HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018/02/06 - Regular Packet BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT MEETING AGENDA Commission Chambers— 9:00 a.m. 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 February 6, 2018 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 News Release- Park Host needed for Sandhill Park Staff: Ross McDowell 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input (5 minutes per person, 15 minutes time limit) If you wish to address the Commission, raise your hand to be recognized by the Chair. When you have been recognized, please step up to the microphone and give your name and address before your comments.The Mason County Commission is committed to maintaining a meeting atmosphere of mutual respect and speakers are encouraged to honor this principle. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after"Item 10. Public Hearings", may be acted upon before 9:30 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes —December 4, 2017, January 22, and January 29, 2018 briefing minutes. 8. Approval of Action Agenda: All items listed under the"Action Agenda" may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered as a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8054142-8054368 $ 781,145.55 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 47176-47543 $ 690,962.80 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003370-7003398 $ 487,493.42 Total $ 1,959,601.77 8.2 Approval to authorize Public Works to execute an agreement with South Sound Steel &Recycling to provide scrap metal and refrigerator collection services, paying the county a percentage of the revenues receive from the material collected. 8.3 Approval to award the contract for the Eells Hill Improvements Project to McClure & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $515,887.12 and approval to authorize the Deputy Director of Public Works/U&W Management to sign the contract. 8.4 Approval to authorize the Chair to execute the Road Levy Certification for 2018. 8.5 Approval to authorize the Chair to execute Supplemental No. 2 to the agreement with SCJ Alliance, increasing the maximum payable amount to $304,637.30 and extending the contract completion date to December 31, 2018. 8.6 Approval to authorize Public Works to use the County MRSC Consultant Roster to select a consultant for surveying services as part of the subdivision of parcel No. 42002-10-00020 and approval to have the Board execute the Consultant agreement once a consultant is selected. Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners'office for most recent version. This agenda was last printed on 02/01/18 1:12 PM. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at ext.419,Shelton#360-427-9670;Belfair #275-4467,Elma#482-5269. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETING AGENDA February 6, 2018— PAGE 2 8.7 Approval to have the Chair approve the deposit rates on the 2018 Field Rental Rate schedule. Continued from January 16, 2018. 8.8 Approval to sign the Acknowledgment of Receipt of 2017 Refund Report from the Mason County Treasurer. 8.9 Approval to cancel uncollectible personal property taxes. 8.10 Approval to amend Resolution 19-17 Mason County Personnel Policy, Chapter 7.2 Sick Leave Policy and Chapter 13.25 Vehicle Use Safety. 8.11 Approval to amend Resolution 20-97 and County Code 2.124, Mason County Safety and Accident Prevention Program. 8.12 Approval to amend Ordinance 127-03, Mason County Policy and Procedure for Defense and Indemnity of Employees. 8.13 Approval to appoint Sandy Tarzwell to the Mason Transit Authority Board. 8.14 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Mason County, Mason County Assessor's Office, AFSCME Local 1504 of the WSCCCE and Teamsters Union Local No. 252 to resolve any and all grievances of salary, duties, and transfer the personal property duties from the Teamsters Appraisers Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement to the AFSCME Assessor's Office Clerical Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:30 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time- No hearings. 11. Board's Reports and Calendar 12. Adjournment J:\AGENDAS\2018\2018-02-06 REG.doc MASON COUNTY TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reviewed: FROM: Jennifer Giraldes Ext. 380 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: February 6, 2018 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 John and Marilyn Pinkley sent in a letter regarding Steve Fors parcel 22212- 56-00032, 18331 State Route 106 Belfair, WA. 4.1.2 Ken VanBuskirk sent in a letter regarding comments on the Planning Advisory Commissions meetings, October 9th, 16th and November 20, 2017. 4.1.3 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent a liquor license application for Little Creek Casino Event Center 91 West State Route 108, Shelton. 4.1.4 Mason County Fire Protection District No. 12 sent in 2018 Budget Amendment for Current Expense. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk, Lo January 6, 2018 To: David Windham, Mason County Planning Department LU C Regarding: Steve Fors Parcel 22212-56-00032 , 18331 State Route 106 > N o Uj Belfair, WA. 98395 z o Q v Cc: Commisioners: Neatherlin, Shutty, Drexler and Planning Dept. Staff: L Curtis Ek, Paula Reeves, Knstopher Nelson We are addressing an ongoing situation with the property Steve Fors purchased on Hood Canal in August of 2016 or a year and a half ago. He is our next-door neighbor, which means we live next to two trailers, two large tents, two shipping containers and multiple cars. There are at least 10 code violations and although he has said repeatedly that he would take care them, he has not removed or changed anything since he moved in. We follow the rules and pay our taxes (which Steve Fors does not). The value of our property and neighboring properties is impacted and we have asked for a review of property valuation with the county. Six months ago we (neighbors on either side of Fors) met with Commissioner Randy Netherlin, Planning Dept. Director Dave Windham, Code Enforcement Officer Kurt EK, Community Planning Manager Paula Reeves and others. We were told that Steve Fors had agreed in writing to take care of the code violations by January of 2018. This has not happened. Nothing has been done. Both of the trailers are still on the property, all of the tents and shipping containers, and setbacks from neighboring properties have not been met. Is he applying for a permit to build a house? There is a pennit application for a foundation. Is this for a house or something else? At what point do fines or penalties begin to be applied if he continues to disregard code? There is no recorded septic system for this property, which is recorded as being undeveloped. I understand that similar problems exist for other properties in Mason County. It is well into January and we have not been informed of any action to remedy our concerns. Please let us know you intend to do. John and Marilyn Pinkley, WA 98027 Phone: cell cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk J P 1 1n January 28, 2018 Mason County Board of Commissioners 411 N. 5th St. Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Planning Advisory Commission Dear Commissioner Neatherlin: As you are aware and as I testified before the BOCC in December I feel there have been violations of the Planning Advisory Commission's bylaws at the October 9 and 16 meetings. I have recently reviewed the audio recording of the Planning Advisory Commission's November 20, 2017 meeting and encourage the BOCC to do the same. I would like to ask that you conduct a formal investigation of the Chairman's conduct and comments at that November 20 meeting regarding Code of Conduct, the October 16 Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan amendments and the Public Benefit Rating system. It is my opinion that there have been serious violations of the Committee's bylaws again! In particular, issues with the false and derogatory comments directed at me. Also biased, prejudiced and false statements the Chair made during the PBRS workshop regarding the current use "open space" program and people who participate in that program. Sincerely, Ken VanBuskirk Belfair Wa 98528 HENOIS3a xo SEENOISSINHOO ),INno0 "daSVNVH ALIO 'W)o VW 3o aEnIVNOIS EIVcI •paseq aze suoTgoo[go gons goTgM uodn s3oe3 TTe 30 4uaui9gegs e qTuigns aseaTd 'ggoq zo uoT4eooT '3ueoTTdde aq4 30 TeA0lddesTp pa4eoTpuT anew noA 3I ON SH)I :EEHZO ON S371 ONINOZ 'ONIQ'IInH '=2 ON 5371 NOIZKZINKS '3 H17V3H ON S371 IN3NH0'dOZN3 MK7 ON S3I1 NOIZKNVIdX3 ZSIZ m5aH0 'I` M0Isd0 ON SE)� Zuaxe-4 ST uoT40e TeuT3 aao3aq buTJeaq e quem noA op 'asuaoTT P buTnssT sa4eTduia4uoo pzeog aqq pue GAOaddesTp noA 3I '£ ON S371 Lu014eooT 30 ano.zdde noA oQ •Z ON SH)C ZqueoTTdde 3o anoadde noA oQ 'T 'asTApe aseaTd pazTnbaa ST auiT4 TeuoT4Tppe 31 •asuaoTT aqq 30 aouenssT aq4 04 suoT4oaCgo ou aneq noA aulnsse TTTM aM 'agep anoge aqq uioz3 sAep OZ uTg4TM aoT33o sTgq UT paATaoa.z qou ST GOT40u sTg4 3o uan3aa 3I •aoeTd 013Toads e qe uoT4duinsuoo ao3 sseTb TenpTATpuT aqq Aq aonbTT snongTaTdg •uoT3duinsuoo asTuiaad jjo ao3 AgTquenb p04TUITT UT abexoPd ao aTggoq pauadoun UT s4TJTdS/auTM/.zaag 'aoeTd oT3Toads P 4e uoTgduinsuoo zo3 94ep 013Toads e uo auTM TTas 04 asuaoTT •aoeTd oT3Toads e 4e uoTIduinsuoo ao3 agep paT3Toads e uo aG@q TTas 04 sasuaoTq S3SNSOI'I NOISVOOO 'IFIIOadS 99TT-OL8-09£ (£8'9 ' b '9'O'0) NOSNHOL' NN)�'de :10VIt3OO NOIgHHS - 80T ZIDOE ELVIS M T6 'd3IN30 INHAH ONISKO ?IEHUD HgllI'I :HO'd'Id Inld OT 01 Hd b :ERAS 8TOZ isTZ 'IRIdK :alVQ 518UOISSIWWOD 68986 KM 'ONINHZ Alunoo uosuW Z EIMS ES HAV X3SSnS 8�6 NAMO'd 'dO3 HSIVd NZ6ZOF 0£060 :# NOIS`d'JOO TdIOHdS (13A'303H BTOZ HI Zi XllVflMKr SdaN0ISSIkUg00 XIM103 NOSKkl :OS SLOE-VO986 VM EZaM&TO Aoo'FIM'HO'I a SNOI sv000avi O ad S OTLZ-ESL-09E XVa SLOEV xog O d - aS aAY DTJTD2d 000E y�.-� SOOTA3ag asuaDTZ - aavoS SIIvNmvo QN'd dorz 'i alVIS NOIDNIHSVI4 4 lam! 0 � jalxaaa'g Alin 4S'upaa4leaN S2fWND::):) cc:CMMRS Neatherlin,Shutty&Drexler Clerk iaC(�,� C)C — J "'RAE M V JAN 2 9 2018 ootom COWANKMM RESOLUTION 2018013AN - 2018 BUDGET AMENDMENT A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 12, AMENDING THE 2018 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND BUDGET. WHERE AS, the Board wishes to amend the budget, to defray expenditures that are necessary and appropriate, while still being fiscally responsible; NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: The current Expense Fund Budget for 2018, showing all revenues and expenditures for the year 2018, did not include the assessed value from Grays Harbor, due to the fact that Mason County Fire District #12 is a joint taxing district. A corrected Levy Certification was done; new amount Levied will be $193, 185.00. Changes made to Revenue BARS # 311 10 00 000 Real Personal Property taxes from $174,000.00 to $193,185.00. Changes made to Expenses in the Expense Fund are as follows: Bars# 522 10 43 050 Travel-Lodging, Per-Diem & mileage from $1500.00 to $3,000 Bars# 522 20 31 020 Apparatus Supplies from $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 Bars# 522 20 31 080 Uniforms from $1,000.00 to $3,000.00 Bars# 522 20 35 020 Radio & Pager Purchases from $3,500.00 to $5,500.00 Bars# 522 60 48 001 Apparatus Maintenance from $10,000.00 to $17,185.00 Bars# 594 22 63 001 Building/Machinery/Equipment from $29,548.00 to $34,048.00 The intent of the Board is that all BARS line items, as amended, shall be shown on the revised budget pages attached hereto. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24th day of January 2018, by the Board Fire Comm' of Mason County Fire Protection District No. 12. Chair 1 Commissioner Commissioner Attest• Chief 1A L14 District ministrator JANUARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET POSITION Mason Fire District 12 Time: 11:50:23 Date: 01/22/2018 MCAG#: 1232 Page: 1 001 General Fund 01/01/2018 To: 12/31/2018 Revenues Amt Budgeted Revenues Remaining 311 Real $ Personal Property Taxes 311 10 00 000 Real&Personal Property Taxes 193,185.00 0.00 193,185.00 0.0% 311 Real$Personal Property Taxes 193,185.00 0.00 193,185.00 0.0% 317 Timber Excise Tax 337 40 00 031 Timber Excise Tax 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0% 317 Timber Excise Tax 4,000.00 0.00 4,000.00 0.0% 340 Charges For Services 341 70 32 000 Sales Of Nontaxable Merchandise 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 342 2100 034 FIRE CONTROL SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 340 Charges For Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 360 Interest 361 11 00 005 Investment Interest Gen.Fund 35.00 0.00 35.00 0.0% 361 40 00 000 Other Interest Earnings 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.0% 367 11 00 000 Gifts,Pledges,Donations&Grants from 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Private Sources 369 91 00 036 Other Misc Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 360 Interest 40.00 0.00 40.00 0.0% 380 Non-Revenues 389 00 00 003 Interfund Balance Corrections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 389 10 00 038 Non-Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 380 Non-Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 397 Transfer In 397 00 00 001 Transfer In From Reserve Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 397 00 00 003 Transfer In From EMS Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 397 Transfer In 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 398 00 00 039 Insurance Recoveries 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 398 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Fund Revenues: 197,225.00 0.00 197,225.00 0.0% Expenditures Amt Budgeted Expenditures Remaining 522 Fire Control 522 10 10 001 Administration Wages 30,415.00 2,534.58 27,880.42 8.3% 522 10 10 015 Chief Wages 3,000.00 250.00 2,750.00 8.3% 522 10 10 018 Assistant Chief Wages 3,000.00 250.00 2,750.00 8.3% 522 10 10 020 Captain Scott O'Brien 1,500.00 125.00 1,375.00 8.3% JANUARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET POSITION Mason Fire District 12 Time: 11:50:23 Date: 01/22/2018 MCAG#: 1232 Page: 2 001 General Fund 01/01/2018 To: 12/31/2018 Expenditures Amt Budgeted Expenditures Remaining 522 Fire Control 522 10 10 022 LT.Bryan Walsworth 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0% 522 10 10 023 Collateral Duties 2,000.00 180.00 1,820.00 9.0% 522 10 10 030 Commissioner Position#1 1,368.00 57.00 1,311.00 4.2% 522 10 10 040 Commissioner Position#2 1,368.00 57.00 1,311.00 4.2% 522 10 10 050 Commissioner Position#3 1,368.00 57.00 1,311.00 4.2% 522 10 10 070 Firefighter Drills/Call Reimbursement 3,500.00 1,380.00 2,120.00 39.4% 522 10 20 001 Industrial Insurance(L&I) 120.00 13.98 106.02 11.7% 522 10 20 002 Social Security 2,934.00 303.23 2,630.77 10.3% 522 10 20 003 Medicare 400.00 70.96 329.04 17.7% 522 10 20 005 Unemployment 80.00 4.32 75.68 5.4% 522 10 20 007 Board For Volunteer Fire Fighters 2,280.00 0.00 2,280.00 0.0% 522 10 31 001 Office&Operating Supplies 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0% 522 10 31 002 Grant Expeditures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 522 10 35 001 Small Office Tools/Equipment 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.0% 522 10 41 010 BIAS 2,195.00 0.00 2,195.00 0.0% 522 10 41 020 Causgrove Technical 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.0% 522 10 41 030 Lexipol 2,374.00 0.00 2,374.00 0.0% 522 10 41 040 Emergency Reporting System 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0% 522 10 41 050 Security System 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0% 522 10 42 020 Communications-phone&Internet 2,000.00 271.98 1,728.02 13.6% 522 10 42 030 Communications Postage 250.00 0.00 250.00 0.0% 522 10 42 050 Journal-Advertising 150.00 0.00 150.00 0.0% 522 10 43 050 TRAVEL-LODGING,PER-DIEM& 3,000.00 2,796.22 203.78 93.2% MILEAGE-Administrator 522 10 43 060 Washington Fire Commissioners 2,400.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.0% Association Travel Perdiem Mileage 522 10 43 070 Washington Fire Chiefs Travel Lodging 1,250.00 0.00 1,250.00 0.0% Perdiem&Mileage 522 10 46 001 Insurance 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.0% 522 10 49 003 WA State Fire Fighter Dues 90.00 0.00 90.00 0.0% 522 10 49 004 Mason County Fire Chiefs Dues 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.0% 522 10 49 005 Washington Fire Chiefs mem.dues 300.00 0.00 300.00 0.0% 522 10 49 006 WA Fire Commissioners Association 1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.0% 522 10 49 007 Mason County Fire Commissioner Dues 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.0% 522 10 51 020 Election Costs 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0% 522 10 51 030 Intergovern.Services-State Auditor 700.00 0.00 700.00 0.0% 522 20 31 020 APPARATUS SUPPLIES 7,000.00 2,842.82 4,157.18 40.6% 522 20 31 030 Personnel Protective Equipment PPE 5,000.00 1,068.90 3,931.10 21.4% 522 20 31 040 SCBA 19,000.00 281.79 18,718.21 1.5% 522 20 31 060 Wildland Pesonnel Protective Equipment 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0% PPE 522 20 31 070 WILDLAND SUPPLIES 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0% 522 20 31 080 UNIFORMS 3,000.00 101.97 2,898.03 3.4% 522 20 32 001 Fuel 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0% 522 20 35 010 Small Equipment Purchases 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.0% 522 20 35 020 RADIO&PAGER PURCHASES 5,500.00 0.00 5,500.00 0.0% 522 20 35 030 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.0% 522 20 35 040 FIREFLY EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 522 20 48 030 SMALL EQUIPMENT REPAIRS& 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.0% MAINTENANCE 522 20 48 040 Pump tests 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0% 522 20 48 050 Radio&Pager Repairs&Maintenance 1,500.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.0% 522 20 48 060 Bunker Gear Repair 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.0% JANUARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET POSITION Mason Fire District 12 Time: 11:50:23 Date: 01/22/2018 MCAG#: 1232 Page: 3 001 General Fund 01/01/2018 To: 12/31/2018 Expenditures Amt Budgeted Expenditures Remaining 522 Fire Control 522 20 48 070 SCBA Repairs&Maintenance 3,000.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.0% 522 20 49 001 MISC SERVICES&CHARGES 25.00 0.00 25.00 0.0% 522 20 51 031 Dispatch Services(MACE COM) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 522 30 31 001 FIRE PREVENTION&INVESTIGATING 50.00 26.95 23.05 53.9% (Public Education) 522 45 41 002 TRAINING OBTAINED BY 500.00 0.00 500.00 0.0% EMPLOYEES 522 45 41 003 WASHINGTON FIRE CHIEF TRAINING 1,000.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.0% 522 45 41 004 WASHINGTON FIRE COMMISSIONERS 2,000.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.0% ASSOCIATION TRAINING 522 50 48 001 Facilities Repairs/Maintenance 2,500.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.0% 522 60 48 001 APPARATUS MAINTENANCE 17,185.00 260.40 16,924.60 1.5% 522 Fire Control 163,177.00 12,934.10 150,242.90 7.9% 580 Non-Expenditures 589 00 00 001 Interfand Balance Corrections 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 589 99 00 099 Payroll Liability Account 0.00 10.13 (10.13) 0.0% 580 Non-Expenditures 0.00 10.13 (10.13) 0.0% 594 Capital Outlay 594 22 63 001 Building/Machinery/Equipment 34,048.00 0.00 34.048.00 0.0°o 594 Capital Outlay 34,048.00 0.00 34,048.00 0.0% 597 Transfer Out 597 00 00 001 Transfer To EMS Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 597 Transfer Out 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Fund Expenditures: 197,225.00 12,944.23 184,280.77 6.6% Fund Excess/(Deficit): 0.00 (12,944.23) JANUARY GENERAL FUND BUDGET POSITION Mason Fire District 12 Time: 11:50:23 Date: 01/22/2018 MCAG#: 1232 Page: 4 Fund Revenue Budgeted Received Expense Budgeted Spent 001 General Fund 197,225.00 0.00 0.0% 197,225.00 12,944.23 6.6% 197,225.00 0.00 0.0% 197,225.00 12,944.23 6.6% NEWS RELEASE February 6, 2018 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE 411 N 5T" ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON, WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: Park Host needed for Mason County Sandhill Park Mason County Parks Department is recruiting an on-site Park Host/Caretaker for Sandhill Park. The successful candidate must provide their own RV and the County provides water, power, and septic at no charge. Caretakers are responsible for opening and closing the park, site security, customer service, cleaning restrooms, and light maintenance duties in return for utilities. There is no salary or pay associated with this opportunity. Mason County Parks and Trails is looking for a person(s) who are willing to work nights, weekends and holidays, can physically make rounds of the park and have good communication and customer service skills including the ability to remain calm and friendly when confronted with problems. Sandhill Park is a seven field baseball-softball complex located just outside Belfair. Caretakers need to be present in the evenings Monday-Friday and all day on weekends during baseball and softball season. Please apply by completing a Park Host Application, located on the Mason County web page at http://www.co.mason.wa.us/forms/parks/index.php or contact Anne Voice, 360-427-9670 Ext 535 with any questions. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner C:\Users\DLZ-1.MAS\AppData\Local\Temp\XPgrpwise\News Release Sandhill Park Host.doc BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of December 4,2017 Monday,December 4,2017 10:00 A.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Shutty,Drexler and Neatherlin were in attendance. • Debbie Riley requested the Commissioners recognize Maria Marchado with a Green Star award for appreciation. This will be at next week's Commission meeting. • Dave requested permission to amend Community Development operating hours to close''/z day to the public allowing staff to catch up on paperwork. Dave suggested closing to the public on Friday afternoon;Cmmr.Drexler suggested Tuesday or Wednesday.Discussion of which day has least impact to public. Staff will draft a resolution amending the operating hours open to the public to close Friday afternoons. This can be amended if proven to not be effective. • Dave asked if the County should take the Liquor Control Board(LCB)application issues to WSAC as a legislative action agenda item. The LCB requests County input and staff makes recommendations and they find in many cases there are code violations. However the LCB issues the license ignoring the County's objections. Cmmr. Shutty and Dave will be meeting with Rep.Griffey and they will discuss this. • Kristopher Nelsen requested permission to implement a 2%technology fee to applicable development permits and a$5 convenience fee for online permits. Kristopher will draft the necessary document to implement these fees and brief it again next week. • Todd Parker provided a housing profile report and requested permission to distribute to the community. The report summarizes homelessness in Mason County and the results of the various programs. 10:30 A.M. BREAK 10:45 A.M. Public Works—Jerry Hauth Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Shutty,Drexler and Neatherlin were in attendance. • Eells Hill Transfer Station operating hours—Commissioners support expanding the ours to 8 a.m.to 5 p.m. Staff will bring back the necessary documents to change these hours. • Interlocal Agreement with Fire District 9 will be placed on the agenda. • Cyndi Ticknor reported that the cost for upfits to the F150 pickups is$864 with parts and labor per vehicle. • Draft Traffic Policing for County Roads agreement between the Commission and Sheriff and a Sheriff's Memorandum of Understanding between Sheriff and Public Works Engineer were presented. Chief Spurling have reviewed the MOU and they are comparing with agreements from other counties. Sheriff s office wants to discuss with Roads before bringing it forward. • Skokomish Valley update on the breaches in Skokomish Valley dikes. The Thanksgiving 2017 storm event resulted in two breaches along the private levee referred to as the"River Mile 9"levee. The complete breaches are located on property owned by Linda Twidwell and Mason County. The dike is not an engineered dike. Cmmr.Drexler asked about volunteers doing work on county-owned property. Loretta has talked to Shawn Johnson and they have the equipment to do the repairs. This project is off County right-of-way so Road Fund cannot be used. The Skokomish Flood Control Zone Fund has a balance of$150,000 and is needed for the GI project. This fund has typically not been used to repair the private levee in the past. There is an estimate of$366,000 of damage. Cmmr.Drexler voiced concern with liability to the County with allowing private citizens do the repairs. Jerry stated the county would monitor the repair. Staff will talk to legal about drafting some type of memorandum defining roles and responsibilities. Commissioner Discussion—There was no discussion. Recess at 11:05 a.m. Board of Mason County Commissioners'Briefing Meeting Minutes Week of December 4,2017 1:30 P.