for your remained fully occupied since 201-7. continued support to reach our full potential and make our region a place It is our plan to apply for a Project where everyone can live in a home that is affordable for them. Based Voucher from the Mason 2017 INCOME Et EXPENSE "not audited County Housing Authority to support eh families in these units in 2o1-8. INCOME 414-4167" 420-7th NOTES RENTAL 11,927 1,500 SUCCESS STORY EXPENSE includes mortgage, PROPERTY 9,581 13,534 utilities etc. PROGRAM SUPPORT 326.50 326.50 mileage OPERATING SUPPORT 9,720 9,720 2/40th of total operational costs TOTAL PROPERTY Et OPERATIONS <7,700.50> <22,080.5o> Homes First needs a solution to this unsustainable income imbalance. Homes First is committed to providing safe, healthy and affordable homes. We address any maintenance issues quickly and ensure that all our properties are at local code standards and above. We also try to keep The Bell Family: rent at 30%Of local median income for people living between 30&50% Can you imagine living in a home, AMI. The rent at the duplex is$65o-$75o a month per three bedroom unit. paying your rent every month and then 1 The rent for the shelter is$750 per month. At the shelter,the service finding out that you were being kicked provider determines what if any rent will be shared by the residents. out from no fault of your own? As in all Homes First properties,everyone pays rent. It is the only way for This is exactly what happened to the Tell family. us to be able to maintain the homes in the affordable housing market in perpetuity. Dad found Homes First during the Veterans'Stand Down at the VFW in In 2o1-8,we will be applying for a Project Based Voucher subsidy from the Shelton. He shared his story of how he Housing Authority for the duplex to help defray the costs for the families had been paying his rent on time every and to supplement our income so we are not supporting these projects month only to find out that the owner from our Thurston County operations. of the property was accepting his money but not paying the mortgage. In 201 Q V and Beyond fact,the owner was taking the money and moving to Hawaii!Our partners at the VFW hall contacted Homes First In 2o1-8,we focusing on building the relationship necessary for adding more and assisted the family of six to move homes to the affordable housing market in Mason County. This includes local into our affordable duplex. service providers who can manage shared housing for unrelated adults and Now Mom&Dad both have jobs,have possibly youth. We are reaching out to local area philanthropists and regional a safe and healthy home for their funders in order to bring more funds to bare for acquisition and rehab. children and can afford their rent. They With the Quixote II project well on its way, it looks like Mason County also know their landlord will treat them Veteran homeless will soon be at functional zero. Homes First is working with dignity and respect and never with the Mason Housing Coalition to determine where we can best bring cheat them out of their hard earned our resources and influence to bear to address other needs in the wages. affordable housing market. We will continue to work with community "I never want to have another landlord stakeholders to help solve the most foundational of challenges— than Homes First,"says Dad."I trust affordable homes. them to treat me and my family right." Page_5 of 6 fit N ,, Annual Report 2017 1 r PROUD MEMBERS OF: South Sound Partners , Philanthropy ry �"d'ivipQ u�R WASHINGTON LOW INCOME Housing Alliance LACEY SOUTH SOUND CHAMBER camber Vit,\SON COU\TY BOARD OF DIRECTORS as of 12.31.201-7 National Community Russ Carstensen, Stabilization Trust President Rep. Andrew Barkis Beth Brown Ins Amal Joury, Vice President Steffany Brown of Washington Chris Lester Sarah Koch, Treasurer Sarah Reynierse WA Hallee Starborn THURSTON COUNTY a =+ Landlords Kevin Sparks, Secretary Korey Twombly CHAMBER Association Lacey•O"pla•Tumwater S AVE THE DATE ST" ANNUA EROS FIOR HOI ISIN SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 Page 6 of 6 NEWS RELEASE May 1, 2018 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH 5T" ST SHELTON, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 EXT. 419 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Advertising for Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee Member Mason County is advertising for citizen volunteers to serve on the Mason County Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC). The Solid Waste Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Commissioners regarding solid waste and special waste management in Mason County, including disposal rates, disposal options, waste reduction, recycling, household hazardous waste, and composting programs. Mason County invites all interested citizens who have an interest in solid waste to apply. There are openings for each Commissioner District and solid waste business representatives as listed in the current resolution establishing the advisory panel (Resolution 08-05). Committee members are appointed for a 3-year term. Participation is voluntary and members meet once a month. Application forms may be obtained from the Mason County Commissioners' Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, or by calling Shelton (360) 427-9670; Belfair(360) 275-4467; Elma (360) 482-5269, ext. 419 or visit our website at www.co.mason.wa.us. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair Vice Chair Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: John Huestis, P.E., Deputy Director/County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 2, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: April 23, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jerry W. Hauth and Cyndi Ticknor [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Interlocal Agreement— Fire District 3 Background: The Interlocal agreement with Fire District 3 would authorize the Public Works Department to provide vehicle, road or site maintenance, engineering, survey, GIS, emergency assistance, sign fabrication, fueling and materials supply services to the District. Fire District 3 will pay all actual costs for requested services from the Public Works Department. Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by either party. RECOMMENDED ACTION Recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the Interlocal Agreement with Fire District 3 authorizing services provided by the Public Works Department for vehicle maintenance, road or site maintenance, engineering, survey, GIS, emergency assistance, sign fabrication, fueling and materials supply. Attachment: Interlocal Agreement 4/24/2018 Agreement No. 18-03 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN MASON COUNTY AND FIRE DISTRICT 3 FOR ACQUISTION OF SERVICES THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into pursuant to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 of the Revised Code of Washington, on the 1St day of May, 2018,by and between Fire District 3 (hereinafter referred to as DISTRICT) and Mason County (hereinafter COUNTY) collectively referred to as PARTIES. WHEREAS, Revised Code of Washington Section 39.34.030 authorizes cooperative efforts between public agencies, and WHEREAS,the District has express interest in an Interlocal agreement with the COUNTY whereby the Public Works Department will provide the following services: vehicle maintenance, road or site maintenance, engineering, survey, GIS, emergency assistance, sign fabrication, fuelingand materials supply. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual benefits and covenants herein the PARTIES agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT: The purpose of this agreement is for the COUNTY to provide the above mentioned services to the DISTRICT when a work request has been approved by both parties. 2. ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENT: Each PARTY to this agreement shall have an AGREEMENT representative. Each PARTY may change its representative upon providing written notice to the other PARTIES. The PARTIES'representatives are as follows: To COUNTY: To DISTRICT: Dept. of Public Works Mason County Fire District 3 100 W Public Works Drive P.O. Box 129 Shelton, WA 98584 Grapeview, WA 98546 Attn: Cyndi Ticknor,Allan Eaton or Attn: Patricia L.Graeber Jeremy Seymour Phone: (360)427-9670, Ext.450 Phone: (360)275-4483 /(360)427-6421 Fax: (360)427-7783 Email: chiefgkwavecable.com Email: allane(a,co.mason.wa.us j eremys(2co.mason.wa.us cyndit(2co.mason.wa.us 3. DURATION OF AGREEMENT: This agreement shall take effect upon execution of the agreement by both COUNTY and DISTRICT and shall remain in effect until EITHER PARTY terminates by giving a ten days written notice to the OTHER PARTY. Page 1 4. WORK REQUESTS: The DISTRICT will normally request work from the COUNTY Road Maintenance and Operation/ER&R Manager,Asst. Road Operations/Maintenance Manager and/or Fleet Supervisor. The request should be made by an authorized representative of the DISTRICT by e-mail or fax. Phone or verbal requests must be followed up with a written request. The COUNTY will only do work as authorized by the DISTRICT. 5. SCHEDULING: The COUNTY will normally schedule the work in discussion with the DISTRICT'S representative, giving due consideration to the immediacy of the DISTRICT'S need and workload of the COUNTY. 6. COMPENSATION: (A) The DISTRICT shall pay the COUNTY all actual cost(direct and indirect)for requested services; an estimate will be provided by the COUNTY to the DISTRICT if requested(B) The COUNTY shall invoice the DISTRICT detailing time and/or materials used by the COUNTY. (C)Payment is due upon receipt of invoice and payment shall be expected in thirty(30) days from date of invoice. Invoices and payments are to be sent to the address and representative referred to in section 2. 7. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION: (A.)The DISTRICT shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend the COUNTY, its officers,officials,employees and agents, from and against any and all claims, actions, suits, liability, loss, expenses,damages, and judgments of any nature whatsoever, including costs and attorney's fees in defense thereof, for injury, sickness, disability or death to persons or damage to property or business, caused by or arising out of the DISTRICT'S acts,errors or omissions in the performance of this AGREEMENT. Provided however,that the DISTRICT'S obligation there under shall not extend to injury, sickness, death or damage caused by or arising out if the sole negligence of the COUNTY, its officers, officials, employees or agents. Provided further,that in the event of the concurrent negligence of the PARTIES,the DISTRICT'S obligations hereunder shall apply only to the percentage of fault attributable to the DISTRICT, its employees or agents. (B.). With respect to the DISTRICT'S obligations to hold harmless, indemnify and defend provided for herein,but only as such obligations relate to claims, actions or suits filed against the COUNTY,the DISTRICT further agrees to waive its immunity under the State Industrial Insurance Law, Title 51,RCW, for any injury or death suffered by the DISTRICT'S employee's caused by or arising out of the DISTRICT'S acts, errors or omissions in the performance of this AGREEMENT. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the PARTIES. (C.)The DISTRICT'S obligations hereunder shall include,but are not limited to,investigating, adjusting and defending all claims alleging loss from action, error or omission or breech of any common law, statutory or other delegated duty by the DISTRICT,the DISTRICT'S employees, agents or subcontractors. 8. ASSIGNMENT, DELEGATION AND SUBCONTRACTING: The PARTIES shall perform the terms of the AGREEMENT using only their bona fide employees or agents. Page 2 9. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: The PARTIES shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws,rules and regulations in performing this AGREEMENT. 10. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: The COUNTY and the DISTRICT agree not to discriminate in the performance of this Agreement because of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, creed, marital status, disabled or Vietnam era veteran status, or the presence of any physical,mental sensory handicap, or other status protected by law. 11. FILING: This document shall be filed with the COUNTY Auditor pursuant to RCW 39.34 or, alternatively, listed by subject on the COUNTY'S website. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. DATED this e, day of May, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON FIRE DISTRICT 3 Randy Neatherlin, Chair By ATTEST: Signature Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA Page 3 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: John Huestis, P.E., County Engineer/ Action Agenda Loretta Swanson, Technical Services Manager DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: May 1, 2018 � Agendaltem # BRIEFING DATE: April 23, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: John Huestis, P.E., County Engineer/ Loretta Swanson, Technical Services Manager [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Transportation Improvement Program Citizen Advisory Panel (TIP-CAP) Appointment BACKGROUND: Kathy Geist, Outreach/Transit Planner with Mason Transit Authority (MTA) submitted an application to serve on TIP-CAP. The advisory panel currently has two vacancies, one for District 2 and the other for Transit. The Board created TIP-CAP whose mission "...is to represent citizen interests throughout Mason County for all modes of travel during the development of the 6-year TIP." In order to balance interests county-wide, Resolution 53-14 identifies membership comprised of nine individuals representing: three from each rural area of the Commissioner Districts, three from each UGA or RAC of each Commissioner District, and three "at-large" positions representing different modes of transportation such as transit, bicycle/pedestrian, and freight/trucking. Current membership is presented in the table below. Name Represents Term Expire Mary Jo Cady District 1 — Rural 03/28/2019 Don Po rebs District 3 — Rural 03/28/2019 Mark Carlson District 3 — Shelton UGA 01/20/2019 Philip Wolff Bicycle/Pedestrian resides in District 1 01/20/2019 Jeff Carey District 1 — Belfair/AII n UGA 01/20/2019 Jack Johnson Freight/Trucking (resides/property owner 01/20/2019 District 1 Pete Butkus District 2 — Rural 12/31/2019 Vacant District 2—Hoods ort/Union UGA Vacant Transit resides in District 2 Kathy will replace the former Mason Transit Authority (MTA) representative, Mike Oliver, whom resigned from MTA and TIP-CAP in November of last year. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of County Commissioners appoint Kathy Geist to represent transit interests on TIP-CAP. ATTACHMENT: Application E oju(I aaldx3 total �a;� a�n}eu6ig aleG juatuluioddV - 'Cluo asn aaujo ANaaM hig}uow XX 6uol}!sod s!q}o;9A noA ueo awl}gonw moq'Alleo!}s!leau sad 6s6u!ulej}Lions pua}}e o;alge aq no!pino/N no,t o}}soo ou}e aq pinonn s6ulu!ea}aLil-(spaooa�l o!lgnd pue}ob sbul}aalm o!lgnd uad0 se Lions) sjnoq ssau!snq aeln6ai 6ulmp A}uno0 eqj Aq algel!ene spew s6ulule.l}u!epao 6u!pua}}e uodn}uapuadap si uoI}ed!oI}ied jnoA auoN (;saia}ul;o}o!guoo le!}ua}od a a}eajo•a-!) :pjeog s!q} uo uo!;!sod anoA}oage ao eouanljul 4ew golgnn suol}e!lyle Aie}UnlOA Jo 'leuo!ssajoid 'le!oueu!; Sue}s!l aseald •ueoiuuoal uwjad pue ao;eu(pmoo}oafoid se}ueupedep 6uu9auOua aql se!lane se sMionn o!ignd pa;uasaidej i 'Aileuo!}!ppy•1.rauueid pue J90140;u9wa3ao;u3 apo0 aq;se}uaw}iedaQ olanap orwouoo3 pue ttmtatua0 aq}urs e��E 6t - tlagS#o ?O Q�pa on+�1 tt411M But-plu'OPA MEMOS 41!ouno0.ro'aa}}!wwo0'paeog aq}ja;}o o;Lis!nn noA op sjj!is's}saja}uI}egM -amasap Aaq}apl jo Al!lenb aq;euohiana s9n!6 go!gM u! uolaq!e!oos pue uo!}eajoei uo!; np gTjeaq le}uaru pue leo!sAd 'juawAoldwe ab;Apnwwoo aqj q!nn 1550065 o�nrao�1�1' I�oa�ad a41�fofua s�a�po oue�(;unoa uoselN;QaldoacL'arnnold ann sa�ltias ay;sifnnl>.l1 'pa;�aaa�dal�i uoge;.rodsuej;o!lgnd ainsua o;pieoq aq}uo aoeld s,a�!W axle;o}bu!Aldde we l 'pjeoq dVO dll aq;uo uo!}eliodsuea} jilcind idamea-A-(uew ro3-pleocr-dVo dll—.i1T-Aa-pa7ues-lamiCFa3lr laBeuepV�t;pocl;n :6uiAldde aie noA go!gnn aoT pouno0 jo ea}}IwwoO 'pieog aLi};o asodind jo aloa aq;st anlaojad nog(op}eqM'spionn anod ul -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00;oafoad'goal;Iwaad •ao}U3 apo0 NOI1lSOd Sat sjeaA 61 uo}IagS To A;!0 :ANddWOD 3 J9uueld;!suej,Ugoe9j}n0 NOIIISOd ` S sjead g h;uoglnV;!suerl uoseIN :,kNVdWOO (SdIHSH38W3W HO S3111AIlOV) 30N3lU3dX3 Sf10In38d *03&i3�i dl :1N3Wl.OIMEI 301AH3S AdlNnvmoo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6Jo•}!Suej}uosew@n}s!a6A :11M-3 uolufl(inn nox ),I �!Nnoo 3Hl Ni V38V NO) uo aLiS t?9L9-Z£17-09£ :3NOHd NHOM :1ON109ild JNIlOA :dIZ/A110 VgLS-Z£b-09£ 3NOHd peo�l au!eJd suLlOr 3 06L -SS3WIGV dVO dil Ol 1N31M1NIOddb ONINE13S WV I tsN 69Z9-Mr JO L9##-9LZ•`666 .JX3 `OL96-L3t6-09E aolOA -JUq-LZb-09E Xej Alunoo uosaW -k8Ss6 VAI N0179Hs 1321?IJS HJ&J NINON I I b S2&MOISSINMOJ AJMnOD NOSVW 03AU'll RN jajxaj( pg At7uys`u!(Jay]PaN SUNIND:33 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Giraldes Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: May 1, 2018 Agenda Item # �. 