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Shutty,Drexler and Neatherlin were in attendance. • Status of appointment to Mason Transit Authority. The Commissioners have reached out to current MTA members and asked they apply to serve on the new MTA Board. Tracy Becht at MTA is drafting a letter for the Commissioners to send to special purpose districts soliciting applicants. • Frank provided a draft Levy shift agreement with the City of Shelton. • Arbitration with PERC has been postponed at labor union request. • Information Technology demonstrated a sample of an updated website for Mason County that will be implemented. • Paula Reeves provided information on the process to follow at tomorrow's Comp Plan update hearings. • Chair Shutty reported that the County's credit rating has been down graded to A+with a negative outlook due to the Belfair Sewer financial problems and an over reliance on reserves. The sale of bonds has been postponed at this point. When Treasurer Lisa Frazier is back in town,there will be more information. • Cmmr.Drexler brought up a conversation with Kathy Haigh regarding the Housing Authority and the question of whether a county staff member could support the executive director position. The Housing Authority believes they could fund a.25 FTE contract with Community Development. Cmmr.Drexler suggested the County could back fill with the housing funds. Cmmr. Shutty believes there is latitude on the gift of public funds issue because of the assistance to the poor and infirmed in the State Constitution. Dave Windom will be included in the conversation to determine if there is staff capacity. There has been a request of Kathy to provide a list of roles and responsibilities and Cmmr.Shutty will be meeting with her. Advisory Board Interviews Commissioners Shutty,Drexler and Neatherlin interviewed applicants for the following advisory boards:Timberland Regional Library Board of Trustees;Civil Service Board and the Lodging Tax Advisory Board. The Commissioners would like to appoint Brenda Hirschi to the TRL;Matt Davis to the Civil Service Board and Nathan Welch to LTAC as a generator along with Stephanie Rowland as the LTAC spender. Commissioner Discussion—there was no discussion. Wednesday,December 6,2017 9:00 A.M. 2018 Budget Workshop Commissioners Shutty,Drexler and Neatherlin were in attendance. • Assessor Melody Peterson wanted to state on the record that her office did not give incorrect information about the levy shift. They provided figures they had the time. Melody noted that due to the Comp Plan updates and impact to Belfair UGA,if more houses are built or short plats done there is an impact to the workload to her office,it's good for the community but it does impact them. Doesn't feel that fair consideration was given to their office during the budgeting process. Due to the budget reduction she is concerned with losing experienced staff. For the most efficient way to meet the budget reduction,close to the public on Fridays. That is the least busy day with the public in their office. They are negotiating this with AFSCME.When a position is eliminated due to budget restraints she believes the Commission thinks it's not a necessary position and when she tries to regain the position,she is scrutinized. Melody also presented a proposed resolution for reduced hours. • Public Works—Jennifer Bierle provided the impact of the additional$500K to Diversion. They are adding$300K to ending fund balance due to equipment costing less and postponed improvements to the Belfair shop. The original Road budget didn't include the 1%levy increase and they will change the budget to reflect this increase. They estimate the cash at end of 2019 at$3.2M,cash need at$2.1M for first 4 months of year; in 2018 there are two wage increases—one in January(3.2%)and one in September(2%). The chip seal program Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes Week of December 4,2017 has been impacted—they increased it in 2018 and reduced it in 2019. The end of November cash balance is$10.3M,reducing the$750K and the RID funding,there is about$9.5M available. Estimated end of 2018 cash balance should be$8M to$8.5M. • ER&R -Cyndi Ticknor reported that due to the agreements with the fire districts and state patrol ER&R staff is providing internal services to these agencies and she estimated$40K in revenue and it will be closer to$100K. That was applied to the fixed cost which reduced all ER&R rates. • Jerry reported he will introduce the new County Engineer at the December 12 Commission meeting. • Judge Goodell represented Superior Court and spoke to their concerns with the budget reductions. They are considering reductions to the maintenance contract for courtroom equipment.They cannot project the impact of new judge coming into court(Judge Sheldon is retiring end of March). They anticipate a reduction to the family law facilitator hours. Other areas that could be impacted—loss of Court Commissioner time;reducing staff work hours. There is a 14%increase in their budget since 2008,there is an additional judge and they provide jury services for Superior and District Courts. Cmmr.Neatherlin asked the financial impact of going back to two judges. Judge Goodell stated Mason County can't go back to two judges but answered it is cheaper to have an additional judge rather than increase Court Commissioner time. There are limitations to what a Court Commissioner can do. Frank Pinter asked about the$15,180 from BHO to Clerk but is not budgeted. Cmmr. Drexler stated that is limited to when the triage center is open and to deal with the involuntary holds. The BHO will pay for Clerk,Defense,Prosecutor(or Attorney General)and Court time. It is in the BHO budget and will be a fee for services as they are provided. The Triage Center probably won't be open until October 2018 and it is unclear how many hours it will be open. Commissioners confirmed to budget for$816 in revenue for each Commissioners(1%raise pay back)and no PERS for Cmmr. Shutty. Murder Expenditure budget will stay in Support Services and is budgeted at$50,000. Non-Departmental expense of WSAC communications/litigation fee—Cmmr.Shutty will call Josh at WSAC to learn more about this;Cmmr.Drexler sees some wiggle room on the communications piece(educational public info);there is a legal piece—redirecting Josh's time from legislative issues to review potential lawsuits and supporting other county lawsuits (i.e.ballot box,Okanogan county). Frank stated that considering other budget adjustments (ER&R)adding this,wouldn't change Support Services. Cmmr.Neatherlin noted that$21K for purchase of equipment crosswalks with DOT on Highway 3 needs to be budgeted. Reserves—original preliminary budget had the Ending Fund Balance(EFB)at zero;proposed expenditures as of 11/27 EFB$3,414,996;0 in contingency;240K tech reserve;vehicle reserve has been reduced;technology reserve??, Frank reviewed the 2018 proposed budget which is the same as 11/27/17 with expenditures at $36,966,203 which is still$2,237,372 more than the preliminary budget that is in MUNIS. A levy shift would cost the county$75,000 in buy back to the City of Shelton. Reducing the Sheriffs vehicle purchase request to three vehicles is a reduction of$200,000 and purchasing one leased vehicle costs$21,000. Using the LOCAL loan program for the purchase of three Sheriff vehicles means a$115,000 reduction to 2018 budget(would be for a total of 3 payments—one in 2018). Frank talked about the budget adjustment timeline—instructions need to go to departments to provide the budget detail to Frank considering the budget reductions. Frank needs the detail to input into MUNIS. Cmmr. Shutty would like to allow time for a meeting between Sheriff and Cmmr.Neatherlin and make decisions on Monday. Cyndi Ticknor noted that a 2016 patrol vehicle is totaled and there will be revenue from the other party and could be$40K. Any ER&R purchases are approved by Commissioners;however an elected official can purchase equipment using budget authority. If it's not part of the ER&R fleet,any ER&R service would be billed hourly to the department. Board of Mason County Commissioners' Briefing Meeting Minutes Week of December 4,2017 Cmmr.Drexler stated she doesn't have an appetite for taking Roads banked capacity from Public Works;she is not in favor of$200K to Sheriff—concerned with$150K from BHO for jail inmates;would like the$150K BHO to offset the nursing contract in jail; she is not in favor of using anymore ending fund balance;comfortable of addition of$50K in sales tax;ok with$500K for Diversion;she has no confidence a ballot issue would pass. She is hearing from the public to cut the budget. She doesn't see an absolute need to purchase any new vehicles in 2018,recognized it could reduce repairs,there is potential liability;although it may be best practice,we don't have the money. Cmmr. Shutty expressed concern with the liability we can ill afford and potential for a grievance. Frank will bring back proposals based on Commissioner's preferences. Cmmr.Neatherlin noted that although he doesn't see animal control position going away,if it did,it's$97K plus$21K for vehicle. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Terri Drexler Randy Neatherlin Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of January 22,2018 Monday,January 22,2018 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty met with Prosecuting Attorney Mike Dorcy and Chief Deputy Tim Whitehead for a potential litigation matter. Frank Pinter was also in attendance. 9:35 A.M. Port of Allyn—Lary Coppola/Andrea Bradford Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty were in attendance. Commissioner Drexler was absent. Tim Whitehead,Chief Public Defender,was also in attendance. • Andrea Bradford,POA Attorney,requested the County to adopt Port of Allyn(POA) Regulations. Under RCW 53.08.220,the Port may request the County adopt theses regulations into County Code. The regulations enable the Port to enforce its regulations and prevent theft of services for moorage,parking and boat launch fees.Because the County expressed concerns with the cost of enforcement the regulations the Port proposes the County adopt select portions of the regulations related to moorage,parking and boat launch provisions. Cmmr.Neatherlin stated that when he was POA Commissioner the intent of adopting regulations was for the POA to enforce the regulations. He asked if the POA is ready to put together a police authority which the POA has authority to do. Ms.Bradford asked if the county can delegate authority to the POA to issue tickets. Cmmr.Neatherlin stated that would be up to the Sheriff. It is not realistic for the county to enforce the regulations,because the county doesn't have the money. He would prefer the POA enforce the regulations. Tim Whitehead noted that right now the proposal is for the county to adopt and enforce the proposed regulations and his hesitation is for the enforcement of collecting fees,it is difficult. The enforcement involves many offices including law enforcement,prosecuting attorney,courts and possibility probation and he doesn't see it as revenue neutral. Ms.Bradford stated that based on history,the POA believes it would be minimal time to enforce. The law does permit the county to amend the regulations when adopting. Cmmr.Shutty stated that he gets the sense that these regulations would tum the Sheriffs office into parking enforcement for the POA. He has a hard time given all the circumstances that this is a priority for our Sheriffs office. Cmmr.Neatherlin noted that for the POA to put together a police authority it would be expensive and there is liability. The regulations state the County is to collect the fines but that is not realistic. Cmmr.Neatherlin will attend the POA meeting but he sees these regulations as a liability for the County. 9:55 a.m.—Lary Coppola joined the briefing. He stated adopting the regulations is a best practice for ports. The Port has a security officer and he stated the security officer can enforce the regulations when he is there. Their concern is enforcement of theft of services. Mason County Commissioners Briefing Meeting Minutes January 22,2018 Cmmr.Neatherlin is willing to discuss further with the Port Authority Association and look at options that other ports have put together. He does not support adopting the proposed regulations put forth by the POA. Lary stated he will ask the County to reimburse the POA their legal fees. The Commissioners were on break from 9:55 a.m.to 11:15 a.m. 11:15 A.M. WSU Extension Office—Justin Smith,Dan Teuteberg,Jim Kropft Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty were in attendance. Commissioner Drexler was absent. • Due to the 2018 budget reductions,the WSU Extension Office has been reorganized for efficiencies and to address the budget reductions. Dan Teuteberg has agreed to be the Interim Director and is the Grays Harbor WSU Director. Justin's time has been reallocated to projects outside of the County although he will continue supporting certain projects. The 4-H program was discussed. Commissioner Discussion—A proclamation will be added to the January 23 agenda. BREAK—NOON 2:00 P.M. Mason Transit Authority Board Interviews Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty interviewed Sandy Tarzwell and Dan Ward for the MTA Board. 2:30 P.M. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty were in attendance. Commissioner Drexler was absent. • Dave Windom presented information about the impact of the Hirst decision and SB 6091 that is now in effect and the necessary Code revisions which include a$500 fee of which $350 will go to Ecology. • A briefing will be scheduled with the On-Line Permitting provider. • Request to purchase a house for Therapeutic Courts using the Treatment Sales Tax (mental health tax). The proposal is to not exceed$300,000 for acquisition and renovation and the preferred house is a duplex. The owner will be a property management agency and Therapeutic Courts will serve as the service provider. Cmmr. Neatherlin expressed concern with the liability to the county although he is supportive of the concept. He wants more information on how the program would actually work. Cmmr. Shutty agreed the proposal needs further review. Todd Parker,Court Commissioner Bob Sauerlender,Renee Cullop and Sam Badgley were also in attendance. After discussion,staff will draft a request for proposal and before issuing the RFP,it will come back to the Commissioners for further review. 3:00 P.M. Clerk—Sharon Fogo Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty were in attendance. Commissioner Drexler was absent. • Clerk Fogo is replacing a Clerk position that has been vacated. 3:15 P.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty met in Executive Session from 3:15 p.m.to 3:35 p.m.with Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Tim Whitehead and Public Works staff for a potential litigation matter. 3:45 P.M. Public Works—Jerry Hauth Utilities&Waste Management Mason County Commissioners Briefing Meeting Minutes January 22,2018 Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty were in attendance. Commissioner Drexler was absent. • Approval to enter into an agreement with South Sound Steel&Recycling to provide scrap metal and refrigerator collection services,paying the county a percentage of the revenues received from the material collected. • Discussion of the Solid Waste Saturday schedules. It was approved to close for President's Day with advance notice. • Approval to fill two accounting positions that will be vacated as long as no budget adjustment is needed. • Regarding Road Diversion-in 2017 there was an over diversion of$102,917.29 and $23,405.22 of the Diversion was not expended by the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriffs office requested several expenses be reposted and no action has been taken by the Auditor's office. Frank has the repost request and this will be briefed again next week. Paige suggested the BARS line be included in an agreement so the Traffic Policing expenses can be tracked. A Traffic Policing Agreement and Sheriffs Memorandum of Understanding will be coming forward. • Cmmr.Neatherlin issues—speed limit on North Shore Road and parking lot on Krabbenhoff. • Belfair meeting—Loretta said it's not timely for a report from SCJ Alliance on the Belfair Mobility Plan. 4:15 P.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty were in attendance. Commissioner Drexler was absent. • Frank presented a Memorandum of Understanding-Teamsters/AFSCME will be placed on the agenda.Personal property duties are in the Levy Technician position. • Request to fill the Risk Safety Compliance Manager position was approved. • Status of Vehicle Use Policy. Currently no Public Works staff takes home any vehicles so there is no impact for 2017. If a staff person takes home an eligible vehicle they are subject to an IRS commuting tax. Public Works has asked the policy be changed so there is no tax but it's an IRS regulation and Frank has consulted with an outside CPA. These staff members are not public safety employees. • Addendum to Bella Casa Contract will be placed on tomorrow's agenda • Frank presented the December 2017 Financial Statements. Current Expense ending fund cash balance was$4.1M. The Road Fund ended with$9.8M. 4:30 P.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin and Shutty met with Frank Pinter in Closed Session for a labor discussion from 4:45 p.m.to 5:00 p.m. Commissioner Discussion—there was no discussion. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Shutty Terri Drexler Randy Neatherlin Chair Commissioner Commissioner BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of January 29,2018 Monday,January 29,2018 9:00 A.M. Executive Session—RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)Potential Litigation Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler met in Executive Session with Michael Dorcy and Tim Whitehead for potential litigation. Frank Pinter was also in attendance. 9:30 A.M. Support Services—Frank Pinter Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. • Review of the Elected Official/Director meeting agenda. The meeting is scheduled on Monday,Feb 5 @ 2 p.m.The Commissioners requested links to sample strategic plans from other governmental entities;include the County's Mission&Goal statement and a review of the Commissioner goals from their 2017 retreat. • Ross presented the updated Accident Prevention Policy that will be placed on the agenda for approval. • Ross reported he has interviewed a couple to serve as parks hosts for the Mason Lake County Park and an agreement will come forward. A news release will be issued for a park host at Sandhill Park. • Dawn provided a Sick Leave Policy that incorporates the new sick leave requirements. • Dawn provided an updated Indemnification Policy&Procedures that will be placed on the agenda for approval. • Frank presented an updated deposit policy for the Parks Department and this will be placed on the February 6 action Agenda. • After review and discussion,Cmmrs.Drexler&Shutty agreed to pay all the WA Association of Counties 2018 invoices. Cmmr.Neatherlin questioned what the County's successes are by belonging to WSAC. • Frank reported there is a request to move a Corrections Deputy to a Sergeant position so there is adequate management coverage because they have moved to 12-hour shifts. The $12,000 cost will be absorbed by existing budget. This will come back for an additional briefing. • There was a discussion of the City of Shelton Alder Street project and impact to parking since there will no longer be parking on Alder Street. The proposal is that parking spots will be created on the north side of Alder between 4'h,5`s and 6'h Street. The Commissioners directed Frank to contact the City and let them know the Commissioners have concern with parking and want to utilize the former Catholic Church property that is now owned by the County. • Frank reported on the 2017 Traffic Policing program. Several budget coding corrections have been submitted by the Sheriffs office. The Audit Committee has recommended the coding corrections not be made so to not establish a precedent and the Audit Committee is meeting again on Thursday. • Cmmr.Drexler announced she will not run for office for the 2019-2022 term. 10:55 A.M. The Commissioners took a 5 minute break. '0i-v-7v-A 11:00 a.m. Community Services—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. • Stephen Scott and Maria Machado provided an update on code enforcement. In 2017, 522 cases were closed for Building/Planning enforcement. Solid Waste closed 231 cases in 2017. The information will be shared on social media so the public knows staff is working on these complaints. • Dave requested an emergency interim ordinance be adopted relating to the use of permit exempt water withdrawals for development purposes. This is in response to address Mason County Briefing Meeting Minutes January 29,2018 ESSB6091.Special meeting on Feb 1 @ 3 p.m.and set hearing on February 20,2018. Tim Whitehead is reviewing the ordinance. • The Mason Matters Director has been terminated. • Discussion of environmental health issues and staff certifications. • Discussion of a coffee stand in Belfair. 11:15 A.M. Probation Services—Jim Madsen Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. • Request approved to open recruitment for a Juvenile Detention Officer(male)position. 11:30 A.M. Mason County Economic Development Council Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. • Karin reported the business visits have been going great.EDC has increased their business postings on social media to remind the public the services available in Mason County. • Making progress towards hiring a new Director. Commissioner Discussion—there was no discussion. BREAK—NOON 2:00 P.M. Treasurer—Lisa Frazier Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. • Treasurer Frazier presented the 2017 Property Tax Refund information that will be placed on the agenda. • Lisa then presented the 2018 uncollectible personal property taxes and the resolution will be placed on the agenda. 2:15 P.M. Finance Committee Treasurer Lisa Frazier,Auditor Karen Herr and Chair Randy Neatherlin were in attendance for the 2017 4t'quarter Finance Committee meeting. Commissioners Kevin Shutty and Terri Drexler along with Leo Kim were also in attendance. Current Expense cash balance at December 31,2017 was at$4,102,983. Cash balance as of today is$2.8M and$2.2M has been spent in January. Cash and Investments were reviewed and then the 2017 limited Tax General Obligation Refunding Bonds sale was reviewed.The County's rating downgraded from`AA-`to `A+'with a negative outlook for the future. The Finance Committee Members signed the Public Disclosure Commission statement. At the next Finance Committee meeting,the Investment Policy and Debt Policy will be reviewed. Lisa has certified the 2018 property tax roll for collection. Lisa noted that property taxes will be increased due to the new school bond. The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. 2:45 P.M. Public Works—Jerry Hauth Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin,Shutty and Drexler were in attendance. • Eells Hill improvements contract award will be placed on the agenda for approval to McClure&Sons,Inc.in the amount of$515,887.12.This will be paid with the Solid Waste Fund#402. • 2018 Road Levy Certification will be placed on the agenda. John Huestis explained how the Traffic Diversion will be tracked through the budget. The expenses will be monitored to be certain they are appropriate. Public Works will report to the Commissioners on a quarterly basis. Mason County Briefing Meeting Minutes January 29,2018 • SCJ Alliance contract agreement supplement No.2 was reviewed. This increases the maximum payable to$304,637.30. Loretta reviewed the work produced to date and explained the schedule needs to be updated. Cmmr.Neatherlin voiced concern with the process and wants to be certain the Commissioners have the opportunity for input. • Request to hire a consultant for surveying services for the subdivision of the property adjacent to the Public Works Facility. Discussion of the process to follow. The cost is estimated to cost less than$10,000 and will be paid from the Road Fund. • John Bolender,Mason Conservation District,presented information on the Skokomish Valley Road realignment feasibility study. A community meeting will be scheduled in February.The County will determine if the work will move forward. • Loretta updated the Commissioners on the levy breaches in the Skokomish Valley. Staff has been working on a design proposal,permitting and what needs to be done and how to do it. Public Works staff met with citizens last week. Commissioner Discussion—there was no discussion. The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane Zoren,Administrative Services Manager BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin Terri Drexler Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jennifer Giraldes Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 380 DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: [X] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of Warrants &Treasure Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8054142-8054368 $ 781,145.55 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 47176-47543 $ 690,962.80 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003370-7003398 $ 487,493.42 Total $ 1,959,601.77 Background: The Board approved Resolution No. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD Total $ 2,894,225.57 Direct Deposit YTD Total $ 1,945,053.72 Salary Clearing YTD Total $ 1,935,441.90 Approval of Treasure Electronic Remittances YTD Total $ .00 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to: Move to approve the following warrants: Claims Clearing Fund Warrant #s 8054142-8054368 $ 781,145.55 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant #s 47176-47543 $ 690,962.80 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant #s 7003370-7003398 $ 487,493.42 Total $ 1,959,601.77 Attachment(s): Originals on file with Auditor/Financial Services (Copies on file with Clerk of the Board) MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Bart Stepp, Deputy Director/U&W Management Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 207 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: January 22, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jerry Hauth [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Solid Waste Scrap Metal Agreement BACKGROUND: Mason County currently rents two open top 40 yard boxes for scrap metal collection from Mason County Garbage. County hauls these boxes to Pay More Recycling in Shelton for payment at current price per ton for the material, recouping most of the box rental cost. South Sound Steel & Recycling can provide the county with boxes for scrap metal collection and hauling services. The county would get a percentage of the revenue received for materials and all hauling and service costs would be taken care of by South Sound Steel & Recycling. Revenue per ton will fluctuate based on market prices. BUDGET IMPACTS: Eliminating rental costs and receiving a percentage of revenue South Sound Steel would result in a financial benefit to Solid Waste Fund #402. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board authorize Public Works to execute an agreement with South Sound Steel & Recycling to provide scrap metal and refrigerator collection services, paying the county a percentage of the revenues received from the material collected. ATTACHMENT(S): Service Proposal South Sound Steel & Recycling, Inc. Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Ferrous Metals& Fiber Products t Recycling Solutions and Industrial Services January 15`h, 2008 Mason County Solid Waste Eells Hill Road Transfer Station Shelton, Wa 98584 RE: Service Agreement Pricing South Sound Steel& Recycling agrees to pay 68%of delivered value to Mason County Solid Waste for recycled metals received in tin boxes. Freight and handling are factored into the offered 68%value. • Prices are based on confirmed monthly sales. • Markets are determined by the 10"'of each month. South Sound Steel& Recycling will provide Mason County Solid Waste with updated pricing by the tenth of each month. • Pricing will be emailed monthly to ; o Public Works Director, Bart Stepp o Solid Waste Manager, Zach Foster • Refrigerators are excluded from payment and are considered a service trade. Markets prices are traditionally known to increase or decrease at a soft paces. SSS&R will notify MCSW of any dramatic movement in the markets prior to servicing boxes. Materials Agreement Metals placed within SSS&R boxes will be free of fluids, hazardous materials and E- Waste. South Sound Steel &Recycling is committed to being environmentally conscious and appreciates the like minded participation from their customers. Services Agreement South Sound Steel &Recycling, will provide 2 open top 40 yard containers for scrap metal collection and 1 open top 40 yard for refrigerator collection with no rental charge. Service Expectation At the time both 40 yards are loaded, South Sound Steel & Recycling will swap boxes and provide disposal and hauling for refrigerators at no charge. Member rqDPhysical: 9546 Lathrop Industrial Drive SW Tumwater,Washington 98512 1egc�pladolhid,lx. (360)705-3532 Mail: P.O.Box 14400 Tumwater,Washington 98511-4400 Fax:(360)705-3542 motaimucycuw South Sound Steel & Recycling, Inc. Recycling of Nonferrous Metals, Ferrous Metals& Fiber Products r Recycling Solutions and Industrial Services Standard service time for box service is 24 hours from time of call in. Payment Terms Standard payment terms are set at Net 30 days but can be changed at customer request. I w' notify SSS&R if they wish changes to be made. Scottie Perrin (So h Sound Steel&Recycling representative) Member b000pp` rt m Physical: 9546 Lathrop Industrial Drive SW Tuwater,Washington 98512 Idlll tm ktWMes.let (360)705-3532 Mail: P.O.Box 14400 Tumwater,Washington 98511-4400 Fax:(360)705-3542 nuotmaumun- MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Bart Stepp, Deputy Director/U&W Management Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 207 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # -, BRIEFING DATE: April 3, September 25, December 18, 2017 and January 29, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Bart Stepp [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Bid Award -Eells Hill Transfer Station Project BACKGROUND: Last year the County approved a contract with HDR, Inc. to complete design improvements for the Eells Hill Transfer Station. Improvements included the following: 1. replacing and extending the transfer building topload chute with skirt, 2. upgrading the transfer building wastewater and surface drainage system, 3. installing stairs between the upper and lower level of the transfer building, 4. repairing grizzly guardrail, and 5. resurfacing of the transfer building asphalt floor. The improvement project went out to bid December 14th and seven (7) bids were opened January 19th. The low bidder was McClure & Sons with their bid amount of is $515,887.12 including tax. Attached is the bid tabulation. BUDGET IMPACTS: The low bid is 2.5% over the HDR, Inc.'s cost estimate of $503,000. In 2017 the County budgeted $423,300 for facility improvements and for 2018 an additional $125,000 was budgeted for capital expenditures for a total of$548,300. The consultant contract with HDR is for a total of $94,307. The combined consultant and contractor cost would be $610,194.12 assuming no change order costs. The 2018 Solid Waste Fund #402 budgeted ending fund balance is $237,770. That is a sufficient fund balance to pay for the increase in costs and still have funds to pay for other emergencies that might occur in 2018. A budget amendment may be needed at the end of the year if overall fund expenditures exceed the budgeted amount. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board award the contract for the Eells Hill Improvements Project to McClure & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $515,887.12 and authorize the Deputy Director Public Works/U&W Management sign the contract. Attachments: Bid Tab PROJECT:Mason County,WA Eells Hill Transfer Station Improvements Bid Tab Date. 1/19/2018 Prepared by: Bart Stepp Page 1 Mason County Eelis Hill Transfer Station Improvements Bid Results McClure and Sons,Inc. CONSTRUCT,Inc. Rogniln's,Inc. Waunch Construction Mill Creek,WA 98012 Tumwater,WA 98512 Aberdeen,WA 98520 Olympia,WA 98512 Item No. Item Description Material Quantity Eng.Unit Cost Eng.Estimate Unit Cost Price Unit Cost Price Unit Cost Price Unit Cost Price 1 General Mobilization H&5 TESL survey 1 8.00% $29,288 $33,ODO.00 $33,000.130 $28,000.00 $28,000.00 41 484.00 $41,484.00 $61,600.00 $62,600.00 2 General Special Inspections and Testing 1 1.00% lim $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $9,240.00 $9,240.00 8 626.15 $8,626.15 $14,500.00 $14,500.00 3 Site Demolition 8"Sanitary Sewer Une 140 15 S2,100 22.50 $3,150.00 10.93 $1,530.20 15.00 $2,100.00 $16.80 $2,352.00 4 Site Demolition Cleanouts 2 390 780 $280.00 $560.00 145.00 S290.00 $523.00 S1,046.00 $336.00 S672.00 5 Site Demolition Asphalt Truck Pullout 9D0 53 $2.250 4.00 $3,600.DO $1.92 $1,728.00 $4.00 S3,600.00 $2.25 $2,025.001 6 Site Demolition Trench Drain 165 58 $1,238 $5.00 $825.00 $24.00 $3,960.DO $40.00 $6,600.00 $11.20 S1,848.00 7 Site Demolition Asphalt Dro off Access 325 S3 813 SS.00 $1,625.00 $1.92 $624.00 $10.00 $3,ZS0.Q0 $3.36 $1,092.00 8 Site Demolition Perforated Stormwater Line 50 4 193 S35.00 51,750.00 $7.00 $350.00 $9.00 $450.00 $16.80 $840.00 9 Site Demolition Catch Basins 2 780 $1,560 $SD0.00 $1,000.00 325.00 SISSID.D0 $437.00 $874.00 $350.00 $700.00 10 Site Demolition Asphalt Access Road 1350 3 $3,375 $5.00 $6,750.00 1.92 $2,592.00 $1.00 $1,350.00 $2.25 $3,037.50 11 Site Demolition Sawcut and remove concrete slab 135 35 $4,725 $25.00 $3,375.00 8.75 $1,181.25 $18.00 $2,430.00 $11.20 $1,512.00 12 Site Demolition Sawcut Pavement 195 85 $10.00 $1,950.00 4.5 $877.50 512.00 S2.340.00 $3.00 $585.00 13 Utilities and Paving WSDOT Catch Basin Type 1L 3 $3,2130 $9.600 1 500.00 $4,500.00 1 400. $4.200.DO $1,430.00 S4.290.00 $2,400.00 $7,200.00 14 Utilities and Pavina Sewer Holding Tank 1 $20,000 $20,000 27 500.00 $27,500.00 1 500.0 $1,500.DO $30,636.00 $30,636.00 $24,000.00 $24,1300.00 15 Utilities and Pavint Stormwater Runoff Control Ditch 460 S181 S8,280 $25.00 $11,500.00 25.25 $11,615.00 $11.00 $5,060.00 $22.40 510,304.00 16 Utilities and Paving Catch Basin,T e 1 WSDOT B-5.20-2 4 $2,500. 510,000 S1.05O.D01 S4.200.00 S1,200.00 $4,800.00 $1,633.00 $6,532.00 $1,995.00 $7,980.00 17 Utilities and Paving 12"PVC Storm Drain 184 75 S13,800 60.00 $11,040.00 53.00 $9,752.00 $57.50 $10,580.00 $40.77 $7,502.68 18 Utilities and Paving Infiltration Trench Excavation 2829 $10. $28,290 $10.130 $28,290.00 16.15 $45,688.35 $6.00 $16,974.00 $20.16 $57,032.64 19 Utilities and Paving 3"Top Soil 472 10 $4,720 10.00 $4,720.00 15.50 $7,316.DO $8.00 $3,776.00 $7.28 $3,436.16 20 Utilities and Paving Hydroseeding 1.2 $4,2130 $5,040 4 000.00 $4,800.00 5 030.00 S6.036.00 S4.792.00 SS.750.40 $2,800.00 $3,360.00 21 Utilities and Paving Cu restore access road for stormwater crossing 48 48 $2.304 16.00 $768.00 21.00 1 008.00 $20.00 960.00 $39.20 $1,881.60 22 Utilities and Paving CDF Backfill at trench drains 8 125 $1,000 1 000.00 $8,000.00 220.00 $1,760.00 $224.00 $1,792.00 $280.00 $2,240.00 23 Utilities and Pavins Reinforced concrete around trench drains C81 sla 30 500 $15, $240.00 $7,200.00 820.00 $24,600.00 $392.00 11 760.00 $448.00 $13,440.00 24 Utilities and Pavin 6"PVC Sanitary Sewer 12 S60 $720 S45.001540.00 $41.00 $492.00 $45.00 $540.00 $42.86 $514.32 25 Utilities and Paving 8"PVC Sanitary Sewer 100 60 S6,000 $50.00 $5,000.00 50.00 $5,DD0.00 $49.00 4 900.00 $37.69 $3,769.00 26 Utilities and Paving CDF for Abandoned SS Pie 2 $200. 400 $150.00 $300.00 1 330.00 $2,660.00 $305.00 610.00 $280.DO $560.00 27 Utilities and Paving 8"PVC Sewer Flexible Coupling 2 $2,000. $4,000 $150.00 $300.00 120.00 $240.00 SID9.00 219.00 $212.87 $425.74 28 Utilities and Paving Trench Drain Itippinit floor and loading ba 2 119 160 $19,040 150.00 $17,850.00 244.00 $29.036.00 S328.00 S39.032.00 $286.24 $34,062.56 29 Utilities and Paving Trench Drain Catch Basin 3 $1,750 $5,250 985.00 $2,955.00 960.00 $2,880.00 1921.00 S5.763.DO $1.044.23 $3.232.69 30 Utilities and Paving CSBC 40 15 6 $45.00 $1,8DID.00 120.00 $4,800.00 93.00 $3,720.00 50.40 S2,016.00 31 Utilities and Paving Draining Vaults 1 $1,1300 $1,000 2 500.00 $2,500.00 1 890.00 $1,890.00 8 188.00 $8,188.00 S2,68B.D0 $2,688.00 32 Utilities and Paving Asphalt Pavement 651 S150 $9,750 $200.00S13,000.001 146.00 $9,490. 546.00 $35,490.0 168.00 $20,920.00 33 Tipping Floor Demo Tl In Floor 3505 2 S7.010 1.25 1.58 5 537.90 2.06 7 220.30 2.24 7851.20 34 Ti in Floor Demo Demolish Fasteners 36 100 3 600 10.003 $22.00 $792.00 52.00 $1,972.00 15.68 $564.48 35 Tipping Floor Demo Remove and Dispose of Waste Chute 1 S5.000, $5,000 $5,780.00 $5,780.00 3 950.00 S3,950.00 S1.873.00 S1.873.00 $8,310.40 $8,310.40 36 Tipping Floor Asphalt Overlay 91 150 $13.650 205.00 $18,655.00 181.00 $16,471.00 440.00 $40,040.00 196.00 $17,936.00 37 Exterior Stairway Structural Steel stringers,knee braces bracing 2250 3 $6,750 8.25 $18,S63.00 6.66 $14,985.00 7.00 S15.750.150 S6.56 $14,760.00 38 Exterior Stairway Knee brace post installed anchors 44 65 $2,860 42.5 $1,870.00 42.00 $1,848.00 91.00 $4,004.00 $40.98 S1,798.72 39 Exterior Stairway Steel handrail 160 30 $4,800 76.5 $12,240.00 55.30 $8,848.00 171.00 $27,360.00 $52.23 $8,356.80 40 Exterior Stairway Gratin 155 $141 $2,170 $30.00 4 650. $30.00 $4,650.00 30.00 $4,650.00 $29.12 $4,51160 41 Exterior Stai-ay Concrete Foundations 2 S3751 $750 SSOO.DO S1.000.00 850.00 $1,7DO.DD $1,519.00 $3,038.00 $632.80 $1,265.60 41a Exterior Stairway Eco-block wall allowance 1 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500.00 51.500.00 S1300.00 S1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,SDO.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 42 Exterior Stairway 8"dia bollard 2 $1,000 S2,000 S950.00 $1,900.00 S820.00 S1,640.00 S1.478.00 S2.956.00 $616.00 $1,232.00 43 Loading Bay Waste Chute Flexible Baffle 144 20 $2,880 $40.00 $5,760.00 $182.00 $26,20& 89.5 $12,999.00 41.00 $5,904.00 44 Loading Bay Waste Chute Bracing-HSS 8x8x1 4" 10970 3 $32,910 $4.25 $46,623.00 3.94 $43,221.80 3. $32,910.00 S4.03 $44,209.10 45 Loadinit Bay Waste Chute Bracing-HSS Bx12x1 4" 2350 3 $7,050 4.00 $9,400.00 3.94 S9,259.00 4.43 $10,410.50 $3.82 $8,977.00 46 Loading Bay Waste Chute Bracing-HSS 441/4" Laterals 720 $3. $2,160 $4.00 $2,880.00 3.94 $2,836.80 4.43 $3,189.60 $3.82 $2,750.40 47 Loading Bay Waste Chute 1/2"Steel Plate 1823 S3 $5,469 $4.00 $7,292.00 $3.94 $7,182.62 $4.43 $8,07S.89 S3.82 $6,963.86 48 Loading Say Waste Chute 3/4"Steel Plate 20828 3 S62,484 4.00 S83.312.00 3.94 $82,062.32 2.80 $58,318.40 3.93 81854.04 49 Loadin Ba Waste Chute 5/8"Steel Plate Gusset 2904 3 $8,712 4.00 S11,616.00 3.94 S12.441.76 4.43 $12,864.72 3.82 11093.28 50 LoadingBa Waste Chute 12"Schedule 40 Steel Pie 12.5' 663 3 1989 4.00 $2,652.00 3.94 S2,612.22 .43 S2.937.09 3.82 $2,532.6 51 LoadingBa Waste Chute Crane rail damage reair 1 $3,900 $3,9 $1,600.00 $1,600.00 $8,780. $8,780.00 5 394.00 5 394.00 $10,216. $20,216. 52 LoadingBa Concrete footings epoxied into base slab 1.5 $1,250 $1,875 $1,500.00 $2,250.00 6 100.00 $9,150.00 $2,545.00 3.817.50 S1.836. 2 755.20 53 LoadingBa Concrete overlaywith macrofibers 1730 15 $8.00 $13,840.00 $13.65 $23,614.50 $8.00 $13,940.00 $14.28 �504,537,34 704.40 Subtotal $421,320 Subtotal $475,472.00 Subtotal $514,077.22 Subtotal $545,630.55 Subtotal 177.27 Engineer's Estimate Contingency(SO%) 42 132 Sales Tax 8.5% $39,393 Sales Tax 8.5% $40,415.1 Sales Tax 8.5% $43,696.5 Sales Tax 8.5% S46,378.6 Sales Tax 8.5% 360.07 Grand Total(Includes Engineer's Contingency) 502 845 Grand Total $515,887.1Z Grand Total $557,773.7 Grand Total 592 009.15 Grand Total Bid Total $516,700.00 Bid Total $572,421.28 Bid Total $604,678.31 PROJECT:Mason County,WA Eells Hill Transfer Station Improvements Bid Tab Date. 1/19/2018 Prepared by: Bart Stepp Page 2 Mason County Fells HIII Transfer Station Improvements Bid Results Olympic Peninsula Const. Beisley Inc. Interwest Construction,Inc. Port Ludlow,WA 98365 Belfair,WA 98528 Burlington,WA 98233 Item No. Item Description Material Quantity Unit Cost Price Unit Cost Price Unit Cost Price 1 General Mobilization H&5 TESL survey I25 000.00 $25,000. $59,80o.00 $59,800. $78,000.00 $78,000. 2 General Special Inspections and Testing1 $5.000.00 $5,000.00 11 500.00 $11,500.00 16 500.00 $16,500.00 3 Site Demolition 8"Sanitary Sewer Line 140 $35.00 $4,900.00 11.50 $1,610.00 18.50 $2,59000 4 Site Demolition Cleanouts 2 $25.00 SC). $230.00 $460.00 300.00 $600.00 5 Site Demolition Asphalt Truck Pullout 900 S3.00 S2.700.001 $3.45 $3,105.00 $2.50 S2250.00 6 Site Demolition Trench Drain 165 $20.00 3 300.00 $17.25 $2,846.2S $33.SO 5 527.50 7 Site Demolition Asphalt Dro off Access 325 $4.00 52,3D0.00 S3.45 $1.121.25 S3.40 S1.205.00 8 Site Demolition Perforated Stormwater Line 50 $5.00 $250.00 $11.50 $57S.D0 $27.00 $1,350.00 9 Site Demolition Catch Basins 2 $100.00 $200.00 $345.00 690.00 $225.D0 $4SO.00 10 Site Demolition Asphalt Access Road 1350 $10.00 $13,500.00 $3.45 $4,657.50 $2.40 $3,240.00 11 Site Demolition Sawcut and remove concrete slab 135 $20.00 $2,700.00 $11.50 1 552.50 $22.00 $2,970.00 12 Site Demolition Sawcut Pavement 195 $6.00. $1.170.DO $6.90 1 345.50 $6.00 S1.170.00 13 Utilities and Paving WSDOT Catch Basin Type 1L 3 S1,D00.001 $3,000.DO $1,725.00 5 175.00 $2,240.00 $6,720.00 14 Utilities and Paving Sewer Holding Tank 1 $30,000.00 $30.000.DO S28.405.00 $28,405.00 $26,650.00 $26,650.00 15 Utilities and Paving Stormwater Runoff Control Ditch 460 $9.00 $4,140.00 S11.50 $5.290.00 $21.00 S9.660.0o 16 Utilities and Paving Catch Basin Type 1 WSDOT B-5.20-2 4 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,725.00 $6,900.00 $1,440.00 $5,760.00 17 Utilities and Paving 12"PVC Storm Drain 184 $10.00 $1,840.00 $40.25 $7,406.00 $42.00 $7,728.00 18 Utilities and Paving Infiltration Trench Excavation 2829 $9.00 $25,461.00 19.55 $55,306.95 $12.00 $33,948,00 19 Utilities and Paving 3"Top Soil 472 $7.50 $3,540.00 12.65 $5,970.80 11.00 $5,192.00 20 Utilities and Paving H droseedin 1.2 $3,360.00 $4,032.00 $10,580.00 $12,696.00 3 320.00 $3,984.00 21 Utilities and Paving Cu restore access road for stormwater crossing 48 $20.00 $960.00 115.00 $5,520.00 27.00 $1,296.00 22 Utilities and Paving CDF Backfill at trench drains 8 S250.001 S2.000.00 $128.80 $1,030.40 158.00 $1,264.DO 23 Utilities and Paving Reinforced concrete around trench drains CB1 sla 30 $600.00 $18,000.00 S517.50 $15.525.00 S740.00 22 200.00 24 Utilities and Paving 6"PVC Sanitary Sewer 12 $100.00 $1,200.00 $46.00 $552.00 $57.00 $684.00 25 Utilities and Paving 8"PVC Sanitary Sewer 100 $100.00 $10,GW.00 $46.00 $4,600.00 $32.00 $3,200.00 26 Utilities and Paving CDF for Abandoned SS Pie 2 $200.00 $400.00 $230.00 $460.00 $300.00 $600.00 27 Utilities and Paving 8"PVC Sewer Flexible Coupling 2 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $201.25 $402.50 237.00 $474.00 28 Utilities and Paving Trench Drain(tipping floor and loading ba 2 119 $210.00 $24,990.00 189.75 $22,580.25 $223.00 S26,537.00 29 Utilities and Paving Trench Drain Catch Basin $3,000.00 1897.50 $5,692.50 740.00 $2,220.00 30 Utilities and Paving CSBC 40 $250.00 30 000.00 $57.50 $2,300.00 60.00 $2,400.00 31 Utilities and Paving Draining Vaults 11 S1.000.00 $1,000.00 S4.000.00i S4.000.00 S8.860.00 $8,860.00 32 Utilities and Paving Asphalt Pavement 65 $180.00 $11,700.00 S178.25 $21,586.25 $215.00 $13,975.00 33 Tipping Floor Demo Tipping Floor 3505 $2.50 $8,762.50 $3.45 $22,092.25 $3.00 $20,515.00 34 Tipping Floor Demo Demolish Fasteners 36 $20.00 $720.00 $28.75 $1,035.00 $64.00 2 304.00 35 Tipping Floor Demo Remove and Dispose of Waste Chute 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 28 750.00 $28,750.00 $10,413.00 10 413.00 36 Tipping Floor Asphalt Overly 91 $180.00 $16,380.00 $178.25 $16,220.75 $226.00 20 566.00 37 Exterior Stairway Structural Steel stringers,knee braces bracing 2250 $20.00 $45,000.00 2.30 $5,175.00 5. $11,250.00 38 Exterior Stairway Knee brace post installed anchors 44 $100.00 $4,400.00 287.50 $12,650.00 71. $3,124.00 39 Exterior Stairway Steel handrail 160 S20,00 $3,200.00 S69.00 S11.040.00 S92.00 $14,720,00 40 Exterior Sta rway Gratin 1551 $40.00 $6,200.00 31.05 $4,812.75 $49.00 $7,595,00 41 Exterior Stairway Concrete Foundations 2 S4,000.00 $8,000.00 1 150.00 $2,300.00 $1,832.00 $3,66400 41a Exterior Stairway Eco-block wall allowance 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1 500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.O0 42 Exterior Stairway 8"dia bollard 2 $500.00 $1,01)0.0 437.00 $874.00 $1,150.00 2 300.00 43 Loading Bay Waste Chute Flexible Baffle 144 $30.00 $4,320.00 28.75 $4,140.00 $62.001$14,520. 28.00 44 LoadingBa Waste Chute Bracing-HSS 8x8x1 4" 10970 1.50 $16,455.0 3.45 $37,846.5 5.07 45 LoadingBa Waste Chute Bracing-HSS 8x12x1 4" 2350 1.50 $3,525.0 3.45 $9,107.5 5.222261 46 Loadin Ba Waste Chute Bracin -HSS 4x4x1 4" Laterals 720 2.65 S1,908.00 3.45 S2.484.00 5.40 47 LoadingBa Waste Chute 1/2"Steel Plate 1823 6.00 $10,938.00 4.35 $7,930.05 5.00 48 LoadingBa Waste Chute 3/4"Steel Plate 20828 4.00 $83,312.00 3.45 $71,856.60 5.06 49 LoadingBa Waste Chute 5/8"Steel Plate Gusset 2904 15.00 $43,560.00 5.75 $16,698.00 5.0050 Loadin Ba Waste Chute 12"Schedule 40 Steel Pie 12.5' 663 15.00 9 945.00 5.75 3 812.25 5.60 51 Loading Bay Waste Chute Cne rail damage repair 1 20 000.00 $20,000.00 $6,900.00 $6,900.00 $14,150. $14,150. 52 LoadingBa Corancrete footings epoxied into base slab 1.5 $10,000.0 $15,000.0 $17,250.00 $25,875.00 7 792. $11,688.00 53 1 Loading Bay Concrete overlay with macrofibers 1730 $17.50 30 275.0 $17.25 $29,842.50 21. $36,330.00 Subtotal $565,733.50 Subtotal $602,603.80 Subtotal $662,661.88 Sales Tax 8.5% 8 087.35 Sales Tax8.5% 51 221.32 Sales Tax 8.5% $56,326.2 Grand Total 613 820.85 Grand Total 653 825.12 Grand Total 718 988.14 Bid Total $719,053.24 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: John Huestis, Deputy Director/County Engineer Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: January 29, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: John Huestis [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Road Levy Certification for 2018 Background: The County Road Administration Board (CRAB) annually requests that every county legislative authority submit a certification showing the amount of the road levy fixed and the amount, if any, budgeted in accordance with RCW 36.33.220 for traffic law enforcement, and/or any other purpose from diverted road levy. Recommended Action: Recommend the Board authorize the Chair to execute the Road Levy Certification for 2018. Attachments: Road Levy Certification Resolution 91-17 C.A.R.S. Page 1 of 1 Mason County Calendar Year 2018 Digital Submittal Certification for Forms Due February 1st The documents checked below are hereby submitted from Mason County for the review and acceptance of the County Road Administration Board. X Road Levy Certification for 2018 1 hereby certify that the above reports are true and accurate and that have reviewed, approved, and submitted said reports to the County Road Administration Board in accordance with WAC 136-04. By my signature below, I acknowledge that I am signing all the documents indicated by the checked boxes. Chair xecutive Signature Date I'j • zy i0!�' County Engineer Signature Date https://www.crab.wa.gov/cars/ 1/24/2018 C.A.R.S. Page 1 of 1 Mason County Certification of the 2018 Road Levy and Estimated Revenue Produced WAC 136-150-021 Total County Valuation: $7,557,317,596 Road District ($/Thousand) Valuation Amount Highest Lawful Road Levy: $1.550921 $6,904,788,532 $10,708,781 County Road Levy Shifted to Current $0.000000 $6,904,788,532 $0 Expense (per RCW 84.52.043): Adjusted Highest Lawful Road Levy: $1.550921 $6,904,788,532 $10,708,781 Actual Established Road Levy: (Levy Fixed in Accordance with RCW $1.552722 $6,904,788,532 $10,721,216 36.40.090) County Road Property Tax Revenues Diverted For Other Unincorporated Purposes in Accordance with RCW 36.33.220, RCW 39.89, or RCW 84.55.050: Service to be Provided Diverted $/Thousand Diverted Levy Amount Traffic Law Enforcement RCW 36.33.220 0.312826 $2,160,000 Total Diverted Road Levy: $0.312826 $2,160,000 Road Levy Revenue Remaining for Roads $1.239895 $8,561,216 (RCW 36.82.040) Road Funds Budgeted to be used for Traffic Law Enforcement Traffic Law Enforcement Funded Through Operating Transfer(per agreement): $0 Traffic Law Enforcement Funded Through Direct Payment(cost reimbursement): $0 Total Budgeted Road Fund Expenditures for Traffic Enforcement: $0 Reporting of Diverted Road Levy and budgeted Road Fund Expenditures for Traffic Law Enforcement amounts are both required in order to ascertain county eligibility for RATA funds. (see WAC 136-150- 030) Note: WAC 136-150-021 provides that"The CRABoard will request that every county legislative authority submit a certification showing the amount of the road levy fixed and the amount, if any, budgeted in accordance with RCW 36.33.220 for traffic law enforcement and/or any other purpose from diverted road levy no later than February 1 st of each year". https://www.crab.wa.gov/cars/ 1/24/2018 A RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE ROAD LEVY FOR HE YEAR 2018 RESOLUTION NO. 7 i WHEREAS, RCW 36.40.090 states that the Board of Mason County Commissioners shall fix the amount of the tax levies to be raised for Road. IT IS THEREFORE DETERMINED,that the following be fixed as the amounts to be raised by ad valorem taxes for the purpose of meeting the expenditures estimated in the 2018 Budget for Mason County Refund Levy and Road Fund: ' i ROAD FUND $ 8,548,781.22 j DIVERSION OF ROAD LEVY $ 2,160,000.00 TOTAL ROAD LEVY $ 10,708,781.22 REFUND LEVY $ 12,435.49 TOTAL AMOUNT TO LEVY 2018 $ 10,721,216.71 i I This resolution reserves unutilized levy for banked capacity. ADOPTED this day of December 2017. BOARD eMSON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Kevin Sh ,Chairperson Terri Drexler,Commissioner Ra dy( eatherlin,Comnlifsioner ATTEST: J Me s wry,Cle of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney MASON COUNTY ACTION ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: John Huestis /Loretta Swanson Action DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: November 28, 2016, January 9, 2017 and January 29, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: John Huestis and Loretta Swanson [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: SCJ Alliance Contract Agreement - Supplemental No. 2 Background: The Board approved a consultant agreement with SCJ Alliance to prepare a transportation element update to the County Comprehensive Plan. It was anticipated that additional transportation and circulation studies would be prioritized, scoped, and authorized, as a result of the Mason County Transportation Plan. The Board approved Supplemental No. 1 on January 17, 2017, adding the Belfair Mobility Plan and the Allyn Circulation and Waterfront Plan to the scope of work and extending the completion date. The Allyn Plan was completed in July 2017 and the Belfair Mobility Plan is underway. Belfair plan recommendations are anticipated in July 2018. Public Works requests Board approval to execute Supplemental No. 2 adding the East Rasor Road Connections Study to the scope of work and extending the contract completion date to December 31, 2018. The additional work is estimated to cost $83,756. The study will identify an alternate route to Trails Road, connections that can improve overall network connectivity, and increase access to and from key transportation corridors. Recommended Action: Recommend the Board approve and authorize the Chair to execute Supplemental No. 2 to the agreement with SCJ Alliance, increasing the maximum payable amount to $304,637.30 and extending the contract completion date to December 31, 2018. Attachment: Supplement Contract Agreement 2 Washington State Aft UDepartment of Transportation Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Number 2 Shea Carr&Jewell,Inc.(dba SCJ Alliance) 8730 Tallon Lane NE,Suite 200 Original Agreement Number Lacey,WA 98516 i 0675.02 Phone: 360-352-1465 Project Number Execution Date Completion Date 0675.05 Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable East Rasor Road Connections Study $304,637.30 Description of Work SEE ATTACHED AMENDED SCOPE OF WORK-Exhibit ASee attached amended Scope of Work-Exhibit A I The Local Agency of Mason County desires to supplement the agreement entered in to with Shea Carr&Jewell,Inc. and executed on 03/15/2016 and identified as Agreement No. 0675.02 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: I Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: SEE ATTACI IED AMENDED SCOPE OF WORK-Exhibit A II Section IV,TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: COMPLETION BY 12/31/2018 111 Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: THIS TOTAL MAXIMUM AMOUNT AUTHORIZED CANNOT EXCEED$304,637.30 WITHOUT PRIOR WRJTTEN APPROVAL as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the Appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By;Ab M HEAD By: ig re Approving Authority Signature Date DOT Form 140-063 Revised 0912005 SCOPE OF WORK East Rasor Road Connections Study Mason County Prepared for: Dave Smith,Transportation Engineer Prepared by: Thera Black,Transportation Planning Manager Date prepared: January 19,2018 Overview Just south of the Belfair urban growth area(UGA)is a ridgetop bounded by SR 106 to the west and SR 3 to the north.To the east is the Tacoma Power utility corridor,the US Navy Railroad,Lakeland Village and the Allyn UGA;to the south is Mason Lake.A large residential community lives on this ridgetop served by an irregular network of local roads. The predominant north-south facility is East Rasor Road,a discontinuous facility currently comprised of two distinct segments separated by no more than 2/10 of a mile.The existing roadway segments are of varying standards and quality. Access to and from the ridgetop is limited.The predominant public access from SR 106 is via East Trails End Road,about four miles south of the SR 106/SR 3 intersection. East Trails End Road is a steep and winding facility. It has a short,unstable segment roughly midway between SR 106 and Rasor Road requiring regular patching. Narrow,winding private residential streets provide additional limited access to SR 106 further north.A vague and irregular network of small private roads provides some additional access to and from the east,primarily out of Lakeland Village. All remaining access is from the south, where East Trails End Road becomes Mason Lake Road almost three miles away. Mason County recognizes the vulnerability posed by the disjointed transportation network and wants to establish a more robust,standardized transportation network to serve the expansive rural neighborhoods in this area.Completing critical street connections and increasing access to and from SR 106 and SR 3 will increase overall system resiliency in that part of Mason County. The ridgetop itself is relatively flat;connecting the two segments of East Rasor Road will not be difficult though bringing the entire facility up to County standards may be costly.The challenge will be in identifying feasible connections between the ridgetop and SR 106 and SR 3.This is due primarily to terrain but it is also complicated by existing development, private ownership of roads,and the power utility and railroad corridors. The Rasor Road Connections Study will identify connections that can improve overall network connectivity and increase access to and from key transportation corridors.This includes a connection of 8730 Tallon Lane NE, Su4e 200 • Lacey, WA 98515 • G`i ce 360.352.1465 • Fax 360.352.1505 « sciailiance.com East Rasor Road Connections Study January 19,2018 +'+ Page 2 of S East Rasor Road itself as well as one or more feasible connections between East Rasor Road and SR 106, and between East Rasor Road and SR 3.An evaluation of feasible routes will be conducted to identify a preferred route or routes to improve access and circulation in this area. In addition,the Rasor Road Connections Study will incorporate pertinent considerations and findings from the concurrent Belfair Mobility Plan. Both studies will consider the influence relevant connections may have on the findings of the other.Particular attention will be paid to the likely attractiveness of a Belfair Bypass connector in the vicinity of SR 106 if Rasor Road were to be extended to SR 3.This includes a high level evaluation of traffic impacts on Rasor Road and other facilities that might result with'and without the Bypass connector. Note that for readability purposes,the remainder of this scope refers to East Rasor Road simply as Rasor Road. Estimated breakout by task and phase is in Exhibit A-1;the fee is found in Exhibit A-2. Phase 1—Project Preparation Activities in Phase 1 support subsequent work.It Includes necessary background review,assembly of data and formatting of GIS data layers needed for route feasibility analysis. Task 1:Context and Data Collection SCJ will review past reports,analysis,and previous work related to the study area to better understand issues and opportunities associated with this vicinity and to assess what materials have value for this work,such as geotechnical reports,critical areas analysis,and transportation design concepts. Existing data will be augmented with a small cordon study to provide additional detail on traffic flows into and out of Belfair and the role of SR 106 in those patterns. Task 2: Document Core Operational Assumptions Feasibility analysis relies on fundamental assumptions about roadway operating characteristics. Core assumptions to be addressed include,at a minimum,standard roadway cross-sections for each roadway type,design speed,as well as maximum and desired slope of future roadways. Clarification at this time of these and other core operational assumptions will inform subsequent feasibility analysis. Task 3:Tabletop Analysis of Environmental Data Because we are relying primarily on existing data and studies to understand soil,wetlands,slope,and other environmental characteristics we want to conduct an assessment of the data to validate its utility and application for this purpose.Data on which we'll rely was generated at different times by different entities. Review by subject matter experts will help ensure appropriate use of the various data and clarify weaknesses or anomalies we should pay attention to when conducting our analysis. Phase 1 Deliverables • GIS and other data necessary to support subsequent analysis and evaluation • Cordon study • Study brief and final critical areas map for the study area Phase 1 Assumptions: With the exception of the cordon study, data collection and preparation relies on available resources. No new soil or geotechnical surveys are included. East Rasor Road Connections Study January 19,2018 aPage 3of5 Mason County has geotechnical surveys and reports related to the study area which we can assess. Total Estimated Cost $8,000+$5,000 for Cordon Study Phase 2--Identify Preferred Connections Feasibility analysis will provide Mason County with the Information it needs to understand an array of feasible route alternatives and then evaluate them to identify a preferred connection or connections that best meet mobility needs. Task i—Route Feasibility Analysis The terrain and environmental characteristics of the study area present a challenge in making reasonable connections between Rasor Road on the ridgetop with SR 106 and SR 3. Using Infraworks 360 in conjunction with LIDAR data,GIS layers,and other data,SCJ will conduct desktop analyses to identify one or more operationally feasible routes for each of the following: • Rasor Road Connection,connecting separate segments of Rasor Road on the ridgetop • SR 106 Connections to Rasor Road,including potential use of existing facilities as well as the feasibility of new routes • SR 3 Connections to Rasor Road,including connections to SR 3 in the vicinity of the SR 3/SR 106 intersection as well as connections to SR 3 via Lakeland Village Work includes setting up parameters for study area analysis in Infraworks 360 and QA/QC of the resulting route analyses. Task 2—Construction and Cost Feasibility Analysis This task will focus on those routes identified in Phase 2 Task 1 that satisfy the roadway operational characteristics.Work in this task will expand up to eight potential routes resulting from Task 1 analysis to provide construction feasibility and phase-ability,right-of-way and environmental impacts,as well as planning-level cost estimates.This includes costs associated with bringing all of Rasor Road up to adopted County standards.Efforts includes QA/QC of the analysis and documentation. Task 3—Alternatives Evaluation Activities related to this task entail an evaluation of the alternatives to identify a preferred route(s). Evaluation criteria are anticipated to include at a minimum cost, right-of-way impacts,environmental impacts,phase-ability,and traffic impacts. In collaboration with Mason County staff we will refine the criteria and evaluation methodology and then conduct an evaluation. Note that this work will incorporate key findings from the concurrent Belfair Mobility Plan related to the potential for a Belfair Bypass connector in the vicinity of SR 106.Coordination between the two studies will include an evaluation of shifts in travel demand and traffic impacts with and without a Bypass connector.Work includes documentation and a summary for use in memos or presentations. Phase 2 Deliverables • Up to eight(8)detailed route alignments including Rasor Road extension on the ridgetop,connections between Rasor Road and SR 106,and connections between Rasor Road and SR 3. Routes will conform to agreed-upon operational assumptions.Details will include planning level alignment,right-of-way impacts,environmental impacts, East Rasor Road Connections Study January 19, 2018 s Page 4of5 construction feasibility and cost,and a high level evaluation of travel demand and traffic impacts. • one or more preferred routes with cost estimates and travel evaluations. Phase 2 Assumptions: Feasibility analysis is based on best available data. While more connections may be considered during route feasibility analysis, the more detailed estimations will be made for up to eight(8)of most promising connections. Total Estimated Cost $31,000 Phase 3—Project Documentation and Presentation We understand the keen interest of stakeholders in the Rasor Road connection on the ridgetop as well as potential connections between Rasor Road and SR 106 and SR 3. For that reason we believe documentation of the technical analysis,evaluation,and resulting recommendations is important.While this proposal does not include general stakeholder engagement we anticipate that there will be at least two briefings—one to the Board of County Commissioners and the other to the TIP-CAP.This phase includes materials and support to Mason County staff for those two briefings. Task 1—Develop Project Report This work involves developing graphics and exhibits for use in the report.A draft report will be developed for review and edit by Mason County staff,followed by a final report.The final report will be available in hard copy and electronic version. Task 2—Develop Project Brief and Presentation Support Given the interest in roadway connections in this area we expect there will be a briefing of the Board and the TIP-CAP or Planning Commission.This task will produce a briefing paper for use by staff or others in presenting the analysis and recommendations,as well as a presentation and/or handouts. It also includes attendance at two meetings. Phase 3 Deliverables • Draft and project report in hard copy and electronic pdf • Briefing paper • Presentation or handouts Total Estimated Cost $32,200 Phase 4—Project Administration This phase provides for on-going project management and client support for the duration of the project, as well as accounting and invoicing, project set-up and close-out,and client coordination and support. Task 1—Project Management Activities related to project management includes overall project administration such as scheduling and workflow,and coordination with Mason County staff. East Rasor Road Connections Study January 19,2018 Page 5 of 5 Task 2—Project Accounting This work includes those activities related to accounting and monthly invoicing,and to project set-up and close-out. Phase 4 Deliverables • Monthly status reports • Monthly invoices • Project schedule Total Estimated Cost $7,600 END OF SCOPE OF WORK Consultant Labor Hour Estimate-Exhibit A-1 SO Alliance cillealo Mason County Project; slasor Road Con,e,tion, J.b*. 675.05 FIN V, Rasor Road Scope and Fee_20180119 xIsm Tr.,. 8,d Eli beth X.- Pat ick H­ A'. J.rki li- -id M.ddi. "ns-Pnr A,r V_cge pi-, D-igri, An." Phase I Project Preparation Task I Context and Data Collection I Review and synthesize prior plans and studies 7-0 94 4.0 14.0 2 Collect and manage necessary data and GIS layers 2.0 2.0 12.0 16.0 3 Coordinate cordon study with subconsultant 2.0 2.0 Subtotal Hours: Z.0 j 100 4.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 E 32.0 Task a Document Core Operational Assumptions I Establish tenerat roadway cross sections and ipeads 1 1.0 2,0 2 Establish route feasibility assumptions 1.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 so Subtotal HQ.­J 1.0 :30::=l 5.0 1,0 100 Task 3 Tabletop Analysis of Environmental Data 1.0 ILO I Conduct review of environmental dab 1.0 2.0 2 iDocument review and update map, j 1.0 40 4.0 9.0 Subtotal Hours 1,0 3.0 1; 5A 22.0 21.0 Total Phase Hour,: 4.0 160 40 7.0 I 1.0 17.0 2.0 129 Phase 20 Identify Preferred Connections Task 1 Route Feasibility Analysis I Infraworks360 parameters set-up 1.0 2.0 14 4,0 2 Raw Road Connection 1.0 2.0 610 1.0 10.0 3 SR 106 Connections to Raw Road i 2.0 4.0 28.0 LO 35.0 4 SM 3 Connections to Raw Road LO 28.0 1.0 35.0 5 OA/QC of Route feasibility Analysis LO 2.0 4.0 9.0 15.0 Subtotal Hourc. &0 13.0 68,0 12.0 9-0 Task 2 Construction and Cost Feasibility Analysis I I!Develop right-of-way impacts of feasible roines, 1.0 2.0 24.0 27.0 2 iDevelop cost estimates of feasible routes 2.0 4.0 32.0 33.0 3 CIA QC of Engineering and Cost Feasibility Analysis I 2.0 11.0 12.0 22.0 Subtotal H..,: 30 I 8.0 1 64.0 12.0 97.0 Task 3 Afternartives Evaluation 1 1A L.0 Establish evaluation criteria I 2 Conduct preliminary evaluation of routes 3 .0 1 U 3-0 3A 3,0 3.0 230 3 Review and refine evaluation with County staff 2.0 4060 q - _--.__ 0.---------------- 4 Document evaluation and recommendations 2A 8�0 4.0 8,0 2?0 Subtotal Hours M 24.0 8.0 4.0 3.0 3.11 80 590 Total Phase Hours:1 1.9.0 45.0 6,0 1360 27.0 30 RD 77410 Phase 30 Project Documentation&Presentation Task 1 Develop Project Report I i Prepare,graphics and exhibits, 4,0 8,0 12.0 16.0 &Q 2.0 50.0 2 iDevelop draft prisilot report for County review 9.0 40.0 24.0 40.0 112.0 :Develop final project report for County submittal 3 4.0 16.0 4.0 I 12.0 36.0 Subtotal Hour,:'! 19.0 64.0 40A MA a, I I 54A 196.0 Task 2 Develop Project Brief and Presentation Support __T_7P___briefing report for Use by staff 4.0 ILO 12.0 2W) I/tOMILS Consultant Labor Hour Estimate-Exhibit A-1 C7�.Illanc» Mason County Raso,Road .b N-' 675,05 N4 c Rasor Road Scope and Fee_20180119.xism intra R- Ela.-h K.- Patrick Hans A— I-ki TI, D..d m.ddi. it P-ritcr r, p 'o'-f -f N- Too DesCfiPtwf' Mo,, ArmhV 4"'iest 2 Prepare project presentation or handouts 2 0 So 40 4.0180 ........................ ............- ............-............. . ...... 3 Provide staff support for(2)briefings 1 6.0 6.0 i 12,0 Subtotal Hour,:: 12.0 22.0 40 1, 4.0 42.0 Total Phase Hours: 28.0 36,0 44,0 160 go 1 58o 2 Phase 40 Project Management Task I Project Administration Coordinate with Mason County staff 8.0 8.0 160 :Prepare and monitor project schedule 2.0 9.0 2 10........ 3 Manage staff workflow and deliverables 4 0 8.0 12,G Subtotal Hours] 14.0 j 24.0 38.0 Task 2 Project Accounting Prepare and submit monthly invoices 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 14.0 2 lProject set-up and close-t 1.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 Subtotal H..-I 2.0 5,0 60 6.0 110 Total Phase Hours:; 16.0 29'0 6o 6.0 57A Total Hours All Pha,e,j 66.0 176,0 56.0 159.0 28.0 25.0 5,0 66.0 12.0 6.0 6.0 605.0 -112DIs } I t Consultant Fee Determination-Exhibit A-2 SC,J A,t,t,I Af'jce SCJ Alliance Client: Mason County Project: Rasor Road Connections Job#: 675 File a: Rasor Road Scope and Fee_20180119.xlsm Consultant Fee Determination DIRECT SALARY COST Discipline Hours Rate Amount Sr.Project Manager 66.0 $54.00 $3,564 Project Manager 176.0 $46.00 $8,096 Transport Planner 56.0 $46.00 $2,576 Senior Designer 159.0 $39.00 $6,201 Project Mgr,Engineering 28.0 $36.00 $1,008 GIS Analyst 25.0 $46.00 $1,150 Traffic Analyst 5.0 $36.00 $180 Planner 66.0 $41.00 $2,706 Environment.Scientist 12.0 $34.00 $408 Project Coordinator 6.0 $28.00 $168 Project Acct. 6.0 $32.00 $192 Subtotal: 605.0 Total Direct Salary Cost $26,249 OVERHEAD Overhead Rate: 165.35% Direct Salary Cost: $26,249 Overhead Cost $43,403 FIXED FEE Fixed Fee Rate: 31.00% Direct Salary Cost: $26,249 Fixed Fee Cost $8,137 TOTAL SALARY COST Total Salary Cost $77,789 SUBCONSULTANTS(Yes or No) Yes 5ubconsultantFee $5,000 Subconsultant Markup 0% $0 Total Subconsultants $5,000 REIMBURSABLES Copies,Reproductions IZA of Total Salary Cost $778 Mileage: 350 miles at $0.540 $189 Total Expenses: $967 SUBTOTAL(SALARY,SUBCONSULTANTS AND EXPENSES) Subtotal(Salary,5ubconsuftantsand Expenses) $83,756 MANAGEMENT RESERVE FUND(MRF) Management Reserve 0.0% of Subtotal $0 Total Estimated Budget: $83,756 1/1912018 Page 1 East Rasor Road Connections Study - Schedule Poii,i ! �'�i ii ii yl Alternatives Evaluation coordination S!Mf Data Validation, Feasible Routes Preferred Route Core Assumptions Selection Status Update Present Findings to Staff 2018January March April May June July FebruaTy Briefing Materials/Support Milestones January 19,2018 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Jerry W. Hauth, Director Action Agenda DEPARTMENT: Public Works EXT: 450 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # BRIEFING DATE: January 29, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Jerry Hauth [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Survey Services BACKGROUND: Public Works would like to enter into a consultant agreement for surveying services for the subdivision of the properly adjacent to the Public Works Facility (parcel no. 42002-10-00020). Per the County Purchasing Policy, all contracts falling under RCW 39.80 (Contracts for Architectural and Engineering Services) must be approved by the Board. BUDGET IMPACTS: Surveying contract will be less than $10,000, but application process and recording fees and possibly other fees will be required to complete the subdivision process. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend the Board of County Commissioners authorize Public Works to use the County MRSC Consultant Roster to select a consultant for surveying services as part of the subdivision of parcel No. 42002-10- 00020 and the Board to execute the Consultant agreement once a consultant is selected. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 530 DATE: 2/6/18 Agenda Item # _J Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 1/29/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency Item: Rate Increase for Mason County Baseball Field Use Background: Mason County Parks has not increased the field use fees since 2010 and is bringing forward to the BOCC a rate increase consistent with Resolution 10-09 and Fees and Charges Policy for Parks. We would like to add supplemental fees to increase the field revenue and hopefully be able to rehire the layed-off staff employees and maintain a basic level of field maintenance Cost Impact to the County: There is no cost impact to the County, there may, however be a revenue increase. Approval to: I This action item was postponed from the 1/ 18 BOCC meeting. Have the Chair approve Rate Increase per attached rate schedule Attachment(s): Mason County Parks Department 2018 Field Rental Rates C:\Users\DLZ—LMAS\AppData\Local\Temp\XPgrpwise\Parks 2018 Field Rental Schedule.doc MASON COUNTY PARKS DEPARTMENT 2018 FIELD RENTAL RATES ORGANIZED YOUTH LEAGUE Use Rate Pro-Rated Based on 2-Hour Practice Practice $ 16.00 $8.00 Per Hour 2-Hour Slot with Field Prep Game $ 28.00 ORGANIZED ADULT LEAGUES: Practice $ 23.00 $11 .50Per Hour Game $ 34.00 TOURNAMENTS: Includes Field Preps Per Field $ 140.00 Full Comple) $ 978.00 MISCELLANEOUS: Per Hour $ 16.00 DEPOSITS Tier II - two prior payment delinquencies 50% deposit required at time of booking for all scheduled dates Deposit refund if cancelled within 3 months of play 100% If cancelled within 1-3 months of play 50% If cancelled within 30-15 days of play 10% If cancelled within 14-2 days of play 5% If cancelled within 24 hours of play 0 If cancelled by Parks Dept due to weather 100% Tier I - no or one prior payment delinquencies Deposit For Local League play payment of $375 deposit due upon acceptance of schedule even for multiple day reservations Payment For Local League play payment due upon receipt of invoice which will be processed every two weeks Deposit For Tournament play payment of $978 deposit for one day or $1 ,956 for two days due upon acceptance of schedule even for multiple day reservations Payment For Tournament play payment of $978 for one day or $1 ,956 for two days is due on the Friday prior to tournament play. The deposit will be rolled forward to next scheduled tournament date for multiple dates scheduled Cleanup Fee Fee charged if field is not returned in condition it was received or cigarette butts or sunflower seeds left on the Synthetic Turf $250 Biohazard Cleanup Fee to remove bodily fluids $400 Supplemental Fees 3.5' X 8' sign on outfield fence $200/yr $350/2 yrs 3.5' X 8' sign on outfield fence in preferred location $375/yr $675/2 yrs Sponsor is responsible for purchasing sponsor banner County Staff will erect and remove banner at the end of the season MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Lisa Frazier Action Agenda _X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Treasurer EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 2/6/2018 Agenda Item # $ Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 1/29/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Lisa Frazier, Mason County Treasurer [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: Acknowledgment of Receipt - 2017 Property Tax Refunds BACKGROUND: RCW 84.69.020, the county treasurer shall make all refunds to be determined by this section, and by the first Monday in February of each year, report to the county legislative authority a list of all refunds made under this section during the previous year. BUDGET IMPACTS: Budgets for 2017 have already been impacted. Reductions were processed in property taxes, interest and penalty (where applicable) collected for the county and taxing districts. Interest due (where applicable) was paid. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to sign the Acknowledgment of Receipt of 2017 Refund Report from the Mason County Treasurer ATTACHMENT(S): Acknowledgment of Receipt —Treasurer's Annual Refund Report C:\Users\emf\Desktop\Commission Agenda Item Summary Treasurer Annual Refund Report& Acknowledgment.doc MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT According to RCW 84.69.020,the county treasurer shall make all refunds to be determined by this section, and by the first Monday in February of each year, report to the county legislative authority a list of all refunds made under this section during the previous year. The list is to include the name of the person receiving the refund,the amount of the refund, and the reason for the refund. The Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby acknowledges they are in receipt of the attached Treasurer's Refund Report (attachment"A")to support the refunds made to taxpayers during the year of 2017. Dated this , day of January, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Randy Neatherlin, Chair Terri Drexler, Vice Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner ATTEST: Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Cc: Mason County Treasurer TREASURER'S ANNUAL REFUND REPORT ATTACHMENT "A" Number of Refunds............................................................. 293 Total Taxpayer refunds $ 435,448.38 Total Treasurer refunds $ 26,601.03 Total Amount of Refunds.................................................. $ 462,049.41 Reason for tax refunds as follows: Administrative Segregation.................................. 1 Acreage Correction............................................ 0 Assessment Roll Correction................................. 33 Board of Equalization......................................... 1 Boundary Line Adjustment.................................. 0 Combination of Parcels....................................... 0 Designated Forest Land...................................... 0 Destroyed Property............................................ 8 Double Assessment........................................... 6 Erroneous Assessment....................................... 2 Erroneous Payment........................................... 12 Fire Patrol Cancel.............................................. 0 Manifest Error................................................... 19 Misc. Change................................................... 3 Now Exempt Property......................................... 13 Posting Error.................................................... 7 Reappraisal Request.......................................... 0 Segregation..................................................... 5 Senior and Disability Exemptions.......................... 172 State Board of Tax Appeals................................. 2 Taxes Paid Twice.............................................. 9 TOTAL 293 TREASURER'S ANNUAL REFUND REPORT ATTACHMENT"A" TOTAL TAXPAYER TREASURER $462,049.41 $ 435,448.38 $ 26,601.03 9/26/2017 22030-10-04060 Mason County Treasurer Administrative Seg 2017 775675 $ 2,403.62 6/2/2017 12321-34-90050 Wells Fargo Tax Service Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771722 $ 363.4.6 Martin&Deborah Hazenkamp 6/2/2017 22214-50-00001 Martin Hazenkamp Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771717 $ 844.77 6/2/2017 32005-75-90101 Belinda&David Kaiser Assessment ROTI Correction 2016 771718 $ 566.05 32214-51-08002 6/2/2017 32219-50-00052 Leonard S Flynn Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771719-20 $ 1,055.41 6/2/2017 42331-50-91244 Lake Cushman Cabin LLC Assessment ROTI Correction 2016 771721 $ 509.44 6/7/2017 12119-51-00030 Chrisopher J Wheatley Assessment ROTI Correction 2016 771899 $ 145.37 6/7/2017 12220-50-00024 Candace K Ladley Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771898 $ 446.94 6/7/2017 12316-22-00070 Mason County Treasurer Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771897 $ 491.63 22005-23-00073 _ 6/7/2017 22005-53-00074 Robert&Christine Knop Assessment ROTI Correction 2016 771906-07 $ 303.02 6/7/2017 22018-53-00126 Eric Watson Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771900 $ 48.25 6/7/2017 22020-24-00100 Ginger Snapp i Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771909 $ 857.14 6/7/2017 31902-44-90030 Lereta,LLC Assessment Roll Correction 2016 771908 $ 486.99 6/7/2017 42118-14-00000 Shelloy&Shawn Johnson Assessment ROTI Correction 2015-16 771904-05 $ 1,932.07 6/9/2017 32309-53-00019 Robert&Kathleen Guide Assessment Roll Correction 2016 772039 $ 209.21 6/14/2017 32235-41-90311 Harry&Pauline Buhler Assessment ROTI Correction 2016 772169 $ 457.09 6/15/2017 32104-55-00027 William R Miller&Naicong Li Assessment Roll Correction 2017 772220 $ 236.37 6/19/2017 12206-51-00017 John&Shirley Byerly Assessment ROTI Correction 2017 772315 $ 26.29 6/19/2017 12220-50-36002 Tammy L Dewitt Assessment ROTI Correction 2017 772314 $ 61.65 6/19/2017 32224-50-00033 Robert&Virginia Sproul Assessment Roll Correction 2017 772313 $ 80.81 6/29/2017 12105-51-66004 Fair Harbor Marina Assessment ROTI Correction 2017 772555 $ 68.82 12117-21-70800 6/29/2017 12117-12-70801 Vineyeard Cove Corp Assessment Roll Correction 2017 772556-57 $ 166.62 6/29/2017 32024-51-00909 David A Linth Assessment ROTI Correction 2016-17 772561-62 $ 2,216.62 6/29/2017 32024-51-00909 Mason County Title Company Assessment Roll Correction 2016 772561 $ 707.28 12220-50-44008 8/9/2017 12217-43-90020 Harold Carey Assessment Roll Correction 2017 773363-64 $ 162.25 8/24/2017 52011-00-00002 Mason County Title Company Assessment Roll Correction 2017 773989 $ 217.74 9/14/2017 12229-44-00060 R L Kronquist Assessment Roll Correction_ 2017 775027 $ 270.53 9/14/2017 12332-50-00075 Maria E Fletcher Assessment Roll Correction 2017 775028 $ 117.94 9/21/2017 32021-53-01056 Fred Ibuki Assessment ROTI Correction 2017 775374 $ 4.25 32018-41-00002 32005-31-90130 Lantern Loop Parcel 3 LLC 32005-31-90141 Corelogic tax Service LLC 11/9/2017 32005-31-90140 Wells Fargo Tax Service Assessment Roll Correction 2017 808448-51 $ 1,917.91 22223-51-04053 11/28/2017 22223-51-04054 Mark W Drasbek Assessment ROTI Correction 2017 809206-07 $ 31.56 11/28/2017 32104-52-00109 Kathleen S Wyatt Assessment Roll Correction 2017 809175 $ 92.73 12/14/2017 22218-13-00060 David P&Maria E Proulx Assessment Roll Correction 2017 809683 $ 350.52 12/14/2017 32232-50-10019 D Barry Companies,Inc Assessment Roll Correction 2017 809676 $ 269.84 12217-50-00137 12217-53-00076 12217-53-00077 8/22/2017 12220-55-00091 Lakeland Village Golf Course,Inc Board of Equalization 2017 773817-20 $ 12,197.91 6/15/2017 42223-50-00099 Mason County Treasurer Destroyed Property 2015 772227 $ 2,167.14 8/9/2017 22018-51-00081 Gerald or Connie Clark Destroyed Property 2017 773362 $ 433.88 8/9/2017 22129-75-90094 Nicolae Nutu Destroyed Property 2016 773360 $ 272.23 8/22/2017 10-04698 Matthaeis Camco Inc Destroyed Property 2017 773833 $ 1,001.84 8/22/2017 32134-13-90120 Mason County Treasurer Destroyed Property 2014-16 773841-43 $ 164.63 9/14/2017 12316-23-00030 Lereta,LLC Destroyed Property 2016 775029 $ 207.46 9/14/2017 42013-45-00270 Vicky&Sorren Engel Destroyed Property 2017 775024 $ 561.60 10/10/2017 32235-52-01002 Gregory R&Betsy A Hatton Destroyed Property 2017 779409 $ 910.21 _ 3/30/2017 22018-53-00119 Mason County Treasurer Disabilty Exemption 2016 728351 $ 32.40 Charles&Shonna Rush Charles 4/14/2017 22301-13-90050 Coleman Rush Disabilty Exemption 2014-16 736046-48 $ 2,024.25 4/14/2017 30-00602 Lisa Renfro Disabilty Exemption 2016 736057 $ 59.58 6/2/2017 32029-34-00050 Corelogic Tax Service Disabilty Exemption 2016 771714 $ 1,634.31 6/7/2017 22017-51-00064 Corelogic Tax Service Disabilty Exemption 2014-16 771915-17 $ 2,128 90 6/7/2017 42216-53-00027 Cynthia Vervalin Disabilty Exemption 2016 771910 $ 552.56 $ 66.28 6/9/2017 32213-75-90052 Mason County Treasurer Disabilty Exemption 2016 772035 $ 891.49 6/9/2017 42017-23-90044 William Jensen Disabilty Exemption 2016-17 772036-37 $ 2,426.35 6/14/2017 12030-75-00010 Wells Fargo Tax Service Disabilty Exemption 2017 772181 $ 311.86 6/19/2017 22205-75-00070 Mike Okoniewski Disabilty Exemption 2014 772329 $ 1,129.31 6/26/2017 30-10251 Land Title Company Disabilty Exemption 2017 772468 $ 308.89 8/9/2017 31909-76-00020 Corelogic Tax Service Disabilty Exemption 2016-17 773356-57 $ 4,537.17 8/24/2017 42025-75-00100 Mason County Treasurer Disabilty Exemption 2014 773987 __.._____ $_ 1,636.64 10/10/2017 32020-50-18005 Lereta,LLC Disabilty Exemption 2015-16 779422-23 $ 2,316.44 11/28/2017 12216-44-00020 Corelogic Tax Service Disabilty Exemption 2017 809186 $ 759.96 12/6/2017 32226-42-00217 Corelogic Tax Service Disabilty Exemption _ 2017 809456 $ 1,746.85 12/6/2017 42125-77-90022 Charles Bennett&Patricia Wilcox Disabilty Exemption 2016-17 809496-97 $ 2,904 33 12/14/2017 30-01522 Joey A&Joseph W Wilkerson Disabilty Exemption 2017 809677 $ 630.14 12/28/2017 22018-50-00176 Miguel Lopez Disabilty Exemption 201.5-17 810001-03 $ 1,759 80 Corelogic Tax Service 12/28/2017 32027-50-93001 William Peterson Disabilty Exemption 2014-17 810005-08 $ 8,301.93 6/7/2017 22127-51-00039 Wells Fargo Tax Payments Double Assessment 2016 771893 $ 72.55 6/7/2017 32224-76-90070_ Joann&Dan Miller Double Assessment 2016 771911 $ 55.51 6/9/2017 10-07321 Lonnie L Foss Double Assessment 2016 772041 $ 48.25 6/14/2017 42118-14-00100 Richard Johnson Double Assessment 2015 772168 $ 43.53 22219-50-00016 -- - 22219-50-00017 6/15/2017 22219-50-00018 Joel Adam&April E Manke Double Assessment 2017 772221-23 $ 1,568.86 8/22/2017 22134-50-00916 Corelogic Tax Service Double Assessment 2014-17 773825-28 $ 2,283.45 6/29/2017 22015-75-90093 Wesley&Joan Macinnes Erroneous Assessment 2014-16 772558-60 $ 4,107 33 32232-55-80042 11/28/2017 32232-55-80043 Russell Norris/Russ Shellfish Erroneous Assessment 2015-17 809169-74 $ 1,267.38 5/24/2017 22206-53-00017 Mason County Treasurer Erroneous Payment 2015-16 771328 $ 230.53 5/24/2017 42204-50-00082 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Erroneous Payment 2017 771330 $ 554.95 5/24/2017 42318-50-00159 Mason County Treasurer Erroneous Payment 2017 771326 $ 528.83 6/9/2017 31928-22-80122 Manke Timber Company,Inc Erroneous Payment 2013-26 772024-27 $ 164.79 6/29/2017 32302-12-00030 Estate of John J Havens Sr Erroneous Payment 2017 772563 $ 1,172.67 7/6/2017 42035-24-90030 Corelogic Tax Service Erroneous Payment 2017 772710 $ 17.90 8/9/2017 32018-51-07003 US Bank Home Mortgage Erroneous Payment 2017 773350 $ 793.16 8/17/2017 77777-60-00081 Mason County Treasurer Erroneous Payment 2017 773638 $ 58.19 8/24/2017 31922-13-00070 Linda L&Lloyd E Hohman Erroneous Payment 2017 773994 $ 1,349.81 10/10/2017 32023-34-90231 Corelogic Tax Service Erroneous Payment 2017 779424 $ 334.48 10/19/2017 22127-51-00049 Corelogic Tax Service Erroneous Payment 2017 782914 $ 557.83 11/9/2017 42012-51-00012 Mason County Treasurer Erroneous Payment 2017 808441 $ 1,849.15 6/7/2017 10-02215 Timothy P Brumfield Manifest Error 2016 771901 $ 71.28 6/712017 22031-51-00024 Helen&Wilhelm Schmidt Manifest Error 2014-16 771912-14 $ 170.25 6/7/2017 32019-50-20007 Neal LLC Manifest Error 2016-17 771902-03 $ 2,167.59 EI Guadalajara/Diegos Mexican 6/9/2017 10-07307 Restaurant Manifest Error 2016 772040 $ 191.89 6/9/2017 32332-75-00040 Joseph A Maplethorpe III Manifest Error 2016 772023 $ 743.87 6/14/2017 32022-24-00911 James&Sharon Dok Manifest Error 2015 772161 $ 637.08 6/14/2017 42201-34-90010 Mason County Treasurer Manifest Error 2017 772166 $ 2,102.42 6/19/2017 12107-31-00030 Ian&Dawn Shaw Manifest Error 2014-17 772325-28 $ 900.33 6/29/2017 32302-12-00030 Alison&Adams Jeffries Manifest Error 2017 772564 $ 223.78 $ 948.89 12309-31-00030 12309-31-00031 Marie C Chambers&Linda R&Allen 8/22/2017 12309-31-00032 R Chambers Manifest Error 2016-17 773836-40 $ 599.57 9/21/2017 12105-51-17011 Faye M Roswold Manifest Error 2017 775371 $ 908.58 9/21/2017 32105-76-90010 Douglas M Yaguchi Manifest Error 2015-17 775367-69 $ _ 995.50 9/21/2017 32105-76-90010 Lynn Brown Manifest Error 2015-17 775367-69 $ 479.42 11/9/2017 10-02429 The Boeing Company Manifest Error 2017 808472 $ 1,380.03 11/9/2017 22218-14-00110 Douglas C&Michel D Topp _Manifest Error 2017 808483 $ 630.67 11/29/2017 10-02869 Kellogg Company Manifest Error 2017 809237 $ 1,268.44 12/6/2017 32023-23-90100 Jean Springer Manifest Error 2014-17 809492-95 $ 1,007.03 12/8/2017 41902-21-90010 Corelogic Tax Service Manifest Error 2014-17 809563-66 $ 459.95 12/14/2017 22020-75-00140 Est of Margaret E Ayers Manifest Error 2015-17 809671-73 $ _ 2 555.67 4/14/2017 22012-24-02020 Michael H Glaser Misc Change 2016 736058-59 $ 246.27 10/10/2017 10-07129 Grove Street Brew Misc Change 2015 779405 $ 211.55 11/28/2017 52011-00-00002 Simpson Lumber Company Misc Change 2016 809167 $ 41,455.08 42018-41-00020 _ 4/14/2017 42018-41-00030 Capitol Land Trust Now Exempt Property- 2016 736061-62 $ 245.77 771685-88 _ 6/2/2017 42102-32-00010 Skokomish Tribal Council Now Exempt Property 2013-16 771701-04 $ 1,546.29 6/2/2017 42102-32-00060 Skokomish Tribal Council Now Exempt Property_ 2013-16 771689-92 $ 1 262.61 771699-700 6/2/2017 42111-11-00000 Skokomish Tribal Council Now Exempt Property 2015-16 771711-12 $ 937.80 42118-21-00140 771695-98 6/2/2017 42118-21-00230 Skokomish Tribal Council Now Exempt Property 2015-16 771707-10 $ 2,034.44 771693-94 6/2/2017 52113-10-00010 Skokomish Tribal Council Now Exempt Property 2015-16 771705-06 $ 314.32 6/7/2017 42111-42-00060 Jose&Lila Vigil Now Exempt Property 2016 771895 $ 30.18 6/7/2017 42115-13-00000 Skokomish Tribal Council Now Exempt Property 2016 771894 $- 85.82 6/7/2017 42115-21-00070 Vivian Twiddy&Earle Lees Now Exempt Property 2016 771896 $ 98.73 6/26/2017 22234-21-00020 Mason Benson Center Now Exempt Property_ 2017 772467 $ 939.68 9/14/2017 22034-10-60620 Squaxin Island Tribe Now Exempt Property 2017 775022 $ 73.67 9/21/2017 12332-50-00013 Hood Canal Temple Association Now Exempt Property 2014-17 775362-65 $ 8,72133 _ 12/8/2017 32434-75-00051 Sandra L Stradley Now Exempt Property 2014-17 809558-61 $ 5,899.54 $ 415.90 3/30/2017 42214-23-90144 Mason County Treasurer Posting Error 2017 728344 $ 165.60 52025-24-00050 4/10/2017 52025-24-00060 Mason County Treasurer Posting Error 2014 731038-039 _ $ 1,442.98 8/24/2017 12118-50-00038 Mason County Treasurer Posting Error 2017 773995 $ 1,736.21 8/24/2017 42235-33-00072 Lucy A&John R James Posting Error 2017 773996 $ 34.71 $ 495.79 9/14/2017 32011-11-00020 Land Title Company Posting Error 2017 775021 $ 35.18 $ 502.52 12/6/2017 12119-50-00046 Mason County Treasurer Posting Error 2017 809474 $ 959.02 12/25/2017 22201-23-00140 Mason County Treasurer Posting Error 2017 809892 $ 246.55 22004-21-00000 771923& 6/7/2017 22004-12-00000 Edmond Jones Segregation 2017 772044 $ 28.91 $ 111.27 6/7/2017 22133-33-00000 Mason County Treasurer Segregation 2017 771924 $ 67.26 6/7/2017 22222-23-00081 Mason County Treasurer Segregation 2017 771918 $ 3,754.85 6/14/2017 42131-00-01000 GR Kirk Company _ Segregation 2017 772163 $ 102.95 6/26/2017 62017-22-00020 Corelogic Tax Service Segregation 2016 772474 $ 103.00 3/30/2017 30-04957 Mason County Treasurer Senior Exemption 2016 728348 $ 175.44 3/30/2017 32005-50-00003 Terry Hansen Senior Exemption 2016 728350 $ 916.13 4/14/2017 30-00280 Land Title Company Senior Exemption 2017 736044 $ 122.46 4/14/2017 30-05739 Douglas L Tavis Senior Exemption 2015 736060 $ 424.78 _ 4/14/2017 32232-50-10205 Frederick Wolgamott Senior Exemption 2016 736054 $ 844.61 4/14/2017 42216-53-00048 Vern Ausbun Senior Exemption 2016 736052 $ 294.83 5/24/2017 32127-51-00104 Wells Fargo Tax Payments Senior Exemption_ 2017 771335 $ 311.70 6/2/2017 22007-50-00061 Wells Fargo Tax Service Senior Exemption 2015 771715 $ 574.21 6/2/2017 30-08090 Mason County Title Company Senior Exemption 2016 771716 $ 305.71 6/2/2017 31904-58-00014 Jim D&Linda Brandt Senior Exemption 2017 771713 $ 394.87 6/7/2017 12105-51-48003 Michael&Shirley Fogde Senior Exemption 2016 771926 $ 3,167.25 $ 702.18 6/7/2017 22108-52-00103 Darlene Dennewith&Krista Wessel Senior Exemption 2015-16 771928-29 $ -212.13 $ 264.44 6/7/2017 22127-75-90201 Denise Beckwith&James Anderson Senior Exemption 2016 771925 $ 2,045.67 6/7/2017 22331-51-00034 Edward Hannah Senior Exemption _-_2016 771927 $ 545.90 _ 6/9/2017 12209-34-00020 Kenneth Baxter Senior Exemption_ 2016 772042 $ 90.58 $ 786.05 6/9/2017 21901-51-00003 Thomas&Paula Yocum Senior Exemption 2016 772034 $ 5,697.51 6/9/2017 22108-50-00008 Patricia Gregg Senior Exemption 2016 772043 $ 1,450.77 6/9/2017 30-08094 Paul or Esther Sanchez Senior Exemption 2017 _772030 $ 538.38 6/9/2017 32016-51-00053 Gary Holt Senior Exemption____2M- 772021 $ 1,746.58 6/9/2017 32023-22-00080 Lester or Diana Renfro Senior Exemption 2016-17 772028-29 $ 1,501.85 6/9/2017 32127-53-00173 Terry Norton Senior Exemption_ 2014-16 772031-33 $ 2,191.54 6/9/2017 32135-22-00030 Chester&Donna Kinney Senior Exemption 2017 772038 $ 368.75 6/14/2017 12107-44-02000 Michael Miller Senior Exemption 2016 772167 $ 941.25 6/14/2017 22018-53-00117 Yvonne Oldfield Senior Exemption 2017 772175 $ 312.11 Ron Morgan DBA Washington 6/14/2017 22031-50-00004 Waterfront&Land Senior Exemption 2017 772174 $ 507.14 6/14/2017 30-00035 Thomas McCain Senior Exemption 2017 772173 $ 445.77 6/14/2017 30-04631 Betty A Pearson Feyen Senior Exemption 2017 772179 $ 763,77 6/14/2017 32006-51-00008 James&Jeanette Lerner Senior Exemption_ 2017 772155-56 $ 1,213.30 6/14/2017 32016-53-03031 Wells Fargo Tax Service Senior Exemption 2014-17 772157-60 $ 1,930.19 6/14/2017 32020-52-02001 Norma Bublitz Senior Exemption 2017 772172 $ 319.04 6/14/2017 32022-24-00011 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2016 772162 $ 11-8.1 6/14/2017 32030-75-90070 Sharon Lane Senior Exemption 2017 772178 $ 341.09 6/14/2017 32214-52-04018 Geri&Gary Terwillegar_ Senior Exemption __ 2017 772171 $ 428.11 6/14/2017 42123-76-90032 Mason County Treasurer Senior Exemption 2016 772165 $ 9.85.30 6/14/2017 42216-53-00125 Lereta,LLC Senior Exemption 2016-17 772153-54 $ 1,011 61 6/14/2017 42329-50-00092 Wells Fargo Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 772170 $ 2.25.15 6/15/2017 22108-55-00039 Lola&Patricia Johnson Senior Exemption _ 2017 772229 $ 47.83 6/15/2017 22125-11-00010 Elaine Ireland Senior Exemption 2015-17 772234-36 $ 1,891.31 6/15/2017 22133-76-90072 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2016-17 772224-25 $ 1,274.22 6/15/2017 22206-53-00041 Wells Fargo Tax Service Senior Exemption _ 2017 772210 $ 303.74 6/15/2017 22331-50-00047 Margaret Anderson Senior Exemption 2017 772212 $ 738.61 6/15/2017 22336-13-00020 Jennifer Wilson Senior Exemption _ 2017 772233 $ 899.02 6/15/2017 30-02171 Isabelle E Brex Senior Exemption_ 2017 772231 $ 450.38 6/15/2017 30-08236 Ann M Peters Senior Exemption_ _2017 772228 $ 438.65 6/15/2017 31911-22-00030 Jutta Riediger Senior Exemption- 2017 772213 $ 1,101.32 6/15/2017 32005-41-90000 Cyrus Turner&Donna Stromberg Senior Exemption 2016 772226 $ 1,312.46 6/15/2017 32019-13-00500 Nataliya Sharayska Senior Exemption 2017 772214 $ 318.76 6/15/2017 32020-50-17006 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 772230 $ 355.68 6/15/2017 32122-50-00307 Joe R Sisson Senior Exemption 2017 772219 $ 300.60 6/15/2017 42018-24-00020 Elmer Smith Senior Exemption 2017 772218 $ 1_,377.85 6/15/2017 51917-50-00066 George&Rochelle Goss Senior Exemption_ 2017 772211 $ 290.21 6/15/2017 51917-50-00101 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 772237 $ 314.70 6/15/2017 52001-76-90033 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 _ 772215 $ 302.72 6/15/2017 62133-24-00000 Kenneth&Wynona Howard Senior Exemption 2017 772232 $ 137.89 6/19/2017 12105-34-00050 Johann or Hildegard Pollinger Senior Exemption 2014&2016 772323-24 $ 3,833.33 $ 217.83 6/19/2017 12320-21-92060 Renate&Joe Pruitt Senior Exemption 2017 772310 $ 247.41 6/19/2017 22127-51-00065 Sandra S Darnell Senior Exemption 2017 772312 $ 254.55 6/19/2017 22205-12-00130 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Senior Exemption 2017 772306 $ 267.78 6/19/2017 22228-75-90082 Ronald&Louise Klodt Senior Exemption 2016-17 77.2317-18 $ 1,213.61 6/19/2017 30-00317 Karla J Howry Senior Exemption.- 2017 772303 $ 138.82 6/19/2017 30-04721 Richard K Sittler Senior Exemption 2017 772309 $ 122.74 6/19/2017 30-05244 Lynne M Wilson Senior Exemption 2017 772308 $ 100.54 6/19/2017 32017-51-16009 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2016-17 772319-20 $ 1,557.07 6/19/2017 32020-51-05005 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Senior Exemption 2017 772307 $ 552.07 6/19/2017 32021-56-02022 Donald L Bakko Jr Senior Exemption 2017 772304 $ 281.09 6/19/2017 42205-51-01126 Camille L Lemke Senior Exemption_ 2017 772311 $ 1 78.68 6/19/2017 42212-51-10009 Kathleen L Emery Senior Exemption 2017 772302 $ 227.84 6/19/2017 51908-52-00235 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 772305 $ 307.97 6/19/2017 61930-50-03004 David B or Doris Y Urban Senior Exemption 2016-17 772300-01 $ 670.19 6/26/2017 12220-55-00005 Thomas A or Gail L Daun Senior Exemption 2017 772469 $ 26.20 JR Company&Gerald or Shirley 6/26/2017 42117-21-00000 Richert Senior Exemption 2014-17 772477-80 $ 3,636.76 6/29/2017 12030-75-90092 Lorne C&Jeanette K Hauser Senior Exemption 2017 772554 $ 533.76 6/29/2017 22135-76-00030 Phyllis M&Marie R Carpenter Senior Exemption 2017 772553 $ 163.31 6/29/2017 32309-11-00010 Frank&Brenda Oster Senior Exemption 2017 772552 $ 64.86 7/6/2017 42025-75-00280 Cherie A Depoe Senior Exemption 2014-16 772707-09 $ 4,310.90 7/6/2017 42212-51-21014 E L Jackson Senior Exemption 2016-17 772705-06 $ 1,645.26 8/9/2017 22001-51-00034 Catherine&Johannes Prins Senior Exemption 2017 773358 $ 104.54 8/9/2017 22113-23-90011 Mark&Robert Frabotta Senior Exemption 2017 773352 $ 73.28 8/9/2017 42216-50-00118 Keith T Gier&Sherry L Holmes-Gier Senior Exemption 2015-17 7.73353-55 $ 217.06 8/22/2017 12330-53-00050 Leslie S Lefebvre Senior Exemption 2017 773831 $ 684.18 8/22/2017 22003-50-00002 M Campbell Senior Exemption 2017 773824 $ 76.31 Mark Frabotta&Mark&Robert 8/22/2017 22113-23-90011 Frabotta Senior Exemption 2016 773851 $ 276_78 8/22/2017 32019-56-13015 Elizabeth Place Senior Exemption 2016-17 773846-47 $ 1,381.22 8/22/2017 32019-60-15017 Richard J Parle Senior Exemption 2016 773830 $ 692.76 8/22/2017 42209-51-00028 Molly Frazier Senior Exemption 2017 773823 $ 160.10 8/22/2017 42216-52-00059 Robert L&Donna Jones Senior Exemption 2017 773821 $ 195.85 8/24/2017 22104-51-00018 Daniel&Barbara Wadsworth Senior Exemption 2017 773988 $ 764.59 8/24/2017 22311-76-00340 Robert M U'ren Senior Exemption 2016 773990 $ 242.66 8/24/2017 32006-41-90034 Darrell E Lane Senior Exemption. 2017 77398.5 $ 1,302.88 Richard A&Ruth J Nelson Ruth Nelson Rep Payee for Eric Richard 8/24/2017 42108-30-00090 Joseph Nelson Senior Exemption 2017 773991-93 $ 1,297.63 8/24/2017 61928-41-00010 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 773986 $ 555.22 9/14/2017 12321-20-94121 George P&Hilda M Stromberg Senior Exemption 2016 775026 $ 408.20 9/14/2017 32006-50-01038 Shirley I Cameron Senior Exemption 2017 775025 $ 72 1.59 9/21/2017 32018-62-00006 Stanley C Phillips&Ellen Macomber Senior Exemption 2017 775348 $ 1,629.81 9/21/2017 32104-56-00023 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 775349 $ 688.21 9/21/2017 32134-50-00060 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 775350 $ 70.82 9/21/2017 42008-50-00028 Janis U&Maija Riekstins Senior Exemption 2017 775353 $ 375.46 9/21/2017 42013-52-01008 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2014-17 775354-57 $ 4,799.99 9/21/2017 42209-54-00064 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2015-17 775359-61 $ 1,502.87 10/10/2017 12320-12-01060 Ted's Shed/Ted R&Leanna M Keith Senior Exemption 2017 779410 $ 115.03 10/10/2017 30-00245 Katherine D Becker Senior Exemption 2017 779418 $ 131.23 10/10/2017 42125-75-90032 William H&Doris L Spear Senior Exemption 2017 779406 $ 719.83 10/10/2017 62015-23-00000 Jozsef Kovacs&Ildiko Szoros Senior Exemption 2017 779407 $ 288.84 11/9/2017 12105-52-00251 Mary Joan Shelman Senior Exemption_ 2014-17 808443-46 $ 3,869.48 11/9/2017 22224-76-00220 Richard J Rumrill Senior Exemption 2017 808471 $ 1,343.30 11/9/2017 32122-50-00452 Linda S Trout Senior Exemption 2017 808469 $ 313.68 11/28/2017 12107-11-90100 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809192 $ 286.41 John Perkins 11/28/2017 12216-21-00020 Janice Nadine Keller Senior Exemption 2016-17 809188-89 $ 3,096.85 11/28/2017 12305-21-90042 Crown Auto Sales Senior Exemption 2014-17 809198-201 $ 6,922.71 11/28/2017 22017-51-00053 Wells Fargo Tax Service Senior Exemption_ 2015-17 809183-85 $ 1,778.05 11/28/2017 22018-53-00134 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption- 2017 809176 $ 254.82 11/28/2017 22132-51-00010 Kimberly Wheeler Senior Exemption 2016-17 809190-91 $ _1,588.51 11/28/2017 32022-77-90051 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809187 $ 587.70 11/28/2017 32033-43-90020 Roy R&Diane L Schroeder Senior Exemption 2016 809179 $ 1,038.73 11/28/2017 32122-50-00415 Jerry L&Shannon L Miller Senior Exemption 2017 809197 $ 62.66 11/28/2017 32234-51-00026 Lois Strand Senior Exemption 2016-17 809181-82 $ 1,009.67 11/28/2017 51901-50-01044 William A&Katherine M Morris Senior Exemption _ 2014-17 809193-96 $ 8,742.41 11/28/2017 61930-50-02014 Anthony&Lorie Pauley Senior Exemption 2016 809180 $ 839.70 11/29/2017 12119-51-00038 Lereta, LLC Senior Exemption 2017 809246 $ 156.71 Darlene M Johnson James L& Darlene M Johnson&Linda M 11/29/2017 12220-58-00004 Hermanson Senior Exemption 2017 809241 $ 779.34 11/29/2017 12232-24-00160 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2014-17 809232-35 $ 3,153.37 11/29/2017 12329-22-00080 William Kennedy Senior Exemption 2014-15 809243-44 $ 2,236.42 j 11/29/2017 12329-75-90073 Jean Slotto Senior Exemption 2015-17 809250-52 $ 21002.24 11/29/2017 22017-50-00012 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809245 $ 514.41 Ben C&Donna M Ferguson 11/29/2017 32024-21-90070 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809249 $ 289.56 11/29/2017 32025-50-00038 James P Widolf Senior Exemption 2016-17 809239-40 $ 5,053.35 _ _ - 11/29/2017 32032-23-90014 Teresa A O'Rourke Senior Exemption 2017 809238 $ 1469.06 12/6/2017 12221-31-00060 Chere Tomlinson Senior Exemption 2017 809486 $ 3,194.35 12/6/2017 12229-00-90012 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809447 $ 1,346.66 12/6/2017 22132-51-00010 Kimberly Wheeler Senior Exemption 2014-15 809448-50 $ 1,374.82 12/6/2017 22135-76-00010 Stephanie L Mason&Craig E Watsor Senior Exemption 2017 809451 $ 1,507.94 Michael Alderman&Connie Criss- 12/6/2017 22212-50-02033 Alderman Senior Exemption 2015-17 809488-90 $ 2,574.67 12/6/2017 22221-52-00038 Phillip F Ba9will Senior Exemption 2016-17 809481-82 $ 1,426.24 12/6/2017 31904-13-00050 Ronald A Woessner _ Senior Exemption 2017 809457 $ 1,082.01 12/6/2017 32018-52-05005 Bruce F&Theresa Robinson Senior Exemption 2017 809455 $ 1,251.69 12/6/2017 32027-11-0002 Robert L&Linda L Miller Senior Exemption 2016 809478 $ 641.66 12/6/2017 32033-43-00040 Corelogic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809479 $ 1,649.23 12/6/2017 32122-50-00452 Linda S Trout Senior Exemption 2016 809483 $ 1,064.38 12/6/2017 32124-50-00015 William Stackpole Senior Exemption 2017 809452 $ 337.25 12/6/2017 32232-50-10503 Leona Doty Senior Exemption 2017 809487 $ 1,083.06 12/8/2017 12233-50-00008 Wells Fargo Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809556 $ 1,801.63 12/8/2017 32023-47-90093 Josephine Baker Senior Exemption 2016-17 809568-69 $ 1,707.43 12/8/2017 32031-51-00019 Lucy G Feldkamp Senior Exemption 2017 809557 $ 1,687.09 12/8/2017 32116-76-00510 Corelooglic Tax Service Senior Exemption 2017 809555 $ 575.29 12/14/2017 22135-41-90022 Lynne M&William J Valley Senior Exemption 2017 809678 $ 14.60 12/14/2017 22311-75-00090 Sue Machacek&Rebecca Goodsell Senior Exemption 2017 809679 $ 554.75 12/14/2017 32029-44-90050 DM Solano Senior Exemption 2017 809674 $ 963.54 12/14/2017 42212-51-1050_3 Helen B Myers& Rainier Title LLC Senior Exemption 2014-17 809684-87 $ 2,714.84 12/14/2017 42223-50-00145 Mark P&Linda P Woytowich Senior Exemption 2015-17 809680-82 $ 2,663.02 12/14/2017 42318-50-00186 Lorna J Jeglum Senior Exemption 2017 809675 $ 702.85 12/28/2017 22221-75-00300 James L Jr&Elaine R Wright Senior Exemption 2015-17 810011-13 $ 4,332.80 12/28/2017 30-10147 John Stasko Senior Exemption 2015-16 810009-10 $ 202.34 8/30/2017 Multiple Parcels Simpson State BTA 2015 774231-84 $ 99,554.70 11/28/2017 12332-52-00006 Eric M Johnson State BTA 2016 809205 $ 1,035.36 5/24/2017 12220-58-00006 Mason County Title Company_ Taxes Paid Twice 2017 771325 $ 1,769.14 5/24/2017 12330-51-00013 Gene B Fatland Taxes Paid Twice 2017 771329 $ 549.66 5/24/2017 22127-52-00025 Ray Turner Taxes Paid Twice 2016 771333 $ 47&58 5/24/2017 32021-56-02038 Angela M Mitchell Taxes Paid Twice 2017 771332 $ 477.87 5/24/2017 32127-51-00111 Mason County Title Company Taxes Paid Twice 2017 771324 $ 800.52 6/26/2017 22113-11-90030 Paul H&Jeanette M Griffin Taxes Paid Twice 2017 772473 $ 2,839 35 8/25/2017 32124-50-00084 Robert C&H Susan Hostetter Taxes Paid Twice 2017 774060 $ 1,011.18 9/14/2017 22219-50-00014 Janet L Pugh Taxes Paid Twice 2017 775020 $ 432.64 11/9/2017 12217-53-00052 Robert D&Laura S Burgess Taxes Paid Twice 2017 808442 $ 311.67 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Lisa Frazier Action Agenda _X Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Treasurer EXT: COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 2/6/2018 Agenda Item # .9 Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 1/29/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Lisa Frazier, Mason County Treasurer [] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency: ITEM: 2018 Uncollectible Personal Property BACKGROUND: RCW 84.56.020 states in part that if the county treasurer is unable to collect by distress or otherwise, the taxes which may have been assessed on personal property shall file a list of such taxes with the legislative authority for cancelation annually by the 1st Monday in February. BUDGET IMPACTS: Reduction in tax receivables to the county and taxing districts by $1,715.62. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to cancel uncollectible personal property taxes. ATTACHMENT(S): 2018 Uncollectible Personal Property List C:\Users\emf\Desktop\Commission Agenda Item Summary 2018 Uncollectible Personal Property.doc Resolution No. 2018 Uncollectible Personal Property Taxes Affidavit of Mason County Treasurer Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier WHEREAS, RCW 84.56.240 states in part that if the county treasurer is unable for the want of goods or chattels whereupon to levy, to collect by distress or otherwise, the taxes, or any part thereof, which may have been assessed upon the personal property of any person or corporation........., the treasurer shall file with the county legislative authority, on the first day of February following, a list of such taxes. THEREFORE, pursuant to RCW 84.56.240, 1 Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier, Mason County Treasurer, and or my deputy entrusted with the collection of the taxes have made a diligent search and inquiry for goods and chattels wherewith to make such taxes, and was unable to make or collect the same as shown on attachment"A". NOW THEREFORE,the Mason County Board of County Commissioner's hereby accepts the affidavit of the Mason County Treasurer and hereby approves the cancellation of uncollectible personal property taxes as shown on attachment "A". Dated this day of January, 2018. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTESTED TO: Randy Neatherlin, Chair Elisabeth (Lisa) Frazier, Mason County Treasurer Terri Drexler,Vice Chair ATTESTED TO: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 1 2018 UNCOLLECTIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES AFFIDAVIT OF MASON COUNTY TREASURER ELISABETH (LISA) FRAZIER ATTACHMENT"A" PARCEL# NAME DESCRIPTION YEAR TAXES 10-06972 BURTON, BRENNAN Food & Drink 2015 $70.55 dba Sweet Shack Bakery &Tea House, LLC 2016 $156.66 REASON Uncollectible/ Business sold Owner, Brennan Burton sold the business. New owners closed business, Unable to locate equipment Mason County Treasurer's office has exhausted all efforts to collect the 2015 &2016 taxes. $227.21 10-07141 MICHAELS MEATS Trade - Food 2015 $25.51 2016 $143.33 REASON Uncollectible/ Business closed Unable to contact after closure. Mason County Treasurer's office has exhausted all efforts to collect the 2015 &2016 taxes. $168.84 10-07147 NW POWER SPORTS Trade -Auto 2015 $119.05 REASON Uncollectible/ Business closed Owner, Stefen Birgh filed Bankruptcy 8/24/2011 Unable to contact after closure. Mason County Treasurer's office has exhausted all efforts to collect the 2015 taxes. $119.05 30-01445 LONGSHORE, TWANA Mobile Home 2010 $85.66 2011 $91.97 REASON Uncollectible/Destroyed Property 2012 $104.54 2013 $105.30 Real Property Owner, Ronin Edwards (son of Twana) 2014 $87.68 Mobile home removed from property in 2009 2015 $98.97 due to unlivable conditions 2016 $98.51 Mason County Treasurer's office has exhausted 2017 $75.28 all efforts to collect the 2010 through 2017 taxes. $747.91 30-02763 HOWE, CARL Mobile Home 2014 $112.29 2015 $111.95 REASON Uncollectible/Destroyed Property 2016 $113.68 2017 $114.69 Real Property Owner, Everett McCoy stated in 2/2017 Mobile home removed from property in 2013 due to unlivable conditions/ New RP Owner as of 4/21/2017 Mason County Treasurer's office has exhausted all efforts to collect the 2014 through 2017 taxes. $452.61 Total Cancellation $1,715.62 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dawn Twiddy Action Agenda X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: _422 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 02/06/18 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 01/29/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Dawn Twiddy [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of amendment to 19-17 Mason County Personnel Policy, Chapter 7.2 Sick Leave Policy and Chapter 13.25 Vehicle Use Policy, Safety. BACKGROUND: The voters approved the Washington State Paid Sick Leave Law, Initiative 1433 in fall 2016. The paid sick leave law mandated this portion of the law to be enacted on January 1, 2018. The proposed updates to Mason County Personnel Policy, Chapter 7.2 Sick Leave, will bring the county into compliance with the most current regulations. The amendment of Resolution 20-97 and County code 2.124 Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program created the need to update the Personnel Policy to outline the responsibilities an officer, employee, or volunteer has in the event they are involved in an accident while operating a county vehicle or their own vehicle and conducting county business. This complies with Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to amend Resolution 19-17 (Attachment A) Mason County Personnel Policy, Chapter 7.2 Sick Leave Policy and Chapter 13.25 Vehicle Use Safety. Attachment(s): Resolution and attachment A on file with Clerk of the Board. 