3 (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8055572-8056144 $ 777,823.92 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 49369-49737 $ 742,117.54 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003577-7003605 $ 563,901.38 Total $ 2,083,842.84 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 7,986,793.69 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 5,919,556.26 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 6,164,653.22 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ 2,259,829.23 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants: Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8055572-8056144 $ 777,823.92 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 49369-49737 $ 742,117.54 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003577-7003605 $ 563,901.38 Total $ 2,083,842.84 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: David Windom — Marissa Watson Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Community Services EXT: _260 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 05.01.18 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 04.23.18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: David Windom [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Amendments to the Belfair UGA Sign Code — Compliance Issues Only Background: The Planning Advisory Commission was briefed on the Belfair UGA Sign Code on February 12, 2018, held a worksession on March 19, 2018, and a Public Hearing on April 16, 2018. When reviewing the Belfair UGA Sign Code, sections regulating temporary signs made mention of the sign's content and then regulated accordingly, i.e. Real Estate, Political, Garage Sale, and Agricultural Sale Signs. The U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Reed vs. Town of Gilbert in 2015 further reiterated that regulating by"content", placed restrictions on speech, would not pass strict scrutiny, and thus violated the First Amendment. For the Mason County Code to be valid and current with the law, it was necessary to amend the Belfair UGA Sign Code text. A Temporary Signs section was created, encompassing all the original temporary signs but deleting reference to content while keeping the original regulations of location and time. These amendments are SEPA exempt per WAC 197-11-800(19)(b) and a confirmation of transmittal to the Department of Commerce has been received. These amendments allow Community Services the ability to continue to enforce the Belfair UGA Sign code without calling into question its compliance with Supreme Court Ruling. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Set a public hearing for June 5, 2018 to approve the amendments to Title 17.34-Signs in the Belfair UGA. Attachment(s): Title 17.34 — Signs in the Belfair UGA, Department of Commerce transmittal letter, and hearing notice. L\Community DevelopmentTLANNINGWarissa W\BOCC\Agenda\2018\05.01.18\05.01.18_Consent Belfair UGA Sign Code.docx i Chapter 17.34-SIGNS IN THE BELFAIR UGA Sections: 17.34.010—Signs in the Belfair UGA. 17.34.020—Intent of sign regulations. 17.34.030—Application. 17.34.040—Exemptions to the sign regulations. 17.34.050—Definitions. 17.34.060—Sight distance for signs. 17.34.070—Prohibited signs. 17.34.080—Temporary signs. 17.34.090—Non-Commercial signs. 17.34.100—Design guidelines. 17.34.110—Permitted commercial monument sign standards. 17.34.120—Permitted commercial building sign standards. 17.34.130—Permitted commercial tenant sign standards. 17.34.140—Permitted commercial neon sign standards. 17.34.150—Non-Conforming commercial signs. 17.34.160—Severability. 17.34.170—Enforcement. 17.34.01 a 010_Signs in the Belfair UGA. This chapter shall also be known as the"Belfair Sign Code." (Ord. 133-04 Aft. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.020:829-_Intent of sign regulations. The intent of the sign regulations is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the number, size, design, quality of materials, construction, location, electrification and maintenance of all signs and sign structures; to preserve and improve the appearance of Belfair as a place in which to live and as an attraction to nonresidents who come to visit or trade; to encourage sound signing practices as an aid to business and for public information but to prevent excessive and confusing sign displays or signs that pose a hazard to the public. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.838-030-Application. This chapter applies only to signs within the Belfair urban growth area. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 1 4/18/2018 i 17.34.940-040-Exemptions to the sign regulations. The following may be construed as signs, but are not intended to be regulated as signs in the development regulations: A. The flag, emblem or insignia of a nation or other governmental unit or nonprofit organization subject to the guidelines concerning their use set forth by the government or organization which they represent; B. Traffic or other municipal signs, signs required by law or emergency, railroad crossing signs, legal notices and signs erected by government agencies to implement public policy; C. Signs of public utility companies indicating danger or which serve as an aid to public safety or which show the location of underground facilities or of public telephones; D. Signs located in the interior of any building or within an enclosed lobby or court of any building or group of buildings, which signs are designed and located to be viewed exclusively by patrons of such use or uses; E. Ddecorations, clearly incidental and customary and commonly associated with any national, local or religious holiday, or traditional community event such as annual festivals or parades; F. Sculptures, fountains, murals, mosaics and design features which do not incorporate advertising or identification. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.9§0-050-Definitions. The following definitions apply within this chapter: Accessory building or use means any building or use which: A. Is subordinated to, and serves a principal building or principal use; B. Is subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the principal building or principal use served; C. Contributes to the comfort, convenience or necessity of occupants of the principal building or principal use served; and D. Is located on the same lot as the principal building or principal use served, with the single exception of such accessory off-street parking facilities as are permitted to locate elsewhere than on the same lot with the building or use served. E. Accessory uses include signs which are related to and support an on-site business or activity. Agricultural sales sign means a usually seasonal sign used to announce and/or direct the public to a sale of locally grown agricultural products. Animated sign means any sign which includes action or motion or the optical illusion of action or motion, or color changes of all or any part of the sign facing, requiring electrical energy, or set in motion by movement of the atmosphere. Rffillhaard FAP-,r. ..., same as-,nOffcec. c Changing message center sign means an electrically or electronically controlled sign where different automatic changing messages are shown on the same lamp blank. Commercial sign means, for the purposes of sign regulations, a sign intended to attract attention, identify, advertise, and/or promote: a business; goods sold, offered, traded, or manufactured; a service sold or offered; or professional, commercial or industrial gainful activity. County means Mason County,Washington. 2 4/18/2018 i Construction sign means any sign used to identify the architects, engineers, contractors or other individuals or firms involved with the construction of a building and announce the character of the building or the purpose for which the building is intended. Flashing sign means any sign which contains an intermittent or flashing light source or which includes the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation or an externally mounted intermittent light source. Garage sale signs (yard sales, moving sales, patio sales) mean temporary signs used to announce and/or direct the public to a sale of used items. Off-premises sign means a sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered at a location other than the premises on which the sign is located. On-premises sign means any communication device, structure or fixture that is intended to aid in identification and to advertise and/or promote a business, service, activity, interest or view at the location on which the sign is located. Non-commercial sign means, for the purposes of sign regulations, a sign intended for a purpose other than to attract attention, identify, advertise, and/or promote: a business; goods sold, offered, traded, or manufactured; a service sold or offered; or professional, commercial, or industrial gainful activity. Political sign means a sign advertising a candidate or candidates for public elective office, or a political party, or sign urging a particular vote on a public issue decided by ballot. Real estate signs mean any sign pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of land or buildings. Roof sign means any sign erected upon, against or directly above a roof or on top of or above the parapet of a building. Sign means any communication device, structure or fixture that is intended to aid an establishment in identification and to advertise and/or promote a business, service, activity or interest. For the purpose of this chapter, a sign shall not be considered to be building or structural design, but shall be restricted solely to graphics, symbols or written copy that is meant to be used in the aforementioned way. Signs as regulated in this chapter have been organized into a variety of types, such as commercial and non-commercial, which are regulated differently. Temporary sign means those signs intended and designed to be displayed for a limited period of time and associated with a particular event or short term activity. Temporary signs may be of either a commercial or non-commercial nature. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.060989-Sight distance for signs. In addition to the setback requirements otherwise established, signs shall be located such that there is at every street intersection a clear view between heights of three feet and ten feet in a triangle formed by the corner and points on the curb thirty feet from the intersection or entryway. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.9070-Prohibited signs. The following seanmeMial signs or displays are prohibited in all aFeas ef the GOURM!le Belfair Urban Growth Area: A. Roof signs; 3 4/18/2018 i B. Animated or flashing signs, provided that changing message center signs may be allowed when the image and/or message remains fixed for at least five seconds and that the only animation or appearance of movement allowed is the transition from one message and/or image to another by the scrolling on and/or off of the message and/or image; C. Signs which, by reason of their size, location, movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or radio equipment vehicle, or which obstruct the visibility of traffic or street sign or signal device from the traffic intended to be served by the sign, signal or device; D. Signs attached to utility poles,- E. oles;E. Off-premises signs nnd holihnArd , except for the temporary signs allowed in Sections 17.34.08_017.34.090 thFeugh 17.34.120, inealusivei F. Pole-mounted signs; G. Ground-mounted signs taller than ten feet in height; H. Signs employing exposed electrical conduits; I. Signs with visible ballast boxes or other equipment; J. Signs with luminous plastic letters; K. Audible or odor-producing signs; L. Back-lit translucent awnings; M. Cardboard signs, except for the temoorary signs allowed in Section 17.34.080;; N. Back-lit signs with letters or graphics on a plastic sheet(also known as can signs); O. Vinyl banners, except those related to a specific event and displayed prior to the event for no more than ten days. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). Typical"can signs" Internally lit letters ora not acceptable or graphics are acceplatAe Buldi•tp or monument surface l.rt letters or grapNcs Opaque sign panel Plastic or Sheet Sign integrated into builc ng transkKerd metal architecture to g Situated in sheat boa recossed panel imegrated into canopy construction etc) 4 4/18/2018 i Figure 22. Can signs compared with permitted signs. 17.34.080—Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are those intended and designed to be displayed for a limited period of time and shall not be permanently attached or anchored to the ground, to a building, or any other structure. Temporary Signs specified in 17.34.080.C. which are allowed in the right-of-way, are regulated by state law and local ordinance. A. Signs displayed on a property actively marketed for sale, lease, or rent. (1) Permitted Location: On property for sale, lease, or rent. (2) Duration: no longer than ten (10) days after the sale, lease, or rent of property has been finalized. (3) Off-Premise Signs: May be placed on private property with owner's consent. B. Signs displayed on a property holding_a Temporary event. (1) Permitted Location: On the property with which the temporary event is associated. (2) Duration: no longer than ten (10) days after the event. (3) Off-Premise Signs: May be placed on private property with owner's consent. C. Signs displayed during elections and campaigns. (1) Permitted Location: May be placed on private propertV with owner's consent and in the public right of way as regulated by state law and local ordinance. (2) Duration no longer than ten (10)days after the final campaign or election. 17.34.090—Non-Commercial Signs. Non-commercial signs may be placed upon private propertV with owner's consent. 4 7-34.080 Pr—ehitir+„a POP r i signs. The fol' ' - imeFGial signs or displays are pFehibited in all areas of the GE)Unty: A. Animated OF flashing signs, provided that Ghanging message Genter signs may be allowed when the image and/OF message rernaiRs fixed fE)F at least five seGE)Rds and that the GRIY a-nima#en-Gr--appearanGe of movement allowed is the transition from one message and/ar B. Signs . v .hin-hrrth,by reasen of their size, leGation, movement, content, coloring or manneF of the--light of anremergen"c"y or radie—equipment .eh'Gle or which obstrn 6t the visibility of traffiG E)F stFeet sign oF signal deViGe from the traffiG intended to be served the sign signal or de =7.34.999 o„-,i estate r . 5 4/18/2018 i Real estate sigRs may be plaGed only upen PFivate PFE)peFty with ewneF'S Gensent. 17 3n inn NE)R -,i peFmitted on public right of ways as regulated by state law and IOGal erdiRanGe. 17.34.110 GaFage sale sips (alse YaFd sales, rneving sales, patie sales). Garage sale signs (aIsE) yard sales, MGVdRg sales, patie sales) may be plaGed oRly upon private pmperty (Ord 133 04 A++ B § 2 (part) 2004) 1:7.3 4 120 A„riEultwal sales AgFOGU'Wral sales signs may be plaGed only upon private propeFty and with the OWRer's consent-. 17.34.30-100-Design guidelines. The following guidelines apply to all signage for non-single family residential development: A. Signage must be of high-quality design and materials; B. Signage shall always complement a building's character and design (e.g., walls signs should avoid covering building columns); C. Signs may be fabricated of mixed media, including metal reverse-illuminated letters, suspended neon letters, illuminate individual letters, or signs etched or cut out of solid material, such as wood or brass, and illuminated from behind; D. Keep signs as simple as possible, relying on symbols to avoid needless clutter and complexity; E. Use landscaping in conjunction with monument signs to enhance the appearance; F. Light colored lettering and logos on a dark background is highly recommended for readability, sense of quality and design continuity; G. Non-illuminated mixed-media, and other special mixed-media signs will be subject to approval by the county. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 6 4/18/2018 i Buf3Mp best point Tecurt s�r.ge Io01f0A rim/ TFI Bede sign krCzApx - E I gq4 Figure 23.Appropriate sign location and size. 17.34.110369-Permitted commercial monument sign standards. A. Monument site entry signs may be located at major vehicular or pedestrian entries along the street front. B. Only one monument sign is allowed per site. For large sites, more than one monument sign shall be permitted as long as such signs are placed no closer than one hundred fifty feet apart along the street front. C. Monument signs size limits: (1) Single tenant signs shall be no more than eight feet in height and thirty-two square feet in area per face(Two sign faces are allowed); (2) Single tenant signs for retail uses larger than fifty thousand square feet in gross floor area shall be no more than ten feet in height and fifty square feet in area per face; (3) Multi-tenant(more than three tenants) signs shall be no more than ten feet in height and forty square feet in area per face; (4) Multi-tenant signs for commercial uses with more than fifty thousand square feet in gross floor area shall be no more than ten feet in height and fifty square feet in area per face; (5) Monument signs for multi family developments shall be no more than five feet in height and twenty-eight square feet in total sign face area. D. Signs shall be designed to integrate with adjacent site landscaping. E. Monument signs shall be setback at least five feet from any public right-of-way. F. Monument signs may be internally lit or illuminated from the front. G. A thirty-foot lineal break in required tree coverage in landscaped front yard areas parallel to the street, where applicable, is permitted adjacent to monument signs to enhance visibility. Other landscape elements such as shrubs and ground cover will still apply. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 4/18/2018 7 i a .z v Figure 24.An example of a monument sign. 17.34.1203b9-Permitted commercial building sign standards. A. Building signs are those signs mounted directly on the face of a building and include signs to identify the building or facility or individual tenants or businesses. Building signs should be designed and located to fit with the buildings architecture. For example, building signs might fit within a recessed panel or on a building element such as a fascia or canopy. Building signs should not cover over an architectural element such as a window or portion of a buildings ornamentation or trim. B. Buildings signs should fit parallel or perpendicular with the building fagade. The supporting mechanisms or arms of new building signs should not be visible. Perpendicular signs should not extend more than four feet from the building facade. C. The maximum surface area of building mounted signs for a given facade is twenty-five square feet plus ten percent of the area of the building's main fagade. The sign(s) may be located on any facade, but the signs on all facades count toward maximum surface area. D. The lettering and logos of building signs may be internally-lit but the background of the sign face shall not be internally illuminated. Building signs may be illuminated from the front. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). flr L4_P MAXIMUM AREA 7',it t flus 101E d main Oulanfl tacadu(d s gna90 Maus DUKX rosy Figure 25. Maximum size of building signs. 17.34.469-130-Permitted commercial tenant sign standards. Miscellaneous tenant signs including those hung from building canopies (blade signs), temporary ground placed A-Board signs, and window signs are allowed provided they do not exceed twelve square feet and provided they are within ten feet of the individual or multiple tenant building entrance. 8 4/18/2018 i (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.x0-140-Permitted commercial neon sign standards. Neon signs in windows are permitted. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). 17.34.498150- Non-conforming commercial signs. A. Signs which are legally established prior to the effective date of this chapter, December 28, 2004, may continue for a period of ten years, provided that, if a non-conforming sign is changed or moved, it must be brought into conformance with this chapter at that time. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, sandwich boards or A-frame boards, which are legally established prior to the effective date of this chapter, may continue for a period of ninety days, provided that after that time: (1) The sign shall be removed or brought in to conformance, and (2) Prior to any enforcement action, the county shall attempt to notify the property and/or business owner of the non-conformity. B. If this chapter is amended so as to create new non-conforming signs from signs which were in conformance with this chapter, those signs may continue for a period of ten years from the date of the amendment that made them non-conforming, provided that, if a non- conforming sign is changed or moved, it must be brought into conformance with this chapter at that time. C. Parcels affected by roadway construction identified in the Belfair subarea plan may be granted an extension of six months past project completion to bring non-conforming signs into conformance. (Ord. 133-04 Att. B §2 (part), 2004). Figure 26. Example of a sandwich board or A-frame board. 17.34.160—Severability. This title shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington. In the event that any portion or section of this title be declared invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the title shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect. 9 4/18/2018 i 17.34.170—Enforcement. County officials shall have the authority to remove signs when not placed in accordance with this section. 10 4/18/2018 y z:a STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1041 Plum Street SE • PO Box 42525 • Olympia, Washington 98504-2.525 - (360) 725-4000 www.contmerce.wa.gov April 9, 2018 Marissa Watson Planning Clerical Mason County 615 W Alder Street Shelton, Washington 98584 Dear Ms.Watson: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce)the following materials as required under RCW 36.70A.106. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. County of Mason -Proposed amendments to Title 17.34-Signs in the Belfair UGA, Sections 17.34.040 and Section 17.34.050, Section 17.34.070 through 17.34.120,ADDING Section 17.34.160 -Severability and Section 17.34.170 -Enforcement.These are text amendments, in response to the ruling in Reed vs. Town of Gilbert.The original Sections 17.34.090 through Sections 17.34.120 referenced the content of the signs when regulating, in the revision new Section 17.34.080 is titled Temporary Signs and does not reference content. SEPA exempt per WAC 197-11-800(19)(b)text amendments resulting in no substantive changes respecting use or modification of the environment. These materials were received on April 06, 2018 and processed with the Material ID#24793. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies. If this submitted material is an adopted amendment,then please keep this letter as documentation that you have met the procedural requirement under RCW 36.70A.106. If you have submitted this material as a draft amendment, then final adoption may occur no earlier than sixty days following the date of receipt by Commerce. Please remember to submit the final adopted amendment to Commerce within ten days of adoption. If you have any questions, please contact Growth Management Services at reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov, or call Dave Andersen (509)434-4491 or Paul Johnson (360) 725-3048. Sincerely, Review Team Growth Management Services Notice of Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing at the Mason County Courthouse Building 1, Commission Chambers, 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton, WA 98584 on Tuesday,June 5,2018 at 9:30 A.M. SAID HEARING will be to consider amendments to Title 17.34—Belfair UGA Sign Code—Compliance Issues Only. The hearing is regarding removal of text that refers to the "content"of temporary signs when regulating and is SEPA exempt per WAC 197-11- 800(19)(b). If you have any questions,please contact Marissa Watson, Planner, Mason County Department of Community Services, at(360)427-9670, Ext. 367. If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners' office, (360)427-9670, Ext. 419. DATED this day of May, 2018 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Clerk of the Board c: Journal—Publish 2x: May 10 & May 17, 2018 (Bill: Community Services—615 W. Alder St., Shelton, Wa 98584) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 DATE: April 25, 2018 Agenda Item #/D. Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: April 2, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: Hold a public hearing to consider approval of supplemental appropriation and budget transfer requests to the 2018 budget. Background: The following are requests for supplemental appropriations and budget transfers: Supplemental Requests $80,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from North Mason School District for School Resource Officer ($80,000) to Current Expense MCSO for Salaries and Benefits Patrol $101,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from BHO for Training ($101,000)to Current Expense MCSO for Professional Services and Supplies CJTC Training TOTAL: $0 Budget Transfers $150,000 Transfer Out from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue $150,000 Transfer In from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue replacing $150,000 from BHO $14,500 Revenue to CE Ending Fund Balance from Public Works ER&R for DEM Vehicle #00158 being returned to ER&R $14,075 Payment to Public Works from MCSO- Professional Services via CE Ending Fund Balance for Labor&Equipment for Special Investigation work completed in 2017 TOTAL: $178,075 Budget Impact: $14,500 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance $14,075 Decrease in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Net Impact: $425 Increase in Current Expense Ending Fund Balance Recommended Action: Motion to approve the following Supplemental Appropriations and Budget Transfers to the 2018 Budget: J:\Jessica S\BOCC public hearing\2018\Cover Sheet for 5.1.18 supplemental-transfer hearing.doc Supplemental Requests $80,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from North Mason School District for Resource Officer $101,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from BHO for training Budget Transfers $150,000 Transfer Out from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue $150,000 Transfer In from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue replacing $150,000 from BHO $14,500 Revenue to CE Ending Fund Balance from Public Works ER&R for DEM Vehicle #00158 being returned to ER&R $14,075 Payment to Public Works from MCSO- Professional Services via CE Ending Fund Balance for Labor&Equipment for Special Investigation work completed in 2017 J:\Jessica S\BOCC public hearing\2018\Cover Sheet for 5.1.18 supplemental-transfer hearing.doc ORDER 2018 Budget IN THE MATTER OF: BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL/TRANSFERS - NOTICE OF HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 26-18 DATED AND PASSED: April 10, 2018 FOR BUDGET SUPPLEMENTAL/TRANSFERS OF: WHEREAS, a notice was published and a public hearing was held in accordance with RCW 36.40.100 and RCW 36.40.195 and with Resolution No. 26-18 (see Attachment A which is incorporated as part of this order). THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, hereby approves the budget supplementals/transfers to the 2018 budget as follows: Supplemental Requests: $80,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue—Law Enforcement Services N. Mason SD(001.205.267) ($80,000)to Current Expense MCSO for Patrol-Deputy(001.205.267) $101,000 to Current Expense MCSO Revenue from BHO for Training(001.205.267/001.205.270) ($101,000) to Current Expense MCSO for Professional Services CJTC Training (001.205.267/001.205.270) TOTAL:$0 $150,000 Transfer Out from Treatment Sales Tax Fund (164.100.000) funded by Ending Fund Balance(164.100.000)to: $150,000 Transfer In from Treatment Sales Tax Fund to MCSO Revenue (001.205.270) replacing $150,000 from BHO( $14,500 Revenue to Emergency