1/30/2018 RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION 19-17 MASON COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICY CHAPTER 7.2, SICK LEAVE TO INCLUDE INITIATIVE 1433, PAID SICK LEAVE LAW AND CHAPTER 13.25 VEHICLE USE POLICY TO INCLUDE SAFETY, AS REQUIRED BY Chapter 296- 800 WAC: SAFTEY AND HEALTH CORE RULES WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Mason County Board of County Commissioners to ensure Initiative 1433, Paid Sick Leave Law, which was approved by Washington voters in fall 2016 is adopted and effective January 1, 2018; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is to assure all County policy centralized controls are in place to accrue, use and report Paid Sick Leave; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and health workplace free from recognized hazards as set forth in Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules.; and WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Board of County Commissioners to assure all County policies are in place to outline procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury and promptly report serious injuries as required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Commissioners hereby amends Resolution 19-17, Chapter 7.2, Sick Leave of the Mason County Personnel Policies adopting the revision to the Sick Leave Policy to include the Initiative 1433, Paid Sick Leave Law, and Chapter 13.25 Vehicle Use Policy to include Safety, as required by Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules, as attached. ADOPTED THIS day of , 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM Terri Jeffreys, Commissioner Timothy Whitehead, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney C: Elected Officials&Department Heads 13.25 SAFETY In the event a county officer, employee, or volunteer is involved in an accident while operating a county vehicle or their own vehicle and conducting county business, the driver shall follow these safety rules: 1. Immediately provide first aid (if possible and if necessary)to any injured person. It is recommended that employees providing first aid/CPR have a valid first aid/CPR card. z. The county driver shall then immediately notify his/her supervisor and the appropriate law enforcement agency. No vehicles shall be moved from the accident scene until law enforcement arrives unless a greater safety hazard would be created by not moving the vehicle(s). 3. The county employee/driver shall exchange information regarding driver's license, vehicle registration, and insurance information with the operator(s) of the other vehicle(s). 4. If possible, the county employee/driver shall gather the names and addresses of all potential witnesses including passengers in all vehicles involved. 5. The county employee/driver shall complete the vehicle accident checklist located in the glove compartment of each county vehicle. If the accident results in death, personal injury, or property damage in excess of five hundred dollars, complete the State of Washington Uniform Collision Report Form (WSP 161)within twenty-four hours of the accident. This report form and the checklist form are provided by the risk manager. Attachment A 7.2 Sick Leave Paid sick leave is available for employees to care for their own health and for the health of their family members. 7.2.1 Eligibility Requirements • Regular and Part-Time Regular employees are eligible to use sick leave from their date of hire and may use paid sick leave hours as they are earned; and • Employees in part-time, on-call and seasonal and, non-regular positions will accrue sick leave from the date of hire, but are not eligible to use accrued leave until 90 days after their hire date. • Per RCW 3.34.100 district judges shall be granted sick leave in the same manner as other county employees. 7.2.2 Exempt from Eligibility(RCW 49.46.010) • Elected Officials • Any individual engaged in volunteer work for the county,where the employer-employee relationship does not in fact exist or where the services are rendered gratuitously. If the individual receives a reimbursement in lieu of compensation for normally incurred out-of-pocket expenses or receives a nominal amount of compensation per unit of voluntary services rendered, an employer-employee relationship is deemed not to exist for the purpose of this policy (Boards, Commissions, BOE, etc.). • Individuals whose duties require that he or she reside or sleep at the place of his or her employment or who otherwise spends a substantial portion of his or her work time subject to call, and not engaged in the performance of active duties (Any on call staff who are not working in the office/field engaged in active duties for their entire shift.) • Any resident or inmate of the county correctional, detention,treatment or rehabilitative institution. 7.2.2 Leave Accrual All employees shall accrue Washington paid sick leave (WPSL) at the rate of one hour(1) per 40 hours worked, beginning from their date of hire.There is no cap on the number of leave hours that can be accrued during the accrual year. All regular and part-time regular employees, who are in a paid status, at least eight (80) hours in a month, shall also accrue Mason County sick leave (MCSL) in addition to the Washington paid sick leave. MCSL for all regular part-time employees will be pro-rated based on their full time equivalency(FTE) percentage. The combined total of Washington paid sick leave and Mason County sick leave for all regular and part- time regular exempt positions, and those in non-represented positions, shall not exceed 8 hours in any given month. 1 Attachment A Employees in regular and part-time regular exempt positions, and those in non-represented positions, shall accrue additional sick leave in accordance with the following schedule: LEAVEWPSL SICK LEAVE-INITIATIVE 1433(EFF 1/1/18) MCSL-EXISTING POLICY Difference of Hours Per Year amount earned on (Based on FTE, WPSL— Approx. Hours all non-exempt Approximately 4 Per Month Hours Per Year employees hours a month. (Total of WPSL& (FTE=96,all receive (Pro-rated for MCSL is 8 hours others pro-rated) #of Hours #of Hours of additional hours Regular PT per month for Worked WPSL for OT) Employees) FTE) 40 1 52 44 8 96 - Employees in regular and part-time regular non-exempt positions shall accrue additional sick leave in accordance with the amounts stated in their collective bargaining agreements. 7.2.3 Accrual Year The leave accrual year is December 16 to December 15. 7.2.4 Carryover of Paid Sick Leave Hours Any Washington paid sick leave that is accumulated during the accrual year, but unused as of December 15 in any year, shall be carried over to the succeeding year up to the following maximums: • For part-time (less than 80 hours a month), non-regular positions,40 hours of will carry over to the succeeding year. • Employees in regular exempt, part-time regular exempt positions and non-represented employees will carry over a maximum of 150 days (1,200 hours). • For represented employees,the number of hours carried over is stated in the collective bargaining agreement. 7.2.5 Family Member Defined When using paid sick leave,the following definition of family member shall apply: a) A child, including a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency status. b) A biological, adoptive, de facto,or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or the employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child. c) A spouse; 2 Attachment A d) A registered domestic partner; e) A grandparent; f) A grandchild; g) A sibling; or h) Other relative or person living in the household of the employee with whom the employee has a familial relationship. 7.2.6 Authorized Uses of Paid Sick Leave Employees are eligible for sick leave for the following reasons: a) Personal mental or physical illness, injury, physical disability or health condition and/or preventative care such as a medical, dental or optical appointment; b) Care of a family member with an illness, injury, health condition and/or preventative care such as a medical, dental, or optical appointment; c) Employees must make a reasonable effort to schedule such appointments at times, which have the least interference with the workday; d) Quarantine of an employee by a physician for exposures to a contagious disease, where on-the- job presence of the employee would jeopardize the health of others; e) The need to care for a spouse, parent, or child of the employee who is ill or injured and requires the presence of the employee, except that no more than five (5) days of sick leave may be taken for any occurrence unless the condition of the spouse, parent, or child would qualify the employee for FMLA.The employee shall complete and submit FMLA paperwork to Human Resources within fifteen (15) days, as required by law,for any qualified event; f) Employees who are ill or injured and require more than five (5) days of sick leave for a FMLA qualified event, shall complete and submit FMLA paperwork to Human Resources within fifteen (15)days, as required by law; g) In the event of a death in the employee's immediate family,the Board of County Commissioners may authorize an additional two (2) days beyond bereavement leave as outlined in Section 7.8, Bereavement Leave, in the Personnel Policy. Leave of absence is not to exceed five consecutive calendar days.Such leave is not included in any Family or medical leave period for which the employee is eligible under Section 7.7, Family Leave in the Personnel Policy; h) Use of a prescription drugs which impairs job performance or safety; i) Actual periods of temporary disability related to pregnancy or childbirth as outlined in Section 7.7 Family Leave; j) To attend the birth of and/or to care for a newborn child of an employee as outlined in Section 7.7 Family Leave; k) Closure of the employee's place of business or a Child's school/place of care by order of a public official for any health-related reasons; and 1) If the employee or the employee's family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.Authorized use of paid sick leave for domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking includes: • Seeking legal or law enforcement assistance or remedies to ensure the health and safety of the employee and their family members including but not limited to, preparing for, or participating in, any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or derived from domestic violence,sexual assault or stalking; 3 Attachment A • Seeking treatment by a health care provider for physical or mental injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual, assault, or stalking; • Attending health care treatment for a victim who is a member of the employee's family. • Obtaining, or assisting a family member in obtaining, services from: a domestic violence shelter; a rape crisis center; or a social services program for relief from domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; • To obtain, or assist a family member in obtaining, mental health counseling related to an incident of domestic violence, sexual assault of stalking in which the employee or a family member of the employee was a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; and • Participating,for the employee or for a family member, in: safety planning; or temporary or permanent relocation; or other actions to increase the safety from future incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. • For the purpose of leave allowed for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, Chapter 296-135-010 WAC defines "family" members as: o any child, biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward,or a child of a person standing in loco parentis who is under eighteen years of age, or eighteen years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of mental or physical disability; o Spouse means a husband or wife, and individuals in state registered domestic partnerships; See RCW 49.12.265 (6) and 1.12.080 o Parent means a biological or adoptive parent of an employee or an individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child; o Parent-in-law means a parent of the spouse or of a partner in a state registered domestic partnership of an employee; and o Grandparent means a parent of a parent of an employee. 7.2.7 Increments of Use for Paid Sick Leave Employees may use paid sick leave in 10 minute increments. 7.2.8 Rate of Pay When Using Sick Leave Paid sick leave hours will be compensated at the base salary rate, excluding any overtime, premiums, or other add to pays. Calculation of overtime shall be based on FLSA rules; therefore, use of paid sick leave shall not count towards the overtime calculation. 7.2.9 Reasonable Notice for Use of Sick Leave Employees must provide reasonable advanced notice of an absence from work for the use of paid sick leave to care for yourself or a family member. Reasonable notice shall be provided to the employee's Elected Official, Department Head, or immediate supervisor.Any information provided will be kept confidential. If an employee's absence is foreseeable, the employee must provide notice at least 10 working days, or as early as possible, before the first day paid sick leave is used. • Employees are required to submit an Employee Notice for Use of Paid Sick Leave form. 4 Attachment A • If possible, notification should include the expected duration of the absence. If an employee's absence is unforeseeable,the employee must contact their Elected Official, Department Head or immediate supervisor as soon as possible. • If the need for paid sick leave is unforeseeable, and arises before the required start of the employee's shift, notice should be provided no later than one (1) hour before the employee's required start time. • In the event it is not possible to provide notice of an unforeseeable absence, a person on the employee's behalf may provide such notice. • If possible,the notification should include the expected duration of the absence. • Employees are required to complete an Employee Notice for Use of Paid Sick Leave Form on the day following the employee's return from paid sick leave. An employee must give advance oral or written notice to their immediate supervisor as soon as possible for the foreseeable use of paid sick leave to address issues related to the employee or the employee's family member being a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking. If an employee is unable to give advance notice because of an emergent or unforeseen circumstance related to the employee or the employee's family member being a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking,the employee or a designee must give oral or written notice to their immediate supervisor no later than the end of the first day that the employee takes such leave. 7.2.10 Verification for Absences Exceeding Three Days Employee's seeking to use or using paid sick leave for authorized purposes for more than three (3) consecutive days, may be required to provide verification that establishes or confirms that the use of paid sick leave is for an authorized purpose. a) When an employee or the employee's family member is sick for more than three (3) consecutive days for which the employee is required to work, acceptable verification may include: • A doctor's note or a signed statement by a health care provider indicating that the use of paid sick leave is necessary to care for the employee or an employee's family member; or • A written or oral statement from the employee indicating that the use of paid sick leave is necessary to take care of themselves or a family member. b) When an employee or a member of the employee's family has been a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking,the employee may provide any one of the following documents or any combination thereof, to verify the use of leave: • A written statement that the employee, or a member of the employee's family, is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and that the leave was taken to address related issues; • A police report indicating that the employee or a member of the employee's family was a victim of domestic violence; 5 Attachment A • Evidence from a court or prosecuting attorney showing that the employee or a member of the employee's family appeared, or is scheduled to appear, in court in connection with an incident of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; • A court order of protection; • Documentation from any of the following persons from whom an employee or a member of the employee's family sought assistance in addressing the domestic violence situation indicating that the employee or a member of the employee's family is a victim: 1) An advocate for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; 2) An attorney; 3) A member of the clergy; or 4) A medical professional. c) When an employee is absent due to the closure of a school or a place of care, attended by the employee's child, by a public official due to health-related reasons: • A copy of the notice received by the employee regarding the closure. Verification must be provided within ten (10) calendar days of the first day that paid sick leave is used to care for either the employee or a family member. 7.2.11 Unreasonable Burden or Expense for Verification If an employee believes, obtaining verification for use of paid sick leave would result in an unreasonable burden or expense, please contact Human Resources in writing, prior to the required ten (10) calendar days allotted to provide the verification. Indicate that your absence is for an authorized purpose and explain why verification would result in an unreasonable burden or expense for you. • If an employee chooses to put this in writing: o You can complete the "Employee Verification of Authorized Use of Paid Sick Leave" Form.This may be delivered to Human Resources at 423 N. 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 or emailed to humanresources@co.mason.wa.us Within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the employee's request, Human Resources will work with the Elected Official or Department Head and employee to identify an alternative for the employee to meet the verification requirement in a way that does not result in an unreasonable burden or expense. • Company-provided transportation to the employee's doctor; • Sharing the cost of getting a note from a medical provider; or • Providing a note of explanation in lieu of other forms of verification. Mason County may choose not to pay an employee for paid sick leave taken in excess of ten (10) consecutive days until verification is provided. 6 Attachment A An employee has the right to contact the Mason County Prosecutor in the event they feel they are being discriminated upon or treated unfairly. 7.2.12 Abusing Sick Leave May Receive Discipline In the event an employee misuses, falsifies, or abuses sick leave, the employee will forfeit any leave compensation. The employee may become subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. 7.2.13 Sick Leave Coordinated with Workers' Compensation An employee receiving worker's compensation disability insurance payments during a medical related leave shall use only the number of sick leave hours that,together with the workers' compensation benefits payments, represents the employee's normal pay for the same period. Financial Services "Payroll" will calculate use of paid sick leave hours on a retroactive basis back to the first day in which the employee was off work. If the employee elects to use paid sick leave to supplement the employee's earnings,the employee must notify Human Resources at the start of his/her disability leave. Once the employee elects to use paid sick leave to supplement his/her earnings, the employee may not reverse the election. An employee may not elect use only a portion of his/her accrued sick leave. Employees who elect to use his/her accrued sick leave to supplement their wage while on disability shall bring their workers compensation check in to their department payroll to purchase back all or a portion of his/her leave hours used and paid to the employee during the disability. Once the employee makes payment to Mason County and Financial Services "Payroll approves the deposit,the employee's number of leave hours will be added back to the accrual record. Any employee who collects both a full-accrued leave paycheck and a worker's compensation disability insurance payment SHALL remit the worker's compensation disability insurance payment to the county. In the event an employee does not submit, the worker's compensation disability insurance payment to the county may be subject to disciplinary action for misuses,falsifying, or abusing sick leave. 7.2.14 Shared Leave Washington paid sick leave shall not be used in a shared leave program. Employees in regular status positions are eligible for a shared leave program, in accordance to Section 7.9,Shared Leave Program of the Personnel Policy and as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreements. All donations for shared leave shall be used from the employees Mason County sick leave or vacation leave. 7.2.15 Sick Leave Cash-Out Payment for and balance up to the maximum amount allowed, by this policy and all other policies, shall be no greater than 1,200 hours of unused Mason County Sick Leave and shall be made only in the following circumstances: 1. Upon termination of employment with fifteen (15) years of continuous service with Mason County,and the employee's hire date was prior to April 13, 2010; or 7 Attachment A 2. Upon termination of employment with Mason County,when the termination is contemporaneous with retirement from the applicable Washington State public employees retirement system, and the employee was hired prior to April 13, 2010 with continuous service;or 3. Upon the death of an employee, in which case payment shall be made to his/her estate, provided the employee was hired prior to April 13, 2010; or 4. Employees who terminate employment to become an Elected Official of Mason County, provided the employee was hired prior to April 13, 2010. 5. Per RCW 3.34.100 a district judge may receive when vacating office remuneration for unused accumulated leave and sick leave at a rate equal to one day's monetary compensation for each four full days of accrued sick leave not to exceed the equivalent of thirty days' monetary compensation.The district judge shall meet the requirements as outlined in items 1-3 of this section to be eligible for a payout. Terminating employees who are not eligible for payment of unused sick leave shall forfeit all sick leave accrual. 7.2.16 Separation from Employment When an employee in a part-time, seasonal, extra-help, or on-call, non-regular status position separates from employment,there will be no financial or other reimbursement given to the employee for any accrued, unused Washington paid sick leave at the time of separation. Employees in regular status positions will be cashed out for Mason County sick leave in accordance with the terms stated in their collective bargaining agreement, and for exempt and non-represented employees, as stated above in Section 7.2.13 Sick Leave Cash-out In the event any employee terminates his/her position with Mason County and returns within 12 months of separation, only Washington paid sick leave balance shall be restored. if the year has rolled over, prior to the employee's return to employment,and the employee's balance was greater than the 40 hours,the employee forfeits any unused balance greater than the maximum amount of 40 hours. Mason County sick leave hours shall not be paid out upon termination and will be forfeited, unless conditions are met in Section 7.2.13 or otherwise stated in a Collective Bargaining Agreement. 7.2.17 Reinstatement of Employment If an employee leaves employment and is rehired within 12 months of separation, any accrued, unused Washington paid sick leave up to 40 hours will be reinstated to the employee's accrued leave bank. Employees in part-time, non-regular positions who are rehired within 12 months of separation, will not be required to wait 90 days to use accrued their accrued sick leave bank if the employee met this requirement in the previous period of employment. If an employee did not meet the 90-calendar-day requirement prior to separation, prior employment time with the County will be counted for purposes of determining the eligibility of the employee for paid sick leave. If a regular status employee leaves and is rehired within 12 months of separation, any accrued, unused Mason County sick leave not previously paid out was forfeited upon termination of employment and shall not be restored. 8 Attachment A 7.2.18 Payroll Employees will be notified of their paid sick leave balance each month on their pay stub. This information will include: • Washington paid sick leave& Mason County sick leave accrued since the last notification; • Washington paid sick leave & Mason County sick leave used since the last notification; and • Current balances of Washington paid sick leave & Mason County sick leave available for use. 7.2.19 Retaliation Prohibited Any discrimination or retaliation against an employee for lawful exercise of paid sick leave rights is not allowed. Employees will not be disciplined for the lawful use of paid sick leave. If an employee feels they are being discriminated or retaliated against,the employee may contact the Support Services Director. If an employee is not satisfied with the response that they receive from the Support Services Director, the employee shall contact the Mason County Prosecutor for resolution prior to filing a complaint to Washington State Department of Labor& Industries. 9 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Ross McDowell Action Agenda _X_ Public Hearing Other _ DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: _806 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 02/06/18 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 01/29/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Amendment to Resolution 20-97 and County Code 2.124 Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program BACKGROUND: The Board of County Commissioners and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards as forth-in Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules. Mason County employees also have the responsibility to strive to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury including attending safety trainings and wearing personal protective equipment. This policy has not been updated. since 1997. The proposed updates will bring the county into compliance with the most current regulations. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval amend Resolution 20-97 and County Code 2.124 (Attachment A) Mason County Safety and Accident Prevention Program. Attachment(s): Resolution and attachment A on file with Clerk of the Board. 1/30/2018 RESOLUTION No. AMENDS RESOLUTION 20-97 AND COUNTY CODE 2.124 MASON COUNTY SAFETY POLICY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM WHEREAS, Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program adopted by the Board of Commissioners represents a commitment to workplace safety by the elected officials and department heads of Mason County; and WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards as forth in Chapter 296-800 WAC: Safety and Health Core Rules; and WHEREAS, Mason County employees have the responsibility to strive to develop habits and procedures that will reduce exposure to potential injury including attending safety trainings and wearing personal protective equipment; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution shall amend Resolution 20-97 and County Code 2.124 Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program (Attachment A). This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED this day of 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Drexler, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Attorney ATTACHMENT A MASON COUNTY SAFETY POLICY ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM �b Revision Date: January 23, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PAGE 1 RESPONSIBILITIES - PAGE 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS =_ PAGE 1 ELECTED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT HODS PAGE 1 SUPPORT SERVICES-HUMAN RESOURCWMSKMANAGEMENT PAGE 2 FACILITIES - = PAGE 2 SUPERVISOR -- ---_=- PAGE 2 AN EMPLOYEE === _. PAGE 3 = _r _ MASON COUNTY SAFETY COMMITTEE -= _ INTRODUCTION The Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program adopted by the Board of County Commissioners represents a commitment to workplace safety and is directed to all Mason County's Elected Officials,Department Heads,Employees and volunteers. It is designed to comply with,and implement federal and state laws by establishing policies and procedures to prevent accidents,injuries and occupational illnesses. Requirements are set forth in the RCW's and WAC's and are adapted to Mason County's conditions and circumstances in this plan. (Cliapter 2.124-ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM) The objective of this plan is to provide for: _ • The physical well-being of all Mason CouxdEIted O ,Department Heads, Employees and Volunteers. • Comply with Federal,State and local ety,health and envir tal standards; • Reduce employee accidents,thus redue----i-eersonal injury,prop oss,time loss and related costs. • Provide effective safety orientation and tr • Ensure proper procedures art-2111 : ,14Le to inves accidents,develop corrective action and provide for employee's nw-_ This Accident Preventio e __ram is intended tc be=a - ty d an important training tool that must be under _ ne-applied 11 Epeet_ - == partment Heads,Managers and Supervisors. A gement an= supervisors—OW be heed= -.mountable for an effective accident prevention ef>�in their-a-w,---.n area of-v_perations and for ensuring each employee is familiar with this program-- .1.124 Generally) im RESP 1 SIBILamwa S 020-O„---:��__ -esponsibilities) Boardof Commissioners Ele •=Officials The Board of C Commissi_ s and Elected Officials have the responsibility to provide a safe and healthy ce free m recognized hazards as set forth in Chapter 296-800 WAC: SAFETY AND HEAL O ES. The responsibility for safe shared among the Mason County Board of County Commissioners,Elected Officials,Department Heads and those who supervise the activities of others,and each individual for his or her area of responsibility.All shall support this program and shall set an example in terms of safety in the workplace. Elected Officials and Department Heads Elected Officials and Department Heads have the responsibility to communicate these policies and procedures to their employees to create an effective,accident-free environment for working. Elected Officials or departments managers need to supplement this Mason County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program by adding specific procedures that relate to each facility that they operate.These additional safety procedures will be administered by those Elected Officials or Department Managers and shall be added as appendices to this program. It is the responsibility of this administration to establish and maintain: • A safe and healthy working environment; • An Accident Prevention Program • A program to ensure individuals may become aware of what hazards exist and how to prevent accidents • A system of reporting and recording accidents that wi]—_-_�--_xovide useful information for monitoring the effectiveness of the Accident Preveni�--Qxr--�---'- ogram • Safety equipment for employees • Required safety training for employees -_ Su ort Services-Human Resources Risk M ==_= ent = Supervisor's Responsibility All individuals who supervise others will consider it an integral part of their responsibilities to ensure working conditions are safe. Specifically each supervisor and manager should: • Make every reasonable effort to ensure the safety of employees under their responsibility and make their workplace free of recognized hazards. • Report any hazards beyond his or her ability to correct. • Provide job training and work area safety procedures for all employees,especially for new and reassigned employees with new job activities—, _ • Conduct regular work area safety inspections with Mce from Human. Resources/Risk Management and Facilities if nee I _o discover and correct unsafe conditions and work practices. • Report all injuries on the Employee Accidep rt For-m-��nd forward it to the Human Resources/Risk Management office wi = -hours. • Investigate injury accidents to dete {ause and to pursuecorrection of any safety deficiencies. NE--__ • Ensure that all necessary safety equipment, rotectiv vices and personal protective devices are available and in doper working oder - ed when apiT e. • Respond to employees'conEAM r safety in ICA e manner and take appropriate corrective action. _- Employee's Responsibili = NO == Mason Countyem ees musaue a comoin no key- : __accidents to a minimum. P i= P- Unsafe work habits cause most add. ental inju � the work environment. Therefore,all employees should continua striae to develop Tidbits and procedures that will reduce exposure tQp_j tex tial mlury nclrRng attending safety trammgs and wearing personal protechv egiupisLent Xllemp ayees are req 7kred,asp condition of their employment,to study and o e all safety popes andxoceduretlfollow all safe practices that apply to their work. _mart of their safetesporisibilities,employees are expected to do the following: • Study-aid follow all safpracticesthat apply to their work. • Coordinat ad cooperdgbvith all other employees in the workplace to try to eliminate on-the-job es and illnesses. • Apply the pririn les :_ccident prevention in their daily work and use proper safety devices and protecuipment as required by their employment or employer. • Take care of all personal protective equipment(PPE)properly: .• Report promptly to their supervisor every industrial injury or occupational illness. • Not remove,displace,damage,or destroy or carry off any safeguard,notice,or warning provided to make the workplace safe. • Not interfere with use of any safeguard by anyone in the workplace. • Not interfere with the use of any work practice designed to protect them from injuries. • Do everything reasonably necessary to protect the life and safety of employees. • Report workplace hazards to supervisor or safety committee representative immediately. WAC 2964800-12005.Employee responsibilities. MASON COUNTY SAFETY CONIlVIIT'TEE (2.124.040-Safehj conmtittee(s)meetings) Mason County has formed a safety committee to help employees and administration work together to identify safety problems,develop solutions,review incident reports and evaluate the effectiveness of Mason County's accident prevention program. The committee is made up of management-designated representatives and employee elected representatives. Employees in each department will elect from among themse;—= .a representative to be on the committee. If there is only one volunteer or nomination,tl� �_-ployees will approve the person by voice vote at a short meeting called for that purpose-0- is is more than one volunteer or nomination, a secret paper ballot will be used to elect=--'Ui--repfese-ntative. . Elected representatives will serve for one year eing re-electe= replaced. If there is a vacancy,an election will be held before then eduled meeting to e balance of the term. In addition to the employee-elected repr tives,management esignate no,more than three representatives but a m;r,;mum of one will = until.repla management. A chairperson will be selected by In= -=_.te of the co31 -_ttee members each year. If there is a vacancy,the same method will be o=select a replacement. In addition to the comm it s onsibili above, _ut-es of th= e committee members MINE- include: (2.124.050-S duties) • Monthly self-i ecton of fie area theyWresent. • Accident Irivestigtio_ns The supervisor of t1�e injured employee and the safety officer will mvestigatrons_of mal oracciden __Investigation results will be discussed at safety meetin_s=_. ___ • g employee safety issues from the We represent to the safety committee for dist✓-ussion and tuitions. • Counicate with theemplNaendance. ey represent on safety issues. • Docume� _ pies discu.97l Prepare these minutes for each meeting, attain chai _-sori s sigr_re and preserve them for one year. • Post safety meeting Y11TTT'us on the employee bulletin at each work location. • Encourage safe work--- -tices among co-workers. • Annual evaluation= ason County's Accident Prevention Program. Departments where employees segregated on different shifts or in widely dispersed locations, i.e.,Sheriff's Deputies,Corrections Officers,Utilities &Waste,PaFks and Public Works,shall have a Supervisor-Crew Safety Meeting in lieu of the regular safety committee provided: 1. The Supervisor-crew safety meeting shall be held at least once a month,or if conditions require,weekly or bi-weekly meeting shall be held to discuss safety problems as they arise. 2. All requirements for minutes,safety bulletin boards,and safety inspections,accident investigations,witnessing tests,and evaluating programs and recommending safety improvements as listed shall be met by the supervisor-crew safety meeting. The Sheriff's Office must comply with the provisions set forth in the Sheriff's Guild collective bargaining agreement that: A. The Guild shall elect all crew representatives on the Safety Committees,to be composed of not less than two(2)of their employee members who shall be certified to the Employer and the Guild in writing,over the signature the Recording Secretary. B. The safety committee liaison shall work with the Sher----_--r�=-_7 insure that working conditions shall be made and kept safe and in coni-fiance with the safety laws. Rules and regulations of the State of Washington. C. The joint safety committee shall meet monthly- 'e em = er is not obligated to compensate off-duty employee's attending s Safety Co N ee Meetings. ;QAC 296 800-130: c safety meetings—Summa . SAFETY BULLE =- ' OAI�ES= (2 60-SaJ It bu A safety bulletin board will be maintQ-Ncou e_d-' = occupi = nty facility;normally in the employee break/lunchrooms. The Safdf.% onum-Th represen a ve for the department is responsible for maintairung-khe safety bull&-n boar_ge- bulli boards will display,at minimum,the follown • Washing-b-x State =_==Safety an --ealth Protection Act information with a point of contact 11TELtele.= rn- umber _-r questions or problems st recen- = ngzmiriufes =safety connittee mom_=es_.wf office locations and phone numbers • A list of= -_ 'd ani�--i---CPR trained=ndividuals in the facility A copy of -- unty Rffegy Policy and Accident Prevention Program WAC 296-307-036:What items qo on the safety bulletin board? SAFETY ORIENTATION (2.124.030-Safety orientation) New employee,re-hires,p -time,seasonal,temporary and volunteers will receive a Safety Orientation Briefing by Human Resources. The briefing will be conducted as soon as possible after the individual begins employment. Record of the completed orientation will be kept by Human Resources. The briefing will include: • A copy of Mason County's Accident Prevention Program • Work-related accidents/illnesses reporting procedures • Accident prevention and reporting potential hazards 9 Overview of the County's Safety Committee • Safety and Health Training • Vehicle Use and Agreement Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that employees are aware of specific departmental safety policies and procedures. This orientation for new employees should occur on the first day of employment. A Safety Orientation Checklist form should be filled out to record the completed orientation and should be kept by the supervisor and employee with a copy forwarded to Human Resources to be placed in employee personnel file. This orientation should include: • A copy of department's safety policies and p� eedures • Reporting unsafe conditions and practice_:=_ • Reporting accidents to supervisor ' �§VZMT_g.First Aid — training and will ensure each employee is familiar with the Safety and Health requirements of their position. Specific training will be provided for certain jobs and kinds of equipment. General training will be given for those tasks everyone must know how to perform,i.e.fire extinguisher. To ensure all employees can be afforded quick and effective first aid,supervisors in direct charge of crews working in physically dispersed operation shall have a valid first aid certificate. Safety Training Plan Course Who Must Attend == - WAC Safety orientation briefing All Employees _== WAC 296-800-14005:Develop a (given by HR -__ = Job Safety Orientation All Employees _WIFF T -—al,prtten accident prevention ven by supervisor) Basic First Aid/CPR/AED Any Employee and Inte retations 2 year certification reocin 1910.151 Blood Borne Pathogens Any Employee who be -- Chaff 6-823 WAC: exposed to-human bloo = �CCUPATIOM ,EXPOSURE TO (Yearly certification) me_ bodily fl�art of the -b BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Chemical Hazard All Em 10`ees __- WAC 296-800-170: Em to er Communication General p y p ° Chemical Hazard An=y em 10 e��o uses=or=es ecal hazard communication- p y - Introduction. Communication(Specific_ _WV Pto a ar icular claem%calz. _ =WAC 296-800-30025:Train your Fire Extinguisher Safety __All Em : ees employees to use portable fire -= EMPLOYEE ACCIDENT PROCEDURES AND REPORTING (2.124.080-Accident procedures and reporting) The Support Services Department,Human Resources/Risk Management Division is responsible for handling the accident/injury/illness reports and claims management for work-related accidents. All employees shall make a prompt report to their immediate supervisor of each industrial injury or occupation illness,regardless of the degree,-of severity. The procedures to follow in reporting work-related accidents/injuries/illness -=outlined below: Employee's Responsibilities: (2.124.090 A -Cowihj accident/i rts) Ark• The first and primary consideratiseek app 'ate first aid and/or medical attention based on the AWof of the injury, ' or exposure. • Report all work-related accidets_J-injuries/illnesses to u or,regardless of severity. • Fill out the Mason County Acciden t(available - your Supervisor or Humaln es urces)wi urs of the inciden • Continue to update your- = or and Resources on the status of the claim which may incluNle on= doctor physical limitations,or time off work. Supervisor's Responsi 0 B- Cou c ' orfs • Take ap ' to a gency st o stabilize the situation(call 911 for emergenc eva n,provide first aid,etc.). Iden es e ' _:_ eatening situation(no respiration,no pulse, us b shoe kZn bones)call 911 and provide first aid. • If the acct resu a death o erious injury do not move any involved equipment s re to avoid further accidents or to remove the injured) d contact la orce • ct HumanMesources/Risk Management immediately when notified of an ac • Supe investigate all accidents,minor injuries or illness,requiring doctor o LL treatment,and near misses. • The Supe must fill out the Supervisor section of the Employee Accident/Injury Report form Safety Committee/Safety Officers Responsibilities: (2.124.090 C-County accident/incident reports) • Investigate major injuries and or occupational injuries involving fatalities or requiring hospitalization 2. Medical Treatment • If medical attention is necessary,choose any doctor • Inform the doctor that the condition is work-related. Complete the worker's statement on the Washington State Fund Accident Report at the Doctor's Office. • Have the Doctor complete the Light Duty Return to Work Program form and return it to the employees supervisor or the Human Resources/Risk Management Office. • If there are physical limitations,please see below for further instructions 3. Physical Limitations or Off Work • If the doctor notes that the employee cannot return to work or has physical limitations,the employee is required to inform 1hem there may be option of returning to light duty. The employee mustAlms any options of light duty options with their supervisor. If the Super 0- deems there is light duty available,the Supervisor shall work wifl-T an:_Resources to coordinate with Mason County's Third Party Ad.ministr ,r,Doco—g_and Labor and Industries to file the appropriate light duty jo ption. • The employee must bringrvisor a statemerit� th ' Qm the doctor noting physical limitations and for w od they apply or tmay fax them directly to Human Resources at 3 7-8439 _ • If the doctor notes that=the employe `C7 _ o participate MV light-duty program,the employes must check in = _eir supervisor a m,n,mnm of once a week while they are o or= update pr _ : S. • When the employee re c -ves `e ompens_ tion benefits,he/she is required to ay to the County thm=am 1. it covet ..by Workers' Compensation and p manced bathe Co„n_> . :e_persel policy 6.2). Upon the repa of dvance p3propratount of leave shall be restored to the _oyee's unt. • A writte r ease the doctoi=' equired before returning to regular duties. -:e=employeustco_nta_et=their super ' or and advise them of the release and ow de_mem a=chy once retux3ied employees are not allowed to return to _ -- = = i- - regula?lut es wi out a release. -= The Coun requran examination at its expense to determine when the ployee can eturn to work and if he/she will be capable of performing the - tial duties=of=theposn with or without reasonable accommodation. RELORTING POTENTIAL HAZARDS Accident prevention is absalute priority for Mason County. Although,Human Resources/Risk Management-assists in the coordination of the County's accident prevention and safety programs,preventing accidents is truly a team effort by all Mason County Elected Officials,Department Heads,Employees and Volunteers. Employees with concerns about the safety of their wok area or questions regarding accident prevention should call Human Resources/Risk Management or your Safety Committee Member. As always,you should refer repairs and regular maintenance concerns to Facilities by submitting a work request http://helpdesk.mason.local/tickets/index.p R. FIRST AID RESPONSE PLAN First Aid Training:To assure that Mason County Employees,volunteers and visitors can be afforded quick and effective first aid attention,the County offers adult CPR,First Aid and AED training. Humar, Resources/Risk Management maintains a training record of all certified personnel and expiration dates. Employees take refresher training every two years to keep the certification current. First Aid Kits: First aid kits are to be accessible to employee _ olunteers at all times while they are at work. First aid kits are to be labeled with em%rr— y telephone numbers available from Human Resources/Risk Management or a memheffiWOUFFT W- afety Committee. First aid kits are inspected and inventoried by the Facilities Departrnnt annly. A work request may be submitted to request supplies be replenished h pdesk.mM— local/tickets/index.php. Automated External Defibrillator: The Auto n�a External Defibrillator3 D)is a device used to treat a person in cardiac arrest by giving the' an ele 'c shock. D is used in addition to CPR if necessary. Therese AEDs loca t ourt House, g#1, Building#3,Building#7,Building# uvenile Det en ,Sheriff's Office elton), Sheriff's Office (Belfair),MCRA,Sari= =___. ark(Be and Memorial Hall. F N (2.12 Fire P An evacuation map ach b is post ible to n in each building. The map shows the location of e e hers, st aid kits. Iri a of a fir. --= otify an ,-=_: rs =_ediat Ly. Call or have that person call 911 and a sub _ or. _ • Aciv 'est e bu . fire ala system • Notify oto_emplo in the area to evacuate =_ Notify sup ors in r areas to evacuate the•building =the fire is small,such as a wastebasket fire (under 4 feet),and there is nn dmal smo!e one may attempt to put it out with a fire extinguisher • If e or there is thick smoke,do not continue to fight the fire • If their=-oo large to fight,leave the area and close the doors as you leave PROGRAM ENFORCEMENT (2.124.100-Safehj program enforcement) Willful violations of county safety procedures are not acceptable.Violations of safety procedures may result in disciplinary actions against the employee,up to and including discharge. 101 Page ATTACHMENT A Chapter 2.124—SAFETY POLICY&ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROGRAM Sections: 2.124.010- Generally The Mason County safety policy and accident prevention program adopted by the Board of County Commissioners represents a commitment to workplace safety by the elected officials and department heads of Mason County. The Human Resources difestO Manager is authorized to issue safety advisory memoranda as needed. After approval by the Board of County Commissioners, such memoranda shall have the same authority as this chapter. This chapter is intended to be an employee safety guide for elected officials/department heads and employees. All county employees should become familiar with this chapter and abide by its contents. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.020-Officers' responsibilities A. Board of County Commissioners/Elected Officials. The Board of County Commissioners and other elected officials have the responsibility to approve this chapter and communicate its contents to all departments. The commissioners/elected officials shall support this policy and procedure chapter and shall set an example in terms of safety in the workplace. B. Elected Officials and Department Heads. Elected officials and department heads have the responsibility to communicate these policies and procedures to their employees. They must support the content as well as the intentions of this chapter and must also set an example in terms of workplace safety. C. Safety Officers. Mason County has an appointed Safety Officer by resolution from the Board of County Commissioners. tk�lee `�"feF" ..fFinero: appointed ftem the Sheriffs depa*nenF pUbli woFks werkplene areas; The Safety Officer ensures safe work practices, policy compliance, safe work conditions for employees as well as the general public; and assist with investigating all reports of occupational injuries, incidents, chemical exposures, and illnesses. The Safety Officers also advise the Risk Manager of any such instances involving the general public and the Human Resources difestef Manager of any such instances involving employees. D. Human Resources. Difestef Manager The Human Resources difesteF Manager has the responsibility to communicate the contents of this chapter to elected officials/department heads, as well as to the safety officers. The Human Resources difester Manager is the facilitator of the safety policy and accident prevention program in Mason County and assumes a leadership role in making safety related recommendations and suggestions in addition to the clearly defined duties in this manual. The Human Resources difester Manager ensures compliance with this manual as well as any additional safety regulations set forth by proper authority. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.030-Safety orientation A. New employees, re-hires, and part-time employees will begin their employment with an orientation. The orientation will include a safety briefing, selected training and an introduction to county safety policies. ATTACH M ENT A B. Procedure. The employee's supervisor will inform the new employee of job safety requirements before he/she performs any work for the county. The safety orientation check list in this plan will be used to make sure all required subjects are discussed and understood. The employee responsibility list contained in this plan will also be reviewed and signed at the time of hiring. Completed orientation and responsibility check lists will be signed by the supervisor and the employee, placed in the employee's personnel file, and a copy forwarded to human resources. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.040-Safety committee(s) meetings A. Purpose. three employee elected members will meet and perfeFm duties as described belew. Committee member vacancies will be Felplaced befere the Rext safety meetiRg. MembeFs Will sepve Re !E)RgeF thaR eRe year. GUFFeRt safety Gornmittee membeFs will be pested GR each safety bulletin Mason County has formed a safety committee to help employees and administration work together to identify safety problems,develop solutions, review incident reports and evaluate the effectiveness of Mason County's accident prevention program. The committee is made up of management-designated representatives and employee elected representatives. Employees in each department will elect from among themselves a representative to be on the committee. If there is only one volunteer or nomination,the employees will approve the person by voice vote at a short meeting called for that purpose. If there is more than one volunteer or nomination,a secret paper ballot will be used to elect the representative. Elected representatives will serve for one year before being re-elected or replaced. If there is a vacancy, an election will be held before the next scheduled meeting to fill the balance of the term. Departments where employees are segregated on different shifts or in widely dispersed locations in crews of ten or fewer employees may elect to have a foreperson-crew meeting in lieu of the safety committee plan (i.e., Public Works, Utilities &Waste, Sheriff and Corrections) provided: 1. Foreperson-crew safety meetings shall be held at least once a month, or if conditions require, weekly or bi-weekly meetings shall be held to discuss safety problems as they arise. 2. All requirements for minutes, safety bulletin boards, safety inspections, accident investigations, witnessing tests, and evaluating programs and recommending safety improvements as listed shall be met by the foreperson-crew safety meeting. B. Procedure 1. Any elected official, department head or safety committee member can recommend special safety meetings be held in addition to regular safety meetings. 2. The committee will set the frequency, time and date for regular safety meetings. Meetings will take place on county property and shall last no more than an hour. 3. The committee will elect a chairperson. If the chair is not in attendance, the committee will designate a temporary chairperson. 4 hAi„Q; f the s.+" meetiRgs will he reGGF ed Attendance and subjects discussed at the meeting will be documented. All minutes will be signed by the chairperson. A copy of the minutes will be provided to the human resources director, the safety officers, the risk manager, and posted on each county safety bulletin board. ATTACH M ENT A (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.050-Safety committee duties A. Safety Inspections. The committee will conduct an annual safety inspection of county facilities subject to this plan with a representative from management. The inspection will use the general guide in this program and other information available (concerns of elected officials, department heads, accident reports, etc.). The inspection will normally be conducted one week prior to regular safety meetings. Results of the inspection will be recorded and maintained on file for one year. Inspection results will be discussed at the safety committee meeting. B. Accident Investigations. The supervisor of the injured employee, Human Resources / Risk Manager and Safety Officer will conduct investigations of major accidents. Investigation results will be discussed at monthly safety meetings. C. Witnessing Tests. The committee may designate a member to witness any testing (noise, atmospheric, etc.) that may affect employee safety. D. The safety committee will review results of inspections and investigations and evaluate employee safety suggestions. The committee will recommend safety improvements to the Safety Officer, monitor the safety and health program, recommend safety training, and promote safety awareness. E. The safety committee will evaluate the County's Accident Prevention Program and make recommendations for improvement where they are needed. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.060-Safety bulletin boards A safety bulletin board will be maintained in each occupied county facility; normally in the employee break/lunchrooms. Safety bulletin boards will display, at minimum, the following information: A. Washington State Job Safety and Health Protection Act information with a point of contact and telephone number for questions or problems; B. The most recent safety meeting minutes; C. A list of safety committee members with office locations and phone numbers; D. A list of first aid and CPR tFained iRdividualn in the f Dili+v• E.D.A copy of the County Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.070-Safety education and training A. Purpose. On-going safety and health education programs will be provided for all employees to increase awareness of accident cause factors, to improve employee morale, and to promote acceptance of safety and health rules by presenting accident prevention as a positive, desirable and integral part of all activities. B. Procedure. The Human Resources department will coordinate a systematic accident prevention education and training program for employees. This program will augment on-the-job training and will ensure each county employee is familiar with the safety and health requirements for his/her position. C. Types of Training. Specific training will be provided for certain jobs and kinds of equipment. General training will be given for those tasks everyone must know how to perform (like using a fire ATTACHMENT A extinguisher). To ensure all employees can be afforded quick and effective first aid, employees and supervisors in direct charge of crews, working in physically dispersed operations shall have a valid first aid certificate. D. Safety Training Plan cpeeifie Safety Training 1.FiFe Cvtinn ishe.S(A) 1 FiFSt AiE434 2. kFaeFnnnFy Cva cuatien!u1 I 2.C 3 Safety LAO ORg!u1 3 EXPeS Fe GeRt.nl(A) A Offir-P ualul 5 Ci..l.d\A Reirk HaiiaF ds!u1 I c HazaF,d I'emm cations!A1 Z_ n,duet tFaiRin eyeFy]VeaFS Course Who Must Attend WAC Safety orientation briefing All Employees WAC 296-800-14005:Develop a ben by HR formal,written accident Job Safety Orientation(given All Employees prevention progam. am. by supervisor) Basic First Aid/CPR/AED Standard Interpretations 2 year certification Any Employee referencing 1910.151(bl Any Employee who may be Chapter 296-823 WAC: Blood Borne Pathogens exposed to human blood or OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE (Yearly certification) bodily fluids as part of their TO BLOODBORNE 'ob. PATHOGENS Chemical Hazard All Employees Communication(General) WAC 296-800-170:Employer Chemical Hazard Any employee who uses or is chemical hazard Communication(Specific) exposed to a particular communication—Introduction. chemical WAC 296-800-30025:Train,your Fire Extinguisher Safety All Employees employees to use portable fire extinggishers. Lockout Training Awareness All employees Employees who service WAC 296-54-517: Lockout Training(Advanced) Lockout/tagout procedures. eq ui ment Employees required to work WAC 296-305-05004: Outdoor Heat Exposure Occupational exposure to heat outdoor in heat and cold stress. Personal Protective Any employee that works WAC 296-155-200:General Equipment where hazards are present or requirements for personal likely to be present then they protective equipment(PPE Q. ATTACHMENT A are required to use personal protective equipment such as safety glasses,hearing protection,etc. Respirator Training Employees who use a WAC 296-62-07715:Respiratory p g respirator protection. Each Supervisor shall develop a specialized training list for Specialized Training their,department needs (hearing test,ladder safety, proper lifting.. See Appendix A, attached to the resolution codified in this chapter, for departmental training plans. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.080 -Accident procedures and reporting A. Purpose: The Human Resources/Risk Management Department is responsible for handling the accident/injury/illness reports and claims management for work-related accidents. Human Resources/ Risk Management and the Safety Officer shall to Fepert-and investigate all accidents and near misses, no matter how minor, to prevent similar accidents, and to make the county a safer workplace. B. Background. The purpose of accident investigations is to determine and correct as many causes of the accident as possible, not to fix blame or direct discipline. All witnesses to an accident should be interviewed to help determine what happened and identify causes. C. Accident Procedures. 1. In the event of an occupational accident, injury, exposure or illness, the first and primary consideration is to seek appropriate first aid and/or medical attention based on the extent of the injury, illness or exposure. Reporting all occupational accidents, illnesses or exposures is mandatory. Employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor of the accident/incident as soon as possible after it has occurred, and supervisors shall notify Human Resources / Risk Management safe Fs- and the applicable department head/elected official. 2. Supervisors shall take appropriate emergency steps to stabilize the situation (call 911 for emergency assistance, order evacuation, provide first aid, etc.). 3. If the accident involves a possible life threatening situation (no respiration, no pulse, serious bleeding, shock, or broken bones) call 911 and provide first aid. 4-. Gall Oil feF brn-.kp-.n -hn-np--q and keepViGtiFn GGMfGFtable. Avoid Fneving Y"GtbFR unless absolutely n6saFy. 5.4. For minor injuries requiring treatment beyond first aid, aGGURty FelpFesentative Fnay take contact 911 for an ambulance to transport the injured to the hospital. 6.5 If the accident results in a death or hospitalization of two 9F FneFe eMpleyees serious injury do not move any involved equipment (unless required to avoid further accidents or to remove the injured) and call 911 for emergency assistance. 7 6 Start the accident investigation. • ATTACH M ENT A 8. 7 Restore normal conditions and resume work. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.090 - County accident/incident reports A. Employees will complete a county accident/incident report form for all occupational injuries, accidents, exposures or illnesses and submit it to their immediate supervisor within twenty-four hours. All occupational injuries or illnesses are required by law to be reported regardless of the degree of the accident. B. Supervisors will investigate all accidents, minor injuries or illness (requiring doctor or outpatient treatment), and near misses, using the attached accident investigation form. C. An investigation under direction of the Safety Officer will be conducted for major injuries or occupational illness (those involving fatalities or requiring hospitalization) using the attached accident investigation form. The supervisor of the injured person, the Risk Manager, Human Resources direstef Manager, and a safety committee member will also be members of major investigations. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.100 hies„-,eeld,,nt pFeeedU Fes "INCLUDE IN THE VEHICLE POLICY" Miall: X Immediately previde fiFst aid (if possible and if ReGessaFy) to any injured peFsen. it is B. The GOunty driveF shall then immediately notify his swpeFvisE)F and the apprepFiate la i it ses incl di pa crenorc n all vehicles involved RepeFt Form (WSP 161) within bNenty fauF heuFs ef the aGGident. This FepeFt fGFm and the GheGkiist fGFn; are provided by the Fisk MaRageF. (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.418- 100-Safety program °"^rr,ce does enforcement GGURty safety peFsen of the quarteF. The Gemmittee will attempt to Fetate this award amGng GeuRty $_ grogram EnfeFGemen+ Willful violations of county safety procedures are not acceptable. Violations of safety procedures may result in disciplinary actions against the employee, up to and including discharge. ATTACH M ENT A (Res. 20-97 (part), 1997). 2.124.110 Fire Prevention A. An evacuation map for each building is posted in a visible location in each building. The map shows the location of exits, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. B. Call or have that person call 911 and a supervisor. C. Activate the building fire alarm system D. Notify other employees in the area to evacuate E. Notify supervisors in other areas to evacuate the building F. If the fire is small, such as a wastebasket fire (under 4 feet), and there is minimal smoke, one may attempt to put it out with a fire extinguisher G. If the fire grows or there is thick smoke, do not continue to fight the fire H. If the fire is too large to fight, leave the area and close the doors as you leave 1r MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Dawn Twiddy Action Agenda —X — Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: _422 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 02/06/18 Agenda Item # (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 01/29/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Dawn Twiddy [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval of amendment to Ordinance 127-03 Mason County Policy and Procedure for Defense and Indemnity of Employees. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide for legal and financial protection of County officers, employees, and volunteers who may be subject to a claim for damages. The Ordinance establishes a procedure under which an Officer, employee or volunteer may request that Mason County authorize and provide the defense of the claim and pay the expenses of the defense, and to establish a procedure under which Mason County may pay damage awards. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to amend Ordinance 127-03 (Attachment A) Mason County Policy and Procedure for Defense and Indemnity of Employees. Attachment(s): Ordinance and attachment A on file with Clerk of the Board. 1/30/2018 r r ORDINANCE NO. AMEND ORDINANCE 127-03 MASON COUNTY POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR DEFENSE AND INDEMNITY OF EMPLOYEES WHEREAS, Mason County desires to establish a procedure under which a Mason County officer, employee or volunteer, who are subject to a claim for damages may request that Mason County authorize and provide the defense of the claim and pay the expenses of the defense, and to establish a procedure under which Mason County may pay damage awards; and WHERAS, a document to establish said procedure has been prepared by the County Human Resources/Risk Manager and reviewed by the County Prosecuting Attorney; now therefore BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Ordinance shall amend Ordinance 127-03 Mason County Policy and Procedure for Defense and Indemnity of Employees (Attachment A). This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED this day of 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin, Chair Melissa Drewry, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Terri Drexler, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Attorney r Attachment A MASON COUNTY POLICY AND PROCEDURE FOR THE DEFENSE AND INDEMNITY OF EMPLOYEES Purpose The purpose is to establish a procedure under which Mason County officer, employee or volunteer who is subject to a claim for damages may request that Mason County authorize and provide the defense of the claim and pay the expenses of the defense, and to establish a procedure under which Mason County may pay damage awards. Definitions The following terms are defined in this section: A. "Officer" means any person who is or was an elected or appointed official or officer of Mason County. "Officer" includes the estate or personal representative of an officer. B. "Employee"means any person who is or was an employee of Mason County. "Employee" includes the estate or personal representative of an employee. C. "Volunteer" means any person who is or was a volunteer, as defined according to RCW 51.12.035, of Mason County. "Volunteer includes the estate or personal representative of a volunteer. D. "Expense"or"expenses"means reasonable attorney's fees and litigation costs. E. "Parry" includes a person who was, is now, or is threatened to be made a named defendant or respondent in a legal proceeding. F. "Claim" means any threatened, pending, or completed civil action, suit, or proceeding brought under RCW Chapter 4.96 or 42 U.S.C. 1981 et seq. Request for defense of claim An officer, employee or volunteer may request that Mason County defend and pay the necessary expenses of defending any claim arising from acts or omissions while performing or in good faith purporting to perform his or her official duties. Such requests shall be in writing and signed by the person or his or her attorney, shall be filed with the board of county commissioners, and shall include a summary of the claim. If the claim is pending, then a copy of the written claim, demand or lawsuit shall be attached to the request (Attachment B). Authorizing defense of claim A. Mason County shall grant the request to defend a claim and pay the necessary expenses of defense upon a determination that the claim is based upon an alleged act or omission of the officer, employee or volunteer which was, or in good faith purported to be, within the scope of his or her official duties. Such determination shall be made as follows: a. By a majority vote of a quorum of the board of county commissioners consisting of members not named as a party to such claim; or b. If a quorum of unnamed members of the board is not possible, then by a written opinion of Mason County Prosecutor shall approve or deny the request to defend on behalf of the named board of county commissioners. 1 Attachment A B. Mason County shall not defend or pay for the expense of defending a claim against an officer, employee or volunteer, which alleges unlawfully obtaining personal benefits while acting in his or her official capacity. C. Mason County shall not pay any expenses of defending a claim, which are paid or incurred by an officer, employee or volunteer prior to receipt of a proper written request by the board of county commissioner. Mason County shall not pay any expenses of defending a claim in advance of services being rendered or costs being incurred. D. Mason County shall not defend or pay for the expense of defending a claim against an officer, employee or volunteer, which engages in illegal, official misconduct, willful misconduct or to defend the right to hold office. Payment of nonpunitive monetary judgment When Mason County has defended a claim against an officer, employee or volunteer and the court hearing the action has found that the officer, employee or volunteer was acting within the scope of his or her official duties, Mason County shall pay any final nonpunitive monetary judgment entered on such claim, after termination of all appellate review, if any. Pursuant to RCW 4.96.041, a judgment creditor shall seek satisfaction for a nonpunitive monetary judgment only from Mason County and a judgment for nonpunitive damages shall not become a lien upon any property of the officer, employee or volunteer. Payment of punitive monetary judgment Mason County may at its sole discretion pay a punitive monetary judgment entered against an officer, employee or volunteer. Mason County reserves the right to pay punitive monetary . judgement entered against an officer, employee or volunteer until a judgement amount has been awarded. Withdrawal of defense If at any time during defense of an action authorized under this Ordinance the County officer, employee or volunteer fails to cooperate with the prosecuting attorney's office or other attorney retained by the County, or new evidence indicates that the County official, employee or volunteer was not acting either in good faith or within the scope of that person's official county duties, the prosecuting attorney's office or retained attorney may withdraw the County's defense in writing. The County officer or employee may appeal this decision in writing to the board of county commissioners within five days from the date of the withdrawal by the prosecuting attorney's office or retained attorney. Violations of indemnification ordinance by county officer, employee, or volunteer Except as specifically directed by the prosecuting attorney's office or the attorney representing the County, no county agency, officer, employee or volunteer may engage in any of the following acts with respect to actions or proceedings for damages defended pursuant to this Ordinance: A. Negotiate or otherwise affect the settlement of such action or proceedings for damages against the County; B. Make an admission of liability involving such an action or proceeding with persons against the County; 2 Attachment A C. Discuss with persons, who are not the elected official, department head, prosecutor, or other assigned attorney, incidents, which could reasonably lead to actions or proceedings for damages against the county or its officers, employees or volunteers. D. Employees who violate any of A through C may be subject to the withdrawal of indemnification of defense and payment of any further expenses by the County. Severability In the event that any provision of this resolution is held to be invalid, the remainder of this ordinance or the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent allowed by law. 3 MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Diane Zoren Action Agenda x Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: 747 DATE: February 6, 2018 Agenda Item # Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: January 22, 2018 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Support Services [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Approval to appoint Sandy Tarzwell to the Mason Transit Authority Board. Background: Pursuant to RCW 36.57A.055, a meeting of representatives from the component jurisdictions within the Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area, namely the three County Commissioners and a City Commissioner, was held on September 26, 2017, and the meeting was continued until November 8, 2017. The Board Composition Review Committee has made a recommendation concerning the composition of the Mason Transit Authority Board, and the recommendation is to be approved by the Mason County Commission and Shelton City Council; The Mason County Public Transportation Benefit Area (Mason Transit Authority) Board composition shall be as follows: Three (3) Mason County Commissioners; One (1) City of Shelton Council member; Five (5) members who shall be elected officials selected by the Mason County Commissioners with the goal of seeking equal voting representation among the County commission districts. Four of the five at-large elected officials have been appointed and this appointment will fill all positions on the MTA Board. Budget Impacts: None to Mason County. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval to appoint Sandy Tarzwell to the Mason Transit Authority Board. MASON COUNTY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY FORM TO: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS From: Frank Pinter Action Agenda X_ Public Hearing Other DEPARTMENT: Support Services EXT: _530 COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 02/06/18 Agenda Item #, ,.(q (Commissioner staff to complete) BRIEFING DATE: 01/22/18 BRIEFING PRESENTED BY: Frank Pinter [ ] ITEM WAS NOT PREVIOUSLY BRIEFED WITH THE BOARD Please provide explanation of urgency ITEM: Memorandum of Understanding between Mason County, Mason County Assessor's Office, AFSCME, Local 1504 of the WSCCCE, representing Mason County Assessor's Clerical Collective Bargaining Unit and Teamsters Union Local No. 252 representing Mason County Appraisers Collective Bargaining Unit. BACKGROUND: The parties jointly acknowledge that personal property duties originally in the Teamsters Appraiser scope of work has been transferred to the AFSCME Assessor's Office Clerk 1, II, III job description, then transferred to Data Technician I & II job descriptions with a revision date of December 16, 2014. During the collective bargaining process, the duties of personal property were reclassified as Levy/Personal Property Technician effective January 1, 2017. All parties agree the personal property duties exist within the job descriptions in AFSCME Assessor's Office Clerical Collective Bargaining Unit. This MOU shall resolve any and all grievances between Mason County, Mason County Assessor's Office, AFSCME Local 1504 of the WSCCCE and Teamsters Union Local No. 252 regarding the salary and placement of the personal property duties. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding between Mason County, Mason County Assessor's Office, AFSCME Local 1504 of the WSCCCE and Teamsters Union Local No. 252 to resolve any and all grievances of salary, duties, and transfer the personal property duties from the Teamsters Appraisers Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement to the AFSCME Assessor's Office Clerical Unit Collective Bargaining Agreement. Attachment(s): Memorandum of Understanding on file with Clerk of the Board. i/1/zois MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between Mason County / Mason County Assessor's Office AFSCME, Local 1504 of the WSCCCE Teamsters Union Local No. 252 WHEREAS, Mason County, Mason County Assessor, AFSCME, Local 1504 of the WSCCCE, and Teamsters Union Local No. 252 agree that the personal property duties originally in the Teamsters Appraisers scope or works has been transferred to the AFSCME Assessor's Office Clerk I, II, III job description, then transferred to Data Technician I & II job descriptions with a revision date of December 16, 2014. All parties have already agreed the personal property duties exist within the Clerk and Data Technician job descriptions in AFSCME. WHEREAS, based on the fact that these duties were originally redefined under a Clerk I, II III, the consideration for any salary increase shall not be more than 5% above that of a Clerk's salary. WHEREAS, Rachel Watson has already received out of class pay for her work that included personal property duties for 2016 and as the new AFSCME, Local 1504 Collective Bargaining Agreement defines the position of Levy/Personal Property Technician at a range 21 to include the functions of the personal property duties, any additional compensation to Rachel Watson has been remunerated. WHEREAS, Bruce Martin, as a Clerk, was also given personal property duties on January 1, 2013 which he performed until July 31, 2015. It is agreed he will be paid a 5% out of class salary increase for performing these duties. WHEREAS, the current bargaining agreements with both Unions afford the opportunity to establish a Labor Management Committee. It is agreed that both Unions, The Assessor's Office and Mason County Human Resources will convene a meeting at their earliest convenience but no later than June 30, 2017. WHEREAS, this Memorandum of Understanding shall resolve any and all grievances between Mason County, Mason County Assessor's Office, AFSCME Local 1504 of the WSCCCE and Teamsters Union Local No. 252 regarding the salary and placement of the personal property duties. As agreed, on this day of 2017 For Mason County: FVACME ca 1504 the WSCCCE: Kevin Shutty, Chair (iUmrnn Clem Edwar s', tiff Repres ative, AFSCME 1504, Council 2 Terri def#rey&,, Commissioner Tammi Wright, President Of—y" Randy Neatherlin, Gomn4&sjorteTCis For Mason County Assessor: For Teams rs U io Loca o. 52: e�(//27//7- Melody Peterson, Assessor barren L. O'Ne ,, Secretary/Treasurer