Management for Proceeds from Sale of Capital Asset (001.050.000)from Public Works ER&R Capital Machinery&Equipment(501)for sale of DEM Vehicle#00158 to ER&R $14,075 Payment to Public Works-Road (105)from MCSO-Professional Services(001.205.267)via CE Ending Fund Balance(001.320.000)for Labor&Equipment for Special Investigation work completed in 2017 TOTAL:$178,075 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these Supplemental Appropriations and Budget Transfers will be expended and recorded in the 2018 budget as listed in Attachment B which is also incorporated as part of this order. PASSED in open session this 1St day of May 2018. J:\Jessica S\BOCC public hearing\2018\Budget Order May 2018.doc ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Drexler, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Kevin Shutty, Commissioner C: Auditor Financial Services Treasurer JAJessica S\BOCC public hearing\2018\Budget Order May 2018.doc Budget Order 5.1.2018 Attachment B Amount Type 5 U I D Account Description $ 80,000.00 2 Revenue Inc 001.000000.205.267.342.10.300600 NMHS Contracted Services $ 80,000.00 2 Expense Inc 001.000000.205.267.521.22.510362 Patrol-Deputy $ 81,000.00 2 Revenue Inc TBD From BHO for CJTC Training $ 78,000.00 2 Expense Inc 001.000000.205.267.521.22.512902 Training OT $ 3,000.00 2 Expense Inc 001.000000.205.267.521.22.531010 Supplies $ 20,000.00 2 Revenue Inc TBD From BHO for CJTC Training $ 20,000.00 2 Expense Inc 001.000000.205.270.523.60.512902 Training OT $150,000.00 3 Revenue Inc 001.000000.205.270.397.00.300164 Trans In from Mental Health $150,000.00 3 Expense Dec 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500205 Trans Out to Sheriff for Nursing $ 14,500.00 Warrant Revenue Inc 001.000000.050.000.395.10.300000 Sale of DEM Vehicle#00158 $ 14,500.00 Voucher Expense Dec 501.000000.000.000.594.48.564000 Purchase of DEM Vehicle#00158 $ 8,297.80 Warrant Revenue Inc 105.000000.000.000.344.10.300000 Labor&Equipment for Spec.Inv. $ 5,776.92 Warrant Revenue Inc 105.000000.000.000.369.91.300000 Labor&Equipment for Spec.Inv. $ 14,074.92 Voucher Expense Dec 001.000000.205.267.521.22.541091 Interfund Professional Services MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Eugene Austin, Law Library Chair and Action Agenda X Rachelle Osman, Law Librarian Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Law Library Committee EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 5/1/18 Agenda Item # 5 Commissioner staff to com tete BRIEFING DATE: 4/16/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Peter Jones, Law Library Board of Trustee Member [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Extension of current,contract between the Mason County Law Library fund and Westlaw for continued service. BACKGROUND: Westlaw is in the process of raising their rates. In addition, our current services are inappropriate for use in the jail as it allows for a form of unmonitored communication. Westlaw has offered to continue their current rates, and to convert one of the three current user accounts for the Law Library into a Correctional Use account dedicated for use in the jail, with the appropriate restrictions. The Law Library is not mandated to serve the jail, but the Law Library Committee believes that the use of the Law Library to serve the jail is in the best interest of the population that most needs access to Law Library services. BUDGET IMPACTS: Negligible. This would result in a short-term $1.50/month reduction in cost. There is going to be an extended negotiation later in the year for a five-year plan, but this extension is necessary to line our current contract (which expires in May) up with our normal budgetary cycle. This is funded via the Law Library fund, and no part of this contract would be a portion of the General Fund. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approvement of the attached proposed contract with a correction modifying the contracting agency for the correctional user account from the Mason County Jail to the Mason County Law .Library, as approved by the Law Library Committee. ATTACHMENT(S): Proposed Contracts. 1.) The Law Library Access Contract with two seats (meaning two concurrent users can have access at the same time) contract amount is $986.01. 2.) Correctional Access Contract for $490.00. Totaling $1,476.01 (before taxes). Previous contact amount was $1,478.31 HALaw Libary\4-25 Law Library Commissioner's Agenda.doc I Order Form Order ID: Q-00218580 JHOMSON REUTERS Contact your representative paul.j.rogers@thomsonreuters.com with any questions.Thank you. Account Address Shipping Address Billing Address Account#: 1003321538 Account#: 1003321538 Account#: 1003321538 MASON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY MASON COUNTY LAW LIBRARN MASON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY PATRON ACCESS PATRON ACCESS PATRON ACCESS PO Box X PO Box X PO Box X SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON WA,98584-0078 WA,98584-0078 WA,98584-0078 US US US This Order Form is a legal document between West Publishing Corporation and Subscriber.West Publishing Corporation also means"West "we"or -our"and Subscriber means"you',or"I". Subscription terms,if any,follow the ordering grids below. * ProFlex Products yea fc �� See Attachment for details - Year Over Year Service Material Product Monthly Minimum Term Increase During Charges (Months) Minimum Term 40757482 WEST PROFLEX $986.01 12 % Online/Practice Sol ution/Software/ProFlex Products:Monthly Charges begin on the date we process your order and will be prorated for the number of days remaining in that calendar month, if any. Your Monthly Charges will continue for the number of complete calendar months listed in the Minimum Term column above.The percent increases for multi-year orders appear in the Term Increases column above. Subscriber ("you"or"I")is also responsible for all Excluded Charges. Excluded Charges are for accessing Westlaw data or a Practice Solutions service that is not included in your subscription. Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice. For Window Products: Monthly Charges begin on the date we process your order and will continue for the number of complete calendar months in the Minimum Term column above.The percent increases for multi-year orders appear in the Tetra Increases column above. Monthly Charges are due regardless of the level of your usage. Transactional usage charges that exceed the Monthly Charges are waived up to the Monthly Window amount stated above. In addition to the Monthly Charges you are responsible for transactional usage charges in excess of the Monthly Window. Transactional charges are calculated based upon our then-current Schedule A rates. You are also responsible for all Excluded Charges. Excluded Charges are charges for accessing a service that is not included in your subscription. Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice. To apply Window charges to a specific month,the request must be submitted at least five(5)business dad s prior to the end of the month. Post Minimum Terms For Online/Practice Solutions/Software/ProFlex Products: Your subscription will change to a month-to-month status at the end of the Minimum Term,and your Monthly Charges will increase by 7%.Thereafter,the Monthly Charges will increase 7%every 12 months unless we notify you of a different rate at least 60 days before the annual increase. You are also responsible for all Excluded Charges.Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice.Either of us may cancel the month-to-month subscription by sending at least 30 days written notice.Send your notice of cancellation to Customer Service,610 Opperman Drive,P.O.Box 64833,Eagan,MN 55123-1803. Automatic Renewal Term for Window Products.Your subscription will change to a month-to-month status at the end of the Minimum Term and your Monthly Charges will be billed at up to our then-current rate.Thereafter,we may modify the Monthly Charges after at least 30 days notice.The Monthly Window will remain unchanged.Monthly Charges are due regardless of the level of your usage.Transactional usage charges that exceed the Monthly Charges are waived up to the Monthly Window.In addition to the Monthly Charges,you are responsible for transactional usage charges in excess of the MoAthly Window.Transaction charges are calculated based upon our then-current Schedule A rate. You are also responsible for all Excluded Charges. Excluded Charges may change after 30 days written or online notice. Either of us may cancel the month-to-month subscription by sending at least 30 days written notice.Send your notice of cancellation to Customer Service,610 Opperman Drive,P.O.Box 64833,Eagan MN 55123-1803. To apply Window charges to a specific month,the request must be submitted at least five(5)business days prior to the end of the month. Federal Government Subscribers Optional Minimum Term.Federal government subscribers that chose a multi-year Minimum Term,those additional months will be implemented at your option pursuant to federal law. Page 1 of I - s Miscellaneous""`7 fy,., Charges,Payments&Taxes. You agree to pay all charges in full N%ithin 30 days of the date of invoice. You are responsible for any applicable sales,use,value added tar(VAT),etc.unless you are tax exempt. If you are a non-government subscriber and fail to pay your invoiced charges, you are responsible for collection costs including attorneys'fees. Credit Verification.If you are applying for credit as an individual,we may request a consumer credit report to determine your creditworthiness. If we obtain a consumer credit report,you may request the name,address and telephone number of the agency that supplied the credit report.If you are applying for credit on behalf of a business,we may request a current business financial statement from you to consider your request. Auto Charge Credit Card/Electronic Funds Transfer Election Payment Terms.You may authorize us to automatically charge a credit card, debit card or electronic fund transfer to pay charges due.Contact Customer Service at 1-800-3284880 for authorization procedures.If you have previously authorized us to bill a,credit card, debit card or make electronic fund transfers for West subscriptions on an ongoing basis, or authorizing the same as part of this order,no further action is needed. Returns and Refunds.You may return a print product to us within 45 days of the original shipment date if you are not completely satisfied. Assured Print Pricing, Library Savings Plan, West Complete,Library Maintenance Agreements,ePack,WestPack, Westlaw,CLEAR,Monitor Suite, ProView eBook, Software, West LegalEdcenter, Practice Solutions, TREWS and Serengeti charges are not refundable. Please see http://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/returns-ref inds.pdf or contact Customer Service at 1-800-3284880 for additional details regarding our policies on returns and refunds. Applicable Law.This Order Form will be interpreted under Minnesota state law.Any claim by one of us may be brought in the state or federal courts in Minnesota. If you are a state or local governmental entity,your state's law will apply and any claim may be brought in the state or federal courts located in your state.If you are a United States Federal Government subscriber,United States federal law will apply and any claim may be brought in any federal court. Excluded Charges. If you access services that are not included in your subscription you will be charged our then-current rate("Excluded Charges"). Excluded Charges will be invoiced ind due with your next payment. For your reference,the current Excluded Charges schedules are located at the links below. Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice. http://static.Wall so]Lit ions.thomsonreuters.com.'static/agreemenUp]an-2-pro-govt-agencies pddf http:Hstatic.legalsoI utions.thonisonreuters.coni!static/agreehiendsciiedule-a-concourse-case-notebook-hosted.pdf The General Terms and Conditions, apply to all products ordered, except print and is located at http://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/general-terms-conditions.pdf The General Terms and Conditions for Federal Subscribers are located at htto://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.con/static/federal-general- terms-conditions.odf. In the event that there is a conflict of terms between the General Terns and Conditions and this Order Form,the terms of this Order Form control.This Order Form is subject to our approval. Banded Product Subscriptions You certify the total number of attorneys (partners, shareholders, associates, contract or staff attorneys, of counsel,and the like),corporate users,personnel or full-time-equivalent students is indicated in the applicable Quantity column. Our pricing for banded products is made in reliance upon your certification. If we learn that the actual number is greater,we reserve the right to increase your charges as applicable Product Specific Terms.The following products have specific terms which are incorporated by reference and made part of this Order Form if they apply to your order.They can be found at http://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/product-specific-temis.pdf.If the product is not part of your order,the product specific terms do not apply.If there is a conflict between product specific terms and the Order Form,the product specific terms control. *Campus Research •Contract Express *Hosted Practice Solutions •ProV iew eBooks *Time and Billing •Westlaw Doc&Form Builder •West km Software •West LegalEdcenter F *West]aw Paralegal •Westlaw Patron Access *Westlaw Public Records ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 have read all pages and attachments to this Order Form and 1 accept the terms on behalf of Subscriber.1 warrant that I am authorized to sign this Order From on behalf of the Subscriber. Page 2 of Signature of Authorized Representative for order Title Printed Name Date ®2018 West,a Thomson Reuters business. All rights reserved. This Order Form will expire and will not be accepted after 6/5/2018. Page 3 of4 ,t Attachment Order ID: Q-00218580 % THOMSON REUTERS Contact your representative paul.j.rogers@thomsonreuters.com_with any questions.Thank you. Order ID: Q-00218580 �,. *T �. W. Payment,Shipping,and Contact Informitttan.� :: � .� c Payment Method: Order Confirmation Contact(#28) Payment Method:Bill to Account Contact Name:Eugene Austin Account Number: 1003321538 Email:eugene.c.austin@gmail.com Shipping Information: Shipping Method:Ground Shipping-U.S.Only ProFlex Multiple Location Details Account Number Account Name Account Address Action MASON SHELTON 1003321538 COUNTY LAW WA,98584-0078 New LIBRARY ProFlex Product Details Quantity Unit Service Material# Description 2 Seats 42115621 Pat Ace National Core for Patron Access 2 Seats 42115635 Pat Acc Analytical Plus for Patron Access 2 Seats 42115623 Pat Ace Litigation for Patron Access Online Contact Information User Email Address Contact Description EUGENE AUSTIN eugene.e.austin@gmail.com EML PSWD CONTACT EUGENE AUSTIN rsr@co.mason.wa.us PATRON ACC TECH CONT Lapsed Products Sub Material Active Subscription to be Lapsed 42049505 National Core for Patron Access 42043682 Analytical Premier for Patron Access 42047149 Related Docs for Patron Access 40757482 West Proflex Page 4 of 4 Order Form Order ID: Q-00218623 +: THOMSON REUTERS Contact your representative paul.j.rogers@thomsonreuters.com with any questions.Thank you. Account Address Shipping Address Billing Address Account#: 1005214953 Account#: 1005214953 Account#: 1005214953 MASON COUNTY JAIL MASON COUNTY JAIL MASON COUNTY JAIL MASON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY MASON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY MASON COUNTY LAW LIBRARY PO Box X PO Box X PO Box X SHELTON SHELTON SHELTON WA,98584-0078 WA,98584-0078 WA,98584-0078 US US US This Order Form is a legal document between West Publishing Corporation and Subscriber.West Publishing Corporation also means"West","we"or ,'our"and Subscriber means")you",or"I". Subscription terms.if any,follow the ordering grids below. Online/Practice Solutions/Software Products ,NOW, Year Over Service Monthly Minimum Year Increase Material Product Quantity Unit Charges Term During Order Type (Months) Minimum Terms 41727130 Correctional All I Seats $;90.00 12 % Subscri tion Prim and Anal ical P Monthly Charges for Online/Practice Solutions/Software Products $490.00 Minimum , .Tel'mS WMA-06 s• Online/Practice Solution/Software/ProFlex Products:Monthly Charges begin on the date we process your order and will be prorated for the number of days remaining in that calendar month, if any. Your Monthly Charges will continue for the number of complete calendar months listed in the Minimum Term column above.The percent increases for multi-year orders appear in the Term Increases column above. Subscriber ("you"or"I")is also responsible for all Excluded Charges. Excluded Charges are for accessing Westlaw data or a Practice Solutions service that is not included in your subscription. Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice. For Window Products: Monthly Charges beon on the date we process your order and will continue for the number of complete calendar months in the Minimum Term column above.The percent increases for multi-year orders appear in the Term Increases column above. Monthly Charges are due regardless of the level of your usage. Transactional usage charges that exceed the Monthly Charges are waived up to the Monthly Window amount stated above. In addition to the Monthly Charges you are responsible for transactional usage charges in excess of the Monthly Window. Transactional charges are calculated based upon our then-current Schedule A rates. You are also responsible for all Excluded Charges. Excluded Charges are charges for accessing a service that is not included in your subscription. Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice. To apply Window charges to a specific month,the request must be submitted at least five(5)business days prior to the end of the month. Post Minimum Terms For Online/Practice Solutions/Software/ProFlex Products: Your subscription will change to a month-to-month status at the end of the Minimum Term,and your Monthly Charges will increase by 7%.Thereafter,the Monthly Charges will increase 7%every 12 months unless we notify you of a different rate at least 60 days before the annual increase. You are also responsible for all Excluded Charges.Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice.Either of us may cancel the month-to-month subscription by sending at least 30 days written notice.Send your notice of cancellation to Customer Service,610 Opperman Drive,P.O.Box 64833,Eagan,MN 55123-1803. Automatic Renewal Term for Window Product*.Your subscription will change to a month-to-month status at the end of the Minimum Term and your Monthly Charges will be billed at or,to our then-current rate.Thereafter,we may modify the Monthly Charges after at least 30 days notice.The Monthly Window will remain unchanged.Monthly Charges are due regardless of the level of your usage.Transactional usage charges that exceed the Monthly Charges are waived up to the Monthly Window. In addition to the Monthly Charges,you are responsible for transactional usage charges in excess of the Monthly Window.Transaction charges are calculated based upon our then-current Schedule A rate. You are also responsible for all Excluded Charges. Excluded Charges may change after 30 days written or online notice. Either of us may cancel the month-to-month subscription by sending at least 30 days written notice.Send your notice of cancellation to Customer Service,610 Opperman Drive,P.O.Box 64833,Eagan MN 55123-1803. To apply Window charges to a specific month,the request must be submitted at least five(5)business days prior to the end of the month. Page I of4 r Federal Government Subscribers Optional Minimum Term.Federal government subscribers that chose a multi-year Minimum Term,those additional months will be implemented at your option pursuant to federal law. Miscellaneous efi .., �: Charges,Payments&Taxes. You agree to pay all charges in full within 30 days of the date of invoice.You are responsible for any applicable sales,use,value added tar(VAT),etc.unless you are tax exempt.If you are a non-government subscriber and fail to pay your invoiced charges, you are responsible for collection costs including attorneys'fees. Credit Verification.If you are applying for credit as an individual,we may request a consumer credit report to determine your creditworthiness. If we obtain a consumer credit report,you may request the name,address and telephone number of the agency that supplied the credit report.If you are applying for credit on behalf of a business,we may request a current business financial statement from you to consider your request. Auto Charge Credit Card/Electronic Funds Transfer Election Payment Terms.You may authorize us to automatically charge a credit card, debit card or electronic fund transfer to pay charges due.Contact Customer Service at 1-800-328-4880 for authorization procedures. If you have previously authorized us to bill a credit card, debit card or make electronic fund transfers for West subscriptions on an ongoing basis, or authorizing the same as part of this order,no further action is needed. Returns and Refunds. You may return a print product to us within 45 days of the original shipment date if you are not completely satisfied. Assured Print Pricing, Library Savings Plan,West Complete,Library Maintenance Agreements,ePack,WestPack,Westlaw,CLEAR, Monitor Suite. ProView eBook, Software, West LegalEdcenter, Practice Solutions, TREWS and Serengeti charges are not refundable. Please see http://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/retums-refunds.pdf or contact Customer Service at 1-800-328-4880 for additional details regarding our policies on returns and refunds. Applicable Law.This Order Form will be interpreted under Minnesota state law.Any claim by one of us may be brought in the state or federal courts in Minnesota. If you are a state or local governmental entity,your state's law will apply and any claim may be brought in the state or federal courts located in your state.If you are a United States Federal Government subscriber,United States federal law wil I apply and any claim may be brought in any federal court. Excluded Charges. If you access services that are not included in your subscription you will be charged our then-current rate("Excluded Charges"). Excluded Charges will be invoiced and due with your next payment. For your reference,the current Excluded Charges schedules are located at the links below. Excluded Charges may change after at least 30 days written or online notice. httu:rstatic.le¢alsolutions.thclmsonreuters coin-static iiLreement/plan-2-oro-eovt-•tLencies odf hLV://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.conVstatic/agreement/schedule-a-concourse-case-notebook-hosted pdf The General Terms and Conditions, apply to all products ordered, except print and is located at http://static.leaalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/general-terms-conditions pdf The General Terms and Conditions for Federal Subscribers are located at http://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/federal-general- terms-conditions.odf.In the event that there is a conflict of terms between the General Terms and Conditions and this Order Form,the terms of this Order Form control.This Order Form is subject to our approval. Banded Product Subscriptions You certify the total number of attorneys (partners, shareholders, associates, contract or staff attorneys, of counsel,and the like),corporate users,personnel or full-time-equivalent students is indicated in the applicable Quantity column. Our pricing for banded products is made in reliance upon your certification.If we learn that the actual number is greater,we reserve the right to increase your charges as applicable Product Specific Terms.The following products have specific terms which are incorporated by reference and made part of this Order Form if they apply to your order.They can be found at hUR://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters com/-,tatic/product-specific-terms pdf.If the product is not part of your order,the product specific terms do not apply.If there is a conflict between product specific terms and the Order Form,the product specific terms control. *Campus Research •Contract Express *Hosted Practice Solutions •ProView eBooks •Time and Billing •Westlaw Doc&Form Builder *West km Software •West LegalEdcenter •Westlaw Paralegal •Westlaw Patron Access •Westlaw Public Records Additional Order Form Terms and Conditions For Law Enforcement Agencies and Correctional Facilities Only-Direct Inmate Westlaw Access I certify,on behalf of Subscriber,that I understind and accept the security limits of Westlaw:Subscriber's responsibility for controlling Westlaw,internet and network access;and,how Subscriber will be using Westlaw.I acknowledge Subscriber's responsibility for providing West with prompt written notice if Subscriber's type of use changes. Page 2 of Y 7 Subscriber will provide direct Westlaw access by inmates(including access for pro se legal representation),by third parties on behalf of inmates with results(print or electronic)delivered/provided to inmates,or by employees in circumstances where an inmate may have access to or control of the terminal. Subscribers u•ho provide direct inmate access must order the Wesdaw Correctional Facilities products. Functionality of Westlaw cannot and does not limit access to non-West internet sites. It is Subscriber's responsibility to control access to the intemet. �. Subscriber will provide its own firewall,proxy servers or other security technologies as well as desktop security to limit access to the Westlaw URL and West software(including CD-ROM orders). Subscriber will design,configure and implement its own security configuration. Subscriber will not use any data nor distribute any data to a third party for use,in a manner contrary to or in violation of any applicable federal, state,or local law,rule or regulation or in any manner inconsistent with the General Terms and Conditions. Subscriber will maintain the most current version of the West software to access CD-ROM Products for security purposes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 have read all pages and attachments to this Order Form and 1 accept the terms on behalf of Subscriber.1 warrant that 1 am authorized to sign this Order From on behalf of the Subscriber. Signature of Authorized Representative for order Title Printed Name Date ©2018 West,a Thomson Reuters business. All rights reserved. This Order Form will expire and will not be accepted after 6/5/2018 Page 3 of Attachment Order ID: Q-00218623 THOMSON REUTERS Contact your representativepaul.j.rogers@thomsonreuters.com with any questions.Thank you. Order ID: Q-00218623 Payment,Shipping,and Contact Information,`°Tw ,a . _ Payment Method: Order Confirmation Contact(#28) Payment Method:Bill to Account Contact Name:Eugene Austin Account Number: 1005214953 Email:eugene.e.austin@gmail.com Shipping Information: Shipping Method:Ground Shipping-U.S.Only Online Contact Information User Email Address Contact Description EUGENE AUSTIN eugene.e.austin@gmail.com EML PSWD CONTACT Eugene Austin eugene.e.austin@gmail.com PATRON ACC TECH CONT Page